Boozerama Bar: Eternity

DeadBeat collapses and is accidently mistaken for a hobo...

"I'm being repressed!"
(url="http://"") Requiem for the Insane(/url)

UR laughs histerically as DeadBeat is shoved down Luke's throat, all the while screaming, yelling, and raving like mad. 😄

"To be great is to be misunderstood..." Self Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson
-Ultimate Rebel

YAY! A rave! Woo hoo!
Runs through the front door
Suddenly, many thin slices of Dash fall onto the floor. OOPS I forgot that there were lasers at raves... 😛
GOOD TO BE BACK!!! yawn, stretch

See, now I'm lost in the middle of Somewhere Else...explodes
I see fragged people...
There's no place like
One by one, the -phantompenguins- are stealing my

DE kills Dash_Merc before he can kill himself again.

(url="http://"")Destroyer E(/url) is the (url="http://";=Destroyer+E")name(/url) of my ship and the name has a good meaning.

DeadBeat bursts out of Lukes stomach a la Aliens then grabs the nearest pogo stick, preparing for a full scale attack.

"I'm being repressed!"
(url="http://"") Requiem for the Insane(/url)

DE kills DeadBeat and shoves him back down Luke's throat.

(url="http://"")Destroyer E(/url) is the (url="http://";=Destroyer+E")name(/url) of my ship and the name has a good meaning.

Luke projectile vomits thousands of hobos into DE's face. The crowd oohs and aahs.

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.

DeadBeat regenerates just in time to see DE getting hit with hobos, lucky for Luke those hobos were eating some funky mushrooms before they got eaten. DeadBeat gets out his hobo sweeping broom and starts shoveling.

"I'm being repressed!"
(url="http://"") Requiem for the Insane(/url)

UR sits down and stares at the madness that befell the bar. UR drinks a whole buncha Mountain Dew and becomes very hyper. UR joins the craziness.

"To be great is to be misunderstood..." Self Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson
-Ultimate Rebel

whyme makes a bundle building a funeral pyre. 10 dollars to burn a dead hobo!!!

So? Public education shouldn't even exist really.--spl_cadet
I know the monsters, and the monsters know me!
Its not nessasary to listen to other people, as long as you are all talking about the same thing.

Trugati pulls all the sharks out of the pit and throws them into the center of the room to feed on the dead hobos. Then she fills the pit with acid again. Getting rid of the acid! how un-Boozerama. 😉

Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky, seven for the dwarf-lords in their halls of stone, nine for Mortal Men doomed to die, One Ring for the Dark Lord on his dark throne in the land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
J.R.R. Tolkien

DeadBeat watches the sharks twirl around as they drown, so he quickly fills the bar with water. Luckily DeadBeat has his own water to air converter, too bad sharks prefer live prey...

"I'm being repressed!"
(url="http://"") Requiem for the Insane(/url)

Fortunately, sharks know to stay away from Luke as he is highly toxic.

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.

SuperNova nukes the bar to celebrate his 999th post.

Yet another meaningless post
<(url="http://"")E(/url)(url="http://"")V(/url)(url="http://"")ula link(/url)>

DeadBeat nukes the bar just for the hell of it.

"I'm being repressed!"
(url="http://"") Requiem for the Insane(/url)

UR uses a fission bomb, rather than fusion. Now all the members are glowing. 🙂

"To be great is to be misunderstood..." Self Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson
-Ultimate Rebel

The randomness is getting too predictable...
Oh Well. Throws everyone in the bar into the acit/shark pit/moat, seals the top with durranium alloy, seals the regenerator with tritanium armor.

(url="http://"")Screen Name Central(/url) is a great place to display your AOLŽ Instant MessangerŠ screen name for all the world to see!
Dammit! Missed my 300th post!!
Proud exterminator of Maniak from the (url="http://"")Boozerama Bar(/url)

EVWeb hears something coming from the bar, walks, in and decides that he doesn't care, and buys a drink.

Apples rock! My two favorite games only work on a mac, EV and ARES.
(Check out the ARES Web board, it needs you!)
(url="http://"")Boeing(/url)|(url="http://"")Apple(/url)|(url="http://"")EVula(/url)|(url="http://"")EVWeb(/url)|(url="http://"")Matrix-XP (its not what you think)(/url)

Madman# walks into the bar, surveying the all-but-broken room.

Madman pulls a couch up to the TV and starts channel surfing to celebrate the end of finals. Eventually, he falls alseep.

His slumber is disturbed by an annoying tapping coming from a metal sheet of armor. He accidentally blows a hole in the durranium alloy with a big-ass blaster... and goes back to sleep.

Celebrating the 658th post in this odd topic...

That's my two cents for today. If you don't like it, you owe me two cents plus interest.
If man isn't meant to eat animals, why are they made out of meat?

EVWeb looks around after hearing the blast, wips out his gun, and shots madman for being disruptive. He then turns back to his drink.

Apples rock! My two favorite games only work on a mac, EV and ARES.
(Check out the ARES Web board, it needs you!)
(url="http://"")Boeing(/url)|(url="http://"")Apple(/url)|(url="http://"")EVula(/url)|(url="http://"")EVWeb(/url)|(url="http://"")Matrix-XP (its not what you think)(/url)