Boozerama Bar: Eternity


Originally posted by Ultimate Rebel:
**What the hell is that supposed to mean?


Maniak's back.

(url="http://"")Screen Name Central(/url) is a great place to display your AOLŽ Instant MessangerŠ screen name for all the world to see!
It needs more girls!
"Screw the whales. They'd nuke us if they had the chance. And don't think they aren't trying" - Myrad

DE takes the money UR made from the high dive. He uses it to pay for cleaners that get the roach juice out.

(url="http://"")Destroyer E(/url) is the (url="http://";=Destroyer+E")name(/url) of my ship and the name has a good meaning.

Note: This post will be as near as a real story as possible. I say near, because I cant write as well as people like Solel. I just try as well as possible. I felt being reported to the Alien Emperor was such a grand event it deserved a real story. It will retain a few Boozerama characterics (such as mocking whymes spelling, and killing him), so it will not be posted an other bar. Only whyme may respond to it.

Cade walked out of the bar and towards the docking area. He searched for his ship, and soon found his Alien Cruiser. It was orange in look (its shape is too hard to describe), and it contained an Alien Fighter bay inside. The three small, diamond-shaped fighters pilots were always ready to defend him from attack. It had four Seeker Drone launchers ready to launch the devastating Seeker Drones, and plentiful of ammunition. He walked in and turned the engines on. He opened the microphone, and requested clearance to launch. “Requesting clearance to launch to orbit”. Crackling, the response came. “Youre cleared to launch, Alien Cruiser 862”. He flew to orbit, and saw below him the incredible station that was the Boozerama. He turned on the computer, and opened the navmap. He zoomed in at the Alien systems and looked. He saw the Alien border systems, industrial planets, farming colonies, shipyards, research days, and finally the capital of the Empire. He chose the capital system, lets call it Imperius. Then he started the jump. His ship accelerated to incredible speeds, and then it flashed and disappeared. Soon, he arrived at the bordermost system. He appeared near the orbit of a planet. After flying far enough from it, he did an another jump. And another, until he appeared over the Alien capital system. He used the microphone again. “This is Captain Cade of the Alien Cruiser 862, reguesting permission to land”. The dockmaster responded “Youre cleared to land. Welcome back.” He slowed down until he was over the planet, and flew into the atmosphere. He landed on one of the planets docking bays, and parked his ship there. He turned the ship off, and walked towards the city, where the Emperors palace resided. He informed to the guards at the doors “I have important things to report to the Emperor.” The guards nodded, and let him past. Then he finally got inside the Royal Chamber. He greeted the Emperor. “Greetings, O Majesty. I have important things to tell you from the human world. They have a station they call Boozerama. It is a bar that serves all human drinks you can want, and contains extreme randomness. One of these humans insulted me. He said that he hated me, and that I will have one of the worst treatments known to man. He tried to put a device in my teeth, but luckily my special teeth repelled it. He untied my shoes, and then tied them together. He even lighted a fire under me, so that I had to use my super-advanced fire extinguisher. He could not eve spell correctly. He spelled Alien as alein, and together as to gether. I hope that you will find a sufficient punishment for him with the Council. “The Emperor speaks. “Greetings, Admiral. I hear that one of the most important persons in my navy has been ill-treated by one of these humans.You could have expected it from these human scum! This will not be tolerated. Very well, I shall discuss the punishment with the Council.” After a few hours, the Emperor returns and says: “I have decided to send an elite group of soldiers to punish the human. It will consist of four soldiers, all carrying a handheld Heavy Fusion Beam gun. They will kill the human. “The soldiers walked towards his ship, and he started the ship again by turning the engines on. He plotted a course towards the system and jumped to the system where Boozerama was. Once again he used the mic, and reguested permission to dock. . “This is Captain Cade of the Alien Cruiser 862, reguesting permission to dock.” The voice of the dockmaster came and said “Youre cleared to land. Welcome to Boozerama.” He docked, and parked his ship in one of the docking bays. He turned his ship off, and the soldiers came out. All right, said the soldiers “Show us this foolish human.” He walked inside the bar, and pointed at whyme. The soldiers aimed their handheld Heavy Fusion Beams, and fired. Within seconds, whyme was dead. After that, he thanked the soldiers. “Thank you. You have shown that you dont mock an Admiral without consequences.” Cade let the soldiers use his ship for return, and the soldiers left. They returned to the Alien capital.

I am eager to try to answer mission questions

(This message has been edited by General Cade Smart (edited 11-11-2003).)

(This message has been edited by General Cade Smart (edited 11-11-2003).)

DE put a tracking device on the Alien ship. Now I know where the aliens. Cade can't spell either.


Originally posted by General Cade Smart:
**He could not eve spell correctly.

DE does not want to strike the Alien planet until later...
DE orders another root beer.

(url="http://"")Destroyer E(/url) is the (url="http://";=Destroyer+E")name(/url) of my ship and the name has a good meaning.

whyme sees several hypocripsys of cade. He wonders why "I flew very far to the alein emperor, got reinforcements to cover my back, and killed whyme" had to be streched out over so many words. This is a bar, not a novel. He wonders why and alein thinks he knows how the human word for alein should be spelled. He wonders why a general is an alein, becuase the word general was invented by humans. He wonders why he can understand the aleins speach. He wonders why the alein used the word admiral. He wonders why cade just doesn't go crying back to his little alein emperor. He wonders why cade had to invent an entire civilization just so he could fell powerfull.

After he regenerates, whyme slips out of the bar, and locks down cades ship. He shuts it down entirely and pushes it off into space, with robots. Laughing, he meanders back to the bar, to see cade drunk and laughing. He sets fire to cades stool, and cade doesn't notice it until its too late. Poor alein.

So? Public education shouldn't even exist really.--spl_cadet
I know the monsters, and the monsters know me!
Its not nessasary to listen to other people, as long as you are all talking about the same thing.

Tuskawillamac wonders if any shark and cheeseberger smoothies have sold? T-mac pours munic acid (base, it is so base that it degrades) into the shark pit-sharks die. T-mac giggles at enviromentalests crying like babies. The now diluted munic acid is mixed into his milkshakes (no one will know) and he installs a convayer belt randomly suppling random things (cheese wheels, iMacs, fusion blasters, javilins, crossbows ex...) it winds through the bar like a snake. T-mac supplies "suprise boxes" to everyone, you can easily hook it up to pitch a ball bearing filled watermelon at your reciver. Cade is first to try it out on whyme. T-mac weilds William Wallace's 6.5 foot long broadsward and a Magnum sniper rifle for defence and offence off the conveyer belt. DE grabs a subway sandwitch off the conveyer and a popcorn to watch the upcoming battle. T-mac starts a fight with emainiac, chopping his head off with William Wallacess sword. Blood spurts all over my Otto until his head regenerates. He fights back with none but a broken stero snatched off the belt. T-mac slices right through it. Emaniac snaches a sheild and derranger off the belt it fires at the fusion blaster obliterating anything within 40 feet. They both regenerate...(continued)

(url="http://"")How to get revenge(/url) (url="http://"")Microsoft is better for your family(/url) (url="http://"")Computer...Computer on drugs(/url) (url="http://"") Mac and Cheese(/url) (url="http://"")Jesus(/url)

(This message has been edited by tuskawillamac (edited 11-11-2003).)

(This message has been edited by tuskawillamac (edited 11-11-2003).)

(This message has been edited by tuskawillamac (edited 11-11-2003).)

E stops screwing around with all th old wepons,
pulls out a Minigun and frags T-Mac, then frags the frags of T-mac then frags the frags of the frags of T-Mac...

(url="http://"")Screen Name Central(/url) is a great place to display your AOLŽ Instant MessangerŠ screen name for all the world to see!
It needs more girls!
"Screw the whales. They'd nuke us if they had the chance. And don't think they aren't trying" - Myrad

Hey, how about them short, normal length posts? Oh, like this one? Yeaaaaahhh...

See, now I'm lost in the middle of Somewhere Else...explodes
I see fragged people...
"You're turning into a penguin. Stop it!"
One by one, the -phantompenguins- are stealing my

Sejuk grabs an atomic blaster off te belt and starts having some fun.

The name of my ship is the Avenger, its time for all pirates and Pee Cee useres to run, or die.

DE eats his sandwich, and uses his AR-75 to shoot away Sejuk's atomic blaster because he is not old enough to shoot that kind of weapon. DE gives Sejuk a plastic dart gun.

(url="http://"")Destroyer E(/url) is the (url="http://";=Destroyer+E")name(/url) of my ship and the name has a good meaning.


Uses DE's weapon against himself. 🙂

<EDIT>Darn, someone switched off importing smileys. :mad:

Now I can't torch DE in the back with his own flame thrower!



I'm out of here. Permanently, this time. You guys make me sick.


Maniak hacks like

(This message has been edited by Maniak (edited 11-12-2003).)

(This message has been edited by Maniak (edited 11-12-2003).)

(This message has been edited by Maniak (edited 11-12-2003).)

Sejuk puts PC microchips in his darts and starts shooting DE, causing him to throw up is sandwich, and drop his AR-75, Sejuk runs over and picks up the gun. Which he promtly throws into the shark pit.

The name of my ship is the Avenger, its time for all pirates and Pee Cee useres to run, or die.

SuperNova finally wakes up and staggers out of the bar wondering how he could lose five days like that.

Yet another meaningless post
<(url="http://"")E(/url)(url="http://"")V(/url)(url="http://"")ula link(/url)>

Tuskawillamac snaches a napalm granade launcher and fires it at the idoit that said he doesn't like oldstyle wepons. T-Mac fires a trebuchet full of laser guns at him. "That's new age for you sucker!!!" Then he launches beer bottles of (url="http://"")greek fire(/url) at people.

(url="http://"")How to get revenge(/url) (url="http://"")Microsoft is better for your family(/url) (url="http://"")Computer...Computer on drugs(/url) (url="http://"") Mac and Cheese(/url) (url="http://"")Jesus(/url)

(This message has been edited by tuskawillamac (edited 11-12-2003).)

Greek fire + 2000 years = Flame thrower. Beat that.
Torches TMAC with the flame thrower, melting and burning all the old weapons.

(url="http://"")Screen Name Central(/url) is a great place to display your AOLŽ Instant MessangerŠ screen name for all the world to see!
It needs more girls!
"Screw the whales. They'd nuke us if they had the chance. And don't think they aren't trying" - Myrad

Destroyer E makes Sejuk go down to the pit and get his AR-75, then Sejuk cleaned and polished it. With mind control, anything is possible! DE makes Sejuk jump in too the pit.

(url="http://"")Destroyer E(/url) is the (url="http://";=Destroyer+E")name(/url) of my ship and the name has a good meaning.

Maniak picks up the Golden Duh Award, and whacks DE with it, making him temporalily lose focus. He then plants emainac in front of DE to frame him. Then Maniak gets the heck out of there! 🙂

Maniak hacks like

DeadBeat walks in, forgets what he came to do and walks out.

There are two choices, life and death. Eventually everyone chooses death.
(url="http://"") Requiem for the Insane(/url)

DE regarges and trips Maniak before it leaves. Then Maniak gets hit with several grenades, from DE and the rest of the people in the bar.

(url="http://"")Destroyer E(/url) is the (url="http://";=Destroyer+E")name(/url) of my ship and the name has a good meaning.

Tuskawillamac "gee uhh tiii nes" that stupid idiot's head off and stands infront of the regeneraters to cut off his head evertime he regenerates, the regenerater painters decide to paint the regereraters red, so it doesn't look dirty. T-mac teleports half the roman empire's army to the bar for protection of himself,

(url="http://"")How to get revenge(/url) (url="http://"")Microsoft is better for your family(/url) (url="http://"")Computer...Computer on drugs(/url) (url="http://"") Mac and Cheese(/url) (url="http://"")Jesus(/url)