EV Webstory

Name: Yaerows Jonsen
Position: Lethean General and High Priest
Income: 200 credits round

Watching from his office in Lethe Prime, Yaerows sees more New Cydonian ships on the boarder.
"S*it" he says to himself and turns on the commlinks.

(To Aaron)
(We have not communicatd with each other in almost 20 years)
(Lethe Prime is in a crisis.)
(More, and more ships from New Cydonia.)
(We would like an alliance with you.
(We have valuable trade to offer you.)
(I will be praying for you Aaron,
(And may the true gods bring down death to the New Cydonians.)

-Zaphod Beeblebrox - President of the Universe
All hail El Presidente Beeblebrox

OOC:umm... i have'ent posted as cydonia yet so stop useing the OOC discussion for game gain and I havent attacked you so you dont have any right to blast any ships!

"I came, i conquered, i ate pie" - me

OOC: Beeblebrox; there is no enemy fleet in Rigel.


The Mercenaries purchase 4 additional Shrike Missile Boats to boost their offensive and defensive strength.


Main Fleet (in Matar)
1 Modified Kestrel (flagship)
1 Firebird
3 Tigersharks
9 Shrike Missile Boats
6 Kestrels
8 Corvettes

Cost of Building Shrikes: -8M
Current Credits: 2M

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).


Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**OOC: Beeblebrox; there is no enemy fleet in Rigel.


OOC: Matar! I meant Matar sorry.

-Zaphod Beeblebrox - President of the Universe
All hail El Presidente Beeblebrox

OOC: Carno, if you were to read Entropy's post it says the crew modual ejected. why would i let a dorment bulk freighter dock with my station(especially an Astex one)?
Also, why am i being asked for help over the more powerful confederation and rebellion? Am i suddenly a galactic power?
New Bavaria
"two imcoming messages sir"-unimportant
"patch them through"- Aaron
(Message to Rebellion)
(From Pres. Aaron)
I'm sorry
(Message to Confederation)
(From Pres. Aaron)
On my way.
(Message to Lethe)
(From Pres. Aaron)
I will not sign any alliance with anyone. I represent a neutral government. I will accept trade offer however. I will also provide medical supplies. I will not take sides in your war. As the leader of a neutral government I'm not suppoosed to have an opinion, but francly I favor the Cydonians argument. You should be able to share your water with them without any problems.
"Order the attack fleet to turn around, send them to Matar."- Aaron
"Aye sir"

income: 1.5M cr./post
outside income:
Trade with Rebels;400Gcr./post
Mining in Zebetrious; 279.15M/post
Treasury: 0.5Mcr
Assult Fleet:
18 Warbirds
30 Destroyers
M. Fleet Stats:
1 Clipper
64 Warbirds (defence)
55 Destroyers (defence)
518 Bulk Freighters
12 Scoutships
Notes: Built 50 Warbirds, 12 Destroyers for Zebetrious.
forgot to deduct the cost of the freighters last post. ive deducted it this post.

Insanity has its advantages

(This message has been edited by U.E. Admiral (edited 10-19-2002).)

The executive transport exited hyperspace in a shimmer of light, photons reflecting off of its shiny black hull. As it slid through the emptiness of space, desolate and bleak, its passengers rested in the luxurious accommodations of the inner hull, oblivious to the dangers of the trip. Inside the cockpit, the two pilots scrupulously monitored their sophisticated displays, well aware that any mistake – no matter how slight – could lead to the death of several of the most powerful people in the galaxy. The captain of the ship, Thaddeus Wilson, directed the two pilots from his perch on the balcony above the flight deck. The communications panel lit up like a Christmas tree when the ship entered Atinoda space, the sophisticated electronic warfare sensors detected multiple missile locks.

The cabin speaker blared to life as a secure message was broadcast to the transport.

“Executive transport, please identify yourself. You have entered Atinoda space, and are ordered to proceed no further. If you continue any further towards Stardock Atinoda we will be forced to take more aggressive defensive action.” The message was prerecorded, and automatically sent to incoming vessels.

One of the pilots responded. “Stardock Atinoda Command, this is executive transport ASV Guardian , authorization code AGHF-4556-6472-Alpha-Delta-Sigma. We are carrying very important persons, repeat, we are carrying VIPs and request immediate authorization for docking.”

There was a brief pause before the watch commander okayed their request, and filed a report to document the encounter.

----- ----- -----

The Guardian glided into docking port seven, its diminutive frame absorbed into the behemoth of the station. As the exit ramp was lowered onto the steel floor of the bay, the assembled personnel fell silent. Alan Rak slowly walked down the ramp, evaluating each and every person awaiting his arrival. His impeccable suit and probing black eyes intimidate some in the assembled group, though the intoxicating effect quickly wore off. Following closely behind him were his two closest advisors, Peter Wolf and Charles Scalding. Wolf and Scalding were geniuses in their fields (marketing and finance, respectively), and it was considered likely that they would go on to become very powerful individuals.

Rak walked over to his second in command, President & COO Brian Bauch. Bauch was an aggressive risk taker, known for his stunning successes. After managing the Kestrel development project he was fast-tracked to senior executive status. Rak had no particular like for the man, considering his business tactics and strategy unelegant and not polished. Unfortunately for him, the board of directors loved Bauch. They would have him appointed CEO & Chairman were it not for Rak’s intelligence and power.

He spoke briefly in Bauch’s ear, and then strode out of the docking bay doors. He was followed by his two advisors, along with a contingent of body-guards and senior executives.

----- ----- -----

Once Rak reached the executive conference, a crowd of journalists and reporters confronted him. Rak groaned, and muttered to himself about press conferences. He pulled Wolf over to an obscure section of the room, and told him to hold the journalists at bay for a few minutes. Wolf obliged, handling the assembled reporters with the skill of a genuine spin master.

----- ----- -----

As soon as Rak entered his office, he quickly punched up the financial statistics and asset charts of Atinoda. He had assigned Scalding the task of cleaning up the messy documents and was surprised to see it done already. Even Scalding wasn’t usually that efficient! Rak made a mental note to give Scalding a bonus next quarter. Quickly assembling an aesthetically pleasing presentation, Rak hurried out of the office into the cramped conference room. He noticed that the press was pretty upset at being put off, and was venting at Wolf.

Rak literally ran upstage, and Wolf introduced him. Rak was able to detect the flash of a faint smile on the German’s face, a rare occurrence indeed.

Delivering a smashing presentation, Alan was able to effectively summarize the assets and activities of Atinoda in a very short time. After giving a spellbinding speech about the future of the company, he was congratulated on his appointment by the unusually excited press.

----- ----- -----

After the briefing, Rak sat down with Scalding to discuss the financial / military situation of Atinoda. Major assets were listed as follows:

Stardock Atinoda – equipped with massive docking arrays and production facilities; all functions digitally controlled; top of the line encryption and communications systems; a large state-of-the-art C4 command and control center; armed with dozens of missile and torpedo batteries; ten integrated proton turret banks

Research Stations Alpha, Beta, Sigma – top secret research facilities situated in hollowed out asteroids

1 Kestrel C (aka. SuperKestrel) - heavily modified stock Kestrel, undergoing evaluation and testing; carries more torpedoes, more missiles, forty percent more shielding and armor, better turn / accel / top speed, and is equipped with a sophisticated C4 command and control center

5 Atinoda Kestrels

15 Lightning Fighters

10M in liquid assets

Designs for Kestrel and Kestrel C

The anticipated profit for next quarter was nearly a million credits, due to a marginal slowdown in Kestrel sales.

Edit: I should mention that all of Atinoda's assets are currently located in Altair, which it controls.

OOC: I tried to follow whatever guidelines / regulations there are, and I feel these fleet numbers and the stardock is fair for Atinoda to have. I also feel that the amount of liquid assets is acceptable, considering the fact that Atinoda is a wealthy corporation, and that I am starting rather late into the webstory.

General Rak - PowerBroker - (url="http://"mailto:power64@optonline.net")mailto:power64@optonline.net(/url)power64@optonline.net


Originally posted by U.E. Admiral:
20 Warbirds and 12 Destroyers jump in and begin spraying the system with disrupter fire, destroying all enemies of the Confederation in the system. One manta later there are no ships in the system. "Not much of a battle. Easy money I guess."- fleet flagship captain

That part is to be ingored the merc fleet is still there.

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Originally posted by U.E. Admiral:
20 Warbirds and 12 Destroyers jump in and begin spraying the system with disrupter fire, destroying all enemies of the Confederation in the system. One manta later there are no ships in the system. "Not much of a battle. Easy money I guess."- fleet flagship captain
"I think we should hang around. They may just be in hyperspace."- #1
"You're right."- Captain

Holy mother of Matt Burch! What the heck is that? I'm not sure, but most real webstory players actually don't do one-post battles like that.

I will now post from the point at which the Jadzians entered the system and attacked.



The Jadzian fleet entered the system, a surprise to Den'Zar; he had expected Confeds, not Jadzians.

"Full power to weapons and shields. Launch volleys of torpedoes, all launchers. Deploy Lightnings and standby for bomb deployment," Den'Zar ordered as his Kestrel was struck by enemy weapons fire.

The fleet began to spray torpedoes into the Jadzian fleet, knocking out one of the destroyers easily. The Tigersharks proved their worth as they blew away a second destroyer with their powerful compliment of weapons. The Shrike Missile Boats had pulled back as the Lightnings began blasting the Jadzians with Heavy Rockets and Missiles from the sides.

"Call for reinforcements from the Rebels and the base at New Antigua," Den'Zar said, holding onto his chair as the Nemesis was hit again. "Begin firing missiles! Order all Shrike Missile Boats to commence firing; target the Warbirds."

The Jadzians continued their foolish charge, this time right into the sights of the Shrikes.

Streams of missiles reigned down on them. The lead Warbird was struck first, its shields quickly imploding as the fusillade continued. Now the Tigersharks joined in, and the lead vessel was shredded instantly.

The Jadzians were forced to pull back at a loss of 6 Warbirds and 5 Destroyers. The Shrikes had proved their worth, but were now mostly empty. They would soon return and the mercenaries had lost three corvettes, and all the other vessels had been heavily damaged.

"Prepare for Bomb Launch."

Every ship in Den'Zars fleet had been equipped with increased secondary weapon ammunition, as well as at least one or two space bombs. Lining up into a wall, the mercenary fleet charged while the Lightnings kept the Jadzians distracted.

Every mercenary ship, all at once, launched a bomb. Then they launched a second bomb, then a third, and then the Kestrels launched a forth. The Firebird was spewing out nukes, and finally Den'Zar gave a signal and the fleet turned tail and headed away full-speed.

The wall of bombs screamed towards the Jadzians, who were unable to avoid them all, and those that they didn't avoid were triggered by the explosions of the other bombs. All at once the fleet was thrown into complete chaos as the warheads wreaked havoc in their lines. Destroyers were thrown into other destroyers and warbirds, debris was flying everywhere, and fire engulf most of the fleet.

When the explosions subsided, the Jadzians had only 9 Warbirds and 6 Destroyers left, and all of them were heavily damaged, and three of those warbirds were disabled. However, they did notice one thing; the Mercenary fleet had retreated back into Yemuro.

However, Den'Zar was not finished. The retreat was only a minor setback, and they had gotten the best of the Jadzians. Next battle, the Jadzians would not be so lucky.


New Antigua

Using the designs the mercenaries had made of the Jadzian Warbird, the Mercenary Research & Design Center quickly made their own modification of the vessel, re-naming it the Mercenary Dragon. The new vessel was slightly larger, and thus not as fast, but had some other modifications, including shield strength.

Mercenary Dragon
Speed: 275
Accel.: Good
Manvr.: Average
Shields: 400
Armor: 100
Fuel: 6 Jumps
5 Proton Turrets
8 Nuclear Missile Launchers + 40 Nuclear Missiles
2 Torpedo Launchers + 40 Torpedoes
2 Heavy Rocket Launchers + 15 Heavy Rockets
2 Lightning Bays + 4 Lightning Fighter-Bombers

Many of the Nuclear Missiles had been removed from the design, mainly because of the Mercenaries lack of large quantities of Uranium and Plutonium (which they were now importing in larger amounts). They had also replaced the Disruptor Turrets with Proton Turrets, and had removed the Missiles, favoring Torpedoes instead. Several of these vessels were constructed, as were several more Shrikes and Tigersharks.

Meanwhile, a large Pirate fleet had attacked Yemuro, but was quickly destroyed by the Mercenaries. In return, the New Istanbul officials had granted the mercenaries a sizable sum for their defensive work.


Fleet Stats

New Antigua
2 Argosy's
2 Corvettes
10 Rapiers
2 Tigersharks

Main Fleet (in Yemuro)
1 Modified Kestrel (flagship)
3 Dragons
1 Firebird
6 Tigersharks
12 Shrike Missile Boats
6 Kestrels
6 Corvettes

ESG Research Cost: -2M
Trade with Independent Worlds: +8M
Captured Vessels: +2M
Payment from Yemuro: +5M
Cost of New Vessels: -13M
Current Credits: 2M

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 10-18-2002).)

"Sir the battle at Yemuro is going according to plan"
"exelant, tell the mercs to disable not distroy any warbirds and bring them back to us."

(to Den'Zar)
(Subject: Warbirds)
(encrypted like a rats ****hole)
( Den'Zar, ive seen what youve done and now i want you to disable the warbirds and land them at Yemuro, i am Teleporting my chef advisor to look at them. and as for the Distroyers, have fun with them)

Stardust sends the message then rembers the little surprize in the Escourt carryers... a self distruct that he can activate.

(To; Aaron)
(Subject: Deal)
(Aaron i thought we had a deal, i let you have 5 escourt caryers and you dont attack any Rebels right, wel the mercs are working for me so technictly hey are Rebels, you broke our deal, Bye.)

Stardust reaches for the button and pushes it.
(Jadizan Holovid) This is horrid 3 Million pepole are dead by a flaw with the Stellar defence fleet, it seems.." An explosion is heard in background "aaron broke a deal with the Rebels and now they are pissed so they distroyed their traded Escourt Caryers!
{end holovid)

"hehehe!" *breaks out in manichal(sp) Laughter

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(This message has been edited by Captin' Stardust (edited 10-18-2002).)

DeadBeat jumps into Vulcan and the Pirate Council's ships show up on his sensors. Before attacking the large armada of pirate escorts DeadBeat comes up with an idea. He simultaneously hails all the pirate armada. "This is your former king DeadBeat, as of recent you must of realized the flaws with the Pirate Council. They have already lost 2 of our planets when I lost none. I have led you to many great victories and that chance for glory has arisen again. I am forming a group of Mercenaries called the Nebulon Tricksters. I know this form of business is legit but large sums of money are paid to the best and brightest in this field. Also, remember the phrase keep your friends close and your enemies closer." The pirates then begin to realize the flaws with the greedy Pirate Council. Suddenly the lead ship fires a torpedo into the Executive Transport containing the Pirate Council. Two more ships close in and the Executive Transport is destroyed, killing the Pirate Council thus ending their rule over the pirate nations. DeadBeat hails the pirate ships again, " I am going to be at Levo, all who are with me shall be there within the day." With that final remark DeadBeat disembarks.

If I lived in paradise I'd take a vacation to hell to cure my depression.
(url="http://"http://www.evula.org/deadbeat/") Requiem for the Insane(/url)

Internal Memo
Authorization: Beta-Alpha-Delta
Access: Beta-Beta-Sigma-Delta-Niner-12
To: Chief Executive Officer & Chairman Alan Rak, Atinoda Corporation
From the desk of Tom Davis

Dear Mr. Rak:
First let me express my congratulations to you on your new posting. I’m sure you will find that Atinoda is wonderful company with excellent business prospects. I look forward to working with you in the future on the Kestrel C.

I’d like to start by giving you a brief overview of the goals and achievements of the Kestrel C program. The prime directive of the program is to create a successor to the Kestrel, a successor of unparalleled power and design. The secondary objectives of the venture were to create a production platform equipped with our radical advances in combat information systems and protection technology. Finally, our tertiary directive was to evaluate the unique technologies implemented on board the starship, and to determine if the configuration works more effectively than more convention layouts.

The project has had, frankly, results beyond even our most optimistic goals. We have been able to refine existing weaponry, and created an incredibly efficient integrated weapons suite on the ship. Proton weaponry has been substantially polished, providing a more powerful shot. Torpedoes and missiles have been refined as well, enhancing engine performance and increasing the yield. Our revolutionary new shielding grids provide up to forty percent more shielding than the convention grids. Furthermore, our new composite armor provides up to thirty percent more protection in nearly ten percent less space compared to the Kestrel. Finally, our new dynamic engines have allowed for significant boosts in speed.

The new combat information systems, however, are the most revolutionary and powerful systems ever to be invented. They are able to precisely display the statistics of every single ship in a battle, gathered from all available sensor relays and internal equipment. The supercomputers on board can instruct a fleet on how to precisely attack the enemy for maximum efficiency, and has an unparalleled ability to conduct extraordinarily effective ship to ship.

The only problem is the Lightnings. After repeated attempts to enhance them, we have had no successes whatsoever. Our current plan is to include stock lightnings on the Kestrel C, and then perhaps upgrade them for later projects.

The individual tests of the Kestrel C’s systems and frame will began as soon as we get a cash infusion of five million credits. I have sent in a priority one request to finance, and the money should be on the way soon. After the tests are completed, we should have a preproduction model ready very soon.

Tom Davis

Internal Memo

---- ---- ----

Atinoda Fleet:
1 Prototype Kestrel C
5 Kestrels
15 Lightnings

Liquid Capital:
6M credits

1M credits per post

General Rak - PowerBroker - (url="http://"mailto:power64@optonline.net")mailto:power64@optonline.net(/url)power64@optonline.net

"Sir Matar is ours!"
"start assembling a fleet strong enough to take polaris. you will get the info from our spy as soon as he gets back (next post)."
"yes sir"

(to: Den'Zar)
(you may keep the Firebird if you wish, i am letting you buy nukes. just give the outfitter this card thet is attached to this message. I want you to take Regil. I am sending my Alpha, Beta, and Zeta fleets to help you. my spy (i have a lot of spys) has seen the confeds massing. Expect one hell of a fight.)

-Rebel income 10M
-Tribute income 100,000
Bank: 20,100,000 CR
Personal Fleet:
5 Firebirds
3 Cruisers
Important news for rebbelion (sp):
Matar is ours for a short time then regil is, dont head to regil untill noted.

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New Bavaria
(Message to Rebellion)
(From Pres. Aaron)
Those were going to be returned but it would apear you would rather attack civilians. So be it. You have shown my people that you are a criminally insane human being. The entire Rebellion will feel the loss you have inflicted on the innocent.
(Message to Confederation)
(From Pres. Aaron)
I have done what you asked. And in doing so, lost 3 million innocent people. Stardust blew up the escort carriers he sent to me. I ask for your help in getting back at him. An alliance is no longer out of the question.
I expect my payment soon.
The main attack fleet of the Jadzian Union jumps in and bombards the very planet itself. In so killing off a few ships before they even leave the ground.
Taking evasive action all ships dodge most of the torpedos launched at them, paying little attention to fighters as they bombard the Cruisers. Lightnings from the Warbirds also take evasive action to dodge missiles and hunt the mantas. Destroyers launch volly after volly of torpedos that slam into the shields of the enemy. 3 Cruisers drop to this attack, 4 more to Nuke and beam fire. When the Destroyers run out of torpedos they heat up their beams and strafe the cruisers dropping 4 more. The Jadzian fleet moves in on the remaining 9 Rebel Cruisers avaoiding all fire possible. Through the attack 5 Warbirds and 8 Destroyers were lost.

income: 1.5M cr./post
outside income:
Trade with Rebels;400Gcr./post
Mining in Zebetrious; 279.15M/post
Treasury: 31.65Mcr
Assult Fleet:
13 Warbirds
22 Destroyers
M. Fleet Stats:
1 Clipper
64 Warbirds (defence)
55 Destroyers (defence)
518 Bulk Freighters
12 Scoutships
Notes: Built 30 Warbirds + 35 Destroyers (sent to Nemesis)
You never said anything about upgrading your defence fleets since post one on this story so dont say that there are Firebirds in your defence fleet. Any suggestion on a name for my beam weapon? i cant come up with anything.

Insanity has its advantages

(To: Aaron)
(I see that you are communicateing with the confeds. Very well. You will go down like the confederation is.

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OOC: Okay, there have been a few major problems here.

Firstly, Stardust; I lost Matar. I had to retreat because my fleet was badly weakened. The Jadzians/Confeds are now in control of Matar. My fleet is in Yemuro, and they have yet to attack Yemuro at all.

Secondly, blowing up a few escort carriers will not kill 3 million people. Tune the deaths down a little. One million would be pushing it.



Den'Zar looked at the tactical situation. The Jadzians had just taken out Nemesis, and had also forced him from the Matar system. Den'Zar knew that his forces in Matar were weak, and would not survive another powerful assault.

The Mercenaries owed a lot to their new ship designs. The Shrikes had proven themselves extremely useful at serving as artillary vessels; pummeling the enemy from afar while the other vessels in the fleet charged in and duked it out.

He also had noticed the recent increased business in the Atinoda Corporation. They had set up a station in Altair and appeared to be working on something; Den'Zar guessed it was an upgrade to the Kestrel. Perhaps the Mercenaries could make a deal with them?

Pushing political and strategic decisions aside, Den'Zar turned his attention to his fleet. He had made the decision to start modernizing his fleet, replacing all the old ships with the new Dragons, Tigersharks, and Shrikes. All the old ships would move to New Antigua to serve as the defense fleet for the system, while all new ships would be sent to Carnotaur's fleet. Sadly, the Nemesis had to depart as well, but at least it would make a good flagship for the defense fleet.

As the old vessels set off towards New Antigua, several new vessels came back. One was a specially modified Dragon which would serve as Carnotaur's new flagship, as well as two new Tigersharks, plus the two original Tigersharks which had been guarding New Antigua.


Fleet Stats

New Antigua Defense Fleet
1 Modified Kestrel (flagship)
6 Kestrels
2 Argosy's
8 Corvettes
10 Rapiers

1st Fleet - Yemuro
1 Modified Dragon (flagship, the Nemesis II )
3 Dragons
1 Firebird
10 Tigersharks
12 Shrikes

ESG Research Cost: -2M
Trade with Independent Worlds: +8M
Cost of New Ships: -6M
Current Credits: 2M

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 10-19-2002).)


Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**OOC: Okay, there have been a few major problems here.

Firstly, Stardust; I lost Matar. I had to retreat because my fleet was badly weakened. The Jadzians/Confeds are now in control of Matar. My fleet is in Yemuro, and they have yet to attack Yemuro at all.

Secondly, blowing up a few escort carriers will not kill 3 million people. Tune the deaths down a little. One million would be pushing it.

umm it was 5

Stardust starts assembling a fleet sure to take polaris.

(To: Den'zar)
(wait for my fleets to arive we will take yumero and matar as well as polaris, with your help)

"Mind Benders, Time to
bend your mind"

who the hell are you? you cant just send a message on stardust's behalf.

Insanity has its advantages

OOC: I believe he may be Stardust using a different name, but I doubt it.

And 5 what?

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).


Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**OOC: I believe he may be Stardust using a different name, but I doubt it.

And 5 what?


Yea its me. the 'Captin' Stardust' SN is gone. and 5 escourt cariers

"Mind Benders, Time to
bend your mind"

The sleek bird of prey launched from the hollowed out asteroid, quickly disappearing into the blackness of space, its stealth characteristics hiding it from all but the most probing of sensors. A mock freighter had been set adrift, full of sensors and strategically armored. Several minutes passed, during which there was complete silence on the observation deck of the nearby Kestrel warship. Suddenly, as if coming from within the fabric of space and time itself, a series of bright blue flashes erupted to right of the freighter. The shots were brighter than anything Rak had seen before, and he squinted. As the first shot smashed into the bow of the target, a cascade of sparks flew down the sides of the vessel. As the remaining shots slammed into the freighter, the exterior metal was liquefied, and the energy of each impact forced the burning steel further into the fortified armor.

Three torpedoes followed the proton barrage, penetrating the most weakly defended parts of the armor plating. The first explosion ripped through the aft section of the freighter, launching shrapnel in every direction. The second torpedo exploded directly above a mock reactor, launching a lethal shockwave in all directions. Burning plasma tore through the fortified armor like a knife through butter. By the time the last torpedo detonated, the armor was a rotting wreck. It was quite an achievement, considering that the experimental armor design was estimated to have a strength rating of over two hundred.

The entire deck starting cheering. The Kestrel C had passed one of its most important tests. Its final test would come in an hour, when it would engage an automated Kestrel in a live-fire engagement.

---- ---- ----

Captain Drake Lansing had congratulated his crew on the successful test soon after. However, upon further reflection in his ready room, he realized that was just a drop in the bucket compared to the upcoming battle. He knew that his understaffed prototype had to fight off a fully armed and armored Kestrel, remotely piloted by one of the only AI’s in existence. Although he knew that he was expected to win, Byzantine, the AI controlling the opposing Kestrel, has never lost a battle match in “his” Kestrel. Lansing called a senior staff meeting to discuss tactics, because he and his officers were brilliantly unorthodox when I came to one on one tactical engagements.

---- ---- ----

Byzantine’s Kestrel departed from Atinoda Stardock precisely on time, and was quickly lost in the darkness of space. Following several analyses of the tactical capabilities of the Kestrel C, the AI decided to use strike and fade tactics. Once lost in the depths of the asteroid belt, he rapidly ducked behind one of the larger roids and completely shut down the warship.

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When the order to proceed with Operation Space Superiority was dispatched to Lansing, he eased the prototype Kestrel C out into the asteroid belt. He configured the computer to search and destroy, and sat back. He closed his eyes tight, and breathed a silent prayer. As the vessel started a static search pattern, the sensor officer on the ship began picking up signatures a lot of them.

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Unknown to the crew of the prototype, Byzantine was broadcasting an immense amount of ghosts for the passive sensors on his opponent’s ship to pick up. Safely hidden behind an asteroid, he had sent his two lightnings out into space to act as bait. He had a clear line of fire towards them, and would ambush the prototype when it came into contact with his fighters. He had also deployed several torpedoes slaved to his control. When Lansing activated his active sensors, which he would, the torpedoes would slam into his ship, forcing him to run in passive mode

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The sensor officer on the prototype Kestrel C, which was affectionately named Carl, was an experienced commander by the name of Kevin Bigham. Bigham was an expert on the operations of sensors, and quickly realized that simply using passive sensors would lead them to an eventual death. Instead, he ordered the computer to activate his suite of high powered active sensors. Almost immediately, he was able to make out one target that looked like Kestrel, but was really the two lightnings. He locked onto the coordinates, and transmitted them to the computer. However, just after he had reported the contact to the captain, several large bangs reverberated throughout the ship.

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The captain’s reverie was ended by two loud thumps against the hull of the ship. The bridge of the Kestrel immediately began glowing bright red, klaxons blaring. A frantic tactical officer reported multiple torpedo hits, and that shields were down five percent. Drake ordered active sensors off, and then set course for the contact, at maximum speed.

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When the active sensors suddenly dropped offline, before which was a marked increased in acceleration towards the lightnings, Byzantine knew he had Carl right where he wanted her.

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As the prototype entered into passive sensor range of the two lightnings, they were horrified to find that the Kestrel was nowhere in site. Frantically, the crew attempted to get out of range of the bird of prey, but it was too late.

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As soon as the ship entered into Byzantine’s weapons range, he unloaded with everything he had

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A barrage of torpedoes slammed into the aft section of the Kestrel, pummeling its shields. That was followed by a wave of missiles, which further compounded the damage. However, almost instantaneously, Carl’s onboard computer rocketed the ship hard to starboard, followed by the launch of ten torpedoes and eight missiles. As the projectiles hurtled toward the Kestrel, Landers unleashed his four proton turrets.

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The projectiles smashed into the forward section of the Kestrel’s bridge, the shields violently reacting the plasma and explosives. However, before significant damage was done, Byzantine slammed his Kestrel hard to the right, hurtling in between two rapidly gyrating asteroids. Sure enough, they absorbed the impact of the remaining munitions, which split them into pieces.

Emerging from the wreckage of the two asteroids, the Carl fired her primaries. The enhanced energy weapons literally melted through the shields, like an angry fire breathing dragon. The searing bolts tore through the reinforced steel hull, depressurizing the wounded ship, and causing secondary explosions to erupt through out. The battle had been one.

The Kestrel C was ready for production, and it would prove to be one of the most revolutionary starships ever sold.

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_Begin Hyperspace Transmission
To: All Interested Mercenaries
From: Atinoda Corporation
Encryption: None

An extremely powerful, revolutionary version of the Kestrel is coming to market soon. You can preorder one now, and get delivery within two weeks. Brochure and product information enclosed.

End Hyperspace Transmission_

General Rak - PowerBroker - (url="http://"mailto:power64@optonline.net")mailto:power64@optonline.net(/url)power64@optonline.net