EV Webstory

New Bavaria
"How are our projects going?"- Aaron
"All is well in the navy."- Winfield
"Troops are trained as well as always."- Russ
"The fighter is nearly finished, a few more days ought to do it. The ----- ------ is just into it's testing stages and we've had to make some ajustments, but it should do well with what it's supposed to."- Red
"Good to hear. I have a plan for it as soon as it is complete."- Winfield
The mining stations complete the miners begin entering.

Income: 4.5Mcr/post
Outside Income:
Trade with Nemesis;400Gcr./post
Treasury: 54.9Mcr
Mining in Zebetrious; 35M worth of metel+rock
Mining in Topaz; 35M worth of metel+rock
Mining in NGC-5465; 20M worth of metel+rock
Mining in NGC-9817; 35M worth of metel+rock
Surplus A: 0M worth of metel+rock
Surplus B: 0M worth of metel+rock
Mining in NGC-9846; 35M worth of Tritanium alloy
Mining in NGC-6548; 35M worth of Tritanium alloy
Mining in NGC-5465; 15M worth of Tritanium alloy
Surplus A: 235M worth of Tritanium alloy
Surplus B: 0M worth of Tritanium alloy
Notes: Bought 140 BFs(15.5M)
Classified Project: 5 posts

Insanity has its advantages

(To Paranoid)
(You miust cease your contact with Den"Zar
(or the Confederation will destroy you.)

Luna R &D;
The needles have 2 more weeks to go.

Vote 1 for Zaphod Beeblebrox- No one can escape Beeblebrox!

Unreal Sends aaron the Hyperdrive stats. the Freighter makesits way into Specia. It hails Aaron:

(From: Cydonian Freighter)
(Encrpted with a 10 digit 10 password password)
(Iwishto give this food to Den'Zar civilions. You may check me if you want. I have nothing to hide.)

Waits for reply...

"I came, i conquered, i ate pie" - me

To Beeblebrox:
(Encrypted: Drummer's beat)
I am not communicating with Den'zar. No threats are necessary. However if you wish to cancel our arrangements I will withdraw from the Apollo system.
(End Encryption)

Fleet status:
18 Rapiers
35 Lightnings
3 Argosys
2 Armored Light Freighters
2 Kestrels
Flagship: Doomsday

Ships en route to Apollo.
10 Lightnings
Have arrived

2 Rapiers
5 Lightnings
Time to arrival 1 day

A message arrives at Armstrong:
This system is not self sufficient due to lack of food production, establish a low orbital hydroponics lab to encourage self-sufficiency. Redouble mining efforts as well.

Money to allocate to hydroponics lab: 3 Million (in 750,000 credit increments starting tommorow)
Days to completion: 4

"Paranoia is Life"

(To Beblebrox)
(Encrypted with 10 super personal passwords)
(I am requesting a orbital wepons platform (OWP) in the Trivin system and the Agena system to keep unwanted pepole from geting to Confederate space. Ill send you the stats. all i need is some armor (Tritanium Armor) and some Neutron cannons. If you dont want to helpthen thats finebut more pirate attacks on civilians in your fringe systems.)
(This is not a threat)
(New Cydonia Empire)(yes it does say Empire)

"I came, i conquered, i ate pie" - me

(Message to Unreal)
(From Pres. Aaron)
Thank you much.
(Message to Confederation)
(From Pres. Aaron)
(Encryption: One time cipher pad; key 2 times as long as message)
The New Cydonian Empire has good intentions. They ask what they ask to benefit us all(save Den'Zar of course).
New Bavaria
The new engine's workings and design are studdied. From this point on all ships are to be built with these new engines and older ships are to be refit with the new engines as soon as possible.

Income: 4.5Mcr/post
Outside Income:
Trade with Nemesis;400Gcr./post
Treasury: 54.9Mcr
Mining in Zebetrious; 35M worth of metel+rock
Mining in Topaz; 35M worth of metel+rock
Mining in NGC-5465; 20M worth of metel+rock
Mining in NGC-9817; 35M worth of metel+rock
Surplus A: 0M worth of metel+rock
Surplus B: 0M worth of metel+rock
Mining in NGC-9846; 35M worth of Tritanium alloy
Mining in NGC-6548; 35M worth of Tritanium alloy
Mining in NGC-5465; 15M worth of Tritanium alloy
Surplus A: 240M worth of Tritanium alloy
Surplus B: 20M worth of Tritanium alloy
Classified Project: 4 posts

Insanity has its advantages

Construction of the battlestation was finally completed. It was basically a standard two-ring space station, with a third main ring and a fourth thinner outer ring added, along with a large amount of weaponry, armor, and shielding.

The complete stats were as follows:

Centurion Battlestation
Shields - Grid 1: 10,000
Shields - Grid 2: 5,000
Shields - Grid 3: 5,000
Armor - Level 1: 10,000
Armor - Level 2: 5,000
Armor - Level 3: 2,500
Shield Regeneration: 150
Shields (from surge reactors): 7,500
160 Proton Turrets
10 Missile Launchers + 100 Missiles
6 Torpedo Launchers + 120 Torpedoes
9 Fighter Bays
-120 Stingray Fighters
-40 Devil-Ray Bombers

The station was outfitted with three fully-independent shield generators, each supporting their own shield and capable of individual recharging. If one shield grid fails, the next one takes its place while the first grid recharges. Each grid is capable of transferring power to another, and is supporting by special surge reactors to defend against waves of space bombs or suicide freighters, which can dump a total of 7,500 shield points into any of the shield grids within 5 seconds. The shields are also capable of shifting the majority of their strength to areas which are recieving the most amount of punishment. By the time the enemy manages to breach the third shield grid, the first and second grids will already be up to at least 40% intensity.

The station also comes equipped with three different armor layers. The outer armor plating is by far the strongest of the three, and beyond it lies the second, and finally the third layer of armor. A good portion of the station can be blown away and yet still function due to the layout of the shield and power generators.

The stations weaponry is also devastating. Each weapon turret or launcher is full retractable. To deploy them, parts of the armor slide open, revealing the weapons and allowing them to blaze away at the enemy, and then slide back in when needed. It's fighter compliment is also devastating, and the bays are capable of quickly repairing and rearming fighters when they return from the battle.


OOC: I justify the power of the battlestation due to the long amount of time I spent on it and the amount of credits I pumped into the thing. All the technology and techniques employed in it are completely realistic.


Research on the Hologram Chip was completed, and as a result research on Venom weaponry was speeded up.


Fleet Stats

New Antigua Defense Fleet
1 Modified Kestrel (flagship)
8 Kestrels
5 Argosy's
10 Corvettes
10 Rapiers

1st Fleet - New Antigua
3 Independence-class Carriers
1 Modified Dragon (flagship, the Nemesis II)
15 Dragons
2 Kestrel Cs
6 Hornet Heavy Cruisers
2 Firebirds
8 Sovereign Light Cruisers
15 Destroyer Mk.IIs
35 Tigersharks
120 Shrikes
225 Devil Ray Fighter-Bombers

New Vessels: -25M
Mining Operation: +40M
Construction of Mercenary Battlestation: -12M
Venom Weaponry Research: -5M
Current Credits: 10M

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

(To: Den'zar)
(BCC: Aaron)
(From: Cydonian Freighter)
(Encrypted 10 passwords 10 times as long as message
(I am comeing with food for your civilions. please move the blockade In the following corrdantes(sp?)--,--,--,(verry high encodeing 10 passwords)I havenothing to hide. you can search me all you want but all i have is food.)

Unannounced to Den'zar in some food packages are military troops for takeing control of.

(To aaron)
(Encrypted 10 passwords 10 times as long as message)
(I will take new antiqua with my freighter. it has some Hidden rooms for my troopsthat will hide them through even the most advanced scan.)

The troops reaady for action

"I came, i conquered, i ate pie" - me

(Message to Unreal)
(From Pres. Aaron)
(Encryption: One time cipher pad; key 2 times as long as message)
There is no way such an attack can work without space support. We do not have enough ships to properly support you.
New Bavaria
The new fighter's design was complete. Production would start (as soon as i post the stats).
The blockade of the link to spica was removed untill the food freighters passes through it.
New Bavaria: Union R &D;
With the fighter complete the work on the ----- ------ goes a little faster.

Income: 4.5Mcr/post
Outside Income:
Trade with Nemesis;400Gcr./post
Treasury: 59.8Mcr
Mining in Zebetrious; 35M worth of metel+rock
Mining in Topaz; 35M worth of metel+rock
Mining in NGC-5465; 20M worth of metel+rock
Mining in NGC-9817; 35M worth of metel+rock
Surplus A: 0M worth of metel+rock
Surplus B: 0M worth of metel+rock
Mining in NGC-9846; 35M worth of Tritanium alloy
Mining in NGC-6548; 35M worth of Tritanium alloy
Mining in NGC-5465; 15M worth of Tritanium alloy
Surplus A: 245M worth of Tritanium alloy
Surplus B: 5M worth of Tritanium alloy
Classified Project: 2 posts

Insanity has its advantages

Encrypted: Albotross
To paraniod
(I know you do not wish to reveal anything about your self but I think I can trust you and If you attempt to kill me, well the empire will probobly wipe you out. I am willing to work with you for one small price. That our "people" and your people work to gether. I want to have my fleet at your planet. But In exchange of this I will give you 10% of my Income. I am commencing this because my profits will raise even though you still have your planet income. Trading will increase and I will haul In tourists giving both of us more money. I await your reply)

5 bulk frighters
10 light freighters
5 Argosys
2 Luxury Liners
30 lightnings (escorts)
5 Rapiers
Speed enhancers (all of them), 50 tons (cargo mass for passengers) of luxery equipment. Passenger license, Cargo hauling license, 5 tons (Cargo mass) of security equpment (for passengers and my use), one industrail sized swivel chair, One high class computer system, one parakeet, 2 proton turrets, 1 torp. launcher 25 torps, one lightning bay, 2 llightnings, 10 escape pods, one restraunt, and other passenger neccesities.
Medical costs:50,000
Total Income: 475,000
Bank: 500,000 (If I should change this tell me!)
Gov: Guild of independent traders

Are we sad because it
rains or does it rain
because we are sad.

To Xenocide:
(Encryption: Flutist's folly)
My dear "trader" your guild of independent trader's is good for a laugh, but your offer leaves little more to be desired. I believe if your ships take refuge in my system I should require them to act as defence in case of combat. I also demand that I be paid a decent amount for my efforts, not a piddling 10% but a meager 20% even though my tenants may starve.
A more profitable arrangement may also come from the explotation of the asteroid resources in my system. If you could produce a mining platform in the Apollo system I would pay 3 Million credits for construction and staff and I would leave you 20% of the profit due to the mining.

Fleet status:
18 Rapiers
35 Lightnings
3 Argosys
2 Armored Light Freighters
2 Kestrels
Flagship: Doomsday

Ships en route to Apollo.

2 Rapiers
5 Lightnings
Have arrived

To the leaders of Armstrong:
I wish to build a civilian Academy to increase inovation. It will take 20 days with 50,000 credits of donations daily. Send out invitations and offer scholorships to the highly gifted with requirements of 2 years post-graduate "study" in our research facilitys.

Expenses: 800,000
Bank: 5.1 Million

Hydroponics lab: 3 days to completion.
Academy: 20 days to completion.

"Paranoia is Life"

(To Paranoid)
(Encryption:1024-bit, one time cipher-pad)
(For reasons you will never know about,
(I request you to leave the syste of Apollo immediately.)
(If you do not we will have to use force.)

Vote 1 for Zaphod Beeblebrox- No one can escape Beeblebrox!

To Beeblebrox:
I will remove my forces from Apollo in two days time I will abide by our agreement until then. A reasonable amount of time to evacuate a system. I advise you patience as Apollo will be yours again very soon.

To Xenocide:
(Encrypted: Flutist's folly)
I am moving my base to NGC-9758, there will be little trade to that system until I establish mining. I ask for donations to my facility in exchange I will give you 40% of my mining profits. Take it or leave it.
Your ships will be protected to the best of my ability at all times, if you take my offer.

To the citizens of Armstrong:
Our Academy project has been modified due to Confederation interference all citizens who wish to continue will board the light freighter in the city of Genteran all people are welcome, quarters may be cramped but profit is education, better then the Confederates will provide. The 50,000 will still be provided

To researchers on Project Agriculture:
Time for your specialties to change. I will donate 4 Million as well as the 750,000 to add to this platform a mining outpost and install a small shipyard. Hook it up to our Argosys in the system for hyperspace.

Income: 800,000
Expenses: 5.8 Million
Bank: 1.1 Million
Time to completion:
Project Agriculture: 2 turns
Flying Academy: 19 turns

"Paranoia is Life"

To Xenocide:
(Encrypted: Flutist's folly)
I am moving my base to ---------, there will be little trade to that system until I establish mining. I ask for donations to my facility in exchange I will give you 40% of my mining profits. Take it or leave it.
Your ships will be protected to the best of my ability at all times, if you take my offer.

To paraniod: Encrypted ice castle
(Why should I accspet what will probobly make me an outcast? I will join your cazy masscerade on one condition we swear a PACT of brotherhood and you give me all of your tech and I give you all of my tech. The loan I will also accspet now have 900,000 more credits but If It is not payed off by the mining outpost you will agree to pay It back in FULL? )

5 bulk frighters
10 light freighters
5 Argosys
2 Luxury Liners
30 lightnings (escorts)
5 Rapiers
Speed enhancers (all of them), 50 tons (cargo mass for passengers) of luxery equipment. Passenger license, Cargo hauling license, 5 tons (Cargo mass) of security equpment (for passengers and my use), one industrail sized swivel chair, One high class computer system, one parakeet, 2 proton turrets, 1 torp. launcher 25 torps, one lightning bay, 2 llightnings, 10 escape pods, one restraunt, and other passenger neccesities.
Medical costs:50,000
Total Income: 475,000
Bank: 75,000
Gov: Guild of independent traders

Are we sad because it
rains or does it rain
because we are sad.

To Xenocide:
(Encrypted: Flutist's folly)
You don't strike a very hard bargain. As my technology is very limited this is acceptable, but you need not cut yourself off from the outside world just due to this all I ask for is a small loan and a bulk freighter full of foodstuffs and other supplies for the starting of my outpost.

Evacuation time: 1 day
Project Agriculture: 1 day (Extra 1 Million donated to this project.)

Income: 800,000
Expenses: 800,000
Total Income: 0
Bank: 0 Million

"Paranoia is Life"

(To: Beblebrox)
(Encryption: Fiddlers thumb)
(Please reply!!)

"I came, i conquered, i ate pie" - me

Encrypted: pure energy To paraniod
( one bulk freighter are you mad! I'm sending you three bulk freighters filled with goods of all sorts and 10 empty light freighters. My ships are entering your sytem now. I have heard that you are opening a school in a time of war. My flagship is heading to federation space to test students .)

5 bulk frighters
10 light freighters
5 Argosys
2 Luxury Liners
30 lightnings (escorts)
5 Rapiers

Medical costs:60,000
Total Income: 475,000
Bank: 550,000
Gov: Guild of independent traders

Are we sad because it
rains or does it rain
because we are sad.

The Universal Academy is taking applicants if you wish to join go to the local spaceport bar and ask to see a registration official. Full Scholorships are offered for those of exceptional gifts.

To Xenocide:
(Encrypted: Flutist's folly)
I will take all the help I am offered. I am filling your light freighters with approximately 10,000 students from my academy as well as 5 "teachers" on each of your light freighters. I will pay you back for the use of this. In fact your previous loan is already paid. You will find a handsome sum in your bank.

To Beeblebrox:
You may have your system back. Take good care of our people.

Transmission between unknown source and Kestrel in Apollo system:
(Encrypted: Guitar's lick)
Comrade, how are the preperations going?
(Encrypted: Violin's song)
Sir, I believe in just a few minutes all students and supplies will be ready for hyperspace.
(Encrypted: Guitar's lick)
Good job, Comrade. How about Project agriculture?
(Encrypted: Violin's song)
Sir, Project Agriculture is a success we have done every possible test, including in hyperspace nothing will go wrong.
(Encrypted: Guitar's lick)
Comrade, how did you get the hyperspace to work on such short notice?
(Encrypted: Violin's song)
Sir, we melted rings of Durasteel found in asteroids around the assembly around our two Argosy's in the system. The jump time will be bad, but because of the Argosys it will be able to defend itself.
(Encrypted: Guitar's lick)
Good job Comrade. What about the pay from the potential students.
(Encrypted: Violin's song)
We decided that cheap is the best way to start, so 500 credits a year from this first batch. We also decided to be generous with the deadline and give them 25 days to pay.
(Encrypted: Guitar's lick)
Excellent, 10,000 students, 500 credits, that's 50 million throughout 25 days more then enough to make this profitable. Comrade you are dismissed.

After the communication is cut off the man plays a Largo in D Minor. Then slowly puts the guitar away.

10:20 AM
Guild of Assasains' ships depart from Apollo system, Including orbital hydroponics/mining lab.

Income: 2.8 Million
Debt to Xenocide paid: 1.5 Million
Academy: 300,000
Finishing touches to Project Agriculture: 1 Million
Bank: 0

"Paranoia is Life"

OOC: where is this NGC-9758? I was unable to find it on my map.
(Message to Unreal)
(From Pres. Aaron)
(Encryption: One time cipher pad; key 2 times as long as message)
Start preparing a warfeet. We'll need you to attack as well.
Union Space
Refits have taken place everywhere now. All Union vessels now have the new hyperspace engine.(OOC: did anyone say what the engines were made for?)
New Bavaria: Union R &D;
The ----- ------ was almost through it's test phases. Only a few more tests were needed.

Income: 4.5Mcr/post
Outside Income:
Trade with Nemesis;400Gcr./post
Treasury: 64.7Mcr
Mining in Zebetrious; 35M worth of metel+rock
Mining in Topaz; 35M worth of metel+rock
Mining in NGC-5465; 20M worth of metel+rock
Mining in NGC-9817; 35M worth of metel+rock
Surplus A: 0M worth of metel+rock
Surplus B: 0M worth of metel+rock
Mining in NGC-9846; 35M worth of Tritanium alloy
Mining in NGC-6548; 35M worth of Tritanium alloy
Mining in NGC-5465; 15M worth of Tritanium alloy
Surplus A: 250M worth of Tritanium alloy
Surplus B: 20M worth of Tritanium alloy
Classified Project: 1 posts

Insanity has its advantages

Encrypted:Subharmonic rellay system
to U.E admiral and paranoid
( I was wondering If you would like to buy my new "weapons" 5 million for each design. If attached to a staion this "weapon" will nock back any incoming asteriods fighters or missles!. If on a fighter or freighter this will protect you against Torps. missles and things smaller then your self. The other thing is the wepon is more powerful the heaver the ship or staion is that holds it. This also prevents little fighters knocking themslevs into an asteoid. This is a must for mining operations so ships and outposts aren't destroyed. I am patenting this weapon so you cannot sell it to other gov.)
Encrypted : pure energy
To Paranoid: Thank you

(I want you to start on that weapon platform I will start you off with 1.5 milion this is not to destroy anyone but to pretect my future systems. I want you to head to the
(Highly encrypted (HKXT-103801) take care of that and then head to the syst.
Encrypted: Pater
(Yes I know what you mean )
5 bulk frighters
10 light freighters
5 Argosys
2 Luxury Liners
30 lightnings (escorts)
5 Rapiers
I am begining to market my wepon. (Profit 25,000)
Medical costs:70,000
Total Income: 500,000
Bank: 1.47 million
Gov: Guild of independent traders

Are we sad because it
rains or does it rain
because we are sad.

(This message has been edited by Xenocide (edited 11-17-2002).)