EV Webstory

With a groan the leader of the Guild of Assasains deals with a formality.

To U.E. Admiral:
(Encrypted: Harper's thrum)
I apologize for my lack of forknowledge. I will do as you say.
(End Encryption)

To Beeblebrox:
(Encrypted: Drummer's beat)
I wish to ask your permission to use Capella as a staging ground for my fleet on an attack Arrakis. I await your reply.
(End Encryption)

Income: 300,000
Bank: 4.2 Million

Fleet status:
18 Rapiers
35 Lightnings
3 Argosys
2 Armored Light Freighters
2 Kestrels
Flagship: Doomsday

Ships en route to Apollo.
6 Rapiers
6 Lightnings
1 Argosy
Time to arrival 1 days

4 Lightnings
2 Rapiers
Time to arrival 2 days

10 Lightnings
Time to arrival 3 days

2 Rapiers
1 Armored Light Freighter
Time to arrival 4 days

"Paranoia is Life"

(Message to Paranoid)
(Sorry for my delay in responding to your proposal. What is an acceptable sum of money to be paid to you in exchange for your services?)
(End Message)

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

OOC: Unreal, the rebellion hasnt made cloaks yet. Did you just copy the stats of my bettleship for that? It seems so familure... Anyway, for a ship of that caliber i would say about 40M. The shields and armor of a battleship, cargo of 64 Bulk Freighters, weapons of a cruiser... Check your email btw.

(Message to Paranoid)
(From Pres. Aaron)
(Encryption: One time cipher pad; key 2 times as long as message)
not a problem. We dont take kindly to people entering our space so be warned. You might say that we are very Xenophobic.
New Bavraia: Union R &D;
Work on the ----- ------ was going well. So far all theory was correct and would soon be ready for testing and extra development.
(Message to Confederation)
(From Pres. Aaron)
(Encryption: One time cipher pad; key 2 times as long as message)
What are your current projects? Use secure channel if you feel it nessisary.

Income: 4.5Mcr/post
Outside Income:
Trade with Nemesis;400Gcr./post
Treasury: 43Mcr
Mining in Zebetrious; 35M worth of metel+rock
Mining in Topaz; 35M worth of metel+rock
Mining in NGC-5465; 20M worth of metel+rock
Surplus A: 0M worth of metel+rock
Surplus B: 0M worth of metel+rock
Mining in NGC-9846; 35M worth of Tritanium alloy
Mining in NGC-5465; 15M worth of Tritanium alloy
Surplus A: 210M worth of Tritanium alloy
Surplus B: 15M worth of Tritanium alloy
Classified Project: 11 posts

Insanity has its advantages

(To Aaron)
(Our new flares are the only current projects.)

Levo R &R;
Scientists finish the flare. It actually confuses the enemies control systems, casing the ships to drift toward the flares. Then after a designated time they cause considerable damage to those ships.

Vote 1 for Zaphod Beeblebrox- No one can escape Beeblebrox!

The Union medical team continues to try and kill the virus, but with no luck. They were however, able to isolate it. They resume attempts to make an antidote.
New Bavaria
The Union fighter project was going perfectly well, but at this rate it seemed that it wont be a fighter that comes out the other end.
"We have tries making it out of tritanium but it seems too heavy to outrun other fighters."- Head of Team 1
"Maybe we are making the hull too thick. Den'Zar's fighters are made from durasteel like most other ships. I would say that we need only make the hull a third stronger than his. Our shield technology is better than his so we need not worry there. All we need is something fast enough to catch and destroy his little flies."- Head of Team 2

Income: 4.5Mcr/post
Outside Income:
Trade with Nemesis;400Gcr./post
Treasury: 47.9Mcr
Mining in Zebetrious; 35M worth of metel+rock
Mining in Topaz; 35M worth of metel+rock
Mining in NGC-5465; 20M worth of metel+rock
Surplus A: 0M worth of metel+rock
Surplus B: 0M worth of metel+rock
Mining in NGC-9846; 35M worth of Tritanium alloy
Mining in NGC-5465; 15M worth of Tritanium alloy
Surplus A: 215M worth of Tritanium alloy
Surplus B: 0M worth of Tritanium alloy
Classified Project: 10 posts

Insanity has its advantages

Noting that their fighter force would soon exceed their carrier capacity, a second Independence-class Carrier was built. They also continued research on Venom Weaponry, as well as on a new kind of Hologram Chip which would greatly improve computer processor speeds and memory capacity, making it easier to research as well as improvements in many other areas.


Fleet Stats

New Antigua Defense Fleet
1 Modified Kestrel (flagship)
8 Kestrels
5 Argosy's
10 Corvettes
10 Rapiers

1st Fleet - New Antigua
2 Independence-class Carriers
1 Modified Dragon (flagship, the Nemesis II)
10 Dragons
2 Kestrel Cs
6 Hornet Heavy Cruisers
2 Firebirds
6 Sovereign Light Cruisers
8 Destroyer Mk.IIs
35 Tigersharks
120 Shrikes
100 Devil Ray Fighter-Bombers

New Vessels: -25M
Mining Operation: +40M
Construction of Mercenary Battlestation: -5M
Venom Weaponry Research: -5M
Hologram Chip Research: -5M
Current Credits: 12M

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

New Bavaria
Medical teams send their progress to others on New Bavaria, fighter development continues on, more ships are added to various task forces.
The Steller Shield arrives and is installed on the station thus offering 20,000 layers of protection. More are built and installed on planets as well, but due to a larger area to cover the shield is weakened to 16,000.
Union Council
"Our ship construction is limited at NGC-5465. I must suggest a few more mining bases in that area. More shipyards would be a good idea too."- Winfield
"Troops will be needed as well. I suggest more mechs."- Russ
"We will need plenty of funding to outfit the ----- ------ on ships."- Red
"Well, we will deal with one thing at a time. Shipyards and mining will come first, followed by Troops as they are just as nessisary. Sorry Red, but your funding must come last.

Income: 4.5Mcr/post
Outside Income:
Trade with Nemesis;400Gcr./post
Treasury: 52.8Mcr
Mining in Zebetrious; 35M worth of metel+rock
Mining in Topaz; 35M worth of metel+rock
Mining in NGC-5465; 20M worth of metel+rock
Surplus A: 0M worth of metel+rock
Surplus B: 0M worth of metel+rock
Mining in NGC-9846; 35M worth of Tritanium alloy
Mining in NGC-5465; 15M worth of Tritanium alloy
Surplus A: 220M worth of Tritanium alloy
Surplus B: 15M worth of Tritanium alloy
Notes: Construction is started on 2 mining bases in NGC-9517 and NGC-6548.
To clear up possible confusion i note that all my ships are equiped with cloaks.
Classified Project: 9 posts

Insanity has its advantages

To Captain Carnotaur:
(Encrypted: Fiddler's pitch)
I apologize for the inconveniance but I have already signed a contract. I would still be able to send you non-military related cargo or act as a defence against pirate raids, but my actions would not be able to harm my allies. These limitations make my ships practically worthless to you. Trade however is a different story, I do not discourage or disallow trade even with my enemies I am presently in control of the Apollo system if you wish to send traders. Warn me beforehand.
(End Encryption)

To Beeblebrox:
(Encrypted: Drummers beat)
The first of my ships have arrived in Apollo. From here on I will take the revenue from that system. If you wish you may remove your military.
(End Encryption)

It serves a purpose to be kind. For now.

Ships en route to Apollo.
6 Rapiers
6 Lightnings
1 Argosy
Have arrived

4 Lightnings
2 Rapiers
Time to arrival 1 days

10 Lightnings
Time to arrival 2 days

2 Rapiers
1 Armored Light Freighter
Time to arrival 3 days

"Paranoia is Life"

Unreal starts designing a new hyperspace engine. the specs are that itcould stop, hover, and turn in hyperspace.

Design time 4 posts
Cost when done 2M

As well as a jammer that jams all homeing projectiles
Design time 5 posts
Cost when done 1 M
"I came, i conquered, i ate pie" - me

(This message has been edited by Unreal Centipede (edited 11-13-2002).)

(Message to Paranoid)
(From Pres. Aaron)
(Encryption: One time cipher pad; key 2 times as long as message)
I forgot to mention:
Stay clear of NGC-5465 and Den'Zar's base in NGC-1027. No ship is allowed in or out of NGC-1027. Any attempt to force your way through will be met with deadly force.
An orbital shipyard/metel processing station is being constructed. Bulk Freighters move back and forth between Zebetrious and NGC-9517. It's structure is just being finished.
New Bavaria: Union R &D;
The fighter is going well so far with firepower and durablity far better than civilian fighters.

Income: 4.5Mcr/post
Outside Income:
Trade with Nemesis;400Gcr./post
Treasury: 57.7Mcr
Mining in Zebetrious; 35M worth of metel+rock
Mining in Topaz; 35M worth of metel+rock
Mining in NGC-5465; 20M worth of metel+rock
Surplus A: 0M worth of metel+rock
Surplus B: 0M worth of metel+rock
Mining in NGC-9846; 35M worth of Tritanium alloy
Mining in NGC-5465; 15M worth of Tritanium alloy
Surplus A: 220M worth of Tritanium alloy
Surplus B: 15M worth of Tritanium alloy
Notes: Construction is started on 2 mining bases in NGC-9517 and NGC-6548.
Classified Project: 8 posts

Insanity has its advantages

Beeblebrox gathers up every ship possible for a fleet. They are sent to a secret location for safekeeping.

Luna R &D;
The Research & Developement team start work on a new type of weapon. A 'needle'.
These weapons are much stronger and have a much longer range than tropedoes, and have a much higher acceleration. Hopefully, they should smash through some of Carnotaur's defenses.
They should take 5 weeks to complete.

Vote 1 for Zaphod Beeblebrox- No one can escape Beeblebrox!

The stations are in the middle stages of completion. They are equiped with a mid-grade shipyard each and a top-grade processing area.
New Bavaria
Ships continue to gather into a large fleet. The purpose of this strike-force is unknown as of yet.
Some ship crews go on shore-leave on the Warstation Vermont. Other ships continue to stay at yellow alert expecting a Den'Zar fleet to jump through at any time... A few engineer teams pull the same stunt Den'Zar did and sets up several asteroids and direlicts in front of the jump link. Guidance chips from torpedos are installed in heavy rockets that are strewed about in the system. More hyper fuel is added to the cydonian patches...

Income: 4.5Mcr/post
Outside Income:
Trade with Nemesis;400Gcr./post
Treasury: 62.6Mcr
Mining in Zebetrious; 35M worth of metel+rock
Mining in Topaz; 35M worth of metel+rock
Mining in NGC-5465; 20M worth of metel+rock
Surplus A: 0M worth of metel+rock
Surplus B: 0M worth of metel+rock
Mining in NGC-9846; 35M worth of Tritanium alloy
Mining in NGC-5465; 15M worth of Tritanium alloy
Surplus A: 225M worth of Tritanium alloy
Surplus B: 0M worth of Tritanium alloy
Classified Project: 7 posts

Insanity has its advantages

OOC: I would like to note that because no one has ever survived attacking my system, no one has any idea what my defenses are like, unless you somehow believe ramming into several kilometer wide asteroids won't tear up your ship.


Research continued into Venom Weaponry and Hologram Chips, which would grealty help the Mercenaries in times to come. The Battlestation was also nearing completion. The third outer ring still needed to be completed, but the final missile launchers and surge generators had already been mostly installed.


(Message to Paranoid)
(Very well. I would like to trade, but the evil Jadzians and their allies have blockaded my system and will not allow me to trade. I'm sorry.)
(End Message)


Fleet Stats

New Antigua Defense Fleet
1 Modified Kestrel (flagship)
8 Kestrels
5 Argosy's
10 Corvettes
10 Rapiers

1st Fleet - New Antigua
2 Independence-class Carriers
1 Modified Dragon (flagship, the Nemesis II)
15 Dragons
2 Kestrel Cs
6 Hornet Heavy Cruisers
2 Firebirds
6 Sovereign Light Cruisers
8 Destroyer Mk.IIs
35 Tigersharks
120 Shrikes
100 Devil Ray Fighter-Bombers

New Vessels: -25M
Mining Operation: +40M
Construction of Mercenary Battlestation: -5M
Venom Weaponry Research: -5M
Hologram Chip Research: -5M
Current Credits: 12M

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

To the Jadzian Empire:
Your blockade is a dishonest and disturbing behavior. Restraint of trade is a violation of the rights granted to independent traders. NGC-1027 is also very unlikely to be self-sufficient, so while Den'zar is not being harmed those working under him are likely starving to death. Your leader previously informed me that the Rebellion turned it's back on Den'zar for a cowardly act. Would causing starvation and death to potential innocents be honest and brave then? This is not an opinion of mine, if you believe it is proper inform me why.

To Captain Carnotaur:
(Encrypted: Fiddler's pitch)
I believe that my message should stir some sympathy for your people. I wish to ask what you know of the Arrakis system as I wish to aquire it.
(End Encryption)
Income: 600,000
Bank: 5.1 Million

Ships en route to Apollo.
4 Lightnings
2 Rapiers
Have arrived

10 Lightnings
Time to arrival 1 days

2 Rapiers
1 Armored Light Freighter
Time to arrival 2 days

"Paranoia is Life"

The Hyperdrive is nearing compleation as of: 4:17.
The Hyperdrive is compleated as of 5:17

(To aaron)
(Encrypted with a 2 way password 10 times text)
(I have a new hyperdrive you might want. reply if you want it. and i heard the brodcast on the Holovid. I think we could have some of our carry food to Denzars citizens. We only want to kill Denzar right not innocents. Also i need a lookout station in the tryvin system. Just in case some mercs decde to attack me. try to do some wheeling and dealing to get me in good with the confeds. Thanks a bunch)

The freighter is compleated and is stocked with food. Then is shipped out to the 'Blockaded system'

"I came, i conquered, i ate pie" - me

(Message to Paranoid)
(Thank you for your help in trying to free my civillians from this blockade. As far as I know, the Arrakis system was independent, but may have been recently conquered by the Jadzians.)
(End Message)


Fleet Stats

New Antigua Defense Fleet
1 Modified Kestrel (flagship)
8 Kestrels
5 Argosy's
10 Corvettes
10 Rapiers

1st Fleet - New Antigua
3 Independence-class Carriers
1 Modified Dragon (flagship, the Nemesis II)
15 Dragons
2 Kestrel Cs
6 Hornet Heavy Cruisers
2 Firebirds
6 Sovereign Light Cruisers
8 Destroyer Mk.IIs
35 Tigersharks
120 Shrikes
100 Devil Ray Fighter-Bombers

New Vessels: -25M
Mining Operation: +40M
Construction of Mercenary Battlestation: -5M
Venom Weaponry Research: -5M
Hologram Chip Research: -5M
Current Credits: 12M

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

(Message to Paranoid)
(From Pres. Aaron)
Why civilians would want to colonize a planet that has had so much bloodshed and negative vibrations is beyond me, but if it is true that civilians are inhabiting the once pirate infested planetoid i will allow food and medical supplies through the blockade. If they wish i will send a single Bulk freighter to carry them out of the system. Naturally i would search the ship corner to corner for anything dangerous before letting through the next part of the blockade. Trade brings profit to Den'Zar and his men and that is not something i can allow. A blockade is the only effective way of dealing with the terrorist against the Jadzian Union. Several attacks have failed. I will not allow him to go free.
(Message to Unreal)
(From Pres. Aaron)
(Encryption: One time cipher pad; key 2 times as long as message)
Please do send me the specs. Thank you very much. I will do what i can.
New Bavaria
Work on the new project was going well with no misshaps yet. Testing has begun.

Income: 4.5Mcr/post
Outside Income:
Trade with Nemesis;400Gcr./post
Treasury: 65.5Mcr
Mining in Zebetrious; 35M worth of metel+rock
Mining in Topaz; 35M worth of metel+rock
Mining in NGC-5465; 20M worth of metel+rock
Surplus A: 0M worth of metel+rock
Surplus B: 0M worth of metel+rock
Mining in NGC-9846; 35M worth of Tritanium alloy
Mining in NGC-5465; 15M worth of Tritanium alloy
Surplus A: 230M worth of Tritanium alloy
Surplus B: 15M worth of Tritanium alloy
Classified Project: 6 posts

Insanity has its advantages

To U.E. Admiral:
This is acceptable.

"Paranoia is Life"

(To Paranoid)
(Den'Zar is an evil, evil man.)
(The COnfederation, and the Jadzian Union are the goodness
(in a galaxy of darkness.)
(The Confederation was set up for
(peacekeeping, and that is what it does.)
(If you do not support this,
(we will destroy you.)

Luna R &D;
The Needles are still being developed.

Vote 1 for Zaphod Beeblebrox- No one can escape Beeblebrox!

(Message to Paranoid)
(I warn you not to listen to anything that Beeblebrox or any Confederate says. Beeblebrox is an insane madman intent only on expansion. I believe there is no way to help the poor, foolish, dissolusioned man. He will continue his tyranny until he dies. If he does threaten you, you will always have a home in my system.)
(End Message)

Construction of the Battlestation continued, now nearing its final stages.


Fleet Stats

New Antigua Defense Fleet
1 Modified Kestrel (flagship)
8 Kestrels
5 Argosy's
10 Corvettes
10 Rapiers

1st Fleet - New Antigua
3 Independence-class Carriers
1 Modified Dragon (flagship, the Nemesis II)
15 Dragons
2 Kestrel Cs
6 Hornet Heavy Cruisers
2 Firebirds
8 Sovereign Light Cruisers
15 Destroyer Mk.IIs
35 Tigersharks
120 Shrikes
100 Devil Ray Fighter-Bombers

New Vessels: -25M
Mining Operation: +40M
Construction of Mercenary Battlestation: -5M
Venom Weaponry Research: -5M
Hologram Chip Research: -5M
Current Credits: 12M

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).