A message to the moderators.


Originally posted by Tiamat:
Also, for EVula and Charmin, Silver Dragon thought I was a female, too. Wishful thinking?

EVula - last letter being "a". Typical naming convention means its a female name, in many cultures.
Chamrin - no idea.
Tiamat - a female dragon. So that really went without saying.

-Lyat Esponer Corsair

tiamat you don't know who the ATMOS team is???

wow you must not have played much ev n/o

theyre the team who developed EV o/n like matt burch and all the people on the (SPOILER) ATMOS planet in nova

Stephen Lody

you know I think it's actually kida nice that only one moderator has replied (and didn't lock it) cause I have a chance for people to like my idea 😉 (like cosmicfungus) 🙂

although I still seriously dought that the moderators would change their minds about online EV just cause a lot of non-ASW workers like it (cause this has happened so many times already) :frown:

but like I said I'll be prepared if in some amazing way they decide to let this happen I would be ready to help (unless of course if things got really wierd and they decided they will do it themselves) hehe.

but anyway I jus hope my topic doesn't get locked and maybe someone will want to make it real

sorry bout this post if any parts seem a bit strange but hey I can dream can't I? 😉

Stephen Lody

well ok cosmicfungus I'll E-mail andrew but sadly I dought he will think the same thing as you :frown: anyways he's a nice guy so I'll ask

Stephen Lody

Rawzer coughs lightly, and points to Edit button.

Sorry Lody, but ya have been double/triple posting a bit too much. 😉

Read my (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/forumdisplay.cgi?action=topics&number;=20&SUBMIT;=Go")story(/url)! It's good! Really! Comment on it, too! I'm desperate!

Remember, everyone, I'm joking. Seriously!

I agree sorry about that :frown:

next time I'll try to remember 😉

Stephen Lody

(This message has been edited by Lody (edited 08-10-2002).)


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**EVula - last letter being "a". Typical naming convention means its a female name, in many cultures.
Chamrin - no idea.
Tiamat - a female dragon. So that really went without saying.


As I mentioned before, my screen name is in honor of the name of my ship -- Tiamat -- a female dragon. yes. in fact the most powerful of all the EVIL dragons in the D&D; cosmos. lets remember that only the Germans reffered to their ships and homeland in the male form. ANYWAY I think this topic of discussion is valid and I hope that it wil not be locked... or deleted. I also challenge anyone reading this subject to resolve the time issue... because the strength of that concept is so critical to the future of the EV-MP game... so what do ya'll have?

if i were you I would not squeeze the Charmin

I came here to kick ass
and chew bubblegum...
and I am all out of

BTW, 'dought' = doubt. thanks.

I came here to kick ass
and chew bubblegum...
and I am all out of

Well, it's certainly a great idea, but since none of the EV Developers, ATMOS e.c.t would help, anything beyond just a two-player arena-style game is a distant dream.

P.S: On a side note, this is my first post after spending three weeks in Cornwall 🙂

Hand me the gun and say that again.


Originally posted by Lody:
theyre the team who developed EV o/n like matt burch and all the people on the (SPOILER) ATMOS planet in nova

(edit)some weird unknown UBB force screwed up the quote(/edit)

ATMOS was not involved in the development of EV:O. Matt Burch is not part of ATMOS.

If it helps:

Escape Velocity - Matt Burch
Escape Velocity Override - Peter Cartwright, with the ever-present Matt Burch
Escape Velocity Nova - ATMOS, with the ever-present Matt Burch


although I still seriously dought that the moderators would change their minds about online EV just cause a lot of non-ASW workers like it (cause this has happened so many times already)

As I've already said, even if EVula decided it was a good idea, it would not happen. EVula and the other moderators are not part of Ambrosia SW (there are several exceptions, Frandall and pipeline being part of ATMOS, for example.)

The purpose of moderators is to keep the boards in order. They are not paid, nor do they work in any real sense with Ambrosia SW, other than beta testing.


anyways he's a nice guy so I'll ask

<looks at his last karma slap and several other factors> Are you sure about that?


if i were you I would not squeeze the Charmin

Don't worry, I've already gotten myself in trouble with Chamrin once. I don't intend to do it again (even though he was wrong, ha!) Ahem.

-Lyat Esponer Corsair

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 08-11-2002).)

yeah thats right matt burch Isn't in the ATMOS team I forgot anyways thanks for the info

Stephen Lody

For the subject at hand: please realize that multi-player Escape Velocity would cease to be Escape Velocity. It would become a totally different game; while it may share some similarities with EV, it wouldn't be EV.

That said, the possibility of Ambrosia making more multi-player games in the future (whether or not they are similar to EV) is pretty high.


Originally posted by Tiamat:
ANYWAY I think this topic of discussion is valid and I hope that it wil not be locked... or deleted.

Just for the record, topics only get deleted if they are offensive or illegal (an example of each would be someone posting racial slurs, or posting pirating serial numbers). The worst that could happen to this topic is that it would be locked.

(url="http://"http://www.evula.com/")EVula,(/url) your friendly (url="http://"http://www.evula.com/")self-promoting(/url) EV & EVO Boards/Addon/Newswire/Chronicles moderator
(url="http://"http://www.evula.com/")EVula.com(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.evula.net/")evula.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.ev-nova.net/")ev-nova.net(/url)
(url="http://"http://pftn.evula.net")pftn.evula.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://plugs3.evula.net")plugs3.evula.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://saberstudios.evula.net")saberstudios.evula.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://davidarthur.evula.net")davidarthur.evula.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://ucplugs.evula.net")ucplugs.evula.net(/url)

well I take all that as good news and I agree that the arena idea isn't much like EV but I think it would be fun to battle and kinda show off your fleet to your friends even if it is different because your whole pilot would be made in (single player) EV O/N.

well I'm practically done with this topic since nobody but cosmicfungus and maybe tiamat like my Idea enough to try and work on it, I'll still post repleis to you just in case somethin comes up but when andrew comes and cheks this out I wont care if it get locks cause he will either not want it madeor like cosmic says he will like it (1% chance in my opinion)

Stephen Lody


As stated above it would not be EV, why not make a game sort of like ev, with the sprite endgine, but thats it...

Peace, Love, and Chicken Grease
(url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum26/HTML/007247.html")Event Horizon 2 Sign-Up(/url)
(url="http://"http://evula.com") EVula's Lair(/url)| (url="http://"http://starfleet-ssf.com/index2.html")The SSF(/url) | (url="http://"mailto:jager@evula.net")mailto:jager@evula.net(/url)jager@evula.net


Originally posted by Cody:
**you would also have the problem with time, if one player is traveling a lot and the other player goes and makes a sandwich, the first player would be days ahead of the second one. therefore making it highly unlikely that they'd meet. or if one had a three day jump and the other a two day, it would be inconvienient to both players.


Cant you just use real time as the game time so that there is no differance for all the jumps, days, ect. Then about the 'What if someone wants to go and make a sandwich.' All the person would have to do is land, and like Rawzer said, it could be one big 'chatroom' and so while your in this 'chatroom' people fly'n all around the planet could not see your ship(or attack it). While you are docked in the station(or on the planet) they can go into their kitchen and make themselves a peanut butter and jelly sandwich(or whatever kind of sandwich they prefer)After this they can take off and destroy themselves some pirates or such not.

I hope this answers your question. And if you cant make out what im saying just tell me and i'll explain more in detail!! 😄

"If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Then quit. No use being a damn fool about it."
"And if x is equal to 9a+c, then just how the hell DO you get to Sesame Street anyway?"
By the way.. become a member its free!

(This message has been edited by JefThund (edited 08-12-2002).)

yeah landing being the chatroom thats a great idea

Stephen Lody


Originally posted by Tiamat:


I was envisioning a full multi-player, network ready version of EV -- which would be prohibitively complicated. The issue of time passing is handled simply -- for every five minutes of game time spent in stellar flight a day would pass. Even if they go to the kitchen to make a snack. As for multiple players dominating a planet - I say the most recent person to dominate a planet should get full possesion - this will create conflict between powerful players. Also, a player should be able to hire another player for a mission. Player should be able to join teams... It should be possible for a team to dominate a planet.



that's a lot easier than i thought, we could even abolish an in game time entirely. if a planet is dominated every, five minutes (or something) of game time you would get tribute or what ever.

planets as chat rooms would be good for hiring and or stuff.

the programming would be tough i guess, i'm not much past making a calculator or guessing the number game

since it wouldn't actually be an ev game it wouldn't be hard to get legal rights, if we just ask permission to use or pay royalties(or something) for the ev sprite designs and graphics, and they could publish it perhaps

this isn't that bad of an idea, i'd go with it.

The future is uncertian and the end is always near...


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**EVula - last letter being "a". Typical naming convention means its a female name, in many cultures.
Chamrin - no idea.
Tiamat - a female dragon. So that really went without saying.


Do you think I am a female too? 🙂 Lol, im not, i sould have made my name Onii7 but it screwed up so I never could change it. im asking bout Onii7

On GR/AIM/MAGChat: Onii7
I Did it! I made it past 400!
The computer doesn't get slower, it's the newer computers that get faster. -Taylor

(This message has been edited by Taylor (edited 08-18-2002).)

First of all, dominating a planet isn't exactly owning it- It's paying you money not to kill people, so anyone could be getting tribute while other people get it from the same planet (although realistically, it would drain the planet's money drastically...) also, what about the government displey, you know, you target the ship and it says "Rebel" or "Confed"... What if a player was very powerful and killed everyone, it couldn't say "confed" just because he kills rebels, he kills confeds too, or especially, it can't say "pirate" because he kills pirates too, so what are you gonna do? leave it blank" then another player would think that he poses no threat... wich brings me to my next thing... what about the hostile siren? You know, a ship becomes hostile and it turns red on the radar and an alarm sounds.... It's easy to do for a computerized player, because the game knows if he's gonna attack you or not, but what about a human? The alarm goes off if he hitss you with a weapon? That would give the other player an extreme disadvantage, especially if he got hit by a heavy rocket or a torpedo. Also, EV is an adventure game, adventure games are hard to turn into net games, as many people have already said, it would be a different game in itself. Now, i would love an EV net game, but it is unrealistic, especially because ASW already has many projects to do.

I'm not laughing at you,
I'm laughing with you in

Forget sirens.

When you sign up to play, maybe you sign up as something. Pirate, Trader, Mercenary (Pirate killer), Rebel, Confed, Independent, Lethean, Cydonian, Maurauder (everyone killer), courier, ConEx, Starbound, UGE, we could even have Planetary Defence guys as judges! To be fair, we'd have to load up existing pilot files, or, hell, even start fresh and do missions!

My point is, not only could it work, it could work well.

"...All h(url="http://"http://www.EVula.com")e(/url)r fri(url="http://"http://www.EVula.com")e(/url)nds in school w(url="http://"http://www.EVula.com")e(/url)r(url="http://"http://www.EVula.com")e(/url) non-conformists, so sh(url="http://"http://www.EVula.com")e(/url) b(url="http://"http://www.EVula.com")e(/url)cam(url="http://"http://www.EVula.com")e(/url) a non-conformist too."
Artist-Austin Lounge Lizards
Album-Small Minds
Song-Big Tex