A message to the moderators.

Ok I'v noticed that you havent been very pleased with online EV topics. I think I remember hearing about it not happening at all or in many years from now because of how difficult it would be. But what about like an online arena where you can use an alias of an EV EVO or EVN pilot on the internet? Like you play the games in single player (the way EV's are now) and use your pilot in an EV arena. Say maybe like if you are the host you would make a system as a game and anyone with a password can join and you could use your pilots and fleets in the game. I'm not sure what you will think of my idea but I did not make the topic to annoy you about online EV's, I just have been thinking about it forever because all my friends like to play games on the internet like Battle.net. I just thought it would be great because a common game like Starcraft has gone so far mostly because of battle.net that if we put an awesome game like EV on the internet it would be so much better than Starcraft because of how Unique EV is.

well theres what I'v been thinkin about (had to get that out) I hope you don't mind that I posted this.


Stephen Lody


Originally posted by Lody:
**Ok I'v noticed that you havent been very pleased with online EV topics. I think I remember hearing about it not happening at all or in many years from now because of how difficult it would be. But what about like an online arena where you can use an alias of an EV EVO or EVN pilot on the internet? Like you play the games in single player (the way EV's are now) and use your pilot in an EV arena. Say maybe like if you are the host you would make a system as a game and anyone with a password can join and you could use your pilots and fleets in the game. I'm not sure what you will think of my idea but I did not make the topic to annoy you about online EV's, I just have been thinking about it forever because all my friends like to play games on the internet like Battle.net. I just thought it would be great because a common game like Starcraft has gone so far mostly because of battle.net that if we put an awesome game like EV on the internet it would be so much better than Starcraft because of how Unique EV is.

well theres what I'v been thinkin about (had to get that out) I hope you don't mind that I posted this.



There are many great ideas about an EV multiplayer, but I doubt one will ever be made. I don't think anyone will mind that you posted this, since it is EV-related

Calvin: I'm a man of few words
Hobbes: Maybe if you read more you'd have a bigger vocabulary...

thank you for the opinion.

(it may be the last post before this is locked or deleted) :frown:

Stephen Lody

Indeed, multiplayer ideas come and go... but they never stay around and become reality, and I very much doubt they ever will.

Joseph Payne - (url="http://"mailto: joseph.payne@tmgmedia.net ")mailto: joseph.payne@tmgmedia.net (/url) joseph.payne@tmgmedia.net

Indeed.. but you can't compare a game like StarCaft with EV. EV is a very old game, if we were talking EVN then I would understand.

fingers strungling to type, brain strugling to make sense...

Need help with(url="http://"http://www.geeksdigest.com/board/ubbhtml/ubbcode.html") UBB(/url)?
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Need a small amount of webspace quick? Email me (url="http://"mailto:rebel_coucnil@mac.com")mailto:rebel_coucnil@mac.com(/url)rebel_coucnil@mac.com

Firstly, any message to the moderators is best emailed to Chamrin, who is in charge of emails (her address is available by clicking on the link on the EV forum page.) Secondly, I'm not certain you understand: moderators are not part of Ambrosia SW, for the most part. They are people like you and me who have been given the opportunity to take up the responsibility of keeping the boards clean of language that should not exist there, and otherwise inappropriate content. They are not able to make any replies for Ambrosia SW beyond what is otherwise: multi-player EV will not occur.

However, I've heard of something called the Ares Project a while back, and it might be a good idea to look into it. I used to have a friend involved, but I haven't spoken to her in almost a year, so I'm not sure if it's still going, but it looked like the closest thing to multi-player EV (O/N).

Lastly, EV isn't unique, or anywhere near it. Frontier might have been able to make such a claim in its earlier days, but EV definately can't.

(none of the above to be taken as offensive, I'm in one of my moods and I wouldn't be surprised if I said something I didn't mean, so sorry if I did!)

-Lyat Esponer Corsair

The reason that all multiplayer EV topics get locked is because it's been answered over and over and over again: "no". A post about it can even be found in the FAQ (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum28/HTML/000010.html")here.(/url)

I'm sorry, but it just isn't going to happen.


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
Firstly, any message to the moderators is best emailed to Chamrin, who is in charge of emails (her address is available by clicking on the link on the EV forum page.)

Chamrin is a he.

(url="http://"http://www.evula.com/")EVula,(/url) your friendly (url="http://"http://www.evula.com/")self-promoting(/url) EV & EVO Boards/Addon/Newswire/Chronicles moderator
(url="http://"http://www.evula.com/")EVula.com(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.evula.net/")evula.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.ev-nova.net/")ev-nova.net(/url)
(url="http://"http://pftn.evula.net")pftn.evula.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://plugs3.evula.net")plugs3.evula.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://saberstudios.evula.net")saberstudios.evula.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://davidarthur.evula.net")davidarthur.evula.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://ucplugs.evula.net")ucplugs.evula.net(/url)

I'm sorry to bother you guys about the multiplayer EV but I'v always thought it would be great for ambrosia because of so many people I'v told about Nova who say that they wont get a game that big if it can't go online. (if ya ask me EV O/N is the best game I'v ever played) but I have to agree multiplayer would kick it up a few notches. but you guys are the experts if you think it's too much work that isn't worth it thats fine with me. 🙂

Stephen Lody

(This message has been edited by Lody (edited 08-10-2002).)

thanks for all of your help and opinions.

Stephen Lody


Originally posted by Lody:
**thanks for all of your help and opinions.


Any time.

My opinions have been known to cause cancer in laboratory animals.


Joseph Payne - (url="http://"mailto: joseph.payne@tmgmedia.net ")mailto: joseph.payne@tmgmedia.net (/url) joseph.payne@tmgmedia.net

What if someone gathered together a massive Charlie-Foxtrot of devoted fans to create the multiplayer? In EVula's link, it sounded like Moki wasn't going to do it because it would be too much work. Could a whole crap-load of devoted followers program the multiplayer function (with the consent of ASW and ATMOS, of course)?

I used to be indecisive. Now I'm not so sure.
1100 posts as of 8.08.2002 5:37 PM (8:37 ASW time)

But how would that work? would 2 players just be flying around trying to domanate the galixy? or would you put them up agenst each other? or what. ive been pondering this for some time. I did'nt post Because i thought i would be karmaslapped and topic locked.

"You can pick your friends, you can pick your nose. But you cant pick your friends nose."- Me


Originally posted by EVula:
Chamrin is a he.

Is it entirely necessary to point out so slight a mistake, EVula? Although I'll confess, I originally thought both of you were female by name. It's your own damn fault.

-Lyat Esponer Corsair

Personally, I feel that Lody's pilot area is an exellent idea - it would be unrealistic to have a multiplayer based too closely on the actual EV gameplay. In a galaxy of. what, 100 systems, how often would players run into each other? I think that andrew wouldn't object to someone writing a small program to this effect, although you'd have to ask him yourself.

"Ever noticed how creationists look really unevolved?"
- Bill Hicks

you would also have the problem with time, if one player is traveling a lot and the other player goes and makes a sandwich, the first player would be days ahead of the second one. therefore making it highly unlikely that they'd meet. or if one had a three day jump and the other a two day, it would be inconvienient to both players.

a multiplayer ev o/n sounds like an awesome idea, but when you get down to machanics it's just too tough or annoying to bother with. but we can still dream.

The future is uncertian and the end is always near...

Personally, I LOVE the idea of a MultiPlayer, online EV game. If the followers of the game where to develop this capability, it would be an unprecedented event. Sure, there are kinks to be worked out like the concept of the passing of time, what happens when more than one player domninates a planet, etc. I have possible solutions to this problem.

If this idea were to ever become a a reality, more important questions would need answering like who is going to implement the code and who is going to beta test it, etc. As for me, I volunteer my services as design artist, HTML programmer, beta tester and development consultant. Any other takers?

Also, for EVula and Charmin, Silver Dragon thought I was a female, too. Wishful thinking?

I came here to kick ass
and chew bubblegum...
and I am all out of

thank you so much for your support cosmicfungus other than you and tiamat it seems like a rough crowed hehehe but no surprises there considering the moderators have never seemed to be too keen on multiplayer EV

about your days situation cody I wasn't exactly thinking there would be days in the arena no missions either and no place to buy things just systems that you can use as your game like a B.net game and you could make a privet system with a password.

as for dominating planets that would be another type of game (the first being a pilot battle only)

I'll be happy to answere any problems with my Idea you can think of because I'v been thinking about this FOREVER.

and thaks so much for not instantly locking this cause it seems I have some sgreeing frineds 🙂 🙂 🙂

Stephen Lody

I'm sorry I didn't cover this in my last post but I just remembered about the big group of people making something like this happen I have thought about that many times but we OF COURSE must ask the ATMOS and ASW teams first (plus I'm not much of a person to do all this kind of stuff) I have always wanted to try to do it but it doesn't seem like ASW or ATMOS is really ready to let anyone try this :frown: and like I said I'm not good enough at this kind of stuff to try and do it even if I had permission from them. :frown:

but if the leaders of ASW and ATMOS got the Idea to very suddenly change theyre mind I'd be happy to help a team make my Idea real 🙂 but I dought any of that is possible :frown:

all we would need to do for the arena is use resedit to add all the ships weapons pics and sounds to one game and make it like a multiplayer plug 🙂 but I may be wrong about that cause I don't even know anything but the resedit part (hahahaha) 😉

Stephen Lody

Well, it could just be a big chatroom.


From Dudeman350:

Hey Rawzer, join me in the Levo bar!

Rawzer (who's on Spica) jumps two systems over and lands on Levo. Takes about 20 seconds. He goes to the bar to chat. If someone were to see him land, he would disappear. It could be done with just Levo, I guess. But each system/planet could be a seperate room. Players could leave at the same time to battle. Or some jerk could lie in wait to beat up newbies as they leave a planet. It could work, if someone wanted to do it, but no one does. Oh well.

"So this is it. We're going to die."
"Would you stop saying that?!"

I see, thats much more simple than I thought. I know enough about using resedit to be dangerous to myself but not much good other than that. I know how to optimize the colors in a graphic, apply an alpha channel for transparency. I dont understand much about actually programming the code that drives the game.

I was envisioning a full multi-player, network ready version of EV -- which would be prohibitively complicated. The issue of time passing is handled simply -- for every five minutes of game time spent in stellar flight a day would pass. Even if they go to the kitchen to make a snack. As for multiple players dominating a planet - I say the most recent person to dominate a planet should get full possesion - this will create conflict between powerful players. Also, a player should be able to hire another player for a mission. Player should be able to join teams... It should be possible for a team to dominate a planet.

I agree that permission from ASW is needed to pursue these ideas. I didn't recognize the other party you mentioned, but I am sure they would need to agree too. Of course that is probably more of an obsticle than our ignorance of code and any gameplay related issues. too bad. :frown:

Any other thoughts?

I came here to kick ass
and chew bubblegum...
and I am all out of