The Independent People's Escape Velocity Webstory

OOC - Bari, that post is outright rejected, and I'm sure people will have to agree. Why?

The Confederation never made any modification to Lethe's politics, taxes or no. We barely went NEAR the damn place. There is NO Confederate fleet in Lethe. The Confederation have NOT crippled or damaged Lethe's economical situation in any way. The situation of the Lethe-Cydonia war is entirely unclear, and you can NOT come to any conclusions on that.

That post is complete nonsense, and I will not accept its existance.

As for you quitting, if you're not even going to pay attention and then be "surprised" when people suddenly note things, maybe it would be a good idea.


Seven new CR-1095B heavy cruisers and seven FF-4237B frigates, the latter being taken from earlier designs in production of a new model of frigate, seen in the C.S.S. Furious previously, are now being produced. The surplus economic power is being directed towards improving the agricultural supply output of New Japan and New Britain.

Confederate Navy
Battlefleet Status

Status Report:
• Fleets upgraded with a CR-1095B and FF-4237B, including 5th Fleet.

Alpha Fleet (flagship: C.S.S. Bahamut) -- Farazon
Beta Fleet (flagship: C.S.S. Triad) -- Tiber
3rd Fleet -- Capella
4th Fleet -- El Santo
5th Fleet -- Matar
6th Fleet -- Altair
7th Fleet -- Regulus
Scoutship Positions -- Curzon, Perseus, Gamera, Alcyon, Pelagon

-Lyat Esponer Corsair

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 05-20-2002).)

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 05-20-2002).)

Espona's fleet still maintained the blockade of Lethe, and had built an extra Kestrel. Several Torpedo Launchers were also placed on New Cydonia. Having given the civillians ample time to evacuate, Espona made his move. Moving to just at the most extreme range that his torps could fire, Espona began pummeling Lethe's defenses. His ships would move into the extreme range, launch a volley of torpedos, and move back out again. This would continue until all of Lethe's defenses had been destroyed. Soon, nothing was left to oppose Espona's ships but the fleet on Lethe.

"He said no! Now we have to use the damn pigeons!"

(This message has been edited by Espona (edited 05-20-2002).)

ok, there are a few things
A) Where the hell did you build another kestrel?
🆒 What difference does it make if there are torp launchers on new cydonia?
C) You cannot expect to simply take absolutely no losses by that strategy. Your capital ships with torpedoes, the kestrels would:

  1. run out of torpedoes before you destroyed all the Defenses
  2. be too slow to get in range, lock on, fire, decelerate, turn around, and get back out without geting hit by the defensive torpedoes, which would have fired before you got in range knowing you would have to fly in closer and therefore hit you.

With those taken into effect: My post is as follows

The seige was tedious, they always were. The torpedo fire from the defense installations had been concentrated on 1 ship at a time, and 2 ships were currently damaged so badly that they had to retreat back out of the atmosphere. However, Nick's own torpedo batteries were severely diminished. When the Kestrels finally ran out of torpedoes, night had fallen, and Nick's torpedo batteries had been completely destroyed as well, along with a handful of proton batteries, bringing the total number of cannons down to 40.

Nick ordered that power be diverted from the evacuated city to bolster the shielding of the batteries, and of the landed ships of his fleet.

Message to Rebel HQ, Plashife
cc: Macavenger(forget your character's name)
Priority: Urgent
I am requesting backup at Lethe Prime. I know that they will not attack such a heavily fortified emplacement alone, but it's only a matter of time before they bring up reenforcements. Please, make all haste to Lethe, and we can smash the ally of teh Confederates between us.

(End Transmission)

(Insert Clever Remark Here)


Originally posted by BariSaxGuy5:
**ok, there are a few things
A) Where the hell did you build another kestrel?
🆒 What difference does it make if there are torp launchers on new cydonia?
C) You cannot expect to simply take absolutely no losses by that strategy. Your capital ships with torpedoes, the kestrels would:

  1. run out of torpedoes before you destroyed all the Defenses
  2. be too slow to get in range, lock on, fire, decelerate, turn around, and get back out without geting hit by the defensive torpedoes, which would have fired before you got in range knowing you would have to fly in closer and therefore hit you.


(OOC:) i disagree. Espona's fleet could have been on the other side of the planet entirely. it would take time for the torps to turn. consider this: they move in and fire where your base will be by the time the torps got there. now when you fire your torps will also have to turn giving Espona's fleet time to get out of range. there is nothing to realy say to this so just accept that Espona destroyed most of Lethe Prime's defences before running out of ammo. (/OOC:)

Insanity has its advantages

Well, if that's true then I could have fired around the other way of the planet, couldn't I have? Just accept my way that it happened, I think it's pretty fair for both sides. Although I still await answeres for A and B

(Insert Clever Remark Here)

The lethal Rapiers of the Zaxted BattleGroup surged towards the massed Diphidian fleet. They fired off volley after volley of torpedo fire, weaving in and out of range. This tactic forced the Diphidian defenders, lightnings, and Rapiers to counter, rapidly closing in on RakŐs Rapiers. However, they were quickly intercepted and engaged by RakŐs large force of lightnings and corvettes. The battle was vicious. However, utilizing superior firepower and sheer numbers, Rak emerged victorious. The fledging Diphidian fleet regrouped near their home planet to prepare their next move.

RakŐs fleet:
2 Kestrels (including Death Incarnate)
3 Corvettes (One lost)
8 Rapiers (Two lost)
10 Lightnings (Four lost)
1 Kestrel-S
1 Bulk Freighter
1 Confederate Cruiser Mk. II
2 Confederation Cruisers
1 Confederation Flagship

Diphidian Fleet:
0 Defenders (All lost)
2 Corvettes (One lost, one heavily damaged)
3 Rapiers (One lost)
0 Lightnings (All lost)

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams; live the life you've imagined!"
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Event Horizon: (url="http://"")Rauther Power Industries Inc.(/url) - (url="http://"")Event Horizon Sign-Up(/url)
Macavenger's EV Webstory: (url="http://"")Sign-Up Thread(/url)

(OOC: Dragon, the move for Skyblade’s fleet was absolutely unhindered by Farazon, and did go to Orion. Perhaps you forgot that it originated in Satori, and has a direct line to Orion?)

-Begin Hypercomm Transmission-
(From: Jason Turner, President, INN)
(To: Alan West)
(Copy: Rico Commision, Morgan Anderson)
(Priority: High)

Mr. West, I feel you should know that analysis of INN logs indicates that there was no coverage of any lockout of the Zaxted system prior to the scouting run in question. You may be unfairly blaming Mr. Anderson for your own error in failing to transmit notice of such lockout to us. I say again, there was no public notice on this station.

Jason Turner
President, INN

-End Message-

(OOC: Rak, go back and check the topic - you never said anything except to your own advisors.)

-Begin Hypercomm Transmission-
(From: Morgan Anderson)
(To: Prime Minister Alan West)
(Copy: INN, Rico Commision)
(Priority: High)

Mr. West, I received no transmissions from your security forces or any other source before or after entering the system, unless Consolidated Mk. 83 Missiles count as transmissions - perhaps we should check with Consolidated and the Confederation classification committees on that. I was not informed that was I was doing was considered in violation of your sovereignty, and, as I see INN has already informed you, there was no notice from them either. My lawyer will be speaking with the Rico Commision representatives on Levo shortly, and dealing with the charges against me. Unfortunately, since you can't hide as well as I can, and the charges that will soon be against you are more significant and fact-based, you may find them more problematic. Good Day.

-End Transmission-


Anderson's lawyer was even then in court on Levo. After submitting several briefs and evidence documents to the Court, he addressed the judge.

“Your honor, I am here today to address the charges brought by the Rico Commission against my client, Morgan Anderson. He has authorized me to make the following pleas in his absence: To the charge of intentional violation of the sovereignty of Zaxted, Not Guilty; to illegal espionage, No Contest; to illegal interception of coded messages, No Contest; to conspiracy to kill independent nationals, Not Guilty; and to illegal IFF Beacon modification, Guilty.

“Further, I move that the two charges for which he ahs plead Not Guilty, intentional violation and conspiracy, be dismissed on the grounds of the evidence submitted to the court by myself. In summary, the evidence states that he was never warned that the Zaxted system was closed to traffic, and that, when in the system, he never opened fire, and thus cannot have attempted to kill anyone.

“If this issue can swiftly be resolved now, Anderson is willing to pay the fines for the other three offenses, and need never come here in person.”

As Anderson’s lawyer sat down, the prosecuting attorney rose. “If it please the court, I have an announcement,” he informed the judge.

“Proceed, council.”

“On behalf of the Rico Commission, I withdraw the charges of intentional violation of the sovereignty of Zaxted and conspiracy to kill independent nationals. Our original evidence in this cas e was based on inaccurate information, and have been revealed to be entirely baseless.”

“Very well. The said charges shall be removed from the record.”

“As Mr. Anderson has plead Guilty or No Contest to all other charges, I fine him the legal amount for those offenses, that amount being 500,000 credits.”

As Morgan’s lawyer paid the fine with the Baliff using funds from a credit line against Anderson’s funds, the council for the Rico Commission continued. “If it please the court, the Rico Commission has new charges related to this case that we should like to introduce at this time.” Anderson’s lawyer looked at him suspiciously, but said nothing.

“You may proceed.”

“The Rico Commission charges Prime Minister Alan West of Zaxted with the following offenses: Conspiracy to kill independent nationals, in the matter of Zaxted forces illegally firing on Morgan Anderson; perjury; and lying to an investigator. The second two charges carry fines only, the first can be life in prison or the death penalty. Unless the first charge later be dropped, Mr. West must appear in this court within thirty days. However, the Rico commission is in possession of sensor and communications logs indicating that this charge should at least be brought to the courtroom at this time.”

The crowd began murming, and after pounding for order, the judge asked if there were any other motions at the present time. When there were none, he adjourned the court.


Jeff Daniels looked at the ring of ships surrounding his planet sadly.

He new, ultimately, that Diphidia would prevail in this struggle. Unfortunately, it was likely to be lost first.

He would try once more to execute a diplomatic solution. If that failed, it would probably be time to try for a government in exile while the courts took Zaxted to pieces.

-Open Intrasystem Communication-
(From: Jeff Daniels, Prime Minister, Diphidia II)
(To: Alan West)
(Copy: Zaxted Invasion Fleet, Liat Corsair, INN, Rico Commission)
(Priority: Urgent)

I have decided one last time to attempt to make you see sense, and back down from this course of action before you destroy yourselves.

This is the final official warning: The forces of Astex, the Confederation, and Zaxted are banned from this system. Those currently present must withdraw within the hour.

To Mr. West, your declaration of war against us is entirely in error; the charges you specify against, while they could be valid, are entirely baseless. The court system will bear us out on this if necessary, however, we believe it is in the best interests of all concerned if you peaceably withdraw now.

Your first charge is that you have come to bring justice to the Defense Minister of Diphidia II. The fact of the matter is, we currently have no Defense Minister. Diphidia II is a peaceful planet. We have increased our forces recently, it is true, but they are designed solely to police our system and defend it from Pirates, and are so few in number that such a position has never been implemented. This is a matter of public record; none of the official records of this planet are classified, and you can see this for yourself. (OOC: Rak, as I’ve said many times now, Anderson has never yet accepted a position with Diphidia II. The only mention of it was an off the record conversation in the PM’s office. Anderson has no official standing with Diphidia II as of yet.)

Your second charge is that we are violating human rights in concert with the Deneb Argo Combine. This is equally ludicrous. Diphidia II has no current affiliation with that organization. We have received correspondence from Deneb III in regards to it, but none of this has been acted on by our legislature. Further, all information available to us indicates the this DAC has not, in fact, committed any Human Rights violations.

I am giving you one last chance to withdraw peacefully from our system, and never return. Failure to comply will result in war crimes charges being levied in court.

Jeff Daniels

-End Transmission-

With that, Daniels turned back to overseeing the evacuation of civilians from the capital, and also watched his tracking display. “I really hope, for the sake of all those Marines out there, that West chooses to accept my offer,” he muttered. Also to no one in particular, he added, “Anderson, wherever you are, get the hell back here, could you? A little help right now would be good.”

(OOC: Rak, that battle post nees work - Diphidia's defenders are all in the atmosphere, and if you try to attack them, you risk the ground based emplacements in the capital. request you edit that, and consider the message I just sent.)


The commander of the Tiber fleet were getting concerned. A significant portion of the fleet had been lost, without inflicting too much damage on the Confederate fleet. However, the Confed fleet itself was now low on ammo, from its barrage against the station and defending itself from his Destroyers.

Then the fleet from Agena hypered into the system and opened fire.

The Confederate fleet, low on ammunition, could not respond with much counterfire right away. The fleet moved in behind a wall of torpedoes launched by the Destroyers, savaging the Confederation ships already damaged by Torpedo fire. The station launched 5 more Destroyers, its defense fleet, which also fired torpedoes.

Meanwhile, the 40 Mantas from the Agena fleet split into two sections. One group of about 15 aided the remaining Mantas from the Tiber fleet in cleaning the battlefield of Confederate fighters. The other split into two packs, and each pack swarmed a Confederate Frigate. The Frigates, quickly overwhelmed by the massive fighter swarms thrown against them, began dropping rapidly, able to inflict only attrition losses on the Mantas. Meanwhile, the remaining Destroyers formed into three large packs and began assaulting individual Confederate Cruisers, while the Rebel Cruisers advanced.

Now, it was the Confederate fleet’s turn to find itself boxed up, low on ammo, and suffering heavy losses

Fleet status:
8 Cruisers (most heavily damaged)
1 Flagship
4 Frigates
19 Patrol ships
(OOC: Fighter losses realistic, as Rebel Cruisers would concentrate on fighters, which they are quite well suited to taking out.)

Rebel Combined Fleet:
6 Cruisers
15 Destroyers (counting Tiber defense)
38 Mantas


-Begin Hypercomm Transmission-
(To: Liat Corsair)
(From: Morgan Anderson, Special Consultant to the Rebellion)
(Copy: INN)
(Priority: High)

Mr. Corsair, according to my information, your information about the Lethe system is false. You have left operatives in control of their government, which have not allowed them to take actions you oppose that have nothing to do with Cydonia. Specifically, I refer to your apparently preventing them from joining the DAC, which has nothing to do with you or Cydonia. This gives lie to your assertion that they would be left alone. Deneb has not interfered with their government, as nearly as I am able to determine, aside from chasing off your officers and allowing Lethe to resume control of itself.

As for the matter of the Rebellion, I do not hold you responsible for anything done in the past, I hold you responsible for the unfounded aggression of the present. The aggression you show now, and by declining an entirely just and equal peace treaty, is proof enough that your current government is as we remember the Confederation of old. You claim the treaty is not in accord with your political interests because your interests are in conquest – there can be no other explanation, for the treaty we offered treated the Confederation and Rebellion equally – effectively, both governments were to be destroyed, and a neutral panel of all planets would decide the rest.

The Rebellion has not started this phase of the war. There have been no Rebel attacks on the Confederation for months. We sought to end this war with a just peace – now you insist on perpetuating it. How can that prove that your intentions are honorable, and devoted to peace? Quite simply, it cannot.

I offer this text to the media so that the citizens of the galaxy can form their own interpretation of the Confederations actions. Everything I have stated herein is true, and is all a matter of public record, easily verifiable. Give it what weight you will.

Morgan Anderson

-End Transmission-


- INN Special Report -

Today, a large group of protesters, estimated at over 50,000 strong, marched outside the Confederation Senate on Earth, demanding Liat Corsair’s resignation and the acceptance of the peace treaty offered by the Rebellion. Leaders of the march said that they have lost faith in the Confederation, and no longer feel that its cause against the Rebellion is just in light of the rejection of the equal peace recently offered by the Rebellion.

In other news, the Rico commission resolved its case against Morgan Anderson today, levying only fined against him, which have been paid. In the same case, they have filed various charges against Prime Minister Alan West, including


-Begin Hypercomm Transmission-
(To: Deneb III)
(From: Morgan Anderson, Special Consultant to the Rebellion)
(Copy: Acting-PresidentWIlk)
(One time cipher pad with pass as long as message)
(Priority: Urgent)

While we have no official relations at this time with Deneb III, I am willing to consider your request, as the predations of the Confederation and their allies are of grave concern to us. However, I regret to inform you that no fleets are positioned such that they can readily come to your aid at this time.

Acting-President Wilk is the commander of the nearest fleet, stationed in Sirgil. If you desire assistance, I recommend you contact him. His fleet would have to cross Confederate territory to get to you, and in light of that fact, combined with the facts that he outranks me and we have no official relations with you, means that this is his decision.

Capt. Anderson

-End Transmission-

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

West was interrupted in his hotel room by a Federal Marshal. ŇSir, you are expected to be at Levo for trial in thirty days. You have been charged with the crime of perjury, lying to an investigator, and conspiracy to kill nationals.Ó

West sighed, ŇAll right. Thanks.Ó

He promptly signed out of his hotel, and canceled his reservations for the upcoming month. He boarded his Confederation Cruiser Mk. II and blasted off into space. He requested a small detachment of Confederate ships to guard him on his way to Levo.

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams; live the life you've imagined!"
Military Technology: (url="http://"")Army(/url) - (url="http://"")Navy(/url) - (url="http://"")Air Force(/url) - (url="http://"")Defense Links(/url)
Event Horizon: (url="http://"")Rauther Power Industries Inc.(/url) - (url="http://"")Event Horizon Sign-Up(/url)
Macavenger's EV Webstory: (url="http://"")Sign-Up Thread(/url)

OOC: Macavenger, sorry, you're clear to Orion, but I suspected you meant Osiris. If you'll note my post, what I said was "the Rebels find nothing in Orion, and can't get to Osiris". That's all - I actually said you got there, so I don't see what the argument

Also, your battle in Tiber is against a few of the Confederate's plans. 1) Our fighters are not out and about. I never even deployed our fighters, so I don't see how you expect to be destroying them. 2) Your tolls on the Confederate fleet from torpedoes is unrealistic. I counted overall damage and shields, you fall short majorly (eight destroyers have enough power to drag down one cruiser only). 3) Since my ships are currently in a large pack, you couldn't target a single frigate and expect it to be "overwhelmed". Each pack of 20 Mantas would draw the fire of every other ship in the fleet, and since that comes to a lot of ships, the Mantas would be obliterated without competition. 4) "individual Confederate Cruisers" - oxymoron in this case. You're dealing with everything or nothing. In this situation, Macavenger:

  1. You don't have enough torpedoes to destroy more than 1-2 cruisers and 3-4 frigates (and I've accounted for some of those losses in my revised fleet status). At this point, you're just about out of torpedoes, and so are we. Long ranged combat only lasts for a very short time in these types of engagements.

  2. If any of your ships attack, they'll deal with all our capital warships. And not to forget, once we count you as out of torps/missiles (we know your counts for both, and our people can add up), our patrol fighters come out, and remain under cover of the warships.

  3. If you don't make a major frontal attack on us now, we'll take Port Oread.

Fleet status: (Revised)
10 CR-1095s
1 CR-1096
8 FF-4237s
(all Patrol Ships)

Rebel Combined Fleet:
6 Cruisers
15 Destroyers (counting Tiber defense)
(Mantas annihilated)

On to your message:

  1. I blocked your messages.
  2. If you'll note RMA's post, the Confederate officials were acting on their own accord. We are not responsible for them, and they are logged as "missing in action, presumed dead".
  3. Deneb forced Lethe to build vessels that Deneb would use. We did absolutely nothing - and I mean this, I won't repeat it again. We pacified their fleet, messaged them, and sent a few officials down to just generally be around the headquarters. At no point did we have any authority over the Lethean government.

Onto INN...I'm disputing this, Macavenger. You don't control my population, and I won't let you. If you would argue that you have the authority to do this, expect my immediate resignation...from this webstory and all others with you participating in.

Oh, and just to throw in your favourite insult...

Good day.

-Lyat Esponer Corsair


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**< snip>On to your message:

  1. I blocked your messages.<snip>**

SD, I understand that you severed comm links with the Rebellion. Fine. But if you think the Confederation has the power to take down the Rebellion's own comm network, we're gonna have a real problem. (If, when you severed comm links, you did not mean you disabled our ability to comm ... accept my apology for "leaping to a wrong conclusion.")

Just what do you mean by "I blocked your messages." ???

(BTW, while I suspect Mac initially confused Orion and Osiris, we are sticking to our posts. Skyblade's fleet went to Orion.)

- KK

(edit)Oops! I thought we were on the Discussion thread. Sorry for posting this here.(/edit)
Courage stands halfway between cowardice and rashness, one of which is a lack, the other an excess of courage." ... Plutarch

(This message has been edited by Kaptain Karl (edited 05-21-2002).)


Originally posted by Kaptain Karl:


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**< snip>On to your message:

  1. I blocked your messages.<snip>**

SD, I understand that you severed comm links with the Rebellion. Fine. But if you think the Confederation has the power to take down the Rebellion's own comm network, we're gonna have a real problem. (If, when you severed comm links, you did not mean you disabled our ability to comm ... accept my apology for "leaping to a wrong conclusion.")

Just what do you mean by "I blocked your messages." ???

(BTW, while I suspect Mac initially confused Orion and Osiris, we are sticking to our posts. Skyblade's fleet went to Orion.)

- KK


KK, please do keep up. It seems your little circle - Mac, you, Bari - don't like paying attention to anything I do. I blocked your messages from reaching me. Leap? Bounce?

-Lyat Esponer Corsair

(I've been composing this post for hours(!) Even though it seems like this story is falling apart, I'm posting it anyway.)

- Begin Hypercomm Transmission -

(To: Interstellar News Network)
(Copy: Confederation of Worlds HQ, Earth, Sol)
(From: Admiral Witton Wilk, Acting President, Rebellion Command)
(Subject: Declaration of War)

Though the Confederation “claims” to have severed all comm links with the
Rebellion, we doubt that. In case they really have, they will learn of this comm via

a) The leadership of the Confederation of Worlds has rejected the Rebellion's peace
🆒 The leadership of the Confederation of Worlds has ordered (and executed)
multiple militarily attacks against the Rebellion, a sovereign government of the
c) The leadership of the Confederation of Worlds has ordered (and executed)
military action against Lethe, a sovereign independent system of the galaxy.
d) The leadership of the Confederation of Worlds has ordered (and executed )
military action against Diphidia II, a sovereign independent system of the galaxy.
e) When the Denebans came to the aid of the people of Lethe, the leadership of the
Confederation of Worlds ordered (and executed) military action against the
Denebans, representatives of a sovereign system of the galaxy.

These acts by the leadership of the Confederation of Worlds each constitute acts of
war -- declared or not -- or acts of preparation for war. The Rebellion Command
believes these acts of war on the part of the leadership of the Confederation of
Worlds give the lie to their pretense of desiring peace in the galaxy.

(OOC: Dragon, it stands to reason that your Lethe action would be interpreted in two
entirely different ways by the two sides. The Rebellion will always consider your
“pacification” an “act of war.” (Geez! If we don’t disagree, how are we ever gonna
get to the fightin’???))

The leadership of the Confederation of Worlds must be stopped. It would be best if
the citizens and military of the Confederation of Worlds stopped their leaders’
corruption via their own peaceful and legal means. Unfortunately, they seem
unwilling -- or unable -- to do so. This creates a very grave period of time in the
galaxy -- a period of time which cannot be allowed to continue.

The Rebellion Command will not order clandestine operatives to capture or
assassinate the leaders of the Confederation of Worlds. These clandestine
activities would cause the Rebellion to violate its promises of non-aggression with
the a number of sovereign independent systems of the galaxy. This dilemma
severely limits our choices. We are left with one...

As of this moment, the Rebellion Command submits this Declaration of War
against the Confederation of Worlds.

Due to the size of the two antagonistic governments, the Rebellion Command
recognizes that this Declaration actually commits the whole galaxy to a state of
war. For this, we are extremely saddened. But honor and our desire for justice --
not only for the Rebellion, but for all galactic systems -- compel us. The Rebellion
Command wishes all sovereign systems and governments of the galaxy to be fully
informed of our Terms of War. Our desire is for clarity and understanding. Through
these terms the galaxy may hope to experience minimal loss of life and property.

A) An unfortunate predicament of war is the damaged relations with systems and
governments or factions not directly involved. The Rebellion begs the galaxy wide
understanding that all fleets, ships, personnel and allies of The Rebellion will
require unhindered passage within the galaxy. Therefore, all galactic prohibitions
on Rebellion travel are hereby suspended by edict of The Rebellion Command. Any
systems, governments, or factions refusing, or interfering with, Rebellion access or
passage will be regarded as hostile to The Rebellion and will be treated as such.
🆒 Any fleets or ships with IFF signatures or beacons of the Confederation of Worlds
may be considered hostile and may be treated as such. The Rebellion strongly
urges fleet and ship captains to immediately assign and identify themselves with
their independent systems and/or to formally severe ties with the Confederation ...
for their own safety.
🆒 Any system, government or faction supplying, aiding or comforting any fleets,
ships, personnel or representatives of the Confederation of Worlds will be regarded
as hostile to The Rebellion and will be treated as such.
C) Consistent with the Law Of The Sea, honored since the Terran 15th Century,
any fleets, ships and/or personnel encountered by fleets, ships, personnel and/or
representatives of The Rebellion (hereafter collectively referred to as “The
Rebellion”) will stand down when hailed, produce flight plans and/or orders for The
Rebellion's review and permit scans and/or inspections by The Rebellion. This
applies no matter what system, government or faction said fleets, ships and/or
personnel are attached to, formally or informally. Failure to comply will force The
Rebellion to regard said fleets, ships and/or personnel as hostile and The Rebellion
will treat them as such.
D) Any fleets, ships, and/or personnel falsely posing as being attached to some
system, government or faction other than their own will be regarded as hostile to
The Rebellion and will be treated as such. (This includes, but is not limited to: IFF
signatures and/or beacons, hypercomm transmissions and/or personal IDs and/or
E) No non-hostile independent system, government or faction will be compelled
to supply, aid or comfort any fleets, ships, personnel or representatives of The
Rebellion. The Rebellion still recognizes and honors the sovereignty of

This war will be considered ended when ALL of the following terms are in motion:
a) The leadership of the Confederation of Worlds has surrendered to the Rebellion.
🆒 The systems, stations, ships and personnel of the Rebellion have been returned
to Rebellion sovereignty and control.
c) The systems, stations, ships and personnel of any independent sovereign system
-- as of two Terran weeks ago -- have been returned to their original systems
and/or governments of sovereignty and control.
d) Lyat Corsair, and the entire Confederation of Worlds Cabinet resign, effective the
same time as the Confederation surrender.
e) All Confederation of Worlds military personnel above the rank of Captain resign,
effective the same time as the Confederation surrender.
f) A temporary "Coalition Synod" comprised of representatives from each
inhabited system in the known galaxy convenes at Sol within one Terran week of the
Confederation surrender. (The Synod will function under the "one system, one vote"
method. Any galactic system with an Economic Unit's worth of output, has a seat on
the Synod.)
g) The Synod's primary purpose will be to create a new Galactic Constitution
establishing our galaxy as one ruled by Law. This Constitution will be agreed at
the outset to be completed within one Terran year. The Synod's secondary purpose
will be to conduct free and open elections, placing a new Galactic Government in
power. This election will take place by the end of the Constitution ratification
process, with the new leadership to be sworn in no later than one Terran year and
72 hours from the first seating of the Synod. The Synod's tertiary purpose will be to
deliver a recommendation to the new Galactic Government of which personnel --
from any government in existence as of - C - above -- should be charged with
what war crimes. The new Galactic Government will accept the war crimes
recommendations as "indictments". It will be up to the new government whether
or not to pursue any action. These recommendations will be delivered to the new
Galactic Government with the Constitution.
h) No individual on the Synod's list of war crime indictments will be eligible for any
election to office described in - g - above.
i) If the Synod chooses to allow any members of (the former) Confederation of
Worlds Cabinet to run for office ... fine. If If the Synod chooses to institute a single
comprehensive government ... fine. If the Synod chooses to have each (or any group
of) system(s) remain independent ... fine. The citizens of the worlds in the galaxy
know best how to govern themselves.
j) Note that The Rebellion pledges to place its systems, leaders, and citizens under
the submission of this same Synod and resulting government.

Observers will note that the terms and conditions herein are more rigid than
those in our original peace proposal to the Confederation. If the Confederation
had accepted peace, this would not be necessary. So be it.

Honor Above All & God Save Us All,

Admiral Witton Wilk, Acting President, Rebellion Command

- End Transmission -

** Sirgil **

Rebellion Commander Bobby Russo’s Echo Wing was designed for speed and this
mission was tailor made for Russo’s wing. Deneb needed help and the Rebellion
would keep its word. The course was programed, the ships and crew were ready.
Echo now consisted of two Destroyers (one with fighter bay) and six ‘Vettes.

Echo hypered into the Pelagon system, hailed and informed Opal they were passing
through and formally received permission to traverse. The only glitch was when
Captain Stanhope reported her ‘Vette was in pursuit of a mysteriously flagged
Scoutship which had not only refused to stand down and be scanned, but was
making a run for the outer limits of Pelagon’s system. Stanhope reported the Scout
was fast and that just as her ‘Vette had managed to strafe the Scout, it pulled a
double crossover move, gaining enough distance to lock in its hyper drive and blast
out of the system with 22% of its shielding still intact.

After receiving permission from Opal base, Russo ordered the wing to refuel for the
rest of the trip.

When Echo jumped into the Regulus system, Russo’s wing learned “where” the
Scout had (probably) gone. (Either that, or someone on Pelagon managed to get a
message to the Feds.) The Fed 7th Fleet in Regulus was obviously anticipating Echo’s arrival.

As planned, Echo Wing’s vessels scattered in every direction; their behavior suggesting anything but these craft were a “military” wing; no formation; no “order;” no close support of one another. They frantically dodged and weaved all over Regulus space. Echo’s objective was Lethe -- engaging the Feds in head-to-head battle was not on the agenda ... yet.

Only the superior maneuverability of Echo’s ships saved most of them. One Echo ‘Vette was lost (It exited hyper space right in between two Gunships and a Frigate. The ‘Vette was shredded.) and another ‘Vette was beaten down to its armor. The agility of Echo’s ships is the only reason they managed to escape Regulus with so little damage. (But it was not easy: lots of ballistics forced the ‘Vettes and Destroyers to juke, jink and jive until they could create enough room and time to lock in their hyper jumps...)

Fortunately, Tryvin was mostly unpopulated by ships of any flag. It was a good thing, too. Echo’s ships gathered in such random fashion -- as if they were drifting into a informal social gathering -- it was quite a while before the wing took on the look of “military precision” again.

To skirt Aries, the wing continued to Deneb, where the Denebans enthusiastically refueled Echo Fleet in record time.

When the wing jumped into Alcyon there was another mystery Scoutship (The
same one as before...?) This time the fleeing Scout was not able to outrun Echo’s
Destroyers. Scratch one Scoutship.

(OOC: 1. Espona, Bari’s right about one thing -- there’s no way you “built another
Kestrel” while in any kind of orbit around a world you’re blockading. (Edit)2. I ran this battle through my simulator. I fixed it (for all the complainers.) The numbers work better now.(/Edit))

Finally reaching Lethe, by pre arrangement, one Corvette shot far into the lead
toward Lethe. As soon as her ‘Vette was in comfortable hailing distance, Captain
Grecko began the recorded message, “New Cydonian fleet, you are hereby ordered
by the Rebellion Command to cease your unlawful ...”

The Cydonians did not even let the message finish. Their response was to fire two
torps at Grecko’s ‘Vette. While she expertly out-jinked and juked the torps, the message continued.

“... attack on this sovereign system of the galaxy. Failure to immediately exit this
system will bring reprisal .”

The Rebellion had its answer in the torpedoes.... Grecko banked around and rejoined Echo Wing.

Although the missles and torpedoes of Espona’s 4 Kestrels, 8 Corvettes and 8 Lightnings were very nearly spent, Echo still had to respect the energy weapons -- especially those of the powerful Kestrels in the blockade fleet. Even so, it did not take Russo more than a few seconds to size up the situation.

“Grecko, Stanhope ... you’re with me. Sanchez, you have the other three (Corvettes). Each squad will focus everything on their own Kestrel bogie. Let’s do this and even the odds a little!” ordered Russo.

Knowing the specs of enemy ships is natural in the Rebellion. Standard Kestrels require 18 missles to disable, 20 to kill. In torps it is 11 and 13 respectively. Echo’s smallest squad had 26 missles and 12 torps at the ready and the targeting computers would quickly reveal whether the Ks were somewhat standard ... or upgraded. And un-improved Kestrels were not fast enough to outrun missles.

“Russo told us ‘No ballistics!’ as we traveled here. Now I know why. He seems like a genius this time.” keyed Captain Bell, from his ‘Vette.

“Commander, we’ve got the K closest to Lethe. See you on the surface!” squawked Commander Sanchez, from the second Destroyer.

“Roger. Just be sure to get ‘in the fold’ and break off before you’re in range of their turrets.” reminded Russo. (The “fold” was “Fighter Jock talk” for the area between a bogie’s ballistic range and energy weapon range.) Russo was counting on the Cydonians being very low on ballistics ... a pretty good bet.

As soon as they were in torpedo range, the Destroyers fired half a dozen torps as quickly as the launchers would cycle. Then they switched to missles and joined their ‘Vette escorts in firing seven or eight of those. By then, almost every ship of Echo Wing was inside the energy weapons range of the supporting Cydonian ‘Vettes and Lightnings. Every Echo ship took -- and gave -- damage as the two Echo squads wove their way back to safety.

The (speedier) missles hit the Ks first and a solid stream of ballistics pounded away at the shielding -- then the armor -- of the Ks. Both of the Kestrels imploded under the impact of the combined volleys of roughly two dozen ballistics.

Stanhope -- in the last Echo ‘Vette to clear the bogies’ energy range -- tried to lure one or two of the Cydonians away with a “wounded duck” ploy. Imagine her shock when HALF Espona’s fleet of heavy fighters charged after her(!).

“Stop playin’ around, Stanhope! Get your butt formed up!” yelled Sanchez.

The presence of the still very healthy Destroyers helped all of Echo Wing reach the protection of Lethe’s surface batteries.

The battle of Lethe was at a virtual stand-off. The Cydonian blockade of Lethe was no longer very real ... and they “might” have had six missles (and/or) torps between them all. And the Rebels were rearming on Lethe right now. The Rebel ships DID still have to respect the superior turrets of the combined Kestrels and ‘Vettes of Espona’s fleet....

“Did somebody call for assistance?” smiled Russo, as he disembarked on the docks of Lethe.

Nick’s grin beamed brilliantly in his streaked and dirty face as he returned Russo’s

“I’ve commed Fleet Command on our situation. Espona’s either gonna leave ... or
make a suicide charge. We’ll try to help him decide. How quickly can your people have us refueled and rearmed?” Russo asked.

Soon, Echo Wing was taking off from the Lethean surface. Another battle with Espona was a moment away....

** Sirgil Station **

On receiving the report that Echo Wing had made it to Lethe, Witt Wilk clapped once
sharply. It was important to all of the Rebellion Command that the first action of the
declared war would be coming to the aid of an independent friend.

Echo Wing of 21st Rebellion Fleet at Lethe
2 - Destroyers (one w/ 2 Mantas)
5 - Corvettes - fully armed and fueled. (1 lost)

Cydonian Fleet at Lethe, all down to energy weapons (and maybe) a few rockets
2 - Kestrels (2 lost)
8 - Corvettes
8 - Lightnings

“Unidentified Faction” (Fed, of course, but in the story we did not know...)
- lost one Scoutship

- KK

Courage stands halfway between cowardice and rashness, one of which is a lack, the other an excess of courage." ... Plutarch

(This message has been edited by Kaptain Karl (edited 05-22-2002).)

Tonight on the INN...
Astex Industries has sent all Cofederation military personnel out of the Antares system. Astex now considers itself an independent nation.
"In light of recent events, I believe Astex needs to try to remain out of as many conflicts as it can," said Luke, head of the Astex Industries' Defense Corps. "We are a peaceful nation. We will still sell our food to the Confederation and defend innocent Confederation traders from pirates (and any Rebel ships that might attack them) and defend other traders from pirates. However, we will not use our fleet for anything but defense. On behalf of all Astex citizens, I hope this war ends soon."

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
(url="http://"")"It's spelled Luke, but it's pronounced 'Qkrnxtl.'"(/url)

OOC:That battle post was ridiculous. My ships were apparently stupid enough to stay out of support range of each other huh? And my Kestrels apparently stayed out of the fight the whole time, doing nothing. And my ships also were seemingly stupid enough to move right into the torp batteries line of fire. Every move I made has been crticized, and I've had enough. I quit.

"He said no! Now we have to use the damn pigeons!"

Note: My resignation in no way states that the Confederation has surrendered. To be frank, if you don't find a replacement for the Confederation and decide to continue simply to destroy a government with no players, making a rally between Mac, Bari and KK all kissing each others backsides, I think you'll just have to excuse me if I laugh out loud.

-Lyat Esponer Corsair

The Killer Suits moved in on the office of Morgan Anderson. In their trail was a slew of hundreds of dead guards. They jogged towards the entrance to the Rebel command center, and opened the steel blast door.

Inside, they found the center empty. They cautiously advanced inside. Suddenly, Anderson burst out of a nearby cabinet, and launched a volley of lead, killing two Suits. The remaining Killer Suits moved in on Anderson, and unleashed a barrage of suppressive fire, forcing his head down. Meanwhile, a Killer Suit had moved in on Morgan, and propelled himself upon Anderson. Anderson has the breath knocked out of him, and he was promptly tied up and thrown onto the ground.

Alan West strode into the room. He extracted a single Desert Eagle. He went over to Morgan, who was being held down on the ground. He put the Desert Eagle to MorganŐs temple. ŇGoodbye, Mr. Anderson.Ó

West depressed the trigger. The bullet snapped seamlessly from the clip and was propelled through the gun. It exited the gun straight into AndersonŐs cranium, spinning from the pistolŐs grooves. It fragmented the thick skull bone, which rapidly shot through MorganŐs thin brain tissue, causing fatal damage. Meanwhile, the immense pressure caused by the entry of the .50 caliber bullet forced AndersonŐs brain to explode outward violently, tissue rocketing out the exit wound in a thick pulp. AndersonŐs limp body fell to the ground, dead.

(OOC: If you didnŐt get it yet, my participation is suspended as of now)

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams; live the life you've imagined!"
Military Technology: (url="http://"")Army(/url) - (url="http://"")Navy(/url) - (url="http://"")Air Force(/url) - (url="http://"")Defense Links(/url)
Event Horizon: (url="http://"")Rauther Power Industries Inc.(/url) - (url="http://"")Event Horizon Sign-Up(/url)
Macavenger's EV Webstory: (url="http://"")Sign-Up Thread(/url)

(This message has been edited by General Rak (edited 05-21-2002).)

_Mr. Anderson...what use is a phone call...

...when you have had a .50 caliber Desert Eagle unloaded into your brain?_

-Lyat Esponer Corsair

All assets of Zaxted have been ceded to the Confederation. All of Zaxted's military forces have been scrapped and disbanded except for the two Cruisers Mk. II, two Kestrels, the Kestel-S, ten Rapiers, four 'Vettes, ten Lightnings, and two newly built Confederate Frigates.

2 Cruisers Mk. II
2 Kestrels
1 Kestrel-S
10 Rapiers
4 Corvettes
10 Lightings
2 Confed Frigates

West and his fleet travel to NGC-1776, and setup camp.
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams; live the life you've imagined!"
Military Technology: (url="http://"")Army(/url) - (url="http://"")Navy(/url) - (url="http://"")Air Force(/url) - (url="http://"")Defense Links(/url)
Event Horizon: (url="http://"")Rauther Power Industries Inc.(/url) - (url="http://"")Event Horizon Sign-Up(/url)
Macavenger's EV Webstory: (url="http://"")Sign-Up Thread(/url)

(This message has been edited by General Rak (edited 05-21-2002).)

In El Santo, the Ruby fleet had finally finished up the Rebel defences, unfortunately losing a frigate to concentrated firepower, and landed preliminary invasion troops. With that done, 3 Frigates, and 1 Cruiser remained behind to keep order, and the 7 Frigates and 9 Cruisers headed for Tiber.


Admiral RMA had smiled when the second Rebel fleet had jumped into the system, for it meant the major Rebel forces in the area could be crushed. The Manta strike on the Frigates had caused some damage, but the frigates close proximity to the cruisers meant the Mantas had been shredded in seconds.

And now, the pincer movement was finished. 16 more ships jumped into the system, munitions only partially depleted, and hit the Rebel fleet from behind. The Patrol ships from both Confederate fleets launched, 80 in total. The 2 CR-105B Cruisers launcher their gunboats as well, all 4 of them. Admiral RMAs flagships kept its fighters in reserve however. The Rebels faced triple their number in ships, and Admiral RMAs flagship, along witht he 2 CR-1095B Cruisers opened fire with their particle beams. The beams smashed through countless destroyers, finaly impacting on cruisers. A Rebel cruiser smashed apart, debris spinning.

The Rebels excelled at staying at range and attacking from long range and making strafing runs, but with Confederate fleets surrounding them, they only had one way to go. And the Confederate fleet was not going to let them escape.

The battle drew on, but quite simply, the Rebels where outnumbered, outgunned, and without any hope.

On his bridge, Admiral RMA had not only been keeping tabs on the battle raging around him, but on other, more distant events. It looked like he would have no option now.

Beta Fleet began to withdraw to hyperspace jump points, its fighters reentering the Cruisers. Ruby Fleet could easily deal with the few Rebel forces left, outnumbering them badly, and also in a much better state. The Rebels had made a huge tactical error, and now they paid for it.

Beta Fleet entered hyperspace, heading towards Antares.

Ships left insystem
Ruby Fleet:9 Cruisers, 7 Frigates, 30 Patrol ships remaining


Entering Antares, Beta Fleet opened a system wide hail.
'Astex Corporation is recognised by the Confederation as a company, not a system government. This system remains under its elected officials, and Astex's takeover is not recognised. Any attempt to resist will be met with deadly force. An immediate retraction of seccession is required, or charges will be levied against Astex Corporation.'

With that, the hail terminated, and the systems defence fleet of 3 Confederate Cruisers moved to support Beta Fleet. Quite simply, Admiral RMA would not take a negative answer.


While Beta Fleet had transversed space at superluminal velocities, encrypted messages had gone out. Had it been possible for anyone without the decrypt key to decrypt them, they would have found a simple message. 'The duck flies'. It made no sense unless you happened to be of a select few. Of course, out of a population of billions, that select few was infact a large number.

On countless Confederate ships, various officers were relieved by the non-coms, and some very rapid promotions made. The story repeated itself across the Confederation, in attache office's, station commands, planetary defence centers, and anywhere the Confederation had a presence.

And on Earth, at the Parliament building, very high ranking arrests were made.

Lyat Corsair was in his office, reading over the latest reports, when his security detachment smashed in.
'Under order of Admiral RMA, you are under arrest for treason, and a failure to propagate the war effort. You will be placed on trial once the new Parliament has been elected.'
With that, the security detail leader shot Corsair with a tranquiliser, ending any resistance the now ex-leader of the Confederation may of had.


In Diphidia, the 3 Confederate ships had remained behind after the Zaxted fleet had left. They still had a job to do. The 2 Corvettes and 3 Rapiers where simply no match for the Cruisers, and they where soon obliterated. With that, a hail was sent to the planet.
'Under order of Admiral RMA, you are hearby ordered to surrender. Should you surrender now, you will significantly decrease the time until you are permitted representation to the Parliament of Worlds. Resistance will be met with force however.'


In the Regulus system, the change of ultimate command had gone smoothly indeed, and the fleet was already ready to move out and fight. However, it would not be going to assist the Cydonians. It would strike at Sirgil instead, left without the attack fleet, it would have only its defence fleet. And that was outnumbered badly.

Later on, the Confederate fleet entered Sirgil, and opened fire. The patrol ships launched, fired off their missiles, and returned to close escort of the frigates and cruisers. Any enemy ships trying to come in close to pick them off would also face every other ship in the fleet. The initial missile barrage would startle and destroy Rebel ships, leaving the Confederates in a position of supremecy.

And unfortunately for the Rebel fleet if it tried to get through Regulus, not only would it face heavy missile barrages, along with fighters strafing them while they charged for hyperspace, they would also find a scoutship in Pelagon that could outrun anything with its large fuel tanks and afterburner, but which would also return and smash into the Rebel fleet, as it hypered out, with a particle beam.

Regulus Fleet: 12 Cruisers(11 CR-1095, 1 CR-1095B(with particle beam, gunboat bay and heavier shielding), and 12 Frigates(11 FF-4237, 1 FF-4237B(Heavier shielding). 48 Patrol ships, 2 Gunboats.


In Altair, the fleet flocked to formation, and hypered out, destination: Curzon


'Today the galaxy was stunned as Admiral RMA seized the reins of power in the Confederation from the incompetant President Corsair, and promised to unite the Confederation, and put a stop to Rebellious activity. From a short statement, it is apparent that Planetary Governments are free to continue as before, and new elections for the Confederate Parliament have been ordered in order to clear out any corruption and rebel sympathisers present. Above Planetery level, Admiral RMA has made it clear that he has full powers over the war against the Rebellion, and reiterates that secedding from the Confederation is illegal and will be met with force as is due rebels. Reports indicate that all military forces have given their loyalty to Admiral RMA in the war against the Rebellion, and the few who have resisted have been honorably discharged.

'In other news, INN has been disbanded within the Federation due to rebel sympathies, and has now been blocked on all ftl frequencies. GNN has stepped forward to takeover the role of news delivery within the Confederation and beyond.'

Confederate Status

Status Report
Zaxted under Confederate control due to Zaxted vote. El Santo, Osiris, under Confederate control due to invasion. Antares is a Confederate world, not a corporate world.

Alpha Fleet (flagship: C.S.S. Bahamut) -- Farazon - Flagship and 2 Cruiser detached to Diphidia.
Beta Fleet (flagship: C.S.S. Triad) -- Antares
3rd Fleet -- Capella
4th Fleet -- Tiber
5th Fleet -- Matar
6th Fleet -- Curzon
7th Fleet -- Sirgil
Scoutship Positions -- Curzon, Perseus, Gamera, Pelagon

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

Voted most likely to be a serial killer by Insane Asylum - 2002

(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 05-22-2002).)

Luke called in his advisors. Most of them thought that Astex should go along with the 'feds... for now. Luke was hesitant about this. The large majority of the citizens of the system had asked for Astex to break away. They wanted to be completely neutral. So did Luke. But looking out at Beta Fleet, then thinking of his fleet...

Hail to Beta fleet from Astex: "We will let you send back the elected officials for now. Please be aware, however, that the people of this system may very well revolt if Astex does not achieve indepedence. Also know that Astex will no longer be a puppet of the Confederation. Luke's personal fleet (not New Providence's official defense fleet) will offer no assistance to the Confederation against the Rebellion, unless the Rebels attack Astex freighters. Do not consider this issue settled."

The INN Nightly News: Tonight's broadcast brought to you by Crystal Cola- you can see through it! The INN is no longer able to send broadcasts to the civilians of the Confederation. This is because of our supposed "Rebel sympathies." We had nothing against the Confederation. Facts are facts, viewers, as I'm sure you would agree. There was a revolt, we reported it; that was not a "Rebel sympathy." Our new emergency HQ is on Levo. Please send any hypermail to the new hmail adress: inn@levo/ In other news, Astex Industries has been demanded by Confederation Beta Fleet to let Antares remain a Confederation system. Also, glaciers on...

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
(url="http://"")"It's spelled Luke, but it's pronounced 'Qkrnxtl.'"(/url)