The Independent People's Escape Velocity Webstory

Espona sat, thoughtful, at his desk. He had been considering the offer from the Confeds. As an independant, he had always prided himself on keeping out of the political turmoil engulfing both Rebels and Confeds alike. He never thought ihmself as a supporter of wither. Now, he was being asked to pretty much jpoin the Confederation and attack the Rebels. Questions attacked his mind. Is it right to join the Confederatoin? To destroy the Rebels, who were fighting for "freedom and justice," yet even now commiting acts of brutal terror? Was the Confederation really that bad? Maybe. Maybe not....

(to: Lyat Esponer Corsair, of the Confederation)
(from: Espona of Cydonia, New Cydonia, Ares)
(encryption level green 3)


After careful consideration, I have come to the following conclusion. We shall support your endeavour to destroy the Rebels, and agree wholly with your terms. We shall attack any Rebel ships going through our system, provided they have no IFF beacon, and we will also agree to your request to attacking minor Rebel systems, provided you give us the naval assistance you promised. At the beginning of the attacks, if we see no Confederatoin ships to assist us, we will pull out of said system immedately and postpone said attack until either further notice or you give us said support. I also wish to clarify that said support must be sufficient to assist in the destruction of the Rebels in said system in the process of said attack. If this is also not true, we will follow above procedure and abandon the attack. Being independent, any promises made, especially by you, must be carried out to the fullest extent. However, to allow us to help YOU in attacking, you must help us in the vice-versa, namely destroying the Letheans. One more thing I wish to ask. Continued independence will be garaunteed, especially AFTER this cursed war is through.



"He said no! Now we have to use the damn pigeons!"

(This message has been edited by Espona (edited 05-18-2002).)

- Begin Hypercomm Transmission -

(To: Interstellar News Network)
(To: Confederation of Worlds HQ, Earth, Sol)
(From: Admiral Witton Wilk, Rebellion Acting-President, Sirgil)
(Copy: Captain Morgan Anderson, Consultant and Strategist)

Please know that the revisions to the Rebellion Peace Plan, specified in Captain Morgan Anderson's recent comm are wholly ratified and approved by the Rebellion Command.

- End Transmission -

Courage stands halfway between cowardice and rashness, one of which is a lack, the other an excess of courage." ... Plutarch

Corsair was deathly calm as he received the two messages. He listened to them both without even blinking, and looked up to one of his advisors, Lariat.

"As I've told you, president, all Confederate leaders eventually have to come to the conclusion..." Lariat murmured softly.

Corsair nodded. He felt like he was about to cry, and yet at the same time he felt as cold as iron. "I understand." He nodded firmly. "We all try to explain to our brothers what is truly going on, but the power of Rebel propaganda has gone too far...there is nothing for it."

"May I add, president, that you have come the closest yet. Many people have begun to realise what is going on."

"More West than I," Corsair replied quietly. "Okay, let it be done. If the world will not see the evil of the Rebellion, then we must act on it, and pray that there are pieces for us to pick up after all this."

"You realise that they will view it as a victory, of course," Lariat noted. "It may have a result worse than if you'd never tried. But... I can understand. A young president like yourself, who has realised that the Confederation is only trying to help mankind, it is natural. What is your first move?"

Corsair looked down upon the sheets of paper, and a faint smile came to his face. "Lethe, I believe. We may have to stop trying to explain who we are, but we can still do good. Patch a message to Syrias immediately. Alpha Fleet is needed."


Alpha Fleet had made its way quickly against the four systems between Antares and Lethe. As they had been on standby, they were moving only minutes after the message, send in the highest security, came. A message was also dispatched to RMA and West explaining the situation.

The Alpha Fleet entered the Lethe system, and Syrias hailed the planet as a whole.

"The Confederation of Worlds is ending the Lethe-Cydonia war. Surrender, or under military war law, you will be destroyed. No citizens will be harmed or politicans tried."

A number of Letheans resisted, and each ship was systematically asked to surrender. Those that denied the surrender were quickly disabled by the combined power of eleven CR-1095 heavy cruisers, twelve FF-4237 frigates and the C.S.S. Bahamut. All ships with escape pods were allowed to escape as they saw necessary, and other than one Defender pilot, no losses were incured.

The disabled ships were left as they were, fearing that their captains would self-destruct should the people be evacuated by Confederation forces. Alpha Fleet surrounded Lethe Prime, and waited half an hour before sending a message to the Cydonians.

-Begin Hypercomm Transmission-
(From: Alpha Fleet, Lethe)
(To: Cydonian HQ, New Cydonia, Aries)
(Priority: Medium)

The Lethe's defensive capabilities have been nullified. One casualty has been incured. In the future, please contact the Confederation, and we will end all wars that you may be involved in with similar or less damage.

(end message)

A message of mourning was send to the family of the pilot, explaining the situation lightly, but leaving them to be. The Lethe headquarters was then hailed.

-Begin Hypercomm Transmission-
(From: Alpha Fleet)
(To: Lethe HQ, Lethe Prime, Lethe)
(Priority: Medium)

The water rights will be shared 50:50, and monitored by a Confederate personnel officer regularly. This war has ended. If you continue military actions against Cydonia, further action will be taken.

None of your leaders will be tried.

(end message)

With that, the Alpha Fleet made its way back to Antares, after a brief and rather hilarious engagement, leaving behind several inspectors to monitor the government.


-Begin Hypercomm Transmission-
(From: Confederation of Worlds HQ, Earth, Sol)
(To: Rebellion HQ, Palshife, Satori)
(Copy: Known Space)
(Priority: Low)

Your terms are being considered.

(end message)


Meanwhile, now that the new vessels had been produced, it was discovered that the economy of the Confederation would be unable to support another enlargement for a period of time. However, instead of a large-scale fleet enlargement, a station was going to be constructed.

This station, Omicron Asteroid Refinery, would be similar in design to Enyo Fuel Refinery. It would refine minerals from asteroids, and would be placed in Zebetrious. Its defence fleet would be supplied from Barnard, Eridani and Sol.

Confederate Navy
Battlefleet Status

Status Report:
• 4 Corvettes, 5 Rapiers, 3 Argosies disabled.
• 1 Defender destroyed.
• Lethe defence & attack force defeated.
• Minor fleet damage incured.
• Alpha Fleet returning to Antares from Lethe.

Alpha Fleet (flagship: C.S.S. Bahamut) -- Pollux
Beta Fleet (flagship: C.S.S. Triad) -- Farazon
3rd Fleet -- Capella
4th Fleet -- NGC-6564
5th Fleet -- Matar
6th Fleet -- Altair
7th Fleet -- Regulus
Scoutship Positions -- Curzon, Perseus, Gamera, Alcyon, Pelagon

-Lyat Esponer Corsair

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 05-18-2002).)

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 05-18-2002).)

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 05-19-2002).)

Espona was quite suprised at the how quickly the Letheans had been defeated. He was happy that their little war was over, but still, it was a demonstration of Confederation military might, and it was slightly unsetteling. Still, provided that the Confederation president wasn't a horrible totalitarian (Espona doubted that) a message of thanks was in order.

(to:Lyat Esponer Corsair, of the Confederation)
(from: Espona, of Cydonia, New Cydonia, Ares)
(encryption: 0)

Hello again, Mr. President.

I wish to present my heartfelt thanks to your quick and decisive actions against the Letheans. This brings up my trust of you, and now I suppose it will soon be time to return the favor. Just remember, don't forget your promises.


"He said no! Now we have to use the damn pigeons!"

Anderson was sitting in the command center, thinking. The Confederation's response to the peace proposal had been quite predictable; they were stalling for time, not accepting the proposal, which would destroy them, nor allowing him to accuse them of rejecting it, which would also destroy them. Dammit, Wilk, if only you'd built in a time limit, he thought. It's still useful, though. Buys us time. Now if I can just think of something to with it...

He'd been looking over reports absently, and one caught his attention. A Rebel sympathizing merchant passing through the Altair system had noticed a large Confederation convoy headed for Zaxted some time ago. Curious. Zaxted had been gearing up for war, and seemed uninclined to allow anyone in their space. Could they be working with the Confederation? The convoy had been big - this was no routine cargo convoy, it was clearly something special.

Morgan dug deeper. Zaxted's Prime Minister was a man by the name of West, well known throught much of space. Dangerous, cunning man. Why would he work for the Confederation? Morgan thought he remembered reading about West and his motives somewhere before. He thumbed through his collection of books, pulled out one called Intergalactic Powers and Power Players, and thumbed through it.

Ah, here it was - the selection he'd been looking for:

Background: Most analysts believe that West was born in New York City on Earth. However, recent evidence suggests that he was instead born on Liberty Station. Soon after birth his family moved to an upper class neighborhood in Capella. When he was several years old his parents were gunned down by Rebel Terrorists. He was placed under the guardianship of his uncle, David West, a prominent politician and Chairman of Atinoda Corporation. His Uncle endowed West with all sorts of advanced technology, including a comprehensive schooling in advanced simulated warfare and advanced firearms training. West went to a prestigious private educational institution, and graduated with honors. He immediately went to top rated college of the time, Harvard, where he graduated in record time. He earned a triple major (economics, computer sciences, and psychology). He also minored in a multitude of subjects including sovietology, political sciences, statistics, theoretical mathematics, and aerospace engineering. He went on to garner a law degree and an MBA degree.

He read it more closely. The incident on Capella was certainly real, but it didn't seem like the sort of mission the Rebellion would condone. This would bear some investigation.


After spending several hours searching through Rebellion files, Anderson confirmed that the attack was in fact not a sanctioned Rebel operation. But that did leave open the question of exactly what it had been. Morgan's natural first thought was to wonder if the Confederation could have staged the raid, in order to stir up their own people. However, he certainly wasn't about to accuse them of that; he had no evidence, and didn't really even have enough to refute the popular belief that it had been a Rebel attack. But the truth needed to be found out, whatever it might be. And Morgan knew he was the man to find it. It would be tricky, but might be possible. He was going to need to talk to his XO, though.

-Open Holocomm Transmission, Encrypt and Secure-
-Link: Morgan Anderson, Akio; Gavin Bowman, Quicksilver-
-Secure line established; encyption confirmed-

"Captain! Good to see you, sir. What do you need?"

"Gav, I need you to bring the Quicksilver back to me on Akio now. I'm going to need her for some special ops."

"Yes sir. I'm over in Agena right now; it'll take me a little while to get back to you."

"Agena!? What the fracas are you doing down there?"

I've been monitoring a Confederate fleet, sir. One just came down a couple of days ago, pacified Lethe, and imposed and end to their war with New Cydonia. I was on my way back to your region, sir."

"Interesting. I'll have to think if we can use that fact. But for now, just get on back here, and be careful to avoid the entire area around Diphidia II. Even with the modifications we've made to her sensor profile since the last sighting in Zaxted, I don't want Quicksilver to be seen in that area too much. Too risky, even though they shouldn't be able to identify her."

"Understood, sir. I'll be there as soon as I can."

-End Communication-

Morgan turned away, satisfied. There would be little to do until Bowman returned, so he might as well get to work on his infiltration plans.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

“Yes, Ensign?”
“Commander Slade’s report, Sir.”
“Thank you, Ensign. Dismissed.”

Wilk finally had the specs for the Sirgil system’s 21st Rebellion Fleet from Commander Slade, Tactical Officer, Sirgil System. Considering the galactic tensions of the moment, Witt longed for three times what the stats showed. But....

Wilk preferred speed and maneuverability over brute force. He designed his fleets to be quick ... and powerful. And many successful campaigns attested to the prowess of his crew. He truly loved these guys and he would do anything for them.

Wilk’s Flagship, Vigilance, was fresh out of refurbishment. It is a Destroyer, ideally upgraded to suit Wilk’s style: maximally mass expanded (and even “tweaked” a little more than the specs say it can take) topped-out on armor, shielding and engine upgrades, all missiles and their racks swapped out for the other extras, four proton turrets, three lasers guns and a neutron blaster, a rocket launcher with 10 heavies, and 24 torps for the two torpedo launchers.

The 21st was anchored by 3 Rebel Cruisers, with bays and Mantas. There were also 6 Destroyers (4 with bays), 12 Corvettes and 20 Mantas.

Wilk’s 21st also had two Special Ops ships -- craft of his own specs: One, a maximally mass expanded Rapier-- stripped of all weapons but one proton turret, shielded and armored beyond comprehension, totally upgraded engines ... with some very special surveillance equipment. The other a Scoutship -- souped-up like crazy in just about every imaginable category.

On studying the status of the 21st Fleet -- and contemplating the tenuous nature of the Rebel/Fed "relations" -- Wilk divided the fleet into three wings. Each wing was ably led by some of the finest military commanders the galaxy had ever seen. Rather than dividing the wings based on an even distribution of strength, Wilk had each wing more “specialized” for particular functions:
Echo Wing, designed for speed, is led by Commander Russo. It has 1 Destroyer with a fighter bay and 6 Corvettes.
Foxtrot Wing is set for balance. It has 1 Cruiser, 3 Destroyers, 3 ‘Vettes and 14 Mantas and is led by Commander Lee.
Golf Wing is tailored for power. It comprises 2 Cruisers, 2 Destroyers, 2 ‘Vettes and 6 Mantas.
Wilk attached the one remaining ‘Vette to his own Vigilance for various command functions.

As requested, a fleetwide comm channel was established. Wilk, ordered Alert Level IV to be observed until further notice. Lee’s Foxtrot Wing would be assigned to System Defense Net duty. This wing, patrolling at a distance with sensors on “high and wide,” combined with the Rebellion’s standard defense network would prevent any “surprises arrivals” of unwelcome visitors.

- Begin Hypercomm Transmission -

(To: Rebellion Command -- all systems and fleets)
(Copy: Captain Morgan Anderson, Special Consultant to the Rebellion)
(From: Admiral Witton Wilk, Rebellion Acting President, Sirgil)
(Coded message)

Due to the shaky state of the galaxy, we are setting Alert Level IV for all Rebellion systems and fleets. Be sharp and report any activity which seems not to fit what you observe any regular day.

Of course you know the Confederation has yet to respond to our proposed peace plan. As soon as we hear anything, you will be informed. That is all.

Honor Above All,
Acting President Wilk, Rebellion, Sirgil System

- End Transmission -

21st Rebellion Fleet in Sirgil System
Destoyer Flagship, Vigilance
3 . . Cruisers
6 . . Destroyers
12. . Corvettes
20. . Mantas
1 . . Ops Rapier
1 . . Ops Scoutship

- KK

Courage stands halfway between cowardice and rashness, one of which is a lack, the other an excess of courage." ... Plutarch

(This message has been edited by Kaptain Karl (edited 05-19-2002).)

OOC - Macavenger might not be around for a while, so I'll have to say this myself. 1) no Forklift - it's a cheat weapon, and it could destroy anything. It doesn't even exist in EV, so no Forklift. 2) The Rebel cruisers and destroyers within the 21st can't be upgraded; only the player's flagship and a small number of non-military vessels can be upgraded. I understand that you're worried about us wiping you out, but that is simply unreasonable. Only flagships and one or two special op ships may be upgraded.

Oh, I'm absolutely swooning in joy to see that you have turned to the way of the Hawk, attempting to completely avoid using Mantas whatsoever. Be fair - we use patrol fighters, still; only our flagships, CR-1096 heavy cruisers, carry anything different.


Alpha Fleet returned to Antares, and was met by a courier from Corsair. After a brief conversation, Syrias sent Alpha Fleet towards Diphidia. Any vessel that reacted in hostility was pacified, disabled or destroyed if it had no armour rating. Syrias sent a message to Diphidia explaining that all hostilities would be replied to in kind, and then continued on to Farazon.

At Farazon, Syrias and RMA conferred briefly. No message had been sent to RMA for security reasons. Alpha Fleet took fortified position in Farazon, and the twelfth CR-1095 heavy cruiser was deployed in Beta Fleet.

Meanwhile, the Omicron Asteroid Refinery continued construction, and a pair of CR-1095B heavy cruisers, a new class of cruiser seen previously only as prototype vessels (U.S.S. so and so, përs), were under construction and would soon be ready for active service. Also, the operation in Capella was almost complete, and soon Capella's economic output would be increased as such.


Confederate Navy
Battlefleet Status

Status Report:
• Any ships that proved hostile in Diphidia were disabled.
• Alpha Fleet incured no losses, and shields have now recharged.

Alpha Fleet (flagship: C.S.S. Bahamut) -- Farazon
Beta Fleet (flagship: C.S.S. Triad) -- Farazon
3rd Fleet -- Capella
4th Fleet -- NGC-6564
5th Fleet -- Matar
6th Fleet -- Altair
7th Fleet -- Regulus
Scoutship Positions -- Curzon, Perseus, Gamera, Alcyon, Pelagon

-Lyat Esponer Corsair

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 05-19-2002).)

Admiral RMA was on his bridge, watching the timer on the viewscreen countdown to realspace emergence. The Rebels would get a surprise. Especially with the 2 new CR-1095B Cruisers that got picked up in Mentos. That and the message Admiral RMA had sent when leaving Farazon.

Minutes later, 25 flashes of light announced the fleets arrival in Tiber. Straight away, the number of signatures multiplied, patrol ships being released, a few gunboats, and some civilian fighters announcing themselves.

The Rebel fleet was targeted, and numerous missiles and torps sped towards the Rebel capital ships. With that, the Confederate fleet headed for Port Oread, intent on capturing it.

Fleet contains:
11 CR-1095 Cruisers, 2 CR-1095B Cruisers, 1 CR-1096 Cruiser, 11 FF-4327 Frigates. 52 Patrol Ships, 4 Gunboats, 2 Rapiers, 2 Lightnings, 2 Hawks.


A few systems away, Osiris was also recieving a welcome. Rubies defence fleet had recieved a short message earlier, telling it to attack Osiris in an attempt to open a pathway. 4th fleet had prepared, and now it struck. The single cruiser in the system stood no chance.

Fleet contains:
10 CR-1095 Cruisers, 11 FF-4327 Frigates. 40 Patrol Ships.

OOC:Going with the defence fleet being a cruiser because it makes the most sense. Plus it's the most powerful defence Osiris can have on its own.

Confederate Navy
Battlefleet Status

Status Report:
• 2 CR-1095B Complete, assigned to Beta Fleet

Alpha Fleet (flagship: C.S.S. Bahamut) -- Farazon
Beta Fleet (flagship: C.S.S. Triad) -- Tiber
3rd Fleet -- Capella
4th Fleet -- Osiris
5th Fleet -- Matar
6th Fleet -- Altair
7th Fleet -- Regulus
Scoutship Positions -- Curzon, Perseus, Gamera, Alcyon, Pelagon

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

Voted most likely to be a serial killer by Insane Asylum - 2002

(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 05-19-2002).)

Encrypted Message: Prime Minister of Lethe
cc: Government of Diphidia
Priority: Urgent

The Blockading of Diphidia is a matter of gravest concern to us all, and I for one am disgusted by the actions of the Confederation and their loyalists. The time has come to take action. I am extending the following invitation to both of you to form the Deneb Argo Combine(DAC). I do not know if you are abroad on ancient Earth history, but this would be the equivelant of the OPEC of crude oil On industrial Earth. In time, maybe others will join us as well. We have no reason to like the Confederation, and more than one to hate it. Maybe it's time they started to treat us with a little respect, and I think they will start listening when they have to run on VERY short rations.

This will be a joint charter, with all 3 of the original members having equal say in the actions of the whole. It will include sharing of profits, veto power, and assistance by economic or military means against common enemies. As a token of our esteem, we will be willing to aid in the defense of your planet for the time being.

In highest regards, the Senate of Deneb III

On a side note, our president has recently died of a tragic heart attack, if you have any Denebian that you think is worthy of consideration for nomination, please let us know.

(Insert Clever Remark Here)

Not surprisingly, as Lethe had been attacked by the Confederation and invesigators had been planted with the Lethean's government, the "private" message to the Letheans was quickly intercepted by the Confederation. Not long after - before Lethe replied - Corsair formed a reply.

-Begin Hypercomm Transmission-
(From: Confederation of Worlds HQ, Earth, Sol)
(To: Deneb HQ)
(Priority: Low)

Your message to the Lethean government has been intercepted, I'm sure you're glad to know. The Lethean government has been pacified, and is being watched closely by the Confederation until a further date. In light of recent events, a military garrison may also be established on Lethe Prime to keep the peace and protect our officials from extremists such as yourself.

The population of the Confederacy is outraged that you would attempt to starve us out, and finds this action an act of war. We are not interested in annexing you, however, but would rather request that you cease all attempts to undermine us. If you fail to comply, we will take you to court, and if you fail to show, we will be forced to pacify you.

To elaborate on the matter of Diphidia, I find it interesting that you see whatever it is you see as a blockade. Antares has been an established colony long before Diphidia, Zaxted is an independant world, and other than that, I have no idea what it is you are talking about. (OOC: Bari, you don't know about any ships in Farazon) It is apparent that you are simply attempting to cause trouble and disturb the peace.

(end message)

-Begin Hypercomm Transmission-
(From: Lyat Corsair)
(To: Asriel)
(Trusted courier, carrying encrypted message - one time cipher pad, pass as long as message)
(Priority: Urgent)

We are willing to pay you extensively if you would cause Deneb some major problems. The annihilation of their offensive and defensive fleet as well as the execution/assassination of their hierarchy would be considered sufficient.

You may also take whatever spoils you wish from the planet, but eventual political ownership has to go to the Cydonians to strengthen our ties with them.

Note: If you display an Independant IFF beacon, no worlds between your locations and there will stop you. Steer clear of Zaxted and Yemuro, however. They have employed strategic military isolation.

(end message)


Syrias Dacona and Alpha Fleet remain in Farazon on high alert. Also, as per recent orders, all scoutship pilots will be stopped for inspection. Any that disobey will be shot down. The Alpha Fleet is arranged in a way that from the hyper-exit point, not even Anderson could escape.

Capella is now enjoying a +1 economical increase from the spendings, and the Omicron Asteroid Refinery has now been met with defence forces from nearby systems. The construction is continuing smoothly. By the time funding is resupplied, the station will be complete and manned. The Confederation is using the month after receiving funding for fleet construction, and the other months for the construction of defences and the improving of existing cities.


-Begin Hypercomm Transmission-
(From: Confederate Navy, Stardock Alpha, Sol)
(To: Rebellion)
(Copy: Interstellar News Network)
(Priority: High)

Your request for peace is rejected, as we view it as an attempt to gain political superiority over us. All communication with the Rebellion will cease.

(end message)

(Confederate Communication Network)
(Blocking all known Rebellion communication relays)
(Process complete)
(Blocking Morgan Anderson)
(Process complete)
(Blocking Diphidia)
(Process complete)
(Logging out)

Confederate Navy
Battlefleet Status

Status Report:

Alpha Fleet (flagship: C.S.S. Bahamut) -- Farazon
Beta Fleet (flagship: C.S.S. Triad) -- Tiber
3rd Fleet -- Capella
4th Fleet -- Osiris
5th Fleet -- Matar
6th Fleet -- Altair
7th Fleet -- Regulus
Scoutship Positions -- Curzon, Perseus, Gamera, Alcyon, Pelagon

-Lyat Esponer Corsair

To: Admiral RMA
From: Supreme Commander Rak
Encryption: One time cipher pad with password as long as message
Message: Acknowledged, Admiral. You have free access to Zaxted sovereign space.
End Message

As Rak observed his glorious navy, he began to wonder about how much power he could actually yield in combat. With the recent buildup of the Rebellion military, he was worried about possible logistical and firepower problems. He sent a message to West requesting extra fleet assets.

To: Prime Minister West
From: Supreme Commander Rak
Encryption: One time cipher pad with password as long as message
Message: Can you please provide some heavy firepower support and logistical support to the Zaxted navy? I am worried about our ability to sustain expeditionary operations, and the firepower we could wield.
End Message

West pondered his commanderŐs request for a moment. All of the official government shipyards were in use, and Rak never made fleet asset requests lightly. Alan patched through to Atinoda Shipyards, on Zaxted.

To: Atinoda Shipyard
From: Prime Minister West
Encryption: One time cipher pad
Message: Hello. Would you please construct two model ŇBÓ Confederation Cruisers and a bulk freighter for the Zaxted navy? We promise payment soon, and this purchase may help ensure a larger customer base for you. Please help us out!
End Message

With the message sent, West sat back and awaited a reply.

To: Prime Minister West
From: Atinoda Shipyard
Encryption: One time cipher pad
Message: Acknowledged. We will construct those vessels this time, but donŐt expect any more favors in the future.
End Message

West smiled, realizing that reckoning time was near. He waited for the commission to determine if Diphidia had violated any intragalactic laws before he made any moves.

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams; live the life you've imagined!"
Military Technology: (url="http://"")Army(/url) - (url="http://"")Navy(/url) - (url="http://"")Air Force(/url) - (url="http://"")Defense Links(/url)
Event Horizon: (url="http://"")Rauther Power Industries Inc.(/url) - (url="http://"")Event Horizon Sign-Up(/url)
Macavenger's EV Webstory: (url="http://"")Sign-Up Thread(/url)

(This message has been edited by General Rak (edited 05-19-2002).)

(OOC: Oh sure, you can intercept my messages but I am too stupid to know about ships in farazon, yeah...rolleyes I find it VERY cheap and unfair that you can intercept messages but I cannot, you can't have it both ways 😛 )

(Insert Clever Remark Here)


Originally posted by BariSaxGuy5:
**(OOC: Oh sure, you can intercept my messages but I am too stupid to know about ships in farazon, yeah...rolleyes I find it VERY cheap and unfair that you can intercept messages but I cannot, you can't have it both ways:p )

OOC: You can intercept anyone's. You just can't decode his (it is impossible)

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams; live the life you've imagined!"
Military Technology: (url="http://"")Army(/url) - (url="http://"")Navy(/url) - (url="http://"")Air Force(/url) - (url="http://"")Defense Links(/url)
Event Horizon: (url="http://"")Rauther Power Industries Inc.(/url) - (url="http://"")Event Horizon Sign-Up(/url)
Macavenger's EV Webstory: (url="http://"")Sign-Up Thread(/url)

The government of Deneb knew that the Confederation would "peacefully" attempt to influence their politics, so they had to take action. Surface laser and proton batteries were set up around the capital as well as torpedo launchers(costing 2 economic points). The rest of the economy was used to prepare for the unthinkable.

Nick knew the Confederation, and he knew their "good-natured peacekeeping" was nothing nmore than a transperant subtrefuge. But, he knew how to stop them.

Open Communications Relay to the Confederation
From: The government of Deneb III

Greetings, most enlightened and just Confederation. Know that the government of Deneb will NOT allow you to take control of this planet at any time. Should the Confederation or any mercenary action be taken against Deneb, this is what will happen. You may take Deneb, but it will gain you nothing. The moment Confederate troops set foot on this planet is the moment all crops are burnt and the fields sown with salt. I'm sure you all are aware of the agricultural value of Deneb III, and I'm sure you'll understand that almost 1/4 of the galaxy's food supply will be destroyed. Surely, only a fool would undertake such a suicidal mission, for in truth attacking Deneb will lead to even worse of a food shortage than the DAC's operations could ever accomplish. Also, if Lethe and Diphidia follow suit when the Confederates march on them, food in this galaxy will become a scarce commodity indeed. Consider well these words, for if 3 of the main 4 food producers are gone, the Confederation's subjects will most likely become VERY unhappy with a government that has put them out of 3 regular meals, and I can assure you that we will encourage such dissention to all extent possible. Thus, I'm sure you are logical enough to conclude that Attacking Deneb III would most likely lead you into a worse situation than the DAC ould ever put you in. Any mercenaries that attack Deneb can only have one obvious source, so don't even attempt that. Have a nice, productive day, gentlemen.

( End Transmission )

OOC: Seriously consider the political implications of 3/4 of the food supply vanishing, I don't think any government would be that crazy, and please don't come up with some crazy-ass scheme about "they didnt burn the crops because they loved the COnfed!1!1!11" or "wE stTRopped them B4 thay kood due it!11!1!11!1", because that would not be realistically possible

(Insert Clever Remark Here)

Suddenly, The ship U.S.S Andrew jumps into the system.


Originally posted by BariSaxGuy5:
OOC: Seriously consider the political implications of 3/4 of the food supply vanishing, I don't think any government would be that crazy, and please don't come up with some crazy-ass scheme about "they didnt burn the crops because they loved the COnfed!1!1!11" or "wE stTRopped them B4 thay kood due it!11!1!11!1", because that would not be realistically possible

OOC: Have a look on your map. We control 4 major agricultural units, and that is enough to support the Confederate populace. The Rebels control three - I think they might suffer more from this than us.

About the message, of course we can intercept/decode it. We have people standing in the room when it was received. Err... that's going to take some work decoding, ain't it?


-Begin Hypercomm Transmission-
(From: Confederate Navy, Stardock Alpha, Sol)
(To: Deneb)
(Priority: Low)

We are unconcerned by your threats. Your information on your own food output is exaggarated, and we know that. Our people do not need your food, and as of late you have been willing to trade less and less with us. It is obvious that should we not take action against you, you would refrain from involving yourself in the Confederation anyway.

As such, your threats are hollow. We ask you again - cease this madness. If you force us to pacify your military, you will be damaging the Rebellion far more than you will be damaging the Confederation. You already trade more with them than you do with us, and we have more core world resources than they have outer colony supplies.

You are massively mistaken if you truly believe that your planet means anything to us or our population. If you decide to burn your crops, we will take them up again and within a year all you have worked for will have been to no avail - except that the Rebellion would be starving.

This type of war is unethical, and I cannot believe you would attempt to engage in it. Retract your threat, and continue as normal. If you do not, we will have no choice.

(end message)

-Lyat Esponer Corsair

(OOC: Actually, you couldn't replant the crops the next year if I had put salt in the soil, which would basically ruin it.)

Nick found the message from the Confederation very amusing. Even more so was the fact that there was absolutely no defense fleet in the Lethe System. Nick ordered his ships into hyperspace, chuckling still.

Deneb Fleet
-2 Corvettes
-8 Lightnings

Lethe Defense Fleet
-NONE (You clearly say that the ALpha fleet left back for Antares and that you only left a few officials, and Espona never moved any ships into the system)

Nick Touched down in the capital of Lethe, and ordered that 3 More Corvettes be constructed with the 3 industrial points.

Open Communications Relay to The Confederation
Well, it looks like you forgot to protect Lethe...oh well. It looks like you only have 4 agriculture points left...what a shame. This is only the beginning, mark my words if you assult Deneb you will all be starving before the year is out.

(End Transmission)

Denebian Fleet
-5 Corvettes
-8 Lightnings

(Insert Clever Remark Here)

(This message has been edited by BariSaxGuy5 (edited 05-19-2002).)

-Begin Hypercomm Transmission-
(From: Confederate Inspector, Lethe)
(To: New Cydonia, Confederate Command)
(Priority: Urgent)
(Deneb Ships have entered the system and begun an invasion. This is an urgent call for help. One time pads have been destroyed to prevent enemy usage. Most of the inspectors have escaped into the country, and I have remained behind to send this message. I hope the Denebians will act according to the War Accords.

(Message Terminated)

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

Voted most likely to be a serial killer by Insane Asylum - 2002

The capture of Lethe went smoothly, although most of the Confederate officials escaped in a hijacked shuttlecraft they stole from a local farmer. Unfortunately, no classified inmformation was found.
Nick used the economic points to set up similar defense stations around the capital as he had on Deneb, and also made preparations to destroy the crops should anything come up.

(OOC: The crop destruction is automatic should any planet be captured, I might be out at the time, but it WILL happen whether or not I actually post it did, ok?)

(Insert Clever Remark Here)

Syrias left Alpha Fleet in Farazon, and took the C.S.S. Bahamut across Confederate space through Diphidia. At Diphidia, he stopped to message the command.

-Begin Hypercomm Transmission-
(From: C.S.S. Bahamut)
(To: Diphidia HQ)
(Priority: High)

Your actions are unjustified. There is no "blockade" of Diphidia unless you care to smuggle in Rebel reinforcements. We have ceased all mistakes that have ever been made against you, and have tried various people who were the source of thee mistakes.

It is a pity to see that you are so bound on destroying the Confederation, when we are doing what we can to keep the peace, both in Diphidia and elsewhere. As a result of this, however, we are forced to take action. Deneb's resources, while important, make very little difference to the Confederation - the same goes for Diphidia's oceans.

You are attempting to starve our people for reasons that cannot be seen. We are attempting to keep the peace, and that is all. The Confederation wishes to purchase one agricultural unit off you for this period of time. If you deny that, your economy will fail and you will be unable to support the military which you believe is so important to you. This "blockade" has now been formalised for your own sake. You will not trade with any other government.

Continue this, and your government will collapse - your people will reject you. You have twenty four hours to consider our proposal.

(end message)

-Begin Hypercomm Transmission-
(From: Confederate of Worlds HQ, Earth, Sol)
(To: Deneb HQ)
(Priority: High)

It is interesting that you view our pacification of Lethe as some form of invasion. Of course we did not leave a fleet in Lethe - we did not take over Lethe. What you have done is annexed another independant world to satisfy your own imperialistic needs.

The Confederation of Worlds has full support of its citizens that this action was unjustified. You will leave Lethe, and give any ships you have produced with their shipyards back to their government, or we will attack Deneb.

We have justice on our side here, and none can doubt that. If you do not retreat from Lethe Prime, we will be forced to attack you, and cannot be held responsible for your actions. May I state again; we do not need your food, and it would cause no problems within our population should you burn it. It would, however, create a galactic outrage against the supporters of the "Rebellion". Oh, and 3 points? You can't count -- we never "took" Lethe. Pathetic. (OOC: neither can I, 4 then :))

(end message)


OOC: I really have to complain here.

  1. Yes, the figures aren't set, but you got twice the production out of Lethe than would be reasonable.
  2. You build all those ships in one post? That's just...hey, don't ask me, Mac'll let you, of course. : )
  3. In what way is it perfectly okay for you to completely conquer the Letheans? It's bull**** if you think that's a "good, justifed action". But of course, everyone will think you're being the good guys, won't they?
  4. Hold're population is happy about destroying their lifes work, but my population would revolt if you burnt some food? 2 best, 1/2 a point went to the Confederation anyway. That's nothing - no-one except your people would starve if you burnt that.
  5. There is no way you could have known about the defence fleets in Lethe. You used priar OOC knowledge.
  6. You would not know about Farazon. You used priar OOC knowledge.
  7. Two established colonies != a blockade. That's absolute nonsense.
  8. Am I to assume your people would happily ruin their lives, starve to death, and/or be killed in a justified attack? In what way is it "unrealistic" for there to be some people of several billion on Deneb's planet not to want to die for a cause with no basis?
  9. You're going to burn an entire planet's worth of crops, and it's "unrealistic" that it wouldn't have been done in the five or so minutes it would take a Confederate fleet to annihilate opposition and start an operation to put out the fires? Bari, YOU'RE being unrealistic.
  10. Are you going to put salt in the soil of every bit of soil on an entire planet? Err...that's unrealistic too, you know.

Your posts are somewhat clever, but they're resting on a mass of utter crap. And by the way, if you do burn all your crops, I will not stand for any nonsense about my worlds starving.

-Lyat Esponer Corsair