BfS III OOC Discussion III


Originally posted by Macavenger:
**A) WTF is that supposed to mean? You don't have any money to buy a Pioneer right now anyway.
🆒 What makes you think you have that kind of authority?

Actually, you don't really have to worry, as I'm considering freezing the Milky Way Galaxy temporarily for related reasons, but my previous points stand. Don't necessarily expect that I'll wait for you to post before doing anything though, especially since you have no funds now anyway.


1. I have 300 million what the hell are you talking about? Check the Milky Way map. It says I have 300 million available.
2. It means what I said.
3. I have that authority since I'm not going to consider it valid until the conditions have been met. I need to see the pirate shipyard updated and a price on the Pioneer. Otherwise its unfair as I can't replenish the pirate fleets without knowing exactly what kind of combinations I can get.

Crime is the entertainment of the fool;
so is wisdom for the man of sense. Proverbs 10:23

(url="http://"")Coming eventually, spl_cadet shipyards!(/url)


Originally posted by spl_cadet:
1. I have 300 million what the hell are you talking about? Check the Milky Way map. It says I have 300 million available.
2. It means what I said.
3. I have that authority since I'm not going to consider it valid until the conditions have been met. I need to see the pirate shipyard updated and a price on the Pioneer. Otherwise its unfair as I can't replenish the pirate fleets without knowing exactly what kind of combinations I can get.

1. Get your glasses checked, fool, that's 300 thousand. You can't buy anything with that.
2. What you said is irrelevant. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile. 😛
3. Your not a mod, so what you consider valid is also irrelevant. However, you will see a price for the Pioneer before I come after you again. I think I will go ahead and freeze the Milky Way until I get the shipyards caught up, as I can see only positive effects from that, other than slowing down the story, which is happening anyway.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

Ok, I've uploaded a map update. For the Milky Way galaxy, it is correct. For Sentarus, it's an interim update. I've got all the systems that have changed hands remarked, and fleet icons are in the proper places - though in the case of the Dreden they may represent different fleets (the one at Deus is three fleets, the main Dreden body, the other is Skyblade), and there probably isn't a fleet with correct numbers. Don't have time to sort all that out tonight. I think I have all the colony and funding numbers correct. Any fleet movements or system captures that you don't see in Sentarus should be regarded as a deliberate nullification on grounds of fairness or rules violations, not oversights. This is primarily to show the Aliens where fleets etc. stand now in case they want to accept my compromise proposal and stay in the game. Oh, and I think I forgot to mention that if you guys do want to, Ipvicus gets the first post, no questions asked. Those fleets are all approximatelty where they were when the first attack on Dreden was concluded, BTW, so I really don't see what you guys have to lose. I'll get fleet numbers sorted out ASAP.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

(quote)Originally posted by Macavenger:
1. Get your glasses checked, fool, that's 300 (b)thousand. You can't buy anything with that.
2. What you said is irrelevant. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile. 😉
3. My eyes are 20/800 and 20/500. No wonder I saw that wrong.

Crime is the entertainment of the fool;
so is wisdom for the man of sense. Proverbs 10:23

(url="http://"")Coming eventually, spl_cadet shipyards!(/url)

(quote)Originally posted by spl_cadet:
**1. Haven't there been a few income things since Asriel last bought something? There definitely should have been since it was just before the first post of the Darven battle that he bought stuff. So I should have at least 200 mil by now through income.
2. The freedom fighters always win in the end. I'll just have to unveil my new secret project. 😛
Besides, you aren't the freedom fighters, your the ne'er-do-wells. 😉
3. Isn't that related to #1? Oh well, damn, now I can't claim to having the worst vision around here. Mine are "only" about 20/500 and 20/300.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")**

ZMT, I have nearly no argument with you or how you played the game. The Battle Of Pollux was certainly screwy ... what else were you to do while waiting for my to counter?

For the record, I think you are one of the "fairest" fighters in the game. You could have gotten away with incurring fewer losses on yourself, but you did not. I would play another RPG with you -- friend or foe -- again.

Have fun, everybody.

- KK

Courage stands halfway between cowardice and rashness, one of which is a lack, the other an excess of courage." ... Plutarch


Originally posted by Macavenger:
**1. No, there haven't been. It's been crawling along lately.
2. Projects are irrelevant. We will adapt. Resistance is futile. 😛
Besides, you aren't the freedom fighters, your the ne'er-do-wells. 😉
3. Isn't that related to #1? Oh well, damn, now I can't claim to having the worst vision around here. Mine are "only" about 20/500 and 20/300.


1. Umm, maybe its just me but we've gone several pages since the last purchase. There has been income periods.
2. You won't survive this one. Trust me. Besides, you are the tyrannical oppressers. At this stage almost anyone is a freedom fighter.
3. Heh. I win again!

Crime is the entertainment of the fool;
so is wisdom for the man of sense. Proverbs 10:23

(url="http://"")Coming eventually, spl_cadet shipyards!(/url)


Originally posted by Kaptain Karl:
For the record, I think you are one of the "fairest" fighters in the game. You could have gotten away with incurring fewer losses on yourself, but you did not. I would play another RPG with you -- friend or foe -- again.


And you certainly may in "An EV Webstory." 😉 I'm using this failure-of-a-webstory to hopefully avoid such outcomes in future RPGs, so things should be much cleaner and straight forward...

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
GameRanger: -Sß- Captain Skyblade | Skyblade86
(url="http://"")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"")GameRanger(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url)
(url="http://"")An EV Webstory(/url) - Coming soon to the EV forum.


Originally posted by spl_cadet:
**1. Umm, maybe its just me but we've gone several pages since the last purchase. There has been income periods.
2. You won't survive this one. Trust me. Besides, you are the tyrannical oppressers. At this stage almost anyone is a freedom fighter.
3. Heh. I win again!


1. Not quite enough pages. Income is only every three. Besides, you don't want more income. If you had another 110,000,000 for you, I'd have another 390,000,000 for me, plus the 178,200,000 I haven't spent from last time. 😉 You wouldn't survive that.
2. Trust you? Wow, nice punchline, I didn't see that one coming. 🙂 You have no evidence that we're oppressors.
3. For the first time, you mean. That's a very minor victory too. 😛

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

eh, why do you and spl_cadet hate each other so much? After all, we're all friends here aren't we? Eh?
runs away

Go Red Sox! Down with the Yankees! 😛


Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
**And you certainly may in "An EV Webstory.";) I'm using this failure-of-a-webstory to hopefully avoid such outcomes in future RPGs, so things should be much cleaner and straight forward...


Well, the problem that caused the failure of BFSIII was that the pirate fleets were visible from the beginning which wasn't the case in BFSII. This took away our major advantage and allowed the beginning of the chaos, Mac's attack on me. If we had been allowed first strike capability like before and without the restrictions on capturing systems I feel that the Milky Way front would have been far more important than it was in this game and that it would have been more equal.

Crime is the entertainment of the fool;
so is wisdom for the man of sense. Proverbs 10:23

(url="http://"")Coming eventually, spl_cadet shipyards!(/url)

(quote)Originally posted by Macavenger:
**1. Not quite enough pages. Income is only every three. Besides, you don't want more income. If you had another 110,000,000 for you, I'd have another 390,000,000 for me, plus the 178,200,000 I haven't spent from last time.:p. This makes him very good at his job of representing the HC 😛

Crime is the entertainment of the fool;
so is wisdom for the man of sense. Proverbs 10:23

(url="http://"")Coming eventually, spl_cadet shipyards!(/url)


Originally posted by spl_cadet:
Well, the problem that caused the failure of BFSIII was that the pirate fleets were visible from the beginning which wasn't the case in BFSII.

It wasn't the case in II either. The Aliens had that, and for good, solid plot based reasons. The Pirates had no such reason.

Kyle - we don't hate each other, exactly... we just disagree violently on almost everything related to both this and previous webstories. 😉

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

(quote)Originally posted by Macavenger:
Kyle - we don't hate each other, exactly... we just disagree violently on almost everything related to both this and previous webstories.:p

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url)** - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
GameRanger: -Sß- Captain Skyblade | Skyblade86
(url="http://"")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"")GameRanger(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url)
(url="http://"")An EV Webstory(/url) - Coming soon to the EV forum.

(quote)Originally posted by Macavenger:
**It wasn't the case in II either. The Aliens had that, and for good, solid plot based reasons. The Pirates had no such reason.

Kyle - we don't hate each other, exactly... we just disagree violently on almost everything related to both this and previous webstories. 😛

Crime is the entertainment of the fool;
so is wisdom for the man of sense. Proverbs 10:23

(url="http://"")Coming eventually, spl_cadet shipyards!(/url)


Originally posted by spl_cadet:
**1. You sure? I'm pretty sure that we had first strike capabilities. Of course I joined late and got that by default (and then proceeded to conquer half the HC), so I might be mistaken.

Wasn't your fleet one of the three I decimated? 😛

Prepare to succumb to superior strategic intelligence
The Media: (url="http://"")AP Photo of the Day(/url)-(url="http://"")CNN(/url)-(url="http://"")New York Times(/url)-(url="http://"")Washington Post(/url)
Military Technology: (url="http://"")Army(/url) - (url="http://"")Navy(/url) - (url="http://"")Air Force(/url)
HC of a major (url="http://"")Planetarion(/url) alliance -(url="http://"")IRC(/url) Master!

Thank you KK, I appreciate the remarks. Its a shame we never actually got t ogo into combat, I was rather looking forward to such a thing, ah well. Perhaps if you feel up to raising the Pirate banner in the Captains new webstory, I could try and put you to justice in the name of the Confederation?


Originally posted by Kaptain Karl:
**ZMT, I have nearly no argument with you or how you played the game. The Battle Of Pollux was certainly screwy ... what else were you to do while waiting for my to counter?

For the record, I think you are one of the "fairest" fighters in the game. You could have gotten away with incurring fewer losses on yourself, but you did not. I would play another RPG with you -- friend or foe -- again.

Have fun, everybody.

- KK


Apply When Wet


Originally posted by ZenMastaT:
Its a shame we never actually got to go into combat, I was rather looking forward to such a thing....

Well that was the difference between us in III. When I saw how the deck was being stacked against us pirates during pre-registration (unbalanced ship prices -- creating unbalanced fleet numbers, etc.) I knew my only hope of survival was NOT to engage you HCers in battle. My plan was to "hit and move" capturing as many systems as possible.

My technical difficulties -- and your excellent fighting -- put an end to my plans (and very nearly, my fleet.)

- KK

Courage stands halfway between cowardice and rashness, one of which is a lack, the other an excess of courage." ... Plutarch

Well since BFS III is obviously dead and An EV Webstory isnt scedeuled to star for five months I think its time to move on to BFS IV or some other EV enspired webstory for now. Since the previous BFS storyline is essentially resolved (except for the Pirates but its not like they have a chance anyway) I think it would be pretty cool if we could follow BariSax's suggestion in the EV Webstory info thread. That is have all of the systems in the EV universe start out neutral (a few of them will be governed by players) and have a huge melee in which the last person, or alliance standing wins.

Out ride the sons of Terra,
Far dirves the thundering jet,
Up leaps the race of Earthmen,
Out, far, and onward yet - Robert A. Heinlein, The Green Hills of Earth

Hey, guys. I'm not dead, I just took any extended leave of absence; sorry about not letting you know before. I'm assuming BFS III is done; if it isn't, consider me out. I hear KK has also left, so if need be, I hereby transfer power to spl_cadet.

Skyblade, hope your new webstory goes well; I, unfortunately, won't be a part of it.

This may be the last time I'm seen on Ambrosia's boards for awhile; I've started a plug, and I've taken a new liking to Diablo II. 🙂

Goodbye, everyone, and remember to have fun.

(edit) -- Well, that wasn't entirely true. I'll be around until Reign of Chaos III, on the EVO board, ends. Then, I'll be gone from these boards.

(url="http://"") Meowx Design (/url) | (url="http://"") The Onion (/url) | (url="http://"") The Arreat Summit (/url) | (url="http://"") The Lord Of The Rings (/url)
Email --

(This message has been edited by Lord Asriel (edited 01-13-2002).)