Battle for Sol III - The Saga Continues

Skyblade was in his quarters, lying quietly on his bed and looking through military books and documents. The engagement at Verdica had worn him and his entire navy out.

Then it hit him. It was the time.

Skyblade looked about him room, making sure nobody was present. He approached his door and locked it securely. Nobody, with the exception of Deckerd, knew of what the future possibly held.

Skyblade then walked to his computer. He opened a secure comm channel, his own private message system that not even the Rebellion could monitor. He typed into the viewscreen:

Now is your chance, take it or leave it. Conditions are good, and there's nobody nearby to stop you for the time being. If you wish to conduct that which you have considered doing, do it now. -Commander Skyblade-

After reading his message over a few times, Skyblade sent it off. He only hoped it would come to pass...

= = = = = = = = = =

qaeq4q, 5y8w 09w5 8w 43tq4e8ht 5y3 qo83h'w e3r3d589h.

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
GameRanger: -Sß- Captain Skyblade | Skyblade86
(url="http://"")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"")GameRanger(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url)

"Commander, we have reports that the point defense cannon and drill bomb tests you ordered went smoothly. Shall we land and refit our capital ships to include these weapons?"

"Yes, tell the capitals to land while the fighters stay on patrol."

"yes sir"

59th capital ships are now equipped with pdcs and drill bombs at a cost of 30 million to be docked from the alien empire income

"Set a course for Ellsondor through Calais, we need to help defend the remnants of the emperor's fleet."

"yes sir"

It will all be over soon, I hope...

Calais, Ellsondor

59th fleet is now in Ellsondor awaiting orders

"Duct Tape is like the force, it has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together"

(This message has been edited by BariSaxGuy5 (edited 12-29-2001).)

xd6goqe3, 2y9'w e3r3d589h 297oe 5y8w g3? 2y8dy qo83h 0oq634?

OOC: And for everyone else: 😛

You would have to be ignorant, derranged, demented, or dead to turn down the oppurtunity to fly an Azdara.
(url="http://"") Saber Studios (/url)-Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.

Plute read the screen with great anxiety. It was time, it was finally the time. The remnants of Emperor Rebel Councils Fleet hypered into the system.

"open a comm channel, ensign" Plute ordered.

"yes sir" he replied

"Greetings, emperor" Plute said, fighting to keep his voice neutral. "I am very sorry about what happened to you at Verdica"

"Plute, thank god you're here! I think the Dredens are in pursuit to finsish my fleet off"

Plute smiled a very evil smile. The moment had come, at last he would announce it to everyone. "They will have no need to, emperor"

"What are you talking about?"

"They won't need to finish you off, emperor, because I am going to do it for them. You see, the humans are not the only ones that are sick of your tyranny. You should have been more attentive to your people, maybe then we would not have reason to do this."

"Plute, don't do it!!!!!!"

"Goodbye, Emperor Rebel council. All units, launch your drill bombs into that carrier!!! Fighters, take out the other ships!"

"Plute, NO!!!!!!!"

"Cut off that comm channel, the sight of that man is making me sick"

The emperors ships, already damaged from battle stood no chance against the recently upgraded rebels. 27 of the 52 drill bombs launched hit the emperor's already damaged ship. Cheers rang out from every ship in Plute's fleet when it exploded in a fiery inferno. The remaining demoralized forces still loyal to the empire were either destroyed or run off. Only 10 heavy fighters and 2 destroyers were lost from Plute's fleet due to the surprise of the attack.

At last, the wait is over. Our new reign of peace and democracy can finally occur in this galaxy. Thank you, Skyblade, for showing me the light

59th fleet is now loyal to the Dreden Rebellion
Fleet Status:
1 Carrier
1 Battlecruiser
4 Heavy Cruisers
7 Destroyers
34 Heavy Fighters
9 Interceptors

Rebel Council, do not get angry about this. You fell right into the trap Skyblade and I set for you. There's always BFS IV 🙂

"Duct Tape is like the force, it has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together"

"Sir, incoming message from President Skyblade."

"Please, bring him on." Azdara Ace swiveled in his chair to face the communications screen.

"Ahhh, Admiral Azdara Ace, the time has indeed come. The time when the Alien Empire will fall. I have just received a message from deep in Alien territory that the Emperor's fleet has been utterly destroyed."

"But,..." Azdara Ace was shocked. It was good news indeed, but how?

"One of the Empire's fleets has defected and is now fighting along side us. As we had always hoped, the Alien Empire is breaking appart from within. All of the Empire's Southern fleets have been crushed, the only two strong Alien Fleets remaining are in the Northern Section of the galaxy, and they will have to worry about Human attacks, or so I have heard from rumors on different Alien planets." For the first time since this war had begun, Azdara Ace saw Skyblade smile. "Now, our work is not yet complete, stand by for further instruction."

You would have to be ignorant, derranged, demented, or dead to turn down the oppurtunity to fly an Azdara.
(url="http://"") Saber Studios (/url)-Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.

Jimbob was floating around with his new fleet in Verdica when he received a message of congratulations from Commander Skylade. He had been promoted to commodore for holding off the fleets for so long. At the bottom of the message was shocking but excellent news: The 59th fleet of the Sliens defected to the Dreden Rebels!

Jimbob turned to a comm channel for his fleet and gladly stated this. His fleet was totally taken aback, but more news was coming: The emperor had been destroyed by the fleet. Silence fell over the system for a while...

Cause: Putting a V12 engine on a tricycle.
Effect: A dead 3 year old.
|(url="http://"")The Palshife Rebel Hideout(/url)|(url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url)

Plute was so overwhelmed by his success that he didn't even notice the defense fleet coming up from Ellsondor until the young ensign kindly pointed it out to him.

Oh no, and we used all of our drill bombs against the emperor thought Plute wildly.

Luckily, the defense force consisted mostly of fighters. 2 Destroyers and 5 heavy fighters attacked with a barrage of seeker modules.

"Target those fighters with the needle beams. Fire the PDCs!" The PDCs charged up and took out a full 60% of the oncoming seeker modules due to the fact that there were many more ships in Plutes fleet than the defense fleet. The remaining seeker modules all smashed into the Euphoria II, taking it down to 75% shields. The needle beams took out 2 of the incoming heavy fighters.

"Interceptors, target those remaining fighters, all other craft move in for an attack with fusion beams on those destroyers!"

The interceptors took out the 3 heavy fighters, only losing 2 in the process. The destroyers were easily taken out by the massive firepower of the combined fleet's fusion beams, and no ships were lost from Plutes fleet.

"Order all the fighters to dock in the carrier and battlecruiser for repairs and rearmament."

59th Fleet Status:
1 carrier
1 battlecruiser
4 heavy cruisers
7 destroyers
34 Heavy Fighters(In Carrier and Battlecruiser)
6 Interceptors(In carrier)

Ellsondor is under Dreden Control

"Duct Tape is like the force, it has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together"

Jimbob's fleet has been fully restocked and refulled.

Cause: Putting a V12 engine on a tricycle.
Effect: A dead 3 year old.
|(url="http://"")The Palshife Rebel Hideout(/url)|(url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url)

The two platoons of soldiers commanded by Scorcher entered the command center. They saluted the Admiral smartly, though Scorcher acted a bit defiant. Internally, Rak tagged him for further investigation.

Scorcher walked up to Rak. "We have come here to augment your insignificant and inefficient defense forces."

Rak replied, "I am sorry, but out defense force needs NO augmentation. We are some of the very best in the military... you bring two platoons of greenhorns."

"I have my orders Mr. Rak, and I will not leave until they are satisfied."

Suddenly, a Marine Captain barged into the room. "Sir, we have a traitor in our midst." Scorcher stood nervously, glancing at the door.

"Who is it?"

"It is a man by the codename of Whitefire. He was giving secret intelligence and code data to the Aliens. He told them exactly how our fleet moves... and how to evade it. This man's real name is Scorcher. Our troops are searching for him now."

Meanwhile, Scorcher was edging toward the exit. When the Marine finished talking, he made a break for it. He dove under the rapidly closing blast door and got sealed between it and one of its four partner blast doors. He was suddenly ignored because the two platoons of Marine he was commanding ripped off their masks. They were Alien!

"Hit the ******* deck." One of the soldiers shouted. The four plasma turrets opened fire dispersing the Aliens. Out of fifty aliens, twelve dead. The plasma turrets were forced to target individual aliens, and picked the off.

Admiral Rak grabbed his Mark 28 plasmatic projectile pistol. He used his command chair to boost him and the Captain up onto the catwalks. He instinctively took cover behind one of the sections. He motioned for the Marine to get to the armory while he covered him. The Marine shot down the catwalk and Rak shot sporadically into the Aliens on automatic fire. Four dead aliens later and the Marine was at the armory.

Twenty-eight Aliens remained. The Captain, Peter Seagle, grabbed a handful of grenades and an assualt rifle. Right after he emerged from the armory, the turret next to him exploded in a shockwave. The other three soon followed. Some of the Aliens must have rockets! The Captain struggled to pull all the pins out of his eight grenades and then tossed them into the now concentrated Alien crowd. One massive explosion.

Five remaining Aliens. The Captain mounted the empty turret and opened fire. His trained eye caught four of the Aliens. However, the fifth one cloaked and activated the blast door. On the other side, the cloaked Alien unsheathed a plasma sword. The sword moved about in a dance. Then the sword lunged and pierced the body of Scorcher.

The Captain by this time had gotten out a sniper rifle. He aimed and knocked out the cloaked Alien in a bath of blood. Both Scorcher and the Alien collapsed... dead.


The same Marine Captain who had saved the jumpgate, AND won a medal of honor delivered a message to Alan Rak. Except this time it was a Marine Commodore who delivered it. The message read that all the asteriods were ready.

"Commodore Seagle, may I please have a status update on the proceedings of the impeachment trial against VP Veltier?"

"Sir, the board of three members on the investigational branch assigned to cover this case has come out of debate. They issued a ruling just a few minutes ago. Guilty of incompotence and conspiracy. He has been removed from office. President Macavenger now has the power to appoint a new supreme commander."

"Thank you Marine. You are dismissed!"

Prepare to succumb to superior strategic intelligence
The Media: (url="http://"")AP Photo of the Day(/url)-(url="http://"")CNN(/url)-(url="http://"")New York Times(/url)-(url="http://"")Washington Post(/url)
Military Technology: (url="http://"")Army(/url) - (url="http://"")Navy(/url) - (url="http://"")Air Force(/url)
HC of a major (url="http://"")Planetarion(/url) alliance -(url="http://"")IRC(/url) Master!

Mac watched as spl_cadet's fleet finally admitted defeat and jumped out of the system, leaving him only Asriel's fleet to tangle with. "Shields now up to 40%, sir," his weapons officer called. This was closely followed by "Incoming!" from sensors. Asriel had thrown most of his remaining LRBMs at the Intrepid , hoping to destroy it. The ship rocked as several salvos broke through the shielkds, but the ship did hold together - barely.

"Helm, back us away from the Pirate fleet, and get a heavy screening force in front of us. They can't have many LRBMs left, but I don't want them getting into GP Mine range. Recall all the fighters that were harassing spl-cadet, and get them back out as soon as they have full ammo."

AS the fighters began streaming back, communications chipped in. "Sir, we're receiving a group of Priority Zero messages! Three of them!"

The bridge chilled noticeably. "Read them, Lieutenant," Mac ordered.

"First is from Vice-Admiral ZenMastaT. He reports that the Pirate 19th made it to Pollux and captured it before he could engage them, but he's attacking them now and doing rather well so far."

"Not like he has much choice, given the relative fleet compositions," Mac said, smiling. "That's not so bad. The others?"

"From the capital, a report that Supreme Defense commander Veltier has been impeached. And finally, one from Kaujathat."


"Read it."

"Fleet Admiral Rak reports that one of the Alien fleets appears to have left Kaujathat, mission unknown. He's also got a good diversion ready that should allow him to break through a blockade by one fleet quite easily."

"Well, well. Good news is always a nice change. Alright, first, Priority Zero to Zen: Tell him is orders are to engage, pursue, and destroy the Pirate 19th until I give him further notice. I want that fleet destroyed. Next, let Earth know through channels that I'm appointing Fleet Admiral Rak the new Supreme Commander of Defense. Then, another Priority Zero for Rak, order him to take Kaujathat immediately, and send one of his two fleets back here to help against the Pirates if and when he judges it feasible. And add a footnote, tell him he's the new defense commander."

"Done, sir."

"All fighters have rearmed and are away."

"Good. Downgrade the alert to Red, as we're only facing one fleet now and I want to be able to receive Priority Ones for a bit. Prepare the fleet to engage again." Mac's rearmed fighters began leaping out to confront Asriel again...


Fleet stats:

1 Intrepic-class Cruiser
2 Enterprise-class Battlecruisers
1 Freedom-class Cruiser
3 Skyhawk Carriers
5 Skyblade Frigates
1 Destroyer M7s
3 Destroyer M8s
2 Hammerhead Gunboats
2 Tigershark Gunships
83 Stingrays
14 Skates
21 Devil Rays

All fighters fully rearmed
(Note: Since I'll reshuffle them at the end anyway, I've given up trying to break down the Stingrays.)

Lord Asriel:

7 Drakes
9 Deborah Gunships
52 Corvettes
4 Gunstars
3 Starscreamers

OOC: Skyblade, you think your battle has been held up, there hasn't really been a battle post on mine for about the last 60 posts. 😛

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

The Dreden 36th Fleet has been fully restocked and refueled

You would have to be ignorant, derranged, demented, or dead to turn down the oppurtunity to fly an Azdara.
(url="http://"") Saber Studios (/url)-Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.

Vice-Admiral ZenMastaT received confirmation for the orders he had been imagining would come in response to his report. He fired off a quick query about retaking Pollux to his President, should KK retreat, but ever wary, plotted quick escape routes from the system for his own fleet should something unexpected occur.

His fighter bomber attacks against the Pirate Fleet had met with little composed opposition so far, and the losses as of yet on both sides were comparitively light. Zen recalled his bombers into the protective range of his cruisers guns, while a few repaired and rearmed Skates and Swordfish made their way to escort positions amongst the assaulting Stingrays, a job that had so far proved comparatively uneventful, when looked at alongside the rigorous training the pilots had undertaken under every situation from the absurd to the commonplace, in simulators.

Watching for a Pirate reaction, the Admiral began to charge the weapons on his main line for a renewed foray to test the priate lines.

Fleet Update... as far as I can tell
Human Confederation
2 Intrepid Cruisers
4 Enterprise Cruisers
4 Skyhawk Carriers
8 Destroyer M8s
6 Destroyer M7s
249 Stingray Fighter/Bombers
44 Skates
50 Swordfish
30 Devil Ray
12 Skyblade Frigates
2 Freedom Cruisers

Pirate Fleet
4 Drake
10 Deborah Gunships
67 Corvettes
52 Gunstars
84 Lancers

(Edit)Erk, Mac was right about KK's losses, I redid them from the beginning and found that he had actually inflicted on himself some losses that never seemed to occur anywhere... thanks KK, but I don't need the help 😉 (/edit)
Apply When Wet

(This message has been edited by ZenMastaT (edited 12-30-2001).)

Heck, you pulled that off perfectly, BariSax. 😉 A job well done.

= = = = = = = = = =

"So did your decision pay off?" Skyblade asked Plute across the comm. "Or, have you thoughts to defect again," he added with a grin.

"I doubt I will ever regret my decision, sir. With the Dreden, I have a good reason to fight. I've fought under the Emperor for years, and I never truly discovered why I was doing it. The question never occured to me until weeks ago, and I made my choice."

"And the right choice," Skyblade responded. "I've held hatred toward the Empire ever since I was a small child. They've completely destroyed the Milky Way galaxy, and the human race there is gone as I know it. We're all that's left."

"Actually," Plute replied, "I've got some news that might surprise you regarding the human race in the Milky Way. They are not, well..."

"Go on," Skyblade said with curiosity. "There's no enemy nearby to hide your secrets."

= = = = = = = = = =

Dreden Navy orders, comm channel 3, line secure
59th Warfleet:
Congratulations on the conquest of the Ellsondor system. Your orders are to proceed to the Sten system, and recapture what you took from us days ago. And I say that with a roar of laughter. Best of luck.

42nd Warfleet:
Again, I praise you for your excellent show of courage in the Battle of Verdica. But the Empire isn't through yet, and we've got a long road ahead of us. Proceed to the Seecord system, and capture the base if possible. If you encounter heavy losses, we'll try to send in backup. Good luck.

36th Warfleet:
Congratulations on the fine job at Verdica. Your next mission is in alien space: Proceed to the Pollis system, and capture it if possible. You currently have the strongest fleet in the Dreden Navy, so you should encounter no major difficulties. Stand by for further orders once mission objective is complete.

= = = = = = = = = =

101st is now in the Rhansard system, refueling and refitting, preparing for additional jump attacks.

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
GameRanger: -Sß- Captain Skyblade | Skyblade86
(url="http://"")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"")GameRanger(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url)

(This message has been edited by Captain Skyblade (edited 12-30-2001).)

On of the privates on the new GT-One came to Jimbob and handed him a message from Commander Skyblade. "We are to attack and take control of the Seecord System. He reported."
"Alright then, private, I'll order all ships to hyperspace"

The ships traveled through the systems and arrived in Seecord. The defense fleet was small. 5 destroyers and 5 gunboats. The gunboats were pursed by the Lynxes, Hawks, Crickets, and the two Odysseus. The rest of the fleet wen after the destroyers. The gunboat pursuers began firing the Plamsma beams and stinger rockets, and took the Destroyers out with minimal losses. They then turned to help the out with the destroyers. The fleet began firing torpedos, and took two down off the bat. The heavy plasma cannon and plasma rocket fire from all sides confused the aliens about who to attack, and died before they could react.

Seecord is now under Dreden control

Jimbob's Losses
7 Hawk Gunships
7 Cricket Interceptors
Moderate damage to 2 thunderclaps
Moderate damage to 2 Odysseus

Remaining fleet:
1 Titan Battlecruiser
3 Odysseus Cruisers
3 Athena Battlegunships
7 Thunderclap Destroyers
2 Odysseus
6 Lynx Heavy Fighters
3 Hawk Gunships
3 Cricket Interceptors

Cause: Putting a V12 engine on a tricycle.
Effect: A dead 3 year old.
|(url="http://"")The Palshife Rebel Hideout(/url)|(url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url)

(This message has been edited by Jimbob (edited 12-30-2001).)

An officer aboard the Liberty approached Skyblade.

"The 42nd reports that Seecord is now in Dreden hands. Moderate losses reported."

"That was quick. Jimbob is making himself quite a name in the history books," Skyblade replied. "Contact the 42nd and order them to stand by. They could use a little break, as well as fleet refitting and refueling."

"Right away sir," the officer responded. He was off in a shot with his orders.

= = = = = = = = = =

Jimbob: You really need to post your remaining fleet as well as your losses following battles. It makes things easier and less complicated.

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
GameRanger: -Sß- Captain Skyblade | Skyblade86
(url="http://"")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"")GameRanger(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url)

How ironic this is to be here again Plute thought as his ships hypered into the Sten System.

"Careful, they might be carrying drill bombs. After all, we did submit their design to the empire's database."

The scene on Sten was one of absolute chaos. Having only been under empire control for days, the citizens began to rebel imperial control upon hearing of the defection of the 59th fleet. The angry mobs pressed against the gates to the alien navy compound.

"Hurry, launch those ships!" the commander ordered. Some of the citizens in the crowd were armed. A rocket blast shook a nearby building.

The defense fleet was consisted of 3 destroyers, 2 of which had been refitted with pdcs and drill bombs. The 2 heavy fighters in the fleet were destroyed on their launchpads by the seething mob of Sten's citizens.

"All units, Fire tseeker modules!!!" Plute commanded. A giant wave of the modules sped toward the ships. The PDCs on the imperial destroyers did moderatly well, but 75% of the modules hit their mark. The destroyer without the pdcs was completely destroyed, and the other 2 took moderate damage. This was returned by seeker module fire, but 85% of them were destroyed by the fleet's pdcs. The remaining 15% hit the battlecruiser, giving it light damage "All fighters, deploy!" The fighters came swarming out of the Carrier and battlecruiser. "Try to disable their engines with your fusion beams!". The fighters' fusion beams took out the engines of one of the craft, while the other one fled the system. Only 3 heavy fighters were lost in the process. "Board that destroyer and capture it. Then bring it down to the planet and repair it for use in our fleet. All other craft land and refit."

59th Fleet Report
Losses: 3 heavy fighters
Other: 1 Destroyer captured

Sten is back under Dreden Rule

"Duct Tape is like the force, it has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together"

nav officer, take us to Xerxes and hold position.

Go Red Sox! Down with the Yankees! 😛

Rak surveyed his powerful battlegroup from the bridge of the HCS Cloak & Dagger. THE TIME HAD COME! He was to lead a powerful offense into the heart of the Alien Empire. He had already prepared his fleet. They had ceased all defensive manuevers and formed into an attack group. He would send in the asteriods first, creating confusion and covering his fighter surge, which would disperse into the Alien fleet. He ordered Carno to launch his fleet through immediately afterward, and to get into a predisclosed formation.

Rak ordered his aide, Cartwirght, to launch the roids through the gate.


The Alien watchman in the command center of Kaujathat instantly noticed when the jumpgate started pulsating. He pressed the emergency defense button, and klaxons sounded throughout the fleet. Suddenly, a massive force of fourty capital ships burst through the gate. They were traveling at an extreme speed, and one of the destroyers veered off course and slammed into the command center of the jumpgate. Everyone inside was killed instantly.


After the roids went through, Rak ordered his Stingrays into battle.


In Kaujathat, the Aliens were very confused. It appeared their commander was either dead or out of contact, so they spread out. Heavy fighters were dispatched to the jumpgate to engage the ships (asteriods) streaming towards their fleet. A team of 42 heavy fighters moved into position to engage the roids. Suddenly, a flight of over 150 stingrays, 30 covering skates, and 6 tigershark gunships burst through the cover of the asteriods, HALOs, rockets, and bombs spewing from their launchers. The 'rays pulled away, and easily outran the heavy fighters. The slower fighters weren't so lucky. Quite a few heavy fighters unleashed their beams, and many fighters never returned home. The munitions impacted their target with extreme force, knocking out a vast majority of the Alien fighters. The remaining fighters started retreating.

Meanwhile, the roids were broadcasting a powerful electronic jamming signal. No one could tell what was behind the asteriods. That is until three enterprise battlecruisers dove under the asteriod cover. They unleashed a barrage of over 400 torpedoes, concentrated on the Alien Destroyers, BattleCruisers, and heavy cruiser. Following that, Rak's four Freedoms launched another round of 150 torpedoes. It was a massacre... all but one battlecruiser survived. However, before they were destroyed, the Alien ships unsheathed their deadliest weapon, the seeker module. The modules streamed toward the three enterprises. Two were completely destroyed. One was heavily damaged. The human forces retreated to the cover of the asteriods, where they were impervious.

Soon, the entire fleet had collected behind the cover of the asteriods... waiting for Captain Carnotaur to arrive.


Fleet Stats:

16th BattleGroup
1 Republic Carrier
1 Intrepid Battlecruiser
1 Enterprise Battlecruiser (Heavily Damaged)
4 Freedom Cruisers
15 Destroyer M8s
4 Tigershark Gunships
1 Swordfish
23 Skates
206 Stingrays

49th BattleGroup
1 Carrier
1 Battlecruisers
20 Heavy Fighters
60 Interceptors

Prepare to succumb to superior strategic intelligence
The Media: (url="http://"")AP Photo of the Day(/url)-(url="http://"")CNN(/url)-(url="http://"")New York Times(/url)-(url="http://"")Washington Post(/url)
Military Technology: (url="http://"")Army(/url) - (url="http://"")Navy(/url) - (url="http://"")Air Force(/url)
HC of a major (url="http://"")Planetarion(/url) alliance -(url="http://"")IRC(/url) Master!

"Sir, President Skyblade orders that we preceed to the Pollis system, seizing control of it."

"Very well, Mr. Alexander, take the fleet to Seecord. Inform me after we arrive, and before we make the jump to the Pollis system, I'll form up the fleet into formation. Now, finally, I can get some good sleep." Azdara Ace smiled, and then walked off to get some rest.

Captain Alexander took his seat at the helm of the ship, and ordered the fleet to move out. He looked at the new fleet numbers:

2 Titan Battlecruisers(The Red Intruder and the Dragon Tooth )
3 Athena Battlegunships
4 Odysseus Cruisers
15 Thunderclap Destroyers
8 Hawk Gunships
15 Lynx Heavy Fighters
33 Slicer Medium Fighters
20 Cricket Interceptors

He would definately miss the Firestorm , which has been transferred to Jimbob's fleet, but two Titans still held great power. The fleet would enter hyperspace in 2 minutes, so Captain Alexander only had a little time to send the following message to President Skyblade:

_President Skyblade, Admiral Azdara Ace is sleeping right now, but I have a request and question to make. Oh, I'm sorry, you are probably wondering who's writing you this. I'm Captain Alexander, Captain of the Red Intruder, Admiral Azdara Ace's flagship. What I would like to know is, would I be able to mount a Trinity Cannon on to the other Titan Battlecruiser in the 36th Fleet, the Dragon Tooth? This would greatly help the 36th to destroy capital ships. That is all.

-Captain of the Red Intruder and Second in Command of the Dreden 36th Warfleet Division, Alexander_

But 10 seconds after Captain Alexander sent off the message, the 36th Fleet hypered out.


The Dreden 36th Warfleet Division is now in Seecord

You would have to be ignorant, derranged, demented, or dead to turn down the oppurtunity to fly an Azdara.
(url="http://"") Saber Studios (/url)-Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.

Skyblade was leaning back in his chair with his feet on his desk, gladly sipping a cup of steaming coffee. Heck, this tastes good, he thought to himself. Decent meals and required sleep are hard to come by for a man who commands the entire Dreden war effort.

He looked over at his computer system, and noticed a new message from the 36th Dreden Warfleet.

Ah yes, good to hear back from Azdara...

After reading the message, Skyblade responded.

Greetings Alexander. I've heard much about you from your commander, and hope to one day meet you in person. Tell Azdara not to sleep too long, just for teasing's sake. Regarding your question, I'm afraid our Titan warship designs cannot properly carry the trinity cannon, due to it's odd dimensions and shapes. I could have our ship manufactures work on a new design which would support a single trinity cannon, but the current versions do not permit this. Of course, the more planets you capture, the more income we'll get for another possible Battlecarrier. Appreciate the time, and best regards. Good luck at Pollis. -Commander Skyblade-

= = = = = = = = = =

Mod post - According to rules, I don't think we can upgrade the standard Titans with trinity cannons anyway...

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
GameRanger: -Sß- Captain Skyblade | Skyblade86
(url="http://"")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"")GameRanger(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url)