Battle for Sol III - The Saga Continues


Oh, oops. gets into IC mood


Behind the lines of fighting, Crusader of the Dredens hails Captain Skyblade.

"Sir, I await your orders and instructions. I live to serve our cause."

He awaited a reply, eager to do his part in the war against the empire......


OOC: Gah, help me out here. How do I start? 🙂

"Wherever I have been, I am back."

-Gandalf in J.R.R. Tolkien's The Two Towers

1st fleet of the Alien Empire in the Ellsondor system

  • 1 Carrier
  • 4 Battlecruisers
  • 4 Heavy Cruisers
  • 8 Destroyers
  • 29 Heavy Fighters
  • 33 Interceptors
    (fleet refuled)

-Subspace transmission to the system Verdica-




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Originally posted by Lord Asriel:
OOC: Mac, I don't think you can destroy that many Gunstars and Starscreamers, and get out with that few Stingrays destroyed. Just a thought. Remember, tri-photon cannons are quite powerful, and I'm sure that SOME shots hit your ships.

I believe my statement that the Stingrays pulled away from your fighters before entering cannon range was rather unambiguous. The Skates hit them, with more powerfdul weapons, more powerful shields, and by surprise.


Originally posted by Lord Asriel:
Seconds later, five Drakes and 77 Corvettes were tearing into the pack of HC fighters, along with 10 Gunstars. Heavy rockets exploded left and right against the Stingrays and Skates, destroying ship after ship. Tri-photon bolts also slammed into the hulls of the Skates and Stingrays, virtually destroying the pack of them.

Now you're giving my fighters no credit for speed, tactics, or common sense when they possess all three. When confronted by a large force such as that, they'll all pull away, and you don't have anything fast enough to catch them.


Originally posted by Lord Asriel:
The Drakes and Corvettes then veered off to intercept the 30 Stingrays heading for spl_cadet's Ghosts. A pile of Heavy Rockets smashed into the Stingrays, destroying many outright, and then tri-photons took out many of the others.

I fail to see how all those ships can instantly go across my lines without sustaining damage to get at them, so I'll just ignore that part.


Originally posted by Lord Asriel:
At the same time, in another part of the system, 62 Lancers were busy disintegrating the Swordfish. There were five Lancers on a Swordfish, so that didn't take too long. They skirmished briefly with the Devil Rays, but judged them to be too numerous, and retreated to where the Drakes and 'Vettes were.

And, on the way back, were hit had by salvos of HALOs from the remaining Skyblade Frigates covering Mac's fleet, losing many.

Remember too that you aren't tangling with all the Stingrays, some are still escorting bombers attacking spl.

Meanwhile, the 30 recently launched Stingrays began to engage spl_cadet's Ghost, whittling their numbers slightly.


Mod edited stats:

Mac's fleet:
1 Intrepid-class Battlecruiser (44 Stingrays deployed)
2 Enterprise-class Battlecruisers
1 Freedom-class Cruisers (45 Stingrays, deployed)
3 Skyhawk Carriers
6 Skyblade Frigates
3 Destroyer M7s (10 Stingrays, deployed)
5 Destroyer M8s
2 Hammerhead Gunboats
9 Tigershark Gunships
19 Stingrays
29 Skates
34 Devil Rays

Lord Asriel's Fleet:
12 Drakes
71 Corvettes
26 Lancers
9 Deborah Missile Boats
19 Gunstars
13 Starscreamers

spl_cadet's fleet:
1 Halberd
2 Drakes
21 Ghosts
3 lancers


To continue:

With the action against spl_cadet essentially a mop up, Mac turned his full attention to the swirling dots which represented the fighter duel. The Pirate fighters were little threat, but not so with the Corvettes. They still had enough firepower to de serious damage. The Stingrays could survive against them, but few other things could hold up against them long, due to the numbers. Hopefully, proper placement would make up for that.

"Elite and Flame groups, stay on the Gunstars and Starscreamers, try to pick them off before they can get into the serious killzone of our fleet. Tigersharks, try to pick off as many 'Vettes as you can. Hawk group, take one full lateral pass and then get back to base to get more Rockets." He looked at another section for a second, then continued. "Thunder's wing is coming in. Leading Stingray group, hit the Corvettes on your screen pass, then loop around to clear their backs. You've got Lancers returning."

The Tigersharks were proving capable opponents for the Corvettes at close range. Equipped with 8 Flak Cannons and 4 Gun Pods, they could pump metal chunks into the enemy at an astonishing rate. Hawk group made one fairly effective pass through the semi-disoriented Corvettes, further disrupting them, just before the Stingrays came in. Asriel's Pirates hadn't seen a fully armed Stingray group in action yet, and quickly learned it was much more impressive than Stingrays out of ammo. A large group of Corvettes were damaged by the wildly flying metal produced by the Skates and Tigersharks, and mant were lost to the blasdt radius of the HALOs.

Much to the Pirates dismay, the Stingrays again swung out and around just before they reached serious turret range, and charged back at the Lancers returning from their destruction of the Swordfish. The Corvettes quickly swung out to follow...

And again, Mac had a surprise for them. The Devil Ray wing from Thunder group swept through the eye that had just been created, frying a couple of Corvettes with Particle Beamms on the way through. The thoroughly startled Corvettes had time for only a few sporadic shots which accomplished little. The Devil Rays split into squadrons, each group of four heading head on at one Drake, 5 of which were sill behind the Corvettes. As LRBMs began to appear, they all released their bombs and pulled up. Head to head, the Drakes had no time to get out of the way. Hit by 16 Bombs each, a couple Torpedoes from the Devil Rays was enough to put them out of commission.

Things weren't going much better for Asriel's fighters. The remaining Lancers, damaged and out of ammo, collided with the still well armed Stingray group, with devastating effects. The Gunstars and Starscreamers were ineffective against the large group of Stingrays still streafing them with Flak Cannons, and any time anything larger came by, the Stingrays scattered.

The Devil Rays were in trouble though, and they knew it. Some Corvettes had looped around to come after them, and the other 7 Drakes were coming. Devil Rays lacked the ability to outrun all pursuit as Stingrays could, so they turned to what they knew best - attack capital ships.

The entre wing was lost, though their heavy firepower accounted for both Drakes and a few Corvettes first, and ejection systems saved 9 of the pilots.

Mac's fighters were now all heading back toward his fleet, daring the Pirates to follow them into the fire from the pickets...

The Heavy ships in Mac's and spl's fleet were now totally out of ammo. Mac's fighters and bombers still swirled around, while the capital ships backed away, refusing to engage.


Macavenger's fleet:
1 Intrepid-class Cruiser (42 Stingrays, returning to mothership)
2 Enterprise-class Battlecruisers
1 Freedom-class Cruiser (37 Stingrays, deployed, attacking Ghosts)
3 Skyhawk Carriers
6 Skyblade Frigates
3 Destroyer M7s (4 Stingrays, deployed)
4 Destroyer M8s
2 Hammerhead Gunboats
4 Tigershark Gunships (returning to fleet group)
13 Stingrays (returning for ammo)
14 Skates (returning for ammo)
21 Devil Rays (attacking spl_cadet)
spl_cadet's Fleet:
1 Halberd
1 Drake
14 Ghosts
Lord Asriel's Fleet:
7 Drakes
9 Deborah Gunships
43 Corvettes
4 Gunstars
3 Starscreamers

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

It's those damned humans. Everything is their fault. If they hadn't existed, we could have ruled the universe thought Nick as he was resting in his regeneration pod. Nick was an honored Centurion that commanded a battlecruiser in rebel council's fleet during the past few years, and only recently had been assigned a new mission. The most boring thing ever: patrolling UMS-4870 which was basicaly a bunch of rocks floating around in a void. Ever since the war, Nick had a great resentment towards all humans and everything that had to do with them.

He was having a great daydream about human destruction, when suddenly a loud beeping sound began emitting from his communication screen. Grumbling a bit, he got up and checked the transmitter that was emitting the rude noise. "Urgent message from Emperor Rebel Council". His curiosity piqued, he quickly read the message.

"Congratulations, Centurion Nick, you have been chosen to command the 59th fleet, which is to join in the empire's fight against the human race. Your fleet will be assembled upon your arrival at Kathrii. It will consist of one carrier (ACS Euphoria II: flagship), one battlecruiser, four heavy cruisers, ten destroyers, 50 heavy fighters, and 10 interceptors. Report at once to Kathrii and stand by for further orders.

Fleet Report for the 59th Alien Battlegroup
1 Carrier(ACS Euphoria II: Flagship)
1 Battlecruiser
4 Heavy Cruisers
10 Destroyers
50 Heavy Fighters
10 Interceptors
Credits spent: 600,000,000
Stationed at Kathrii and awaiting orders

Every time I went to a wedding, my aunts used to poke me and say "you're next!", but they stopped when I started doing it to them at funerals.

(This message has been edited by BariSaxGuy5 (edited 12-28-2001).)

"Sir, incoming mesage from President Skyblade!" The communications officer's voice crackled into Azdara Ace's headset.

"Very well, I'll be right up to the bridge." Azdara Ace rushed up to the bridge, organizing his thoughts on his way up. Captain Alexander, as always, was waiting. "Okay, open the message." Azdara Ace turned to face the huge holo projection put up against the rear wall of the bridge. The message was brief. Azdara Ace was instructed to attack and take full control of the Rikard system.

"Captain Alexander, fleet status?" Captain Alexander's voice was smooth and unchanging, never missing a beat.

"Sir, the fleet is fully fueled and operational, ready to move out at your command." Azdara Ace smiled with satisfaction, his first military campaign would soon begin. He was young, unexperienced, and unpredictable, but he liked to think of that as an advantage, and was dying to prove his worth.

"Mr. Alexander, what are our current fleet numbers?"

"Sir, the fleet numbers are as follows:

3 Titan Battlecruisers

  • 6 Athena Battlegunships
  • 8 Odysseus Cruisers
  • 20 Thunderclap Destroyers
  • 14 Hawk Gunships
  • 30 Lynx Heavy Fighters
  • 40 Slicer Medium Fighters
  • 40 Cricket Interceptors

What are your orders?"

"Hmmm....Those fighters pose a small problem. They limit our fleets range, and will easily fall prey to Alien weapons. Please arrange The Slicers amd Crickets into
phalanx formation. Let's make that 3 phalanxes of 3 total, mixing Slicers and Crickets together. Give orders to the phalanxes to hold their position when entering the system, and go for larger more dangerous targets first. The remaining fighters and gunships will fly coverage for the rear and sides of the phalanxes and pick off smaller vessels. I want all capital ships about 20 seconds behind the fighters, destroying and stragglers, except for the destroyers which will fly between the fighter groups. Any capital warships holding fighters will not launch fighters unless they come under heavy attack." Azdara Ace found himself now slightly out of breath, so he waited for Caprain Alexander's response.

"Sounds good Admiral. I will give out orders imediatly. If I may make one suggestion though."

"Please, go ahead." Azdara Ace was pleased that Captain Alexander wasn't afraid to make suggestions, being a much more experienced captain, the suggestions were sure to be good.

"I would recommend placing your Athena Battlegunships up with the fighters, their overwhelming firepower will be useful when the battle unfolds." Azdara Ace thought it over for a few seconds, and, realizing that it was solid advice agreed.

"Okay, that should help us out a lot. Thank you for your input. Now, please relay the orders to the fleet, as soon as the formations are formed, we leave for Rikard." Azdara Ace walked up to his command chair, and watched as the fighters smoothly formed their formations. He had some doubts about his abilities, and felt a little tense, being in command of so many people. Losses came with war, a fact he regretted greatly. He finally got over it however, when he was informed that the fleet was ready to move out. He flipped a switch that caused his voice to be transmitted to all vessels, and gave a brief speech. "Vessels of the Dreden Rebellion, now is the time for vengence. Now is the time when worlds, enslaved by tyranical Alien rule will be saved. It wont be easy, nothing in war is, but I hope, and pray, that we will all fight to the best of our ability. Now, we are about to make the jump of hyperspace to the Rikard system, which intelligence reports is poorly defended. Our goal is to overwhelm the defenses as quickly as possible. Think intelligenly, protect each other, and most importantly, find strength in unity. All vessels prepare the jump to hyperspace in 3,2,1, NOW!" The stars streaked passed the bridge of the Red Intruder , and Azdara Ace braced himself for battle.

You would have to be ignorant, derranged, demented, or dead to turn down the oppurtunity to fly an Azdara.
(url="http://"") Saber Studios (/url)-Your source for original EV/O/N graphics. the Confederation Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon

"Incoming transmission sir, from fleet commander Jager in the Kaujathat System."

"Kyle, my sources confirm the presence of two large fleets gathered in the Kaujathin system. They are commanded by humans by the name of Rak and James. It may be advisable for you to reinforce my position so as to prevent any incursion by these fleets, for the time being."

"Give the order to all ships, ready to move at my signal. Bearing: Pax, then Kaujathat. Engage!"

Arriving in the Kaujathat system, a state of nervousness was present in the discussion room aboard Jager's ship the UNS Apolo.

"We must set up an ample position, ready for any surprise human attack." Kyle pointed out to his fellow commanders. "Set up a ring of destroyers and battlecruisers a good distance from the gate. Have all weapons ready and all stations at permanent yellow alert. The Falconlance will be deployed among these battlecruisers. Heavy cruisers deployed close to the gate with cruisers encircling them. Noses directed at the gate and weapons charged at all times. Heavy fighters are to patrol above and below the gate in squadrons of 8, refuelling when necessary."

The order was given, and Kyle's ships moved into position, encircling the Kaujathat gateway.

"Jager, deploy your fleet as you like. My fleet is ready to direct immediate attention to any prudent confederation ships. Address any concerns now."

"Oh by the way, comm officer Ben, I hear we have a new fleet commander in our midsts. Send a message of greetings from commander Kyle on the human front to this new commander, Nick, I believe. Tell him that I welcome him into the Alien high command and advise him to show no mercy towards any human ships that he should encounter. Also, advise him to reinforce rebel council on the Dreden front, as I would hate to see our empire crumbling somewhere behind me."
Go Red Sox! Down with the Yankees! 😛

(This message has been edited by Kylethekender545 (edited 12-28-2001).)

Admiral Mark James met Alan Rak at the jumpgate command center. They both exchanged pleasantries, and then Rak got down to business.

"Admiral James?" he inquired.

"Yes, Sir?" James responded.

"I want you to take control of the micromanagement of our combine composite battlegroup. I will issue orders and you must execute them with your own discretion in the minute details. Understand?" Rak proposed.

"Yes, Sir. Thank you." James eagerly replied.

"You are dismissed, don't disappoint me."
James placed his ships in a similar fashon to Rak's. All of his heavy capital ships capable of dishing out close range damage were placed behind the opening of the jumpgate. He placed his medium and light fighters in a tight spherical formation around the ring, concentrating his heavy firepower in the arc closest to the exit of the jumpgate. All of his other ships were directly in front of the opening of the jumpgate, but back by .87 of torpedo range. The fighter ring had an opening in the direct center of where ships exited the jumpgate. The formation was designed to ensure constant motion, and the pore opened and closed depending on whether there was a torpedo inbound.

Prepare to succumb to superior strategic intelligence
The Media: (url="http://"")AP Photo of the Day(/url)-(url="http://"")CNN(/url)-(url="http://"")New York Times(/url)-(url="http://"")Washington Post(/url)
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HC of a major (url="http://"")Planetarion(/url) alliance -(url="http://"")IRC(/url) Master!

Darnit, Crusader! It's about time you showed up... The Dreden Rebellion needs a new player. 😉 You've actually been a BFS III player, you just never chose a fleet and starting location a few months back. You have 600,000,000 credits to go and blow on your own fleet. Go to the BFS III website (link in Mac's signature), visit the Dreden shipyard, and purchase the ships you wish to compose your fleet. Then tell Mac your starting location (somewhere in Dreden space. Just make sure to tell him in the discussion topic). You were my best commander in BFS II, so I'll make you an Admiral. 😉

= = = = = = = = = =

Senester and Verdica now in Dreden Rebellion hands. Rikard likely soon.

= = = = = = = = = =

"The fleet is completely fueled up and ammo level replentished. We're ready to continue our assault," Deckerd said. "Our intellegence reports were correct. The bulk of the alien fleets are to the rear of our line of attack."

"Exactly, and we must continue to take advantage of that," Skyblade replied. "My newest Admiral is currently contructing a fleet in the Uriah system, so should our attack not go as planned, we'll have backup. Prepare the 101st for hyperspace."

"Target, sir?"

"Orne. We must link our southern worlds to the isolted sections to our north."

"Very well sir. I'll alert the feet immediately."

Deckerd saluted, turned, and left the quarters. Skyblade then proceeded to send other orders through his own secure computer system

= = = = Secure line # 5, urgent = = = = =
Source - 101st Dreden Warfleet Division
Destination - 42nd Warfleet Division, Lieutenant Commander Jimbob
Now that Verdica is secure and safely in the hands of the Rebellion, you are to proceed to Ellsondor and capture the system. Hopefully, this will create a vital link between our southern and northern systems. Launch the attack no later than 1400 hours, and have your fleet refueled and refitted with additional ammo before hand. That is all, and best of luck. - Commander Skyblade -
End of transmission
= = = = Secure line # 5, urgent = = = = =

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
GameRanger: -Sß- Captain Skyblade | Skyblade86
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KK's 19th Pirate Fleet takes Tiber. (Details in next post, but Page 1 is ending too soon.)

Courage stands halfway between cowardice and rashness, one of which is a lack, the other an excess of courage." ... Plutarch

Well, not bad indeed. This kind of firepower could really do some damage to those pathetic apes. But why did they choose me for commanding it??

Nick though idly as he boarded his flagship the ACS Euphoria II and started the walk to the bridge. Imeadiately upon arrival, the transmitter starter squaking again.

I really need to change that noise Nick thought

"Greetings from Tribune Kylethekender" it read, "congratulations and welcome to the alien fleets. I advise you to set course for Sentarus Prime to help protect the core worlds from the evil Dreden insurrection"

At last, the opportunity he was dying for. No more boring surveyal of space rocks, finally, he would be able to destroy the humans!

"Officer Plute, what is the current fleet status?"

"All ships are fully armed and fueled sir."

"Good, set a course for Sentarus Prime."

"Right away sir!"

Well, this could prove to be quite interesting Nick thought as the ships entered hyperspace.

Deus, Exerd, Tarkard, Sentarus Prime

Every time I went to a wedding, my aunts used to poke me and say "you're next!", but they stopped when I started doing it to them at funerals.

The Orne system was nearly empty when the 101st Warfleet arrived. The aliens had obviously realized that holding the system would be impossible, and to stand and fight, suicide. The two or so Imperial Interceptors which patrolled the system didn't even have time to contact headquarters, so swift was their destruction. The 101st made short work of any resistance outside or Orne's atmosphere.

It wasn't long before the planetary defense fleet arrived, two destroyers and three gunboats strong. Much similar to what had occured in Senester, the enemy didn't get far. The Liberty was ready, and focused its Trinity cannons on the approaching defense fleet. The beam sped forward, and oblitereated a gunship immediately. The second beam struck the main hull of a destroyer, melting it as it shot out the other side. It was followed by large explosian, tearing the warship to space dust before it could fire. The remaining alien ships let loose seeker modules, most of which were targetted at the Liberty. It was useless, in which the firepower never brought the flagship's shields below 98%. The enemy fleet wondered too close to the Dreden battlecarrier, and the hundreds of plasma turrets had their fair share of shooting. The fleet assisted in destroying the remaining destroyer, and the gunships managed to destroy a Dreden gunship before the rediculous firepower advantage overwhelmed them. It was all over within a single minute.

"Battle report," Skyblade requested.

"Losses extrememly light, sir. Computer states as follows:
101st Warfleet Stats:

  • 01 Liberty Battlecarrier
  • 35 Thunderclap Destroyers
  • 39 Hawk Gunships (1 destroyed)
  • 45 Lynx Heavy Fighters
  • 61 Cricket Interceptors (1 destroyed)"

"Then Orne has fallen. Surely the Empire won't be so easy about allowing planets to slip out of their greedy fingers in the future. For now, the time is good."

Skyblade paused for a moment and rubbed his chin.

"Have the 101st refuel and replentish ammo on Orne, and clean up any resistance on the planet. But be quick, as we must move on."

"Right away sir," a young Lieutenant in a deep blue uniform responded. Moments later, Orne was secure and the residents happy to be liberated.

= = = = = = = = = =

Orne now in Dreden Rebellion hands

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
GameRanger: -Sß- Captain Skyblade | Skyblade86
(url="http://"")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"")GameRanger(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url)

"Sir, we are preparing to come out of hyperspace." Azdara Ace was awoken by Captain Alexander.

"Very well. Bring up the tactical display, put foward sensors on full." Azdara ace looked up at the tactical, fuzzy for a moment, and then it came into view. "So, when we enter, we should head that way." Azdara Ace pointed to a spot on the screen where a large group of Alien Freightters could be seen. "Mr. Alexander, how good are you at manual hyperspace exits?"

"Ahhh. I see we think along the same lines, Admiral. Yes, it would be best to go for a manual droppout right on top of that alien group."

"So you feel confident in doing it?"

"Of course sir, with this new Titan Battlecruiser, you can't really call it "manual" any more. The computer does all of it."

"Excellent. ETA?" Azdara Ace breathed a small sigh of relief.

"We are approximately 2.234567 minutes away. If we can pull this off correctly, we shouldn't sustain any losses."

"Yes, I was just thinking the same thing." Azdara Ace looked at the tactical. There were around 35 Alien ships in the Rikard system ahead, most of them freighters. A computerised warning voice went off, "10 seconds to hyperspace droppout. Please put on your restraint belt, and man your stations." There were a few crew members that scurried here and there, but overall, the ship was already prepared. It was time. The stars streaked back into normal, and a large planet suddenly appeared directly in front of the fleet.

The Alien's response was one of panic. The right phalanx cut through a freighter group, obliverating all in its path. The center phalanx, with help of Thunderclap Destroyers, smashed though a fighter group. That left about 20 Alien ships in the system, all of them making for the planet, or throttling to hyperspace range. "Left phalanx, Green Group, cut off those freighters making for the planet. All capital ships, full throttle to the planet. We need to be there when the defense fleet shows up." There was a rumbling sound as the whole ship came to life, blasting foward towards the planet. The system was now clear of all Alien ships, either dead, or escaped.

"Excellent!" Just as the words came out of Azdara Ace's mouth though, 2 alien Heavy Cruisers appeared from the planet below. "Hmmmm.....Green Group, Blue Group, Red Group, and all Destroyers and Battlegunships up there, I want you to attack those Alien Heavy Cruisers from all sides, and then pull back to the main force." The plan worked quite effectively. The Alien Cruisers, attacked from all sides, went into a state of confusion, they only had 3 Fusion Particle beam turrets a piece, and were under attack by over 100 differnt targets. The ships that took on the most damage were the Destroyers. One of them was completely disabled, another down to 50% armor. However, the Alien Heavy Cruisers, under intense firepower, survived for only around 40 seconds.

The Dreden force, remarkably, had received no losses in ships. However, many reports were coming in to Azdara Ace that various ships had lost a crew member or so. Tallied together, about 7 lost crew members. The force took the planet easily, the governor practically gave it to them, the hardship of Alien rule was very apparent. The governor proved very useful, actually giving to the Dreden fleet resources, shipyard facilities, and to Azdara Ace's great surprise, 5 Alien Interceptors, along with Alien pilots. "Wait a sec, why would these pilots fly with my fleet?"

"Oh, master Admiral, it is because they, much as most of the Aliens on the planet, hate rule by the empire. We all know that if you Dreden destroy the Empire, our lifes will become much happier, like before. For, you see, the Alien Empire was once a great and wonderful empire, ready to help its neighbors, and always just. However,
with great power comes great possibilities, and one of our old leaders, Kathrii'll, chose poorly. He was the leader that first attacked your human friends, many, many years ago. From then on, the Alien Empire has degenerated to a terrible, terrible thing. The taxes are so harsh that not even I can pay off my bills. It is time for change. These interceptors are my sign of gratitude to you for saving my people." When Azdara Ace looked into his Alien face, for the first time ever, he felt sincereity from an Alien.

"Very well, thank you very much." Azdara Ace, accompanied by a marine group, headed back for the Red Intruder. The Intercetors would arrived there in a few hours, or so the governor said. When aboard, Azdara Ace went to Captain Alexander with the news.

"Excellent, Admiral. This is a good sign for us. If this world hates Alien rule, there surely must be more. Interceptors you say? Well, that is unexpected. We should be able to make room for them, though. I would place them somewhere, where you can keep a watchful eye on them."

"Yes, I agree, what is our fleet status?"

"Well, now with the additional Interceptors,

3 Titan Battlecruisers
6 Athena Battlegunships
8 Odysseus Cruisers
20 Thunderclap Destroyers(1 disabled, 1 severely damaged)
14 Hawk Gunships
30 Lynx Heavy Fighters
40 Slicer Medium Fighters
40 Cricket Interceptors
5 Alien Interceptors

What do we do next" seecord

"I'm not sure, we need to repair those two Destroyers using the shipyard facilities here, and I also want to send a message to President Skyblade. An encoded message." Azdara Ace walked over the the coder machine, typed in the message, coded it, and sent it off, looking like this:

Xjhvj uq ogax wgueyke pt tghgtxk, pt tjqyqj j na qqvmxovv?

Tingles ran down Azdara Ace's back as he thought of the galay without the Alien threat. He now, for the first time, realized that many, many, many, people and Aliens hated the Alien Empire. He only hoped that he could help free these beings to the best of his ability.

You would have to be ignorant, derranged, demented, or dead to turn down the oppurtunity to fly an Azdara.
(url="http://"") Saber Studios (/url)-Your source for original EV/O/N graphics. the Confederation Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon

(Here is what happened when KK captured Tiber. I've been trying to get this posted ever since my initial post, but Skyblade, Azdara Ace, etc. have been keeping the circuits pretty busy.... Wow!)

KK’s 19th Fleet, in El Santo:
4 . . . . . Drakes
10. . . Deborahs (Thanks Asriel)
100 . . Corvettes
90 . . . Gunstars
142 . . Lancers

KK’s first (well, first galactically recognized) new attack on the HC took place in the Tiber system....

A (previously captured, and terribly damaged) merchant Argosy jumped into the Tiber system mere moments in front of four of Commander Gort’s Gunstars and three Lancers. The Argosy’s distress calls were hailing Port Oread so frequently as to be on “automatic”.

Port Oread’s Commander Ronden scrambled the Defense Fleet as quickly as possible ... the pirates were almost within range of the Argosy; their swivel cannons were already blazing away. “We’ll be lucky to save these guys,” thought the HC Commander, as they raced to the rescue.

Almost the same moment the Argosy got within range of two of Tiber’s HC Skyhawks, all but two of the pirates broke off in different directions. For some bizarre reason, two Gunstars seemed determined to get through to the Argosy. The pirates feinted and weaved all around the Argosy, sporadically attempting to hit it with their swivel cannons. Simultaneously the Skyhawks attempted to: close into a tighter formation to protect the barely surviving merchant ship; take out the two insane Gunstars; and keep track of the HC Fighters pursuing the other pirate ships.

Seemingly from every conceivable direction, space was rapidly filled with attacking pirate Corvettes, Gunstars and Lancers. Ronden realized the Argosy was a decoy when Commander Gort’s brief hail came over the comm, “Bye, HC fungus!” And the Argosy imploded in a blinding flash.

One Skyhawk was immediately down to armor alone. Ronden’s shields were down to 28%. (A part of Ronden’s brain wondered just how much of what explosive the Argosy drone was packed with?) Without delay two Gunstars finished off the first Skyhawk with a volley of Heavies. ...Ronden -- with little choice -- attacked the closest group of pirates with everything he had, while ordering what remained of the defense fleet to rally on him. Ronden’s wounded fleet took out two ‘Vettes, one Gunstar and four Lancers ... but his shields were down to 6% and six more of his Tigershark fighters and eight Skates were killed. Ronden knew additional losses would be pointless.

“Kap’n Karl, Lorrac here,” reported the Captain of one of the Pirate Corvettes. “Ronden has just surrendered the Tiber system.”

KK’s first fleet action of the new campaign was a success ... and he never even used any Drakes....

“This is the Kaptain. You have until precisely 1405 hours to repair your ships, deal with the prisoners, resupply, refuel and rearm your ships, reestablish the defense fleet and move out. That means all ships and crews not back in orbital formation in less than nine hours will be left with the defense fleet. Wilk, out.”

Tiber is now controlled by the pirates.
KK’s 19th Fleet consists of:
4 . . . . . Drakes
10 . . . . Deborahs
97 . . . . Corvettes . . . (-3)
86 . . . . Gunstars . . . . (-3)
133 . . . Lancers . . . . . (-8)

Courage stands halfway between cowardice and rashness, one of which is a lack, the other an excess of courage." ... Plutarch

Mod post - Azdara, I don't have a newer version of Appleworks, and couldn't open your e-mail attachment. Simpletext or Word would work fine if possible.

(Edit) Oops!(/Edit)

This "flashback" would have been my first post ... But you started before I could be ready.

The atmosphere was thick with excitement. KK’s fleet was remobilizing.

The biggest challenge of returning to the “roving enterprise” (Pirating is such an “edgy” term.) had been surviving the process of reuniting Kaptain Karl Wilk’s fleet. As Karl risked the trip: across two galaxies, without proper identification, under-powered, under-armed, and only minimally informed about the specifics and magnitude of the risk ... there remained “some small element” of danger.

Karl’s small squad -- indeed the majority of KK’s crew -- traversed the galaxies to reunite the fleet entirely on their confidence in KK’s old colleague, Lord Asriel (Sattomax). But KK’s confidence in Satto... -er- Lord Asriel was so great he would indeed mobilize on Lord Asriel’s word alone. ...And Karl’s crew had similar confidence in his word. KK put out the call that the fleet was remobilizing with a brief intergalactic Personal Ad: “We sail on the tide of the twin new moons -- only if you enter the bay from the west.”

In ones, threes and squads the crew mates (and their newly recruited friends) quickly and quietly crept across systems of three galaxies and slipped into the rendezvous system. Those who had “respectable” positions in certain governments’ hierarchies left on “vacation” or simply called in sick. Fourteen mates broke out of eleven different prisons (six of them HC prisons). One Medic left her operating room and was out of range of the hospital paging system before both hearts of her patient stopped beating. Two HC officers -- a Tactical Commander and a Second Lieutenant -- would soon be listed “UA” ... they would not return to their respective posts after their “emergency leaves.” Transport pilots, fishermen, university professors, security patrollers, bankers, miners, technicians of every sort, chefs, farmers and military leaders ... whatever the “galactic job” it paled in comparison to Kaptain Karl’s clarion call. The fleet is remobilizing. The crew mates’ love for, and confidence in, the Kaptain was unsurpassed. If their leader was beckoning, they knew the rewards would far outweigh the risks. The fleet is remobilizing

Wilk had a distinct advantage over most military musters. When the Human Confederation had a sudden need for expanded crews they still followed the old Teran Naval tradition of “pressing” crews into service. Merchant ships could be stopped by any HC military ship for a “spot inspection.” Inventories would be verified and -- no matter how “skeletal” the merchant ship’s crew -- up to 20 percent of the crew could legally be impressed by the HC Navy.

Karl Wilk’s way was better. KK put out the call ... and crews risked life and limb to join him. Period.

The fleet is remobilizing.

Indeed, the trip from his far flung home planet of S’Taal (unknown to galactic cartographers) was the easy part, thought Karl. Truly, the worst part of a pirate reunion was ... well, the reunion itself. Wrestling, shooting, drinking, shooting, knife juggling, fights, pugil stick contests, jousting, shooting and just general maiming and blood-letting. (Did we mention shooting?) ...“Arrgh! It’s good to be back together again” grinned Karl.


KK’s command crew was nearly completely restored. Of his key personnel, only Commander Vic was gone -- lost in the famous Battle of Levo of almost a year ago. KK replaced Vic with Gort, who brought with him some notably effective -- and especially devious -- tactical abilities.

KK’s Flagship crew returned intact to the Scourge: Kaptain Karl Wilk ... First Officer, Zazz Geppa ... Quartermaster, Pl’Haav ... Master, Kwan

KK and his three Wing Commanders chose the fast and powerful Drakes for their personal ships. Besides KK’s (very beefed up) Scourge, the Wing Commanders and their ships are: Dirk ... Strafe; Kotov ... Snake; Gort ... Slash.

Courage stands halfway between cowardice and rashness, one of which is a lack, the other an excess of courage." ... Plutarch

(This message has been edited by Kaptain Karl (edited 12-28-2001).)

"Pull back! It's no use. Get back to HQ!"

An Imperial officer of the Alien Empire was in a state of panic. He was commander of all ground forces in the Sovet system, doing his best to keep the planet in order. But it was now complete chaos. The Empire had done everything in it's power not to allow word of the Dreden victory in nearby Verdica to reach anyone's ears. The few ships who had escaped Verdica and Rikard had spread their stories like fire, warning of "the coming of liberators." The Dreden were coming, and the residents of Sovet knew it.

As the Imperial Commander continued to conduct a retreat, the growing numbers of rebels, armed and lusting for revenge, were overwhelming them. Imperial officers were murdering any civilians who stood in their line of retreat, angry because of the planetary revolt. Small arms fire shot throught the capital, and residents fired at any soldier dressed in red attire. By the time the Imperial commander reached his HQ, 1,254 of his 2,000-man garrison were dead or wounded.

"Get through to High Command, and call for immediate backup. We can't stop them!" The commander roared to his officers. They could hardly hear him, as laser beams were shooting through the walls of the building. Even Imperial troops were turning on their fellow soldiers and stopping them dead in their tracks. Hand-to-hand combat was everywhere, and armed residents burst into the building, blasting away. The commander was stabbed in the back by one of the officers he had just given orders to. For the humans who had only read of the great battle of Stalingrad during World War II centuries before, Sovet was far worse. Imperial rule was crumbling, and without the Dreden's arrival.

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
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(This message has been edited by Captain Skyblade (edited 12-28-2001).)

OOC: Uh oh......Would it be illegal to send you my version of Appleworks? It's version 6. It came with my computer so.....I'm not sure if I can do the same thing into another program...


The Rikard system has been captured by the Dreden Rebellion.

You would have to be ignorant, derranged, demented, or dead to turn down the oppurtunity to fly an Azdara.
(url="http://"") Saber Studios (/url)-Your source for original EV/O/N graphics. the Confederation Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon


Originally posted by Azdara Ace:
**OOC: Uh oh......Would it be illegal to send you my version of Appleworks? It's version 6. It came with my computer so.....I'm not sure if I can do the same thing into another program...


The Rikard system has been captured by the Dreden Rebellion.


Probably not, since I believe upgrading to newer versions if Appleworks is free (refers to and finds out it is free to upgrade). Sure, if you like, go ahead with your mentioned idea. I could put this encryption system to good work. 😉

Any other responses to this post, make them in the discussion topic.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
HCBN - Human Confederation BattleNetŞ
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Today the Human Confederation
government released a report on an
outbreak of violence yesterday at the
Kaujathat jumpgate, the entrance to the
Sentaurus galaxy. The report states that an
Alien spy had infiltrated the installation by
morphing into the bodily form of a human
supermodel. She then seduced the staff
into giving her full access. She then killed
them and was about to activate the
jumpgate when a team of marines led by
Staff Sergeant John Waker interrupted her.
The ensuing firefight resulted in the death of
four, including the Sergeant. As a result, he
was awarded the Medal of Honor. In other
news, a recent pirate incursion into...
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
HCBN - Human Confederation BattleNetŞ
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


Admiral Rak activated the communications unit on his command chair and dialed up his aide, Philip Cartwright. Cartwright was a very dependable and resourceful person, and was expected by many to become the President of the HC later in his career.

"Hey Philip!" exclaimed Rak.

"Hello, Sir." Philip replied.

"I am glad you made it."

"Well, the executive transport you sent me in was a joy."

"I am glad you enjoyed the ride. I have a job for you. It is a bit boring by your sucess may determine the survival of the Human Confederation. Do you want the job?"

"Yes, Sir!" Cartwright exclaimed ecstatically.

"Okay... I want you to head down to Theta Dock. I want you to bring out an asteriod miner and grab as many 'roids as you can. Put them in Theta dock and coat them with tungsten glue. Got it?"

"Yes, Sir."

The image disappeared, and for the first time since the Battle for Sol itself, Rak felt like the HC was going somewhere.

Prepare to succumb to superior strategic intelligence
The Media: (url="http://"")AP Photo of the Day(/url)-(url="http://"")CNN(/url)-(url="http://"")New York Times(/url)-(url="http://"")Washington Post(/url)
Military Technology: (url="http://"")Army(/url) - (url="http://"")Navy(/url) - (url="http://"")Air Force(/url)
HC of a major (url="http://"")Planetarion(/url) alliance -(url="http://"")IRC(/url) Master!

"Emperor, 1st fleet ready for attack"

As the fleet readyed for hyper jump the ships gathered into a spear Formation. 20 Heavy Fighters headed the fleet, then 8 Destroyers assisted by the 4 Heavy Cruisers followed. The 4 Battlecruisers lead the way for the Carrier wich is followed by the 33 Interceptors and 9 Heavy Fighters.

RC: "All ships are to stay in formation until I give the order."

1st fleet jumped into the Verdica system.

Why does Jimbob have 3 Titans

"God made people because that dinosaur game sucked" - Xbox
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(This message has been edited by rebel council (edited 12-28-2001).)