Confederation or Rebellion?


I have now, for a moment, read on and off at the latest topics and I have noticed that it seems like people hate the Confederation (a.k.a."'Feds") and love the Rebellion.

So I ask you, what government is the most popular one?
This question does only concern the original Escape Velocity and not any plug ins! 🙂

I am curios...

"Curiosity killed the cat"
- so they say... :frown: 😉


If you cannot say something nice about a man, cut his head off! >=)

Uh, there have been many polls like this. anyway, my vote goes to the Rebels, because the Confeds suck. I really don't feal like explaining, I'm in a bad mood.

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The Rebellion is definately more popular, anyone will tell you that. But if you ask which is better, that's a completely different story. Just ask David Arthur.

-Love, Rawzer


Originally posted by Jimbob:
**Uh, there have been many polls like this.

So what? They're still fun! 🙂

I prefer the Rebellion. I'll wait for David Arthur to post so I can argue more. 😛

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Oh, it seems like I forgot to add something; can you please explain why you prefer one of the governments? 🙂

I'd vote for them both, as they are totaly opposite and I like both ideas and ideals. The Rebells doesn't care all that much if you're doing illegal things or not - which is nice, as long as you yourself isn't beeing robbed and there is no police, because the Rebells doesn't have police.
The 'Feds however, have a great administrative and policeur structure, but they don't allow any fun at all! For instance, missions and co-ops with the pirates, are strictly forbidden by the 'Feds.


If you cannot say something nice about a man, cut his head off! >=)

Rebels, I always like the underdog and they are being oppressed by the confederation.

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More people like the Rebels, like me, for example. The 'Feds are too mean, the Rebels are more relaxed.

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Originally posted by KaBoomer!!!:
The 'Feds however, have a great administrative and policeur structure, but they don't allow any fun at all! For instance, missions and co-ops with the pirates, are strictly forbidden by the 'Feds.

Evidently we have different definitions of fun. For me, if you're shooting at people, you've moved from the category of "having fun" into "piracy, crime, and all sorts of other bad things," and deserve to be stopped.

There are a number of things I don't like about the Rebellion, principally the way they attack merchants and other civilian starships on a regular basis, the way their existence draws the Confederation's forces away from keeping piracy under control, and of course, the Rebellion is the aggressor, and for all their talk of freedom and such, their methods aren't exactly in keeping with democracy and personal freedom.

Anyway, this board already has enough of my writings on the Confederation and other people's arguments to keep you busy for a while. I suggest that you look back through the archives for the older topics on this subject, particularly (url="http://";=001503")"Which government is better?"(/url) and also one that Esponer started that I can't find a link to at the moment to get up to date on my arguments, and you should also read the classic text on this subject, (url="http://"")"Which is better, Confeds or Rebels?"(/url) on the Best of Escape Velocity Posts.

David Arthur
(url="http://"")Talon Plugin for the original Escape Velocity(/url)
(url="http://"")An Upcoming EV Override Mission Editor(/url)

(This message has been edited by David Arthur (edited 11-16-2001).)

I personally like the Rebellion better.

  1. There ships look better.
  2. You can do anything except attack their ships.
  3. If they gained complete power on the universe they would probably in no way be like the Fed's are at ruling their government.




Originally posted by KaBoomer!!!:
For instance, missions and co-ops with the pirates, are strictly forbidden by the 'Feds.

Actually, I'm a Rebel, but I should point out that there are some Fed missions where you work with some Pirates, specifically those dealing with the Jericon Corp.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

Like many others, I prefer the Rebellion. Primarily this is because their ships are faster and they let me rob independant ships. This, however, does not address and issue of their cause or morals.

I find that the Rebellion is fighting for the better cause for obvious reasons. Tired of tyranny and oppression, they found that the only way to gain freedom was through military force, as they were (most likely) not represented in the Confederate Government and diplomacy was futile. Few people would fight so hard in a war so hopeless if they did not have a cause that they strongly believed in, and millions of people and several corporations would probably not be supporting them if they thought the cause was bogus.

Matt Burch, I think, did not give us the full picture on the political aspects and motivations of this war so that the player could decide for his/her own self. Maybe we should ask Matt. 🙂

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) -- (url="http://"")The Legion(/url)

Remember that you are a unique individual - just like everybody else.

Rebellion. Definately. As soon as I ever set eyes on the 'Reb Destroyer, I was a loyal follower from that point on. 😉

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the Confederation Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon
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Originally posted by David Arthur:
Evidently we have different definitions of fun. For me, if you're shooting at people, you've moved from the category of "having fun" into "piracy, crime, and all sorts of other bad things," and deserve to be stopped.

A very hypocritical statement from basically any government in EV.


There are a number of things I don't like about the Rebellion, principally the way they attack merchants and other civilian starships on a regular basis

I have never seen a Rebel ship attack an independant merchant. If a Rebel warship is next to a Confederation freighter, it will attack it, yes. Allied forces destroyed German convoys in the World Wars. Not very nice, but just part of war.



the way their existence draws the Confederation's forces away from keeping piracy under control


As far as taking sides Long live the rebellion!!! the confederation is ust no fun and besides red is my favorite color and one more thing they are easy target practice for my forklifts

may the forklift be with you


I like..., well you know. I tried the Feds for a while but they were boring. I usually join the rebels so I can buy there ships. The fed ships are to slow and clumsy. And, by the time I end up taking over Rebel systems I just cant do it. Neither of them are going to be gould in the long run, the Rebels are going to get stuck up after the war (it is a forgon fact that they are going to win) that they will turn into tyrants. It is just the way big government works.

"I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person."
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(One world, One Country, One Leader.)

I think it's a lot more fun to simply capitalize off of the entire war thing by remaining neutral. Specifically, I like to attack pirates, and take advantage of ships that manage to disable each other.

- Gavin Dow, upholder of truth, justice, and the American cheese.
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(This message has been edited by Starkiller (edited 11-16-2001).)

The Feds are much better for several reasons

1. They get mad if you do pirate missions but the rebellion dosen't what kind of galaxy would it be if the government did'nt do anything about the pirates

2. The Rebellion uses "unjust" tactics such as assination but the Feds don't


The feds are better because they don't use "unjust" tactics as assination as does the rebellion.



Originally posted by Luke:
The Confederation robs its civilians by a ludicrously huge amount of taxes. If it had sensible laws, it would go against them all the time.

Where in EV do you get taxed anyway? The Confederation protects its citizens and is against piracy, while the rebellion just looks the other way if you do it.

Though I'd go with the Rebels because they are more fun.



Originally posted by Chamrin:
Where in EV do you get taxed anyway?

In the opening part of the game it says that the 'Feds tax and denie rights to the outer colonists, sounds like the British and the Colonies. (And who won that war?)

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