Confederation or Rebellion?


There are a number of things I don't like about the Rebellion, principally the way they attack merchants and other civilian starships on a regular basis, the way their existence draws the Confederation's forces away from keeping piracy under control, and of course, the Rebellion is the aggressor, and for all their talk of freedom and such, their methods aren't exactly in keeping with democracy and personal freedom.

You know, the Rebells doesn't have any Argosys, Couriers, Light Freighters, Shuttlecrafts etc. like the Confederation does, and hence the 'Feds does not kill Rebell ships of that kind! 😉


Matt Burch, I think, did not give us the full picture on the political aspects and motivations of this war so that the player could decide for his/her own self. Maybe we should ask Matt.

Nah, let us not do that, as it will bring us more joy and excitement through-out the game! 🙂

Sometimes, it is better not to know, rather than to know...


My favourite government would be either the Aliens or Levo's Government! 😉


If you cannot say something nice about a man, cut his head off! >=)

(This message has been edited by KaBoomer!!! (edited 11-17-2001).)

rebels are better for every reason thats already been said. A good debate would be whether the Rebels or Confeds would be able to take over Levo, Darven, etc. (Independents)

"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This made a lot of people very angry, and is widely regarded as a bad move"
|(url="http://"")The Palshife Rebel Hideout (/url) |(url="http://"") EVula's Lair(/url)

If they wanted to, they probably could take over the independant stellars. However, their resources are seconded to the front lines, and they have not the resources to be starting new wars. Especially on Darven, I think, because it is under pirate protection, and an attempt to conquer it would meet with stiff resistance. If there was huge tactical advantages to conquering a particular independant stellar they probably would, but that would also be bad for diplomacy. For instance, the Rebels want to be everyone's friend and convince the galaxy that they are freedom fighters. The confederation probably doesn't want to get the reputation of Evil Tyrant - though it probably has already - so they would probably leave alone Levo and such. If either government started angering people, it would hurt them. Their goal at this time in the war is to make a lot of friends (such as the artemis group) and try to rally everyone against the other government (rebels or confeds).

Jimbob, you're from Winter Park? I live in Longwood, not half an hour away. 🙂

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) -- (url="http://"")The Legion(/url)

Remember that you are a unique individual - just like everybody else.

In the EV documentation, it states that Scumdog's homeworld of Deneb III joined the Confederation at the beginning of the Great War, and yet in the game it is an Independant planet, this would suggest that the Confederation allows planets to declare independance from their government. My belief is that the Rebellion is trying to justify conquering Confederate worlds on the basis of "liberating" them from a "cruel oppressor". Yet if the Confederation were truly trying to oppress the outer colonies wouldn't they just declare Independance like Deneb III? The Confeds don't appear to have any interest in the former member planet...

(This message has been edited by God (edited 20-20-6003).)

It also suggests that Deneb simply broke away, possibly violently. Just because they succeeded does not mean the Confederation did not simply let them because they wanted. There could have been a pirate or rebel invasion, and then a withdrawl of troops, afterwhich the confederation never thought it was important enough to reclaim the planet as their own.

Like I said before, it would probably be fairly easy to break away from the feds or rebels - especially in a place as remote as Deneb - with a very small battle, as the bigger govs. are busy fighting eachother.

Hmm... a plug-in idea strikes... 🙂

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) -- (url="http://"")The Legion(/url)

Remember that you are a unique individual - just like everybody else.

Responding in chronological order...


Originally posted by ares1:
... several corporations would probably not be supporting them if they thought the cause was bogus.

Ever heard the saying "War is good for business"? If a company wanted to compete in a market already dominated by another corporation that was based in the Confederation, all it would have to do is align itself with the Rebellion. That would give it access to a whole new market where its competitors were banned since they operated from enemy territory.


Originally posted by Luke:
A very hypocritical statement from basically any government in EV.

What do you mean by that?


Originally posted by Luke:
I have never seen a Rebel ship attack an independant merchant. If a Rebel warship is next to a Confederation freighter, it will attack it, yes. Allied forces destroyed German convoys in the World Wars. Not very nice, but just part of war.

Where did I say the Rebels attack independent ships? I said they attack civilians. It's a quite different thing. Do you think a Centauri Spacelines luxury liner is a valid military target? Incidentally, there's a problem with your analogy here: the Allies weren't the aggressors.


Originally posted by Luke:
The Confederation robs its civilians by a ludicrously huge amount of taxes. If it had sensible laws, it would go against them all the time.

Since all we know about the Confederation's taxes is that the Rebellion doesn't like them, I'm not sure how you can make this statement.


Originally posted by Luke:
How don't the Rebels give their civilians personal freedom? There is no mention of their government good enough to suppose that they don't have a democracy.

I'm not talking about the way they run their own territory, but rather the way the acquire it. A rebellion is not a democratic movement - it doesn't represent what the majority of the people want, but rather what the best-armed people want.


Originally posted by Mr. Moose:
In the opening part of the game it says that the 'Feds tax and denie rights to the outer colonists, sounds like the British and the Colonies. (And who won that war?)

Apart from the fact that the colonies that now form the United States gave much better justification for their claims than the Rebels ever have, there is one other major difference. Washington and his friends only wanted independence; they didn't cross the Atlantic, kill the King, imprison Parliament, and declare themselves rulers of the British Empire. It's fairly clear, however, that what the Rebellion wants is not independence, but control of the Confederation.


Originally posted by KaBoomer!!!:
You know, the Rebells doesn't have any Argosys, Couriers, Light Freighters, Shuttlecrafts etc. like the Confederation does, and hence the 'Feds does not kill Rebell ships of that kind!

All this tells us is that the Rebels have a different administrative structure than the Confederation and don't require that civilian ships carry transponders. If Matt Burch had wanted the Confederation to attack civilians or the Rebellion not to, he could have set it up that way very easily - he did write the scenario and engine, after all.


Originally posted by ares1:
It also suggests that Deneb simply broke away, possibly violently. Just because they succeeded does not mean the Confederation did not simply let them because they wanted. There could have been a pirate or rebel invasion, and then a withdrawl of troops, afterwhich the confederation never thought it was important enough to reclaim the planet as their own.

However, it's made fairly clear that just about every colonised planet was part of the Confederation during the Great War, and not only is there no hostility between the Confederation and the northern independent worlds, but there seems to be trade going on. Evidently, the Confederation has no problem with independence - it's when people start trying to take it over that it gets angry.

David Arthur
(url="http://"")Talon Plugin for the original Escape Velocity(/url)
(url="http://"")An Upcoming EV Override Mission Editor(/url)


Originally posted by ares1:

Jimbob, you're from Winter Park? I live in Longwood, not half an hour away. 🙂


Dude, no way! Btw, I don't actually live in WP, I'ts just my mailing address. did you ever play baseball?


Also Originally posted by Ares1:
It also suggests that Deneb simply broke away, possibly violently. Just because they succeeded does not mean the Confederation did not simply let them because they wanted. There could have been a pirate or rebel invasion, and then a withdrawl of troops, afterwhich the confederation never thought it was important enough to reclaim the planet as their own.
Like I said before, it would probably be fairly easy to break away from the feds or rebels - especially in a place as remote as Deneb - with a very small battle, as the bigger govs. are busy fighting eachother.

Hmm... a plug-in idea strikes...


I never noticed that in the documentation... Yes, I agree with the fact that it would have been easy for them to do it.

"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This made a lot of people very angry, and is widely regarded as a bad move"
|(url="http://"")The Palshife Rebel Hideout (/url) |(url="http://"") EVula's Lair(/url)

(This message has been edited by Jimbob (edited 11-18-2001).)


Originally posted by Jimbob:
I never noticed that in the documentation... Yes, I agree with the fact that it would have been easy for them to do it.

It might be easy for a single planet to do it, but would it be any easier for all the now-independent worlds to do it than it would be for the Rebellion, while simultaneously remaining on friendly terms with the Confederation?

David Arthur
(url="http://"")Talon Plugin for the original Escape Velocity(/url)
(url="http://"")An Upcoming EV Override Mission Editor(/url)

uh... I'm confused. I think I understand that your saying they would have to do it without force. Am I right?

"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This made a lot of people very angry, and is widely regarded as a bad move"
|(url="http://"")The Palshife Rebel Hideout (/url) |(url="http://"") EVula's Lair(/url)


Originally posted by KaBoomer!!!:

I have now, for a moment, read on and off at the latest topics and I have noticed that it seems like people hate the Confederation (a.k.a."'Feds") and love the Rebellion.

So I ask you, what government is the most popular one?
This question does only concern the original Escape Velocity and not any plug ins! 🙂

I am curios...

"Curiosity killed the cat"
- so they say... :frown: 😉


Oh now you've gone and done it.... Don't let Carno see this!

You have been overriden by Overrider. Prepare to die evil scum! -Me
All quiet on the western Front. But not for long.... OH SAY CAN YOU SEE!!!!!!!!........
The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"")Underdog Smiles(/url)
AIM: Overrider720, Ferazel17 or WhiteStreak7


Originally posted by Jimbob:
uh... I'm confused. I think I understand that your saying they would have to do it without force. Am I right?

I'm saying that for all those worlds to do it with force would have required a movement on the scale of the Rebellion and left them on bad terms with the Confederation, and since neither of those seems to be the case, it's far more likely that the independent worlds became independent with the Confederation's consent.

David Arthur
(url="http://"")Talon Plugin for the original Escape Velocity(/url)
(url="http://"")An Upcoming EV Override Mission Editor(/url)


Originally posted by EV/feind:
One World, one Web, one Program -- Microsoft promotional ad
Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer -- Adolf Hitler Pre WWII
(One world, One Country, One Leader.)

That explains a few things... 😉


Originally posted by Chamrin:
Where in EV do you get taxed anyway?

You don't. You start out at Levo, a non-confederation world, so as you are not one of their citizens, they don't tax you.


Originally posted by David Arthur:
Where did I say the Rebels attack independent ships? I said they attack civilians. It's a quite different thing. Do you think a Centauri Spacelines luxury liner is a valid military target? Incidentally, there's a problem with your analogy here: the Allies weren't the aggressors.

The Rebellion only attacks civilians because of EV's game engine.


Since all we know about the Confederation's taxes is that the Rebellion doesn't like them, I'm not sure how you can make this statement.

In the intro it is said that the Confederation "put heavy taxes on the colonists."


I'm not talking about the way they run their own territory, but rather the way the acquire it. A rebellion is not a democratic movement - it doesn't represent what the majority of the people want, but rather what the best-armed people want.

I disagree. Originally the Rebellion probably had very few weapons, and it does represent the majority- why do you think many Confederation Navy personnel defect to the Rebellion, but it is rarely heard of any Rebels coming back to the Confederation?

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
(url="http://"")"I smile because I don't know what's going on."(/url)


Originally posted by Overrider720:
**Oh now you've gone and done it.... Don't let Carno see this!


Ehr... What do you mean by that? 🙂


All this tells us is that the Rebels have a different administrative structure than the Confederation and don't require that civilian ships carry transponders. If Matt Burch had wanted the Confederation to attack civilians or the Rebellion not to, he could have set it up that way very easily - he did write the scenario and engine, after all.

Well, he didn't, did he? 😄


If you cannot say something nice about a man, cut his head off! >=)

(This message has been edited by KaBoomer!!! (edited 11-18-2001).)


Originally posted by Luke:
The Rebellion only attacks civilians because of EV's game engine.

And what scenario did Matt Burch program the scenario specifically for? If we were talking about a plugin, or about EV Override, this argument might be valid, but it simply does not work for the original scenario.


Originally posted by Luke:
In the intro it is said that the Confederation "put heavy taxes on the colonists."

...which doesn't exactly tell us much. Different people have very different ideas of what constitutes heavy taxes. Besides, the intro is quite obviously written from a Rebel perspective.


Originally posted by Luke:
I disagree. Originally the Rebellion probably had very few weapons, and it does represent the majority- why do you think many Confederation Navy personnel defect to the Rebellion, but it is rarely heard of any Rebels coming back to the Confederation?

There's no evidence that "many" Confederation personnel defect, or that no Rebels do.


Originally posted by KaBoomer!!!
Ehr... What do you mean by that?

A while back, Captain Carnotaur used to get very angrily involved in these debate topics.

Anyway, if the Rebellion stopped attacking civilians and changed their goal from seizing control to just obtaining independence, I don't think I'd oppose them, but as it is, I find them simply unacceptable.

David Arthur
(url="http://"")Talon Plugin for the original Escape Velocity(/url)
(url="http://"")An Upcoming EV Override Mission Editor(/url)

(This message has been edited by David Arthur (edited 11-18-2001).)


Originally posted by David Arthur:
And what scenario did Matt Burch program the scenario specifically for?

I don't know, ask him.


...which doesn't exactly tell us much. Different people have very different ideas of what constitutes heavy taxes.


Originally posted by Luke:
I don't know, ask him.

I'm sorry, I must not have been clear enough. The question was rhetorical. The standard Escape Velocity is the scenario for which Matt Burch originally posted the Escape Velocity engine, and therefore the engine was designed to produce the results needed for that scenario and the design of the engine cannot be invoked as an excuse for anything that happens in the scenario.


Originally posted by Luke:
Plus, the Confederation wasn't just taxing them, they were also completely denying them their opinion and/or any form of way to ask for help from the Core Worlds!

Denying them their opinion and any way to ask for help? Even the Rebel claims don't include anything about freedom of expression.


Originally posted by Luke:
...and it is quite obvious that the Rebel perspective is supposed to be correct.

Ah, are you saying I should support whoever I'm told to support? By that argument, I should be typing this on Windows XP.


Originally posted by Luke
Uh, yes there is. I can think of several missions involving Confederation defectors, but I can't think of any missions, nay, any mention at all of Rebels defecting.

The fact that the player isn't involved in something doesn't mean that it's not happening. In the Confederation mission to stop a frigate defecting to the Rebellion, you're told that they've decided it's better to let you deal with it than to deal with it through normal military channels. Perhaps the Rebellion does deal with such incidents through normal military channels. Also, since people's opinion of their cause is so important, I would think they would have a stronger incentive to keep any such incidents quiet.


Originally posted by Luke:
You must admit that the Confederation wants complete control too! Not only that, but they want complete control as tyrants. The Rebellion, yes, wants complete control, but only to save humanity from such a dictatorship, not merely for the power that the Confederation seeks.

What evidence do you have for this? As the existence of the independent worlds proves, the Confederation doesn't seem to have any problem with people not being under its control. As for tyranny, there's no sign of any tyranny of mistreatment within the Confederation's territory.

As for the Rebellion wanting to "save humanity from a dictatorship," you've got to realise that what different people want in a government is different. For example, many people in the United States don't like the Canadian form of government, but that doesn't mean I would welcome them with open arms if they tried to annex.

David Arthur
(url="http://"")Talon Plugin for the original Escape Velocity(/url)
(url="http://"")An Upcoming EV Override Mission Editor(/url)

(This message has been edited by David Arthur (edited 11-18-2001).)


posted by David Arthur:

**As for tyranny, there's no sign of any tyranny of mistreatment within the Confederation's territory.

How about squeezing the resources out of the planets of the outer rim for the benefit of the core worlds while denying the outer rim planets representation in the Senate? That fact cannot be refuted: its straight from EV's intro text. Its clear that this was Confed policy preceding the establishment of the Rebellion, until the exploited worlds evidently decided they weren't going to take it anymore. Before that time however, they were all a part of the Confederation.


(This message has been edited by UE Crusader (edited 11-19-2001).)

(This message has been edited by UE Crusader (edited 11-19-2001).)

Well, perhaps the Rebellion is shooting at the Confederate Ships (one cannot call them civilian ships, as they are in a government) is because that they, the Rebells, want to trade aswell, as the Confederation seems to command most of the trading.
At least much more than the Rebells...

I say as I did before; I side with both sides, as they are each fighting for different causes with different purposes, but yet with the same methods. Methods which has been used since the beginning of mankind; violence! >=)

Perhaps a union like UN would be good. An intergalactic union which could, perhaps not make peace, but make the Rebellion and Confederation co-op in certain ways and things in order to maintain something that can be almost to peace... 🙂


If you cannot say something nice about a man, cut his head off! >=)

Mmm... This debate is getting pretty good...

David, if the Rebellion was not representing what the mojority of people wanted, then there would not be a Rebellion. Take, for example, the Amerian Revolution. It was a fight that begun only because so many people - who were so poorly armed - wanted the same thing. Because the rebellion began with "...pitiful forces...", it was not a group of militants who forced others into believing what they were told.

As for the independant planets... Well, if the confederation was no interested in power, then they should withdrawl their forces and make all planets independant. The fact that they are fighting the Rebellion instead of making peace - which should be very possible. Independant planets likely came to be as such through a series of events that pushed away the largers governments forces, and allowed for them to establish their own militia. Once a planet had its own defenses, the Confeds would possibly not want to takeover, as the indep. planets are usually in strategically useless spots, and the loss of resources in the capturing of the planet would not be worth it.

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) -- (url="http://"")The Legion(/url)

Remember that you are a unique individual - just like everybody else.


Originally posted by David Arthur:
I'm sorry, I must not have been clear enough. The question was rhetorical. The standard Escape Velocity is the scenario for which Matt Burch originally posted the Escape Velocity engine, and therefore the engine was designed to produce the results needed for that scenario and the design of the engine cannot be invoked as an excuse for anything that happens in the scenario.

You were cear, what I said was just a crappy way of accepting defeat for that point of yours.


Denying them their opinion and any way to ask for help? Even the Rebel claims don't include anything about freedom of expression.

I'm pretty sure they do somewhere; the whole game, plus the "manual" it comes with, mention a lot of things I havn't memorized, but I'm almost positive I've heard this Rebel argumant before.


Ah, are you saying I should support whoever I'm told to support? By that argument, I should be typing this on Windows XP.

No, I'm saying that in the game, regardless of what the governments were telling you, the Rebellion are the good guys, and the Confederation are the bad guys. You make some good points, but they were not what Matt had in mind in those wee hours of the morning with a particular African Gray Parrot- it was his intention, not to persuade you to like the Rebels, but to show you that they are , in fact, the good guys. I hope that that is in some way understandable...

I have to go, more later...

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
(url="http://"")"I smile because I don't know what's going on."(/url)