BFS - Episode III: "The Worlds Beyond the Milky Way" pre-registration forum


Originally posted by Shade:
**If we were following logic to the letter here,the Dreden would have been crushed at the first sighs of insurrection.
Of course,we're not,and so the Dreden get to live.

Also, as an Alien in BFS II, I sorta dispute that the HC would have pushed the Aliens back, but if they don't there's no story, so you have to allow for some improbabilities. Perhaps the Heart of Gold came through. 😉

Shade, for Smilies, see (url="http://"")here(/url).

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

I'm Emperor?
Double wow!
Ok,I'll work on the rank list.
How many ranks do I need?
I meant an NPC for my flagship-I'd appreciate knowing if you(Skyblade,Mac)
mind if that's another alien race,seperate from the standard Imperial octopus-turtle-thing.
I've outlined my argument for this earlier.
Also,we need to decide on hyperspace technologys before we begin,for consistency.
In BFS II there were all kinds of hyperdrives.
Obviously,the Empire drive woul be different to the Human(HC/pirates)drive,and the Dreden would also use Imperial drive technology.

When seen from the fetid black hole which is my bedroom,time is slowed until it is infinite. Why bother doing that homework right now? You've got all eternity to do it.


Originally posted by Shade:
Also,we need to decide on hyperspace technologys before we begin,for consistency.
In BFS II there were all kinds of hyperdrives.
Obviously,the Empire drive woul be different to the Human(HC/pirates)drive,and the Dreden would also use Imperial drive technology.

The Aliens should have a more advanced hyperdrive. Possibly one that gets 1.5 jumps per 1 unit of fuel (HC gets 1 jump per unit). And the physics? Artificial Wormholes for the Aliens. and hypergates for the HC.

*Note- When using hypergates, the HC can only jump out through a hypergate and only to another hypergate. The Aliens can jump anywhere at anytime.

Prepare to succumb to superior intelligence
MOSS of the Crimson Guard, a (url="http://"")Planetarion(/url) alliance.
Winning isn't everything thing, it's the only thing.
Go have a good laugh with (url="http://"")Bushisms(/url).

I've decided to be an alien! But Mac and Skyblade should not be on the same (alied<sp> ) team. The two creators of the story (I really don't know how many of you there are making this up.) with the most knoledge are on the same side. Problems may arise. BFS2 was different, when Mac and Skyblade were discusing some thing the HC and Alien races would difinetly know about it. Also (no offence) how many experienced players do we have on the alien side. (I don't like to think of my self as experienced. I hade one battle with "you know who" and and I,he,we f----d up the 7 and 8 pages)

map: RC

Long live the Alien empire!

Shade - You can make up a many or as few ranks as you want, within reason. I don't think the Aliens need 25 ranks, but 10 - 15 is about where Skyblade and I are. You don't need that many if you don't want to. Also, I have no problem with a ship servant NPC being some enslaved lower life-form from the Sentarus galaxy, so unless Skyblade has one for some reason, I'd say go for it.

RC - I don't think you're that inexperienced. The funky battle part was not your fault, as evidenced by the fact that the mods kept editing you know who for his weird ideas. Skyblade and I obviously consider Shade quite competent, since we made him Emperor. Some of the newer players we don't know could turn out to be surprisingly good, Shade was such a case last time, coming in as an unregistered user. You've also got Lord Asriel, who has some good experience with webstories, and BFS II vet grunadulater. Also keep in mind that while Skyblade and I will be allied, we won't know of each other at the beginning. Keeping the HC and Dreden apart will probably be a major strategic goal for the Aliens, which adds another fun dimension. Skyblade and I have one player on each of our teams known to be good at these stories. I'd say that at this point, the Aliens may have the most impressive team. Of course, we don't know yet how good some of the newer players will be.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

No one is saying it's my fault.

Long live the Alien empire!

Sorry if I'm falling a bit back on an older topic, but if Macavenger is still working out the HC ranks, why not just institute the current American Army ranking system? It might be a little confusing if Navy and Army ranks are mixed and matched, especially considering a Captain in the Army is nowhere near the rank of a Captain in the Navy.

Or, to try and keep a sameness with the BFSII story, maybe the Dreden Rebellion should use the Army ranks, and the HC keep the Navy ranks. Of course it could be entirely possible that they both have the same ranking systems, as they seem to be following old earth ranks and they were colonists who left earth with the knowledge of its military. As for the Aliens, it might be fun to pick things up from the old British Red Coasts, like SubLieutenants, or the Germans and their Colonel Generals.

Apply When Wet

(This message has been edited by ZenMastaT (edited 08-18-2001).)

Skyblade has mostly drawn his for the Dreden from current USN ranks. Mine are sort of a combo between USN for the upper ranks, and the New Republic from Star Wars novels, which system I like. I'd use all theirs but the upper level stuff isn't well enough defined. The rank set is pretty much final, it's mostly the other awards I have yet to work out.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")


Originally posted by ZenMastaT:
**Very cool ships Captain Skyblade, do you do most of the graphics work for these things? I was wondering how exactly a rebellion against these seemingly invincible aliens might have got itself off the ground? Perhaps some huge suprise offensive with sympathetic tratiorous aliens by their sides? Sorry if I got a little carried away, just finished Mugabi and Destiny a little while back.


Thanks, glad you like the ships.

As for how exactly the rebellion (or maybe you meant the Human Confederation?) defeated the aliens, I'd recommend you read the episode II topic as well as the end of episode I. It should provide answers to most of your questions.


Originally posted by Jimbob:
**Cool ships skyblade! Probably worth it to be a Dreden Rebel just for the cool looking ships! About my characters name, I'll be willing to have it changed to suit rank.


Well, I hope you aren't fighting for the Dreden Rebellion just because the ships are cool. 😉 I have to give the credit of the Dreden Destroyer design to the Klingon "Bird of Prey" from Star Trek (refer to my Image Gallery post for further information).

As for your character name, don't worry about it. General Rak was one of our players in episode II, but his rank was never really "general."

-Cap'n Skyblade
-Battle for Sol - Episode III: The Worlds Beyond the Milky Way - coming soon -


Originally posted by General Rak:
**The Aliens should have a more advanced hyperdrive. Possibly one that gets 1.5 jumps per 1 unit of fuel (HC gets 1 jump per unit). And the physics? Artificial Wormholes for the Aliens. and hypergates for the HC.

*Note- When using hypergates, the HC can only jump out through a hypergate and only to another hypergate. The Aliens can jump anywhere at anytime.


Although these hyperdrive ideas are good, enforcing them into the webstory would make the topic overkill in terms of complexity. I think it's best we leave the old jump rules the way they were, but Mac and I are working on enhancing the rule.

-Cap'n Skyblade
-Battle for Sol - Episode III: The Worlds Beyond the Milky Way - coming soon -


Originally posted by Macavenger:
RC - I don't think you're that inexperienced. The funky battle part was not your fault, as evidenced by the fact that the mods kept editing you know who for his weird ideas. Skyblade and I obviously consider Shade quite competent, since we made him Emperor. Some of the newer players we don't know could turn out to be surprisingly good, Shade was such a case last time, coming in as an unregistered user. You've also got Lord Asriel, who has some good experience with webstories, and BFS II vet grunadulater. Also keep in mind that while Skyblade and I will be allied, we won't know of each other at the beginning. Keeping the HC and Dreden apart will probably be a major strategic goal for the Aliens, which adds another fun dimension. Skyblade and I have one player on each of our teams known to be good at these stories. I'd say that at this point, the Aliens may have the most impressive team. Of course, we don't know yet how good some of the newer players will be.


Right on, Mac. Couldn't have said it better myself.

Also, listen up all you alien players: As Mac has already said, keeping the Dreden Rebellion and Human Confederation from first contact will be extrememly important. If the allies are permitted to contact one another (by simply "discovering" each other in a system), they will be able to mobilize large warfleets to fight the aliens. Together, the allies can defeat the aliens, but if the alien players can keep Mac and I seperated, you'll have a far better chance of winning the game.

-Cap'n Skyblade
-Battle for Sol - Episode III: The Worlds Beyond the Milky Way - coming soon -

If anyone wants me to do some graphics I can work on those. As for the ranks, I only see one problem.
Instead of Commodore it should be Rear Admiral Lower Half, with the two star being Upper Half. That is correct US Navy ranks. Commodore is used only for captains who are Admiral selects. That means that they are going to be Admirals but haven't been officially promoted. I had lunch with one just yesterday. And cut the "you know who" crap. Just say my damn name.

(url="http://"")Shinigami's Demon: A Gundam Wing Fanfic Archive(/url)
(url="http://"")EVN: The Beginning(/url)
Cougar gunships+Starscreamers+X-Rapiers=Dead HC fleets


Well, I hope you aren't fighting for the Dreden Rebellion just because the ships are cool. I have to give the credit of the Dreden Destroyer design to the Klingon "Bird of Prey" from Star Trek (refer to my Image Gallery post for further information).

As for your character name, don't worry about it. General Rak was one of our players in episode II, but his rank was never really "general."

No, I think the Dreden Rebel idea is cool, and so I'm helping them. But the ships are cool. Can't wait to see the outfits... Alright, Then my characters name is still Captain Anderson :). I can't really see the name with any other title. Just one of those weird things I guess...


(This message has been edited by Jimbob (edited 08-18-2001).)


Originally posted by spl_cadet:
**If anyone wants me to do some graphics I can work on those. As for the ranks, I only see one problem.
Instead of Commodore it should be Rear Admiral Lower Half, with the two star being Upper Half. That is correct US Navy ranks. Commodore is used only for captains who are Admiral selects. That means that they are going to be Admirals but haven't been officially promoted. I had lunch with one just yesterday. And cut the "you know who" crap. Just say my damn name.


The rank system of the Dreden Rebellion government isn't identical to the United States Navy, just similar. I'm well aware of how the modern-day ranking systems operate.

I wouldn't mind you doing graphics for some government or another, but I don't know if I could let you participate in the webstory as a regular poster. During episode II, I saw some of the most rediculously-unfair battles I'd ever seen, and that won't be tollerated in episode III. Just be logical. 🙂 But if you want to do graphics, you're more than welcome to the job if anyone needs you.

Thanks for the offer.

-Cap'n Skyblade
-Battle for Sol - Episode III: The Worlds Beyond the Milky Way - coming soon -


Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
**Thanks, glad you like the ships.

As for how exactly the rebellion (or maybe you meant the Human Confederation?) defeated the aliens, I'd recommend you read the episode II topic as well as the end of episode I. It should provide answers to most of your questions.


Actually, I was talking about the Dreden Rebellion, it seemed to me to be a bit unlikely that such a thing could start in the middle of the Alien Empire with its huge armada and still be able to survive simply on its own merits. I would think a bored Alien Navy would quickly come in to put it down, even if they did manage to take over their entire planet. Seems to me most succesful rebellions in history have the backing of some powerful influential factions, or at least some kind of isolation advantage. Maybe the planet Dreden is highly inecssesable? Maybe not every alien in the universe is hungry for everyones blood, and some objected to their current governmental policy of extermination and enslavement? Or maybe the alien government itslef is so large that its many dependencies on numerous slaves have lead it to become corrupt and inefficient, like the Romans?

Just stop me if I'm throwing ideas at a storyline that has already been formulated. Oh yeah, I'm just about finished reading the BFS II campaign, and I'd like to see what kinds of new rules can be implicated to help inforce fairness in battle, it did all seem to get a bit out of hand near the end. I also seem to recall you saying you would be bringing back the pirate government this time around, if so, who does its membership include? Sometimes I'm just so full of questions I annoy even myself...

Apply When Wet

(This message has been edited by ZenMastaT (edited 08-18-2001).)

The Empire does not have a poicy of "extermination" and "enslavement".
We seek merely to protect all races in the Universe from the terrors of their own splinter factions and terrorists.
The Humans are a prime example of this,with not only the Rebellion but the Pirates as well.
If some races choose to fight their inclusion into the glorious Empire,then the Empire must of course eliminate these violent anarchists for the good of all sentient beings throughout the Galaxy.

It's quite possible that several ordainary,non bloodthirsty alien races willingly serve the Empire,as they like the security and trade opportunities this arrangement generates.
Besides,they know what will happen if they should decide to spinter.

When seen from the fetid black hole which is my bedroom,time is slowed until it is infinite. Why bother doing that homework right now? You've got all eternity to do it.

Umm...can anybdy hear me? 😄

Heavy swings the club.


Originally posted by Shade:
The Empire does not have a poicy of "extermination" and "enslavement".


Well, I sort of meant that in terms of empires in general. You would expect there to be some politically resistant factions within any such advanced government where slavery is present, and I do believe thats what the Dreden were. Of course, if political opposition is crushed, then an armed underground rebellion would seem logical, which would also make it seem logical how the Dredeners would find the support to go on without being immidieately neutralized.


Originally posted by Shade:

**It's quite possible that several ordainary,non bloodthirsty alien races willingly serve the Empire,as they like the security and trade opportunities this arrangement generates.
Besides,they know what will happen if they should decide to spinter.


Heh, of course I always sort of pictured the aliens as the ultimate "bad guys" But hey, if we're expanding the EV universe we ought to give them their own little bit of history and culture too, and its just hard to believe a race could be ultimately warlike and still survive. Now of course it could be under a war oriented government, and it seems to me that most empires do have sort of an "exterminate and enslave" policy towards those who resist them. And besides, nobody wants to give up their own nationality and identity, even if they get protection and trade benefits, at least not EVERYBODY in a race would.

I apologize again if I'm carrying everything a little too far, I don't quite know how involved everyone would care to get in made up alien politics...

I hear you scalebone!

Apply When Wet

(This message has been edited by ZenMastaT (edited 08-18-2001).)


Originally posted by Scalebone:
**Umm...can anybdy hear me?:D


Yeap. 😉


Originally posted by Shade:
**The Empire does not have a policy of "extermination" and "enslavement".

You sure about that? Then why did the humans who were in slavery form the Dreden Rebellion? 😉

-Cap'n Skyblade
-Battle for Sol - Episode III: The Worlds Beyond the Milky Way - coming soon -

I'm waiting to be assigned a rank 😕

Heavy swings the club.