BFS - Episode III: "The Worlds Beyond the Milky Way" pre-registration forum


Originally posted by Lord Asriel:
(BWould we have the same worlds as BFS II?

No. The Human Confederation territory has had sufficient time to severly cut into Pirate territory.

Prepare to succumb to superior intelligence
MOSS of the Crimson Guard, a (url="http://"")Planetarion(/url) alliance.
Winning isn't everything thing, it's the only thing.
Go have a good laugh with (url="http://"")Bushisms(/url).


Originally posted by Lord Asriel:
(BWould we have the same worlds as BFS II?

No. The Human Confederation military has had sufficient time to severly cut into Pirate territory.

Prepare to succumb to superior intelligence
MOSS of the Crimson Guard, a (url="http://"")Planetarion(/url) alliance.
Winning isn't everything thing, it's the only thing.
Go have a good laugh with (url="http://"")Bushisms(/url).

Ok, sorry, something went horribly wrong there, I think I accidently pressed the "submit" button in the wrong window... I'll try agian below this.


Originally posted by Lord Asriel:
I'm back from vacation, and oddly enough, all lists show me as an Alien. If anyone has objections to me being a Pirate, please post them.

Well, I don't. I thought U were a pirate originally.


Originally posted by Lord Asriel:
I If the Pirates still need any clarification, I can say that we ally with nobody...

Yes, KK has cleared that up with his funny comment about aliens being "overgrown hermit crab thingees"


Originally posted by Lord Asriel:
...and only a fool among us would enter the Sentaurus galaxy, being that the Aliens are far stronger than us.

Though your pirate friends might disagree with you on that one, yes. We is definitly more advanced (get it, "is"? Never mind. bad joke).

BTW, Lord Asriel, I've got a question regarding your screenname. Does it have anything to do with the His Dark Materials series? 'Cause if it does I give my faithful alegiance to you as a friend. Those books RULE! I was going to make my name Lord Asriel, but since the ubb code thingy said that was already taken, I used Lyra instead.

I'm gonna put this in the context of a relevant post.


Originally posted by Lyra Engel:
Lord Asriel, I've got a question regarding your screenname. Does it have anything to do with the His Dark Materials series?

You bet it does. They are possibly the best books I've ever read. Why didn't you use Lyra Belacqua as your name? Oh, and are you with the Aliens, Dreden, or the HC?


Originally posted by General Rak:
No. The Human Confederation military has had sufficient time to severly cut into Pirate territory.

True, that does make sense. I read your restrictions on the buster cannon. Could you give me some ResEdit damage specs for that thing? The restrictions seem pretty harsh.

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept

Lyra is a Pirate,isn't she?
Judging from the Boozerama Bar 6,that lawlessness and lack of order should suit her fine.
Sorry Lyra,I'm just having flashforwards to Spl_Cadet II...

"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
-St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21

wow. Gone three days and 2 topic pages get filled. Anyway, we now have three pirates, correct?

It's all fun and games until the cat knocks the Nitroglicerine over.


Originally posted by Jimbob:
**Anyway, we now have three pirates, correct?



Originally posted by Lord Asriel:
True, that does make sense. I read your restrictions on the buster cannon. Could you give me some ResEdit damage specs for that thing? The restrictions seem pretty harsh.

One shot every five minutes- 300,000 Energy and Mass damage, resedit scale.

Prepare to succumb to superior intelligence
MOSS of the Crimson Guard, a (url="http://"")Planetarion(/url) alliance.
Winning isn't everything thing, it's the only thing.
Go have a good laugh with (url="http://"")Bushisms(/url).


Originally posted by Shade:
Lyra is a Pirate,isn't she?

No. I am your fleet commander, remember?


Originally posted by Shade:
Judging from the Boozerama Bar 6, that lawlessness and lack of order should suit her fine.

First of all, the pirates are MUCH more civilized then the Confed's and Rebels. They know that they can make a good, rich, dishonest living in irating, and at least they don't fight each other over who had dibbs on the last M+M package or whatever. They're also smart enough to take YOUR inadequecy of order and use it to there own advantage. In short: They have better a law system then you do, which is simply "No rules, JUST RIGHT!", and they have much more order. They have much more class, too. They DUEL each other for the last M+M! 😉


Originally posted by Shade:
Sorry Lyra,I'm just having flashforwards to Spl_Cadet II...

Presumeably, you mean flashbacks, as me and Spl_Cadet are on good terms right now, we setteled out are arguments. Right, spl_cadet?


Originally posted by Shade:
You bet it does. They are possibly the best books I've ever read.


Originally posted by Shade:
You bet it does. They are possibly the best books I've ever read.

Good. You now have my aleigance.


Originally posted by Lord Asriel:
Why didn't you use Lyra Belacqua as your name?

Well, originally I was going to (and it's "Silvertounge" by the way, it was changed by good ole' Iorek, remember?), but I wanted to personalize it a bit, and Lyra Engel is the character from the chronicles I'm writing. However, I might change it to "Silvertoiunge" later. I like Engel better, though. that's the ONE good thing about being unregistered- you can change your name without changing your status.


Originally posted by Lord Asriel:
Oh, and are you with the Aliens, Dreden, or the HC?

See above post for answer.


Originally posted by Jimbob:
We now have three pirates, correct?

Yes. spl_cadet, KK, and Asriel, the leader (I think). I am NOT a pirate.

OK, sorry, didn't see shade's new post.

Lyra, I'm assuming you are an alien. Shade is your Emperor, remember that.


Originally posted by General Rak:
One shot every five minutes- 300,000 Energy and Mass damage, resedit scale.

I see. Yep, those restrictions work. The mods will probably have to monitor it very closely anyway.


Originally posted by Lyra Engel:
...They're also smart enough to take YOUR inadequecy of order and use it to there own advantage. In short: They have better a law system then you do, which is simply "No rules, JUST RIGHT!", and they have much more order...

True. However, the pirates have always had, and will always have, the weakest technology (though, admittedly, not by much right now). The HC doesn't appear to really be that far ahead of us.

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept


Originally posted by Lord Asriel:
Shade is your Emperor, remember that.

Of course. Once he assasinated the old guy, He probably made us all swear alegiance to him as our almighty ruler of all and made the bloody place communist! Any way, if you look at my former posts to shade (in this topic) I show high, busnissman-reffering-to-his-boss like respect for him. However, that does not prevent me from putting his beloved Shadowcat in a burlap bag and throwing him over the Brooklyn Bridge in BB, however ;). Hey! that gives me an idea!

Alright, so the new tally is 5 Aliens, 6 Dreden, 5 HC, and 3 Pirates correct? And is Lord Asriels leader position official?

I won't like that buster cannon if it can blow a carrier apart in a single shot...

Apply When Wet


Originally posted by Lyra Engel:
No. I am your fleet commander, remember?

Hey, hey, let's be very delicate here. You can't just enounce that you are the fleet commander. It's a very delicate proces. Shade has to apoint you for you to qualify as anything.

"You know what I say, trying is the first step to failure" Homer Simpson

If anyone needs help creating a web site with HTML or needs help with HTML please E-mail me at


Originally posted by ZenMastaT:
**Alright, so the new tally is 5 Aliens, 6 Dreden, 5 HC, and 3 Pirates correct? And is Lord Asriels leader position official?

I won't like that buster cannon if it can blow a carrier apart in a single shot...


Since Asriel(sorry for spelling it wrong) left. (if he did)It's only 4 for the aliens.(I think)

"You know what I say, trying is the first step to failure" Homer Simpson

If anyone needs help creating a web site with HTML or needs help with HTML please E-mail me at

Alright, for the last few posts -

Asriel has not been appointed Pirate Leader, though i admit it is highly probable (in my opinion). I'll need to talk to Skyblade, this just gives me one more item on the list... hmm, could have a 6+ kb text e-mail by the time I'm done.

Lyra - You aren't the Alien fleet commander. Get this straight - you're all fleet commanders (most likely), and Shade will assign you ranks. If you kill ShadowKat too much, do not complain about your lack of rank, court martial, and summary execution that I should expect would be forthcoming.

Zen - I don't either. Rak, I want a full list of your restrictions, for possible modification... what kind of range does it have again?

RC - Lyra joined the Aliens, so there are still 5. By the time we're done though, they certainly need to outnumber the Dreden at least, to keep things somewhat fair. 3-5-6-5 (Pirate-HC-Alien-Dreden) would probably be a good mix, but we'll have to see if we get any more players first. I'm also going to start pestering Skyblade about when we're starting, I think...

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

Yeah, the Aliens should definitely have many players, because I doubt it will be possible for anyone to keep the Dreden and HC apart for the entire webstory, someone will find a way, especially with both Skyblade and Mac able to coordinate.

Now, the question in my mind is what would be a fair number for the pirates? If there are too few, the HC, once allied with Dreden, could simply put all its effort into crushing them, but if they are too large, and the Aliens are able to put ships against the HC in vast numbers, It may become a but chaotic. Though now that I think on it, that may be the way t go, with the Dreden fighting the Aliens, the placement of the jumpgates allows the Aliens to attack HC space without interference from Dreden, and the HC would have to put up with both them and the pirates...

Well maybe thats not too good after all. Now if I could only take a gander at an upadated version of the Milky Way Galaxy Map, that would be nice.

Apply When Wet

Originally posted by Lyra:


Of course. Once he assasinated the old guy, He probably made us all swear alegiance to him as our almighty ruler of all and made the bloody place communist!


I in fact follow advanced capitalist leanings,mixed with absolute dictatorship.



However, that does not prevent me from putting his beloved Shadowcat in a burlap bag and throwing him over the Brooklyn Bridge in BB, however . Hey! that gives me an idea!


Just remember,as Emperor I can have you executed for treason,or sent deep into enemy territory(J/K,I wouldn't let BB spill onto this thing).

"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
-St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21


Originally posted by rebel council:
**Hey, hey, let's be very delicate here. You can't just enounce that you are the fleet commander. It's a very delicate proces. Shade has to apoint you for you to qualify as anything.

Mac already did. When I asked what alien posistions were availiable, he said that fleet commander was, and he said I could have it.

PS- Where've ye been, RC?