Boozerama Bar IV


Originally posted by Insano:
**I'll probably be flying around in a shuttle craft, then die and come back again many times.:)

How the h*ll did you know! you are shuttlecraft. and at 10 percent shielding you will die quiet often.


Mr. Moose joins the brawl with his all powerful mystic spork.

I run up and chop off the Evil Pepsi Kings head, which falls down the subterranian freezer's elevator shaft.

Speaking of the freezer I have another way to solve the lava problem. Mac can store the ice cubes for the drinks at the bottom and drinks on higher up levels of it. 😄

The evil king's body spews out enormous amounts of pepsi on to Mac's 50000 credit Endorian tree wood flooring.

Mr. Moose buys a round of "The Good Stuff" and then takes a leek in the pepsi barrel, now declared the official toilet. the pepsi kings body has a sign next to him saying "Shoplifters shall be beheaded."


Congrats on the 500 posts Luke!

Moose, be sure to make everyone hate me so I will die even more often!

Insano uses a roach juice evaporater so that all of the evil roach juice goes away. Coreycubed, weclome to the dead people's club. It's quite fun, actually.

Go to the Escape Velocity Empire. (url="http://"") Post all your stuff and enjoy everyone else's.

SD is a defender but watch out he's more dangerous than you think!
<edit> Hurray for me Finally! <edit>

(This message has been edited by Mr. Moose (edited 08-23-2001).)

Moose, what will the name of this plug be?

Go to the Escape Velocity Empire. (url="http://"") Post all your stuff and enjoy everyone else's.

look at the post for my plug.

(This message has been edited by Mr. Moose (edited 08-23-2001).)

Thanks, Insano. Wow! Half a thousand posts in one summer...
And corey isn't dead, I just stubbed his toe. People don't usually die from that. 😉

Yeah, Mr. Moose, make Insano insult the player or something! 😄

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
(url="http://"")Luke's Board(/url)

(This message has been edited by Luke (edited 08-23-2001).)

Right now he says "Cool! I'm in this plug!" but I can change it.


Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated. I merely fell into a stubbed-toe induced coma for a few hours, while the Pepsi King was killed mercilessly by Mr. Moose. Sadly, I was unable to help my dear cousin while he was attacked by the Pepsi King, but I gave him my Britney cup instead. Meanwhile, I see Insano got himself a new body while I was "sleeping" so we'll see what we can do about this one...

Corey wakes up from his coma, looks around groggily, and realizes that he get knocked out way too much for his liking. Macavenger yells to him that it's just part of the Boozerama Bar - get used to it! He looks around, and decides that maybe he should lay off the spoon fighting for awile. Pushing his cap back into its usual position, he gets up, wipes the Pepsi King and Insano off of him, and sits over where the chess tables should have been, only in all the ruckus they were toppled over. So he stands them back up (like the good citizen he isn't) and waits to see if anyone wants to play a game or three. In the meantime, he amuses himself by playing his copy of Smash Melee and beating the snot out of Samus.

Coreył (Cubed)
Cute plug finished - "Alert Sounds"
See it (url="http://"")here(/url)!


Originally posted by Insano:
**Moose, be sure to make everyone hate me so I will die even more often!


I like you. Does this mean i have to stop?

OV bonks Insano on the head with his Diamond Plated Spoon.

OV goes up to Mac. "That DP is not really there. The bartender on Salia took my credits when I passed out because of too much salian brandy." (Remember, Skyblade and Mac, I switch back from the EVO realm to EV. hence Overrider comes from Override.)

You have been overriden by Overrider. Prepare to die evil scum! -Me
rookie's smiles:(url="http://"")Cool Smiles(/url)
(url="http://"")Cooler Smiles(/url)
AIM: Ferazel17

Skyblade orders another Mega Dr. Pepper.

"What Salian brandy anyway?"


-Cap'n Skyblade
-Battle for Sol - Episode III: The Worlds Beyond the Milky Way - coming soon -

How do you drink so much Dr. Pepper without using the Pepsi Barrel er... toilet?



Originally posted by Mr. Moose:
**SD is a defender but watch out he's more dangerous than you think!

Shouldn't he be a Lightning? And what ship am I?

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

Corey gets very bored because the bar is as empty as the old Brooklyn Dodgers stadium. He shouts, "Doesn't anyone in this mixed-up universe want to play a game of chess? I'll even settle for a spoon fight!" Instantly, a lightning bolt strikes him, only it gets filtered through his hunting cap and only knocks him unconcious instead of killing him on the spot. A ZipLoc™ bag of Cheez-Its™ (his all-time favorite snack) falls out of his leather jacket pocket.

Coreył (Cubed)
Cute plug finished - "Alert Sounds"
See it (url="http://"")here(/url)!


Originally posted by Macavenger:
**Shouldn't he be a Lightning? And what ship am I?


a new one


Hey corey, I'll play you in a duck race, if your up to it. And of course, the prize for this race, as all races must have prizes, shall be the title deed to my world famous mink farm, where we farm minks. Not real minks mind you, that would be inhumane, its an artificial mink farm.

Apply When Wet


Originally posted by ZenMastaT:
**Hey corey, I'll play you in a duck race, if your up to it. And of course, the prize for this race, as all races must have prizes, shall be the title deed to my world famous mink farm, where we farm minks. Not real minks mind you, that would be inhumane, its an artificial mink farm.


Duck race, huh? Sounds like a blast. How do you play? Does it involve harnesses, jockeys, and photo-finishes? Or is it more of a gasoline, rubber tire, pit-stop sort of a game?

Corey wakes up from his third coma and notices the unopened bag of Cheez-Its™. He's struck with a brilliant idea and asks the bartender for a box of Goldfish crackers. He then tosses the box to ZenMastaT, yells, "Cheez Ammo!!!!" and proceeds to hit ZenMastaT with as many of his Cheez-Its™ as he can. Some of the Cheez-Its™ bounce off and land in the Barrel. Insano decides to try a Cheez-It™, only he pickes up one that's floating in the Barrel and eats it. He promptly dies of poisoning.

Coreył (Cubed)
Cute plug finished - "Alert Sounds"
See it (url="http://"")here(/url)!

Luke shoots himself in the foot because he has become drunk.
"Ow! Oh, guys? I glued myself to the wall agian..."

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
(url="http://"")Luke's Board(/url)

Oh, dead again. New body. 🙂


I like you. Does this mean i have to stop?

No, no. I always need someone on my side. That's for the plug. I meant make my government pirate or som'n so I'll get attacked more often. Moose, a different quote would be nice.

Insano says, "OK, i don't think I ever got to spoon fight. Who wants some?"

Go to the Escape Velocity Empire. (url="http://"") Post all your stuff and enjoy everyone else's.

Oh, but whats this! From a dark corner of the bar, a cloaked figure emerges! Could it be... CyberDragon? A hush settles through the bar. Known as a shapeshifter who could be drinkning with you one minute and then battleing you in mortal combat the next, he is certainly a force to be reckoned with. He's been watching, for the past two months, huddled in the shadows, taking carefull note of the going ons. He decides to alter Insano's spoon fighting rules. He takes his newly invented "spoon catapault", loads the ladle with A+W (truely the BEST pop/soda/soda pop in the world), takes careful aim, and presses the button. Instantaneously, the catapult reaches back, releases and loads again, all in one swift movement. He watches with a smile as the catapault repeatedly fires A+W in Insano's face. He is thinking about other things, however. About how some one STOLE his screen name, and he fashions a new one for himself, after a heroic character in the His Dark Materials books- Lyra Belaqua! With his new name, Lyra prepares to do battle...

PS- When he registers, he will chose Lyra Belaqua as his screenname, when he can announce, in his sig, the change. Untill then, he remains known to those outside the bar as "Formerly CyberDragon