Boozerama Bar IV

No, you can't get a job at the bar. But you can walk in the door and be in the bar with the rest of us. However, since you haven't formally walked in yet, I'm going to have to hose you out with Dr. Pepper spray. 🙂

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

Alright, I think I'm starting to get the hang of this, I believe I have formally entered the bar. Now do I have to issue some kind of formal declaration? Such "I wish to procure myself a drink of the none nasty variety!"

Apply When Wet

No, you have to come play me at chess. 😛 j/k

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

I could do that, except it would be absolutely no fun for me. Now, I understand that, even though there is no challenge, you still like wiping the floor with people who can't play very well, but, being wiped all over the floor is not so fun for me.

Having said that, I would gladly play chess, except I have neither a chess board nor the knowledge of algebraic notaton committed to memory. As for a drink, I think I'll take a sprite... or perhaps "Sierra Mist" if thats not prohibited. (Prays Sierra Mist is not a product of the Pepsi Corporation)

Apply When Wet

Mr. Moose Enters the bar. I walk behind the bar and try to open the cabnet that is on the wall with keys from the Boozerama Bar 2. (I made that one.) Lucky some idiot forgot to change the locks (twice) and I grab a bottle of the the Good Stuff. Ahhh. Nothin like "Good Stuff" Brand whiskey. After chugging that I retrive a bottle of "Hard" Coke and sit down. Someone challenges me to a game of chess and whips my butt. You try doing algebra while being inebriated! It's hard, no I'm not talking about the Coke! Um.. I'm pretty sure its Pepsi :frown: :mad:

Spam? "Good Lord no Mr. Dent. The mere thought hadn't even begun to speculate about the merest possibility of crossing my mind."-Mr. Prosser

(This message has been edited by Mr. Moose (edited 08-21-2001).)

I think you mean "10. c4"


Not really confusing IMO. 🙂

The Hunter: semi-dangerously flying around in his Courier, looking for Pirates who are worse them him to blow up. Loyalty: Umm...I like the Feds better but I ain't enlisting!


Originally posted by ZenMastaT:
**I could do that, except it would be absolutely no fun for me. Now, I understand that, even though there is no challenge, you still like wiping the floor with people who can't play very well, but, being wiped all over the floor is not so fun for me.

No, it's more a matter of everyone I know isn't up to my level, so I'm constantly looking for new players who are good that will supply a challenge. Which means I habitually start challenging people I meet to chess games, eventually. 🙂

I wasn't sure if you'd find 10.c4 to be confusing or not, since I don' have a wholly accurate read on your playing strength yet. It would look funny to a lot of players. 🙂

After moving, Mac gets up and slaps Moose for stealing from the bar. "Just remember, you were gone for too long, and I wound up with the bar. I'm the bartender now. I'm gonna have to hurt someone for not changing the locks too." But first, he goes and changes the locks, so Moose can't do it again.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

Luke gets drunk and starts spinning plates.

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.

Skyblade bonks Luke on the head with one of the plates.

"You need to settle down, eh?"

Luke falls to the floor with stars flying around his head 😉

-Cap'n Skyblade
-Battle for Sol - Episode III: The Worlds Beyond the Milky Way - coming soon -

I grab one of the stars and eat it.

Spam? "Good Lord no Mr. Dent. The mere thought hadn't even begun to speculate about the merest possibility of crossing my mind."-Mr. Prosser

The Drone, tired of being ignored, partitions its memory bank to have an internal discussion with itself: (Posit: Macavenger lives in his perception of bar reality with anti-Pepsi defenses able to withstand all attacks. Example: Macavenger fails to realize that coldness temperature level needed to prevent lava tubes from forming would freeze all stocks of Dr. Pepper and other soda in subterranean levels meaning he has been serving ice cubes to patrons not liquid 🙂 Other bar patrons, more receptive to what happens around them due to fact they have imbibed lesser amounts of brain cell destroying Sprite & Dr. Pepper. Conclusion: Successful attack/infiltration must be made on dual reality fronts, )

Drone then initiates first attack sequence by beaming sub-harmonic images directly into Macavenger’s Sprite damaged brain depicting scenes of interior organs disintegrating as a result of over-indulgence of Sprite. Doesn’t expect this to be overly successful due to fact Macavenger’s brain is probably too damaged by this point to comprehend message. Sends out high priority message to send 100 female galactic super models to bar to begin propaganda attack stating girls say yes to boys who say no to Dr. Pepper and Sprite.


(This message has been edited by ChristopherH (edited 08-22-2001).)


Originally posted by ChristopherH:
The Drone, tired of being ignored, partitions its memory bank to have an internal discussion with itself: (Posit: Macavenger lives in his perception of bar reality with anti-Pepsi defenses able to withstand all attacks. Example: Macavenger fails to realize that coldness temperature level needed to prevent lava tubes from forming would freeze all stocks of Dr. Pepper in subterranean levels meaning he has been serving ice cubes to patrons not liquid:) Other bar patrons, more receptive to what happens around them due to fact they have imbibed lesser amounts of brain cell destroying Dr. Pepper. Conclusion: Successful attack/infiltration must be made on dual reality fronts, )

Drone then initiates first attack sequence by beaming sub-harmonic images directly into Macavenger’s Dr. Pepper damaged brain depicting scenes of interior organs disintegrating as a result of over-indulgence of Dr. Pepper. Doesn’t expect this to be overly successful due to fact Macavenger’s brain is probably too damaged by this point to comprehend message. Sends out high priority message to send 100 female galactic super models to bar to begin propaganda attack stating girls say yes to boys who say no to Dr. Pepper.


Luke waves the stars away from his head and shoots the drone into oblivion. All its previous orders go away.
"This is what I meant by rockin' the boat, fella. I spit in thy general direction!" Luke says to CH, still in custody.

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.

Isn't it "fart" Zen quips from his lonely corner of the bar where no one is served drinks.

Apply When Wet


Originally posted by ChristopherH:
**Macavenger fails to realize that coldness temperature level needed to prevent lava tubes from forming would freeze all stocks of Dr. Pepper in subterranean levels meaning he has been serving ice cubes to patrons not liquid

Not exactly. Most elements in your average rock have a higher freezing point than water, so to cool the Lava into solid rock, temperatues don't have to get that low, it just needs to be exposed to cooler temperatures for an extended period. 🙂

Also, I don't drink much DP, that's Skyblade you're thinking of.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")


Originally posted by Macavenger:
Also, I don't drink much DP, that's Skyblade you're thinking of.


You've got that right.

•Skyblade orders fifty bulk freighters (40 carrying dr. pepper, the other 10 carrying coca cola and cherry coke) escorted by fifteen rebel warfleets to the bar.*

-Cap'n Skyblade
-Battle for Sol - Episode III: The Worlds Beyond the Milky Way - coming soon -


Originally posted by ZenMastaT:
**Isn't it "fart" Zen quips from his lonely corner of the bar where no one is served drinks.

Luke throws a Sprite can at ZenMastaT. "Here, catch. I know I'm not the bar tender, but Mac's quite busy right night now, what with Chess an' all. You shoulda given that commanding general guy a job, Mac." Luke :)s and kicks CH in the back. "You're welcome to stay, just stop picking fights, unless they're against Insano, the Boozerama Bar's official punching bag."

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.

"Ah ha! My first piece of liquid refreshment!" Now, I don't suppose this bar serves snacks... like those little peanut butter filler pretzels or anything?

Apply When Wet


Originally posted by ZenMastaT:
**"Ah ha! My first piece of liquid refreshment!" Now, I don't suppose this bar serves snacks... like those little peanut butter filler pretzels or anything?

None of those, but we do have many chocolate-covered items. Here's a menu...

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.

Nope, we serve drinks only (just saying that to make you mad ;)).

-Cap'n Skyblade
-Battle for Sol - Episode III: The Worlds Beyond the Milky Way - coming soon -

Well, I hope you at least have those novelty fuzzy finger things so I can show my support for the different chess players. Go Macavenger! or should that be Captain Skyblade! Can I have two?

Apply When Wet