Boozerama Bar IV

"Um, I think he did. Why? Am I supposed to ban him? I don't think he's done anything that bad."

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

"Well I think he's done something bad," Skyblade says with a laugh. "Sorry, Chris!"

Skyblade gets his back-pack refilled with Dr. Pepper.

-Cap'n Skyblade
-Battle for Sol - Episode III: The Worlds Beyond the Milky Way - coming soon -

Skyblade, congrats on the karma point. What'd you do?

CH, here's a little tip. Don't be afraid to die, it's actually quite fun. Insano then puts a bunch of pepsi cans in his soda can launcher. He then fires them at CH. Enjoy!

Go to the Escape Velocity Empire. (url="http://"") Post all your stuff and enjoy everyone else's.


Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
**"Well I think he's done something bad," Skyblade says with a laugh. "Sorry, Chris!"

Skyblade gets his back-pack refilled with Dr. Pepper.


uhmmm, I'm not 'really' here. I'm sorta moving the NPC of Macavenger around abit so you folks can have some fun. And by the way, the NPC was in the Lava pit, not in the bar. But that's ok.
The NPC doppelganger that Skyblade sliced up crawls back over to the Lava pit and melds with its other half.
The overhead Pepsi fleet begins bombarding the bar below with barrels of pepsi and outdated
comps with old MS window op. systems. Meanwhile, the Lava pit begins to spurt tongues of lava over the side of the pit and a large, mysterious lump begins to form in the middle.
(Warned you guys to watch that lava pit. :))


No! It cannot happen! macavenger hurls a glacier on the Lava pit, cooling the rock and hardening it into it's current shape. It is no longer lava, just hardened igneous rock. 😛

Meanwhile, the DP defense cannons, installed since the last Pepsi Invasion, proceed to nuke the invading fleet. The bars Super-Sprite shielding holds.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

(QUOTE)Originally posted by Macavenger:
(B)No! It cannot happen! macavenger hurls a glacier on the Lava pit, cooling the rock and hardening it into it's current shape. It is no longer lava, just hardened igneous rock. 😛

(Nice one, hehe).

The tongues of lava spurted out by the pit rapidly begin burrowing into the ground before the glacier hits the pit. They quickly form hollow lava tubes under the bar that weaken the bars foundation enough that the bar collapes into the hole underneath. There is only rubble left with several upright tables remaining with the chess players sitting at them. They are so cuaght up in the games they don't even notice what has happened to the bar.

Meanwhile, a remote controlled drone With pepsi/microsoft insignia lands on the perimeter of the area where the bar once stood. A hatch pops open and expells a data cube onto the ground. The cube begins to move towards the bar on tiny little servo motor controlled wheels. The drone then explodes in a mass of flames and spraying pepsi juice all over the ground causing all shrubs and plants in the area to immediately shrivel up and die.

The data cube begins sending out a high pitched audio message: Don't destroy, I have a message for Macavenger/Skyblade.


(This message has been edited by ChristopherH (edited 08-21-2001).)

Zen finally gives up on recieving his odd drink, exits the bar via a rope ladder system out of the hole, then plummets back in in a far more polite manner, and decides to sit in the most conspicous and yet tasteful manner possible in a corner.

Apply When Wet

While repairing the bar,the chess players look up into the star-studded night to see a strange red glow in orbit.
The red glow collapses,revealing a blood red ship.
Using a telescope,Macavenger is able to see an Alien Cruiser!
Slowly,the Cruiser decends to land near the pit the bar is in,and a tall Alien emerges.
"long live Me,"he says,"May I rule for a million years!"
He then climbs down into the bar,which is easy to do when you've got 12 tentacles,and orders a Dr. Pepper.

"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
-St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21

The Alein sits down next to Overrider. Overrider watches him carefully not so sure about the intruder. Ov (Overrider for short) watches the Alein drink. The alein pours out the DP and fills it back up with the ever nasty roach juice! Ov quicklt drags the alein out of the bar and takes him to a planet with radioactive animals that destroy, melt, and sting all with one bite. Ov leaves not wishing to expereince the carnage.

You have been overriden by Overrider. Prepare to die evil scum! -Me
rookie's smiles:(url="http://"")Cool Smiles(/url)
(url="http://"")Cooler Smiles(/url)
AIM: Ferazel17


Originally posted by ChristopherH:
**The tongues of lava spurted out by the pit rapidly begin burrowing into the ground before the glacier hits the pit. They quickly form hollow lava tubes under the bar that weaken the bars foundation enough that the bar collapes into the hole underneath. There is only rubble left with several upright tables remaining with the chess players sitting at them. They are so cuaght up in the games they don't even notice what has happened to the bar.

Meanwhile, a remote controlled drone With pepsi/microsoft insignia lands on the perimeter of the area where the bar once stood. A hatch pops open and expells a data cube onto the ground. The cube begins to move towards the bar on tiny little servo motor controlled wheels. The drone then explodes in a mass of flames and spraying pepsi juice all over the ground causing all shrubs and plants in the area to immediately shrivel up and die.

The data cube begins sending out a high pitched audio message: Don't destroy, I have a message for Macavenger/Skyblade.

You think this bar has nno defenses? The Boozerama Bar's Anti-Pepsi-Microsoft-Confeds Android Security Guards quickly put a Sprite-Shield around the the used-to-be lava pit so nothing can go in or out, and quickly take Chris into custody. The drone is left alone as it is apparently on a diplomatic mission. The Androids take Chris to Skyblade for... er... interrogation.

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.


Yes I'm annoying aren't I?

The Hunter looks at CH being dragged away

"Ooooooo! Can I help interrogate him, PLEEZ? PLEEZ? PLEEZ?" 🙂

The Hunter: semi-dangerously flying around in his Courier, looking for Pirates who are worse them him to blow up. Loyalty: Umm...I like the Feds better but I ain't enlisting!


Originally posted by Shade:
**While repairing the bar,the chess players look up into the star-studded night to see a strange red glow in orbit.
The red glow collapses,revealing a blood red ship.
Using a telescope,Macavenger is able to see an Alien Cruiser!
Slowly,the Cruiser decends to land near the pit the bar is in,and a tall Alien emerges.
"long live Me,"he says,"May I rule for a million years!"
He then climbs down into the bar,which is easy to do when you've got 12 tentacles,and orders a Dr. Pepper.

lol, go ahead and bounce yourself out of that ugly place Overrider took you now Emperor... 😉

Oh, and Chris, the Lava would get stopped before undermining the bar too. Underneath is where we store the Dr. Pepper, and of course it is kept cold down there. So the Lava is stoped again before it can get to the bar. 😛

And Hunter, 9.c4. See if that confuses you any.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")


Originally posted by The Hunter:
**The Hunter looks at CH being dragged away

"Ooooooo! Can I help interrogate him, PLEEZ? PLEEZ? PLEEZ?" 🙂


Hmmm... I suppose.

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.

Wait, so what are we being attacked by right now? A pepsi fleet, an alien cruiser, and CH. OK.

Insano takes out a handheld neutron blaster and shoots the alien before he can get back to his ship. The cruiser is still dangerous, but not as dangerous w/o its captain. Insano then jumps into a corvette, flies behind the alien cruiser and blasts it.

Go to the Escape Velocity Empire. (url="http://"") Post all your stuff and enjoy everyone else's.

Macavenger realizes who the Alien really is, and what he's doing, and as such stops Insano. The Neutron blast is blocked by a mystic force shield, and shortly after Insano takes off, he develops engine trouble and is forced to land. Meanwhile, the Alien has returned from whever Overrider threw him, and returns to throttle Overrider and throw him out towards where the Lava pit used to be.

Sorry for taking you over there Shade, but since the ones not in BFS aren't familiar with what's going on, I thought it would be best this way.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

RC walks into the bar and remebering the BFS kicks OV in the a$$. Then sits at the bar ordering a cool lemony Nestea seewtened.

Long live the Alien empire!


Originally posted by rebel council:
**RC walks into the bar and remebering the BFS kicks OV in the a$$. Then sits at the bar ordering a cool lemony Nestea seewtened.

Here's your lemonade. dude

OK, someone clue me in. What's the alien? I really want to know.

Go to the Escape Velocity Empire. (url="http://"") Post all your stuff and enjoy everyone else's.

Sorry, but I'm the bartender. I give RC his tea. 🙂

And Insano, if you want to learn more about the Alien, I suggest you ask Shade. Just remember to be highly defferential when you do it, or the beatings Skyblade and I used to give you will probably be seen as a pleasent memory.

<malicious cryptic grin> 😉

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

did you charge him for it
can i get ajob at the bar