Battle for Sol - Episode II: Discussion


Originally posted by Macavenger:
(BAlthough, grunadulater, I don't see much problem with you running into uncharted territory, I'll figure it out on the map soon enough. There's also not much to stop Rak from following you though... 😉


Also, because I just attacked him, running away will only give me another surprise attack advantage. I made the battle very fair. And now, his heavy rocket volleys will really hurt.

Whoa there. How did I lose 4 supercruisers and 1 battlecruiser against a handful of kestrels and superkestrels. Maybe one supercruisers or heavy cruiser, but not 5! Macavenger?

He also took out a carrier!!!

Also, please provide some details of the battle. And make it coherent

I also think you would lose more corvettes, going into a stream of heavy fire. Just to show how skewed this battle is, I'll post the losses.

Pirate Losses-
1 superkestrel
9 kestrels
9 corvettes
17 modified agrosys
20 rapiers
12 lightnings
5 hawks

HC Losses-
1 carrier
1 heavy crusier
4 supercrusiers
6 battlecrusiers
11 ospreys
1 destroyer m6s
17 destroyer m5s
30 starcobras
20 drogon flies
20 mantas

These losses are totally outrageous (sp?), and have to be repealed. I refuse to complete the battle until they are.

ok ok im no good at can do it all if you want to.if im beaton, do i escape in any way or am i killed.

I bet there darn tasty to.


Originally posted by grunadulater:
**ok ok im no good at can do it all if you want to.if im beaton, do i escape in any way or am i killed.


I recreated the battle, and made it more realistic. You are now in a secret pirate system (of the map). Fleet stats are at the other thread

Please forgive me for flaming you? :frown:

I think he had one flame coming, and the fact that you've backed down when he did is good. I'm glad you guys resolved this together, before I had to come in. I will still peek at the final stats, but I think they're probably OK.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

New Ship?
New Weapon?
Oohh,goody,does the Empire get a new vessel?

i forgive. 🙂

I bet there darn tasty to.

Macavenger, what do you call that battle against Tycho Maudd. The damage was fair, but it was a ONE POST BATTLE. Skyblade could have responded creatively to your attack. But you coordinated an entire battle. 'nuff said.


Originally posted by General Rak:
Macavenger, what do you call that battle against Tycho Maudd. The damage was fair, but it was a ONE POST BATTLE. Skyblade could have responded creatively to your attack. But you coordinated an entire battle. 'nuff said.

I was about to post the same thing. Shade also did this.

Ill put it this way - I dont write novels.

Actually, I talked with Skyblade a bit beforehand, there never have been any rules against single post battles. I actually felt I was a bit generous with the amount of damage I inflicted to both sides, all things considered. Explain this to me: If a far superior Alien fleet drops in on top of a human fleet, and the nearest reinforcements are 4 jumps away, what kind of response is possible? The original plans for battles (worked out loosely between me and Skyblade) made them pretty well one post; the fleets came and a moderator would sort stuff out. Personally, I like detailing things a bit more. I also feel that what I had the other fleet do was quite fair. If a hugely superior alien fleet drops in on you, are you going to try something tricky, and die in the process with little hope of inflicting much additional damage, or are you going to run? I probably could have twisted things so that the whole fleet got wiped out, but you'll notice I didn't. It's been reduced a bit, of course, but as you said, my damage assessment was fair.

As for Shade's post, he was taking over systems with no enemy fleet, just system defenses. You have no cause whatsoever to complain about that, as that is something the HC and pirates had both done before we did.

I call attention to one of Captain Skyblade's posts in the topic:


Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
You guys do your best to keep the battles fair... And whoever losses (sic) , just accept it.

Rak, even you don't really dispute that it was fair.
There was a lot of preparation leading up to this, and getting it all out of the ay in one post seemed the most efficient way to get things done. Captain Skyblade has said some things to me via e-mail that you guys don't know about. The combat rules are a little different this time around. We have the two thread mods this time to help keep it fair, so if Skyblade has a large problem with what I did (not that I expect him to) he can call me on it, and I'll edit the post. But seriously, I think that was all on the level.

I don't blame you guys for being a bit surprised and annoyed. The attack was calculated to upset the HC, after all. But at this point, let's just move on, OK?

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

In other news: I'm taking over the map, for any who don't know, and I ope to have an updated version up tomorrow or possibly today if I have time. The first updates too it probably won't have Skyblade's fancy fleet icons, but I hope to get those back soon.

Additionally, Sattomax: from the original topic, could you post here a description of your Komodo Armored Frigates? I may be finishing the plug after all, and I'd like to have that ship in it. I think you already posted a description of the Starscreamer at the ships thread, so that's OK.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

Sattomax ... Spl_Cadet, e-mail me. Let's talk more strategy.
(I didn't know I turned off my e-mail icon. Sorry.)

- KK

“You will find that we will be either the most loyal and trustworthy of allies, or ... if you insist on trying to swallow us up -- the worst of enemies. The choice is yours. And should you choose to fight us ... don’t bring a knife to a gunfight!!!”

Hey, Karl... you were asking when new ships came in. Actually, since Skyblade screwed up and bought early, everyone else gets to, so you pirates have 150 million to spend... might want to talk to grunadulater about that. Of course, he'll probably use most of it on his own fleet, since it needs it...

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

(QUOTE)(Originally posted by spl_cadet)
54 Kestrels (4 local ones joined)

That isn't fair, you can't acquire ships, only buy them. But if this were true... well then 2 carriers just happened to hyper into my system. 😉


Originally posted by Macavenger:
Hey, Karl... you were asking when new ships came in. Actually ... you pirates have 150 million to spend... might want to talk to grunadulater about that. Of course, he'll probably use most of it on his own fleet, since it needs it...

Roger that, Mac. UE Crusader surely beat us to the punch with his attack. (Arrgh!) BTW, when you update the map remember to include the new jump link up north (NGC-6548 to NGC-1023). Thanks

Grunadulater, I know your fleet needs -- well, a fleet. But I'd sure like some more Xs. (Or the Star Screamers. Remember, I like to stay really quick.)

Sattomax, I like your ship specs. While studying the Star Screamer's I came up with two questions: Does it take a crew of 1 or 2? How many jumps is its fuel good for?

Anybody(!), I seem to have gone goofy with my "post know how." I have apparently forgotten how to make text bold and italic. (Mac, I KNOW you know how to do that. You can even put icons in your posts...)

- KK

“You will find that we will be either the most loyal and trustworthy of allies, or ... if you insist on trying to swallow us up -- the worst of enemies. The choice is yours. And should you choose to fight us ... don’t bring a knife to a gunfight!!!”

(quote)Originally posted by General Rak:
**(QUOTE)(Originally posted by spl_cadet)
54 Kestrels (4 local ones joined)

That isn't fair, you can't acquire ships, only buy them. But if this were true... well then 2 carriers just happened to hyper into my system. **(/quote)

I consider it fair in that my ships can win against yours only by sheer force of numbers. That would even it out a bit. Also, these were pirate ships that were in Darven that I rescued. The HC and Aliens wouldn't be able to do something like this since they 1. have good ships and 2. are large, centralized governments. Quite a few pirates are local ones. So it would make sense that I could get them. If Macavenger or Skyblade says to get rid of them I will. I will also refrain from recruiting more ships that way.

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This text is in bold.
This text is in italic.

Click the "edit" button above my post and you'll see the UBB Code that makes this happen.

David Arthur
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(This message has been edited by David Arthur (edited 08-05-2001).)


Originally posted by spl_cadet:
**I consider it fair in that my ships can win against yours only by sheer force of numbers. That would even it out a bit. Also, these were pirate ships that were in Darven that I rescued. The HC and Aliens wouldn't be able to do something like this since they 1. have good ships and 2. are large, centralized governments. Quite a few pirates are local ones. So it would make sense that I could get them. If Macavenger or Skyblade says to get rid of them I will. I will also refrain from recruiting more ships that way.

Even as a fellow pirate I too was surprised by spl_cadet's acquisition ... at first. But you must admit spl_cadet makes sense; local pirates are always working Darven.

If I had taken Darven, I would have given the local pirates one of those "easy choices," join me or die! Agreed?

We need to strive for some balance and logic. (You should hear some of the absurd (and rejected) ideas I had for increasing my fleet. ;))

(Of course, we will abide by Mac's or Skyblade's ruling....)

- KK

“You will find that we will be either the most loyal and trustworthy of allies, or ... if you insist on trying to swallow us up -- the worst of enemies. The choice is yours. And should you choose to fight us ... don’t bring a knife to a gunfight!!!”


Originally posted by spl_cadet:
**I consider it fair in that my ships can win against yours only by sheer force of numbers. That would even it out a bit. Also, these were pirate ships that were in Darven that I rescued. The HC and Aliens wouldn't be able to do something like this since they 1. have good ships and 2. are large, centralized governments. Quite a few pirates are local ones. So it would make sense that I could get them. If Macavenger or Skyblade says to get rid of them I will. I will also refrain from recruiting more ships that way.

You're points are valid, but the rules don't give any special powers like that to the pirates, and you underestimated the carrier besides. See my full post at the actual topic.

KK - if you want to learn to use UBB code better, while making a post, click on the link that says "*UBB Code is ON" to the right side of the text entry area. It leads to a help file that explains what ou can use.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

grunadulater - where did you take math? 😛 I figure you still have 40,750,000 credits left after buying those X-Rapiers. You may wish to edit your post.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")