Battle for Sol: Episode II - The Unfinished War -

Rak's fleet head to Stardock Alpha, for repairs from the battle with Grunadulator.
--- --- ---
Priority 1 Encrypted Transmission
-To Captain_Skyblade@Gov.exec.secnet
-From General_Rak@HCN.brass.secnet

Hello. As you may have heard, my fleet has destoyed Grunadulator's pirate fleet and recaptured Matar. Also, I believe the pirate fleets have to be countered by UE Crusaders fleet. Thank you.

Admiral Boris Tasha
--- --- ---
In other news, the Congress has begun the process of voting for the impeachment of President Skyblade and Jonathan Navarone.
Prepare to succumb to
superior intelligence

(This message has been edited by General Rak (edited 08-07-2001).)

(This message has been edited by General Rak (edited 08-07-2001).)

= = = = = HC High Command - Urgent = = = = =
ER, your orders are to take your fleet to Barnard. Be of yellow alert, and prepare to defend and hold the system at all costs. My own fleet will set course for Centauri, and we will form a defensive perimeter around the capital. UE Crusander, take the swiftest route to Serius, and be there as quickly as time will allow. Our northern flank is highly exposed at the moment, and vital protection of the remaining worlds in this area is needed.

~Fleet Admiral Skyblade

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Admiral Skyblade's fleet, the 20th Warfleet, moves from Nemesis, and takes route through Arrakis, Zebetrious, and Barnard. Current location: Sol.

= = = = = HC High Command - Urgent = = = = =

General Rak- I've received reports of your victories against the pirates, and the Human Confederation is most appreciative of your services. Your fleet, however, has received some formidable losses, so Tycho Maudd's orders are to merge with your fleet. You will remain commander, and Maudd will remain in second command.

Due to your recent victories (which the bulk of our navy has been short of), you are now promoted to the rank of four star Fleet Commander. That is all.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

-Cap'n Skyblade
-Battle for Sol - Episode II: The Unfinished War-
(url="http://"")Map(/url) | (url="http://"")Human Confederation Weapons(/url) | (url="http://"")Pirate Weapons(/url) | (url="http://"")Alien Weapons(/url)
(url="http://"")Human Confederacy Shipyard(/url) | (url="http://"")Pirate Shipyard(/url) | (url="http://"")Alien Empire Shipyard(/url)

21st Human Confederation Warfleet
Location- Stardock Alpha, Sol
Commander- Four Star Admiral Alan Rak
Vice-Commander- Two Star Admiral Tycho Maudd
Fleet Advisor- Three Star Admiral Boris Tasha
2 Carriers- HCS Senator (Flagship) and HCS Intrigue (Tycho Maudd's ship)
1 Heavy Cruiser- HCS Tristar (Admiral Tasha's ship)
7 Supercruisers
10 Battlecruisers
6 Cruisers
1 Destroyer M6 Gunship
26 Ospreys
30 Destroyer M5s
4 Destroyers
23 Star Cobras (Carrier)
234 Dragonflies (Carrier)
99 Mantas (Carrier)
--- --- ---
The congress and senate have voted NOT to impeach President Skyblade. In other news...

Prepare to succumb to
superior intelligence

(This message has been edited by General Rak (edited 08-07-2001).)

(This message has been edited by General Rak (edited 08-07-2001).)


Originally posted by General Rak:
The congress and senate have voted NOT to impeach President Skyblade. In other news...


What!? Am I missing something here? Don't tell me I'm such a bad president that you guys wanted to get rid of me. :frown:

-Cap'n Skyblade
-Battle for Sol - Episode II: The Unfinished War-
(url="http://"")Map(/url) | (url="http://"")Human Confederation Weapons(/url) | (url="http://"")Pirate Weapons(/url) | (url="http://"")Alien Weapons(/url)
(url="http://"")Human Confederacy Shipyard(/url) | (url="http://"")Pirate Shipyard(/url) | (url="http://"")Alien Empire Shipyard(/url)


(This message has been edited by General Rak (edited 08-07-2001).)

Admiral Rak moves his fleet to Rigel.

Prepare to succumb to
superior intelligence

The 589th Pirate Assault Fleet deploys fighters and goes into hiding inside the asteroid belt
589th Pirate Assault Fleet stats
1 SuperKestrel
45 Kestrels
19 Modified Argosies
22 Corvettes
105 X-Rapiers
4 Starscreamers.
94 Lightnings (were docked on Kestrels)
38 hawks (were docked on Argosies)

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(url="http://"")EVN:The Beginning(/url)

1 Sabre (10 Tri-Photon turrets)
5 SuperKestrels (8 turrets)
58 Corvettes (5 turrets)
116 X-Rapiers (16 docked) (5 swivel cannons)
88 Lightnings (20 docked) (4 swivel cannons)
4 Starscreamers (4 swivel cannons)

The entire fleet had been refitted with Tri-Photon technology. The fleet was being mobilized for its next move, an attack on the HC system of Sauron. Commandos armed with Tri-Photon rifles and grenades had been ferried in for the ultimate realization of this attack. The ships were beginning to move out of the repair bays now, to leave the system...

Entering the system of Sauron

The entire 463rd warfleet jumped into Sauron, bent on destruction. The Missile Frigate guarding it was a little surprised by what appea!red to be a Pirate fleet of before-unknown proportions. "All fighters, stay out of range!" radioed Vaten. "That ship is armed with multiple Flak Turrets. To you fighter pilots, that means death! Fire only guided missiles at this ship." And they did that enthusiastically. The Frigate was destroyed within minutes, never getting a shot off on the continually retreating fighters. The Admiral did get a scan of the ship, however. It appeared to have eight flak turrets, which would even shred his own ship, the Sabre, rather quickly.

The warfleet encircled the planet and then demanded tribute. Assorted fighters, Frigates and an occasional Gunship M6 came out, but the Corvettes and Lightnings removed the HC fighters from play, while the Sabre, SKs, and X-Rapiers took out the warships. The commandos then went in, to be met by both enraged and terrified HC planetary council members.

Their surrender was total.


2 Corvettes
6 Lightnings
2 X-Rapiers

Pirate-Controlled systems: 40, I think

Apparently, my X-Rapiers are kicking HC warship @$$ right about now.

(This message has been edited by Sattomax (edited 08-07-2001).)

The 589th takes a few hours to refit its fleet with Tri-photon turrets before returning to its position in the asteroid belt.

(url="http://"")Shinigami's Demon:GW Fanfic Archive(/url)
(url="http://"")EVN:The Beginning(/url)


- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")


(This message has been edited by spl_cadet (edited 08-07-2001).)


Originally posted by Macavenger:
**OK, stop, we need to address some issues here.

Rak, spl_cadet, and Sattomax: In case you don't remember, all your fleets have been essentially destroyed, you can't just reincarnate them by waving your hands. You have to wait for your government leader to give you more ships. Rak, I know Skybalde gave you Tycho Maudd's fleet, but it wasn't that big.
Sattomax: How the hell do you think you can jump straight from Kathoon to Sauron, even if you do have your fleet back (which you don't).
Sattomax and spl_cadet: KK's fleet is in the same system as you guys right now, but you can't use it yet, grunadulater has to make the final decision on what to do with it. You certainly can't both use all of those ships.

I'm expecting to see some edits here...


No, the entire series of battles were voided because Sattomax was in a completely different system. So that goes for you too. It has been regenerated from before the Levo confrontation.

Prepare to succumb to
superior intelligence

Roaring out of hyperspace, the 589th Pirate Assault Fleet ambushes the 21st HC Warfleet at Rigel. Starscreamers launch their entire load of propulsion mines as the rest of the fleet fires torpedoes and missiles. Every single piece of ordnance has just one target: HCS Senator. As the fleet tries to return fire the 589th jumps back to Levo, unscathed by the hit and run attack.

589th Pirate Assault Fleet stats
1 SuperKestrel
45 Kestrels
19 Modified Argosies
22 Corvettes
105 X-Rapiers
4 Starscreamers.
94 Lightnings (were docked on Kestrels)
38 hawks (were docked on Argosies)

21st HC Warfleet
1 Carrier HCS Intrigue
1 Heavy Cruiser
7 Supercruisers
10 BattleCruisers
6 Cruisers
1 Destroyer m6 Gunship
26 Ospreys
30 Destroyer M5's
13 StarCobras
150 Dragonflies
50 Mantas
The fighters lost were destroyed in their hangars when the HCS Senator exploded.

(url="http://"")Shinigami's Demon: A Gundam Wing Fanfic Archive(/url)
(url="http://"")EVN: The Beginning(/url)
Cougar gunships+Starscreamers+X-Rapiers=Dead HC fleets


Originally posted by spl_cadet:
**Roaring out of hyperspace, the 589th Pirate Assault Fleet ambushes the 21st HC Warfleet at Rigel. Starscreamers launch their entire load of propulsion mines as the rest of the fleet fires torpedoes and missiles. Every single piece of ordnance has just one target: HCS Senator. As the fleet tries to return fire the 589th jumps back to Levo, unscathed by the hit and run attack.

589th Pirate Assault Fleet stats
1 SuperKestrel
45 Kestrels
19 Modified Argosies
22 Corvettes
105 X-Rapiers
4 Starscreamers.
94 Lightnings (were docked on Kestrels)
38 hawks (were docked on Argosies)

21st HC Warfleet
1 Carrier HCS Intrigue
1 Heavy Cruiser
7 Supercruisers
10 BattleCruisers
6 Cruisers
1 Destroyer m6 Gunship
26 Ospreys
30 Destroyer M5's
13 StarCobras
150 Dragonflies
50 Mantas
The fighters lost were destroyed in their hangars when the HCS Senator exploded.


All fighters were launched when the attack commenced, hence none were lost 😉

No pirates lost. I am surprised the HC ships sat passively as the Senator was being destroyed...

I will edit in severe losses for the x-rapiers, as the launched fighter were sure to target them.

Rak was uninjured and is currently on-board the Intrigue.

Mod edited stats-
21st Human Confederation Warfleet
Location- Stardock Alpha, Sol
Commander- Four Star Admiral Alan Rak
Vice-Commander- Two Star Admiral Tycho Maudd
Fleet Advisor- Three Star Admiral Boris Tasha
1 Carrier- and HCS Intrigue (Flagship)
1 Heavy Cruiser- HCS Tristar (Admiral Tasha's ship)
7 Supercruisers
10 Battlecruisers
6 Cruisers
1 Destroyer M6 Gunship
26 Ospreys
30 Destroyer M5s
4 Destroyers
23 Star Cobras
200 Dragonflies
99 Mantas

589th Pirate Assault Fleet stats
1 SuperKestrel
45 Kestrels
19 Modified Argosies
22 Corvettes
60 X-Rapiers
2 Starscreamers
94 Lightnings
38 Hawks
--- --- ---
Following the surprise attack on his flagship, Rak was angry. He decided to retaliate.

Entering the Levo system, Rak's ships launched torpedo after torpedo, as did the Pirates. In the end, the results were the following- 1 superkestrel, 20 kestrels, and 10 corvettes were killed. 1 Supercruiser, 5 battle cruisers, 10 destroyer M5s, and 5 Ospreys were killed.

The pirate X-Rapiers, Corvettes, and Lightnings advanced towards the enemy fleet. The HC fighters advanced towards them. When the two sides entered range, heavy rocket and missile fire assualted forth from both sides. These were the results- 12 corvettes, 30 X-Rapiers, and 30 Lightnings lost. 10 Star Cobras, 100 Dragonflies, and 50 Mantas were destroyed.

While the fighters retreated, the heavycruisers, supercruisers and ospreys advanced towards the kestrels and argosies. All sides unleashed a fury of secondaries. However, the superior human weaponry won. 1 supercruiser, 15 kestrels, 7 ospreys, and 10 argosies lost.

The rest of the pirates retreated. The HC prepared for a suicide kamikaze strike.

Fleet stats-
21st Human Confederation Warfleet
Location- Rigel
Commander- Four Star Admiral Alan Rak
Vice-Commander- Two Star Admiral Tycho Maudd
Fleet Advisor- Three Star Admiral Boris Tasha
1 Carrier- and HCS Intrigue (Flagship)
1 Heavy Cruiser- HCS Tristar (Admiral Tasha's ship)
5 Supercruisers
5 Battlecruisers
6 Cruisers
1 Destroyer M6 Gunship
14 Ospreys
20 Destroyer M5s
4 Destroyers
13 Star Cobras
100 Dragonflies
49 Mantas

589th Pirate Assault Fleet stats
10 Kestrels
9 Modified Argosies
30 X-Rapiers
2 Starscreamers
64 Lightnings
38 Hawks

Your move.

Prepare to succumb to
superior intelligence

(This message has been edited by General Rak (edited 08-07-2001).)

Fleet Stats:
2 Battlecruisers
20 cruisers
32 Fighters

"The problem with Imperial Buracracy,"Shade told the admiral sitting next to him,"Is that we can push those damn clerks around as much as we want,but they make life hell and procrastinate from here to the next galaxy."
A young ensign nervously tapped hip on the shoulder with a tentacle.
"Ah...Third Star Fleet Commander?The Marine Commander awaits your presence."
Shade dismissed the ensign and made his way to the Marine Commander's chamber.
The Commander,like all Imperial burecrats,wanted to drag the interview out,but once shown the Emperor's seal on the bottom of Shade's orders,he got strait to the point.
"The troops you requested are now being loaded aboard your Cruisers,Fleet Commander."
He said. "Long live the Emperor!"
"May he rule for a million years."Shade replied,and went to supervise the fleets departure.

The fleet left Kaujathin'Karath quickly,reaching the jump point within two hours at top speeds.
They proceeded through the uninhabited stretch until they returned again to NGC-7665.
Once again,Shade awaited the Emperor's command.

Long live the Alien Emperor,may he rule for a million years! -Third Star Fleet Commander Shade,following the Battle of NGC-0538

Admiral Vaten's fleet now prepared for a strike on Mentos. This one should be easy. Mentos wasn't even inhabited, so it was whatever was guarding it at the time.
As the fleet entered the system, there were exactly two Ospreys and six Gunship M6's in the system. The fighters cleared themselves of ordinance, destroying the Ospreys. The SKs and Sabre then made runs on the Gunships, while the fighters stayed out of range, avoiding the deadly Flak Turrets. "Shields?" yelled Vaten. "65%," came the reply. Good, he thought. We've almost got them. Suddenly all the Gunships concentrated fire on one SuperKestrel. It quickly pulled back, at 45% armor status. "Reinforcements! X's, come in and destroy one of those!" 55 of X-Rapiers came in and completely obliterated two of the Gunships, leaving two left for the SuperKestrels to finish off. They hadn't even lost a ship.


463rd Pirate Warfleet

The fleet scattered itself among the asteroids, preparing for their next move.

Cougars and Siege Carriers are a very good combination for the Pirates.

(This message has been edited by Sattomax (edited 08-07-2001).)

Umm, sorry, but might this just possibly be getting a little out of hand?

Who needs signatures?

Calm down. These are uninhabited systems I'm taking over here. I'm trying for one goal here. Don't worry, it's not to take over Sol. I couldn't possibly do that.

By the way, Crusader, did you ever post the real Battle of Saden. We have much better defenses than you think.

Cougars and Siege Carriers are a very good combination for the Pirates.

Your battle has a problem in it. My X-Rapiers were way off firing torps so they wouldn't have been hit. So I'll just add those X-Rapiers to my stats then.
And they weren't sitting passively. They simply weren't given time to respond. I jumped in. Fired. Jumped out. Rather quick.
10 Kestrels
9 Argosies
65 X-Rapiers (I gave you a few kills on them)
2 StarScreamers
64 Lightnings
38 Hawks
HC ships
1 Carrier HCS Intrigue
1 HeavyCruiser HCS Tristar
5 Supercruisers
5 Battlecruisers
1 Destroyer m6 Gunship
14 Ospreys
20 Destroyer M5's
4 Destroyers
13 StarCobras
100 Dragon Flies
49 Manta's

As the HC warfleet braced itself for a suicide charge, the 589th did something different. It unleashed a massive barrage of missiles and torpedoes. Following up were guided propulsion mines and rockets from the Starscreamers and X-Rapiers, respectivly. The HC fleet was caught by surprise by this tactic and took heavy losses. 1 BattleCruiser, 1 Destroyer M6 Gunship, 6 Ospreys, 5 Destroyer M5's, 6 Starcobras, 40 Dragon Flies, and 12 Manta's erupted in large fireballs as the weapons struck home. As the missiles and torpedoes flew towards their targets the Argosies and Hawks dived upon the confused HC fleet. The expected Kamikaze attack was here. But confused as they were from the barrage they were unable to take advantage of it. 2 SuperCruisers, 3 BattleCruisers, and 6 more Ospreys blossomed into giant clouds of debris as the ships slammed into the fleet. After the suicide run, the Pirate fleet left and jumped for Kathoon.
589th Pirate Assault Fleet Stats:
10 Kestrels
47 X-Rapiers
1 StarScreamers
64 Lightnings
21st HC Warfleet Stats
1 Carrier HCS Intrigue
1 HeavyCruiser HCS Tristar
3 Supercruisers
1 Battlecruisers
2 Ospreys
15 Destroyer M5's
4 Destroyers
7 StarCobras
60 Dragon Flies
37 Manta's

589th Pirate Fleet is now in Kathoon and has KK's ships to use their. And I remind Rak that he has to get through the defense fleet.

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(url="http://"")EVN: The Beginning(/url)
Cougar gunships+Starscreamers+X-Rapiers=Dead HC fleets

Using an emergency override code, General Rak forced UE Crusader's fleet to move to Tiber, ready to defend the lower HC systems.

Prepare to succumb to
superior intelligence