Battle for Sol: Episode II - The Unfinished War -

There it was. Rotating slowly, the huge dark red ring of the Kaujathin jump gate. The fleet had just jumped here yesterday, and Clueless had been wondering whether the stars would be different here. Indeed they seemed to be glowing a bit brighter here, as if they were anticipating the rule of a new power, and here it was: one of the glorious Carriers, having been pulled out of dock just recently, one of the tested Battlecruisers along with their smaller cousins, the 25 Cruisers of the fleet. Finally, there were 75 of the all-new shiny destroyers with all kind of the Empire's newest weapon technology. Heavy fighters and Interceptors were doing test flights and maneouvers from their bays onboard the Carrier and the Battlecruiser as Clueless' shuttle was finally leaving Kaujathin Station's hangar, into the emptyness of space. Orders had arrived an hour ago, and Clueless was to take his seat on the flagship of what fleet should finally bring Empire domination in this new galaxy.
The smaller vessels of the fleet had been refitted with throwaway fuel canisters on the outsides of the hulls to make the way to Vulcan possible, as the destination was called. Sadly, these canisters couldn't be used again, once emptied, as appropriate fuelling installations were only available on Kaujathin. "Vulcan" he thought. Unusual, could need a new name. Was there a meaning to it?
Clueless' thoughts were interrupted when he noticed the Carrier's shuttle hangar, painted in a calming red tone, then the shuttle touched down.
The seat on the primary command center of the ship was simple and functional, had only one button: the intercom. "Soldiers!" he began, "we are to bring the power of our mighty empire to this new galaxy. Many of our ships are already there. Fighting. Winning. But what will bring these primitives called 'humans' to fear us, it is you. Long live the Emperor of the old galaxy, as well as that of our new one, Macavenger. May he rule for a million years."
Then to the helm: "Set course for Vulcan!" One hundred and two ships headed towards the edge of the system, the impressing Carrier in the lead. Then they jumped.
The journey had begun.

Clueless' fleet will be available in the Vulcan system soon.

Meiner ist grφίer! πŸ™‚

grunadulater moves his fleet to osiris.he buys and 3 for cadet and 2 for satto .he also buys 1 siege carrier for satto and cadet.(i will post my fleet when it meets with kks.)

I bet there darn tasty to.

(This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 08-08-2001).)

(This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 08-08-2001).)


Originally posted by grunadulater:
**grunadulater moves his fleet to osiris.he buys and 3 for cadet and 2 for satto .he also buys 1 siege carrier for satto and cadet.(i will post my fleet when it meets with kks.)


Please clarify what you are purchasing.

1 siege carrier

5 ???

Prepare to succumb to
superior intelligence

Alien Income: 365 million
Remaining Income: 64 Million
Total Income: 429 million

Purchases 26 Heavy Fighters, 1 Battlecruiser, and 4 Destroyers for Emperor Macavenger's fleet. (209 million)
Purchases 3 Heavy Fighters, 1 Carrier, 16 interceptors, and 4 Destroyers for Shade's fleet. (210 million)

Income spent: 419 million
Income remaining: 10 million

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

Rak- Orders are for you to discontinue any assaults for the current time. Your fleet is too battered, and you need to wait for reinforcements.

-We'll need a map update here soon-

= = = = = = = = = =

I have no idea how much income that HC is now making (since there hasn't been a recent update), but it seems we've lost control of eight systems. Therefore, I'll say our income level is 290 million credits.

Purchases- 26 "Missile Frigate" Warships - 65,000,000 Credits (the HC shipyard has not yet been updated with the stats and graphics of this ship)

5 Supercruiers - 75,000,000 purchasedCredits

20 Destroyer M6 Gunboats purchased - 70,000,000 Credits

800 Manta Fighters purchased - 80,000,000 Credits

= = = = = = = = = =

Alright all you HC fleet commanders; listen up. I've spent plenty of time deciding what to purchase, and since we are getting desperate for a major victory, large numbers of fighters and the new "Missile Frigate" have been purchased (speaking of the Missile Frigate Mac, I really need the HC shipyard updated soon). These fighters and missile frigates will be key in your offensive and defensive missions. The missile frigate will shred enemy fighters with its concentrated array of deadly flak cannons, heavy rockets, and missiles. The huge numbers of mantas will be important for swarming and destroying larger capital ships. Use your advantages with these vessels at all costs.

= = = = = = = = = =

8 Missile Frigates, 1 Supercruiser, 8 Destroyer M6s, and 300 Manta fighters given to General Rak and Tycho Maudd's fleet.

(UE Crusader, I need you north fast, or I'm going to have to stop supplying desperately-needed ships to your fleet. You and I are the only ones with healthy numbers at the time, so your assistance is requested. Follow latest orders swiftly if possible)
6 Missile Frigates, 1 Supercruiser, 4 Destroyer M6s, and 100 Manta fighters given to UE Crusader's fleet.

6 Missile Frigates, 1 Supercruiser, 4 Destroyer M6s, and 100 Manta fighters given to ErsadtSF's fleet.

6 Missile Frigates, 2 Supercruisers, 4 Destroyer M6s, and 300 Manta fighters given to Admiral Skyblade's fleet.

= = = = = = = = = =

Current Numbers of Admiral Skyblade's 20th Warfleet Division:
1 Carrier
1 Heavy Cruiser
5 Supercruisers
14 Cruisers
20 Ospreys
6 Missile Frigates
7 Destroyer M6 Gunboats
30 Destroyer M5s
142 Star Cobras
50 Dragonflies
410 Mantas

= = = = = = = = = =

-Cap'n Skyblade
-Battle for Sol - Episode II: The Unfinished War-
(url="http://"")Map(/url) | (url="http://"")Human Confederation Weapons(/url) | (url="http://"")Pirate Weapons(/url) | (url="http://"")Alien Weapons(/url)
(url="http://"")Human Confederacy Shipyard(/url) | (url="http://"")Pirate Shipyard(/url) | (url="http://"")Alien Empire Shipyard(/url)

Grunadulater bought five of our new Destroyers, Rak.

463rd Pirate Warfleet
1 Sabre
1 Siege Carrier
3 Destroyers
5 SuperKestrels
56 Corvettes
130 X-Rapiers (32 docked)
98 Lightnings (36 docked)
20 Starscreamers (16 docked)

Cougars and Siege Carriers are a very good combination for the Pirates.

"Reinforcements have arrived sir"
"Very well, carry on."
589th Pirate Assault Fleet Stats
1 Siege Carrier
3 Destroyers
5 Kestrels
40 X-Rapiers
2 StarScreamers
24 Lightnings
38 Hawks
BTW, Lord High King of the Pirate Armadas, is there any money left over for purchase of some Cougars? They would be an especially deadly addition to my fleet.

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(url="http://"")EVN: The Beginning(/url)
Cougar gunships+Starscreamers+X-Rapiers=Dead HC fleets

Actually, there are 10.25M credits left. You could get two Cougars, unless Mac repriced them a lot. I think we should save that money, though.

Good night, everybody!

Cougars and Siege Carriers are a very good combination for the Pirates.

(This message has been edited by Sattomax (edited 08-08-2001).)

"Comm channel three, lieutenant. Tell Rak and Tycho that his fleet is to set out for Rigel and stand by for further orders. ER is ordered to Capella, to cover my fleet if it is forced to retreat. UE Crusader is on his way to assist us, and tell him to make way for Matar. That is all."

"Aye sir." With that, the lieutenant scurried out of Skyblade's cabin and passed on his orders.

Skyblade was on the bridge in a matter of minutes, still buttoning up his Fleet Admiral uniform.

"1st officer," Skyblade said as he sat down, "prepare for warp speed. The emeror himself will be in for a surprise. Lord willing, we will send him a present he'll never forget."

The Admiral turned to the engineer. "Engage!"

With that, the 20th Human Confederation Warfleet entered hyperspace. The entire fleet streaked away from Barnard one by one, the carrier being the last to go.

A few jumps and days later, arrival was due at any moment.

"Navigator, report," Skyblade announced.

"20th Warfleet approaching Levo. Estimated arrival: 30 seconds," the navigator responded.

Skyblade opened the comm channel to his fleet. "Battle stations! Battle stations! All commanders to your decks, we are about to engage a heavilly-armed alien fleet. Prepare for the worse, but in any case, take as many of them with you as you can."

As soon as the Admiral switched his comm channel off, the Triton Corsair broke from light speed and lurched forward as it adjusted to battle speed. As soon as the fleet has lost its momentum from the entry, the sight that lay before them was unbelievable."

"Sir!" the radar officer said in a fearsome manner. "Sensors read 4 Battlecruisers, 27 Cruisers, and 38 Heavy Fighters. All are fully functional."

"It seems as though Rak's courageous offense on the emperor's fleet payed off. Engage the enemy, and let them have it!"

Thousands of torpedoes screamed from the launchers of the 20th warfleet. The aliens, now mobilizing from the surprise arrival of the HC, began to respond with guided weapons of various types.

Win collision from the guided weapons clashed on both sides, the sight was amazing. The Triton Corsair itself lurched as three seeker modules slammed into the hull.

The carrier of the 20th warfleet, however, was wrecking havoc on a battlecruiser. The four battlecruisers were approaching the 20th division to wreck havoc on the HC capital vessels.

While three of the battlecruisers headed for the bulk of the fleet with particle beams cuttung through human shielding, the carrier and single battlecruiser fought it out. The carrier was churning out amazing amounts of torpedoes and missiles, primarily targeted at the engine and command sections of the battlecruiser. The battlecruiser, in return, had ripped one of the carrier's stabilizers off with particle fire, engines were damaged, and minor numbers of weapons out of action.

The carrier and battlecruiser fought on, but the alien's shield recharge could not hold up to the deadly firepower falling upon it. A moment later, the battlecruiser exploded near the back of the HC carrier, fragments ripping the engines of the carrier to shreds. The HC carrier could now only operate at a slow pace with moderate damage.

The Triton Corsair was being swarmed by heavy fighters. The mass of the M5 destroyer could not handle them, and minutes later seeker drones and fusion beams had totally siabled Skyblade's flagship. The admiral was now an easy target, and death would have been certain had not the Supercruiser "HCS Veretan" rescued the crew members of the Triton Corsair. The "Veretan" was now Skyblade's flagship.

Your turn, Mac. Hope this is fair enough.

Alien losses:
1 Battlecruiser
3 Cruisers
7 Heavy Fighters

HC losses
1 Cruiser
3 Ospreys
2 Destroyer M6 Gunboats
2 Destroyer M5
12 Star Cobras
16 Mantas

Current Numbers of the 20th Warfleet:
1 Carrier
1 Heavy Cruiser
5 Supercruisers
13 Cruisers
17 Ospreys
6 Missile Frigates
5 Destroyer M6 Gunboats
28 Destroyer M5s
130 Star Cobras
50 Dragonflies
394 Mantas

-Cap'n Skyblade
-Battle for Sol - Episode II: The Unfinished War-
(url="http://"")Map(/url) | (url="http://"")Human Confederation Weapons(/url) | (url="http://"")Pirate Weapons(/url) | (url="http://"")Alien Weapons(/url)
(url="http://"")Human Confederacy Shipyard(/url) | (url="http://"")Pirate Shipyard(/url) | (url="http://"")Alien Empire Shipyard(/url)

(RC in the Apollo system)

2 Battlecruisers
44 Cruisers
64 Fighters
24 Interceptors

As soon as rebel council recived the message he ordered all ships under his command.

"Set a course for Gymkata, NOW!" exclaimed rebel council
"Formation sir?"
"Hmm... diamond til we get to Gymkata then a suprise attack."
"Yes sir."

As the fleet jumped in to Vulcan and was ambushed by two Kestels!

"Send out the interseptors!"Yelled RC!

All 24 interseptors broke formation sceaching toward the Krestels and their escourts! As soon as they were in range the interseptors opened seeker drone fire on the krestels. Each kerstel was hit with around 19 drones and were destroyed. On the second pass the Interseptors crushed the Lightnings . The quick battle was over!

The fleet continued! As soon as they jumped into the Gymkata system all ships broke formationand and with sheer numbers confused the six drogonflies that were orbiting Hikeeba. With one pass the Interseptors and Fighters destroyed the HC ships! As the Battlecruisers lurched forward one of the ships demanded controll of the planet , if they agreed the fleet would not esimilate all their ships and bombard their cities. The Hikeebians refused and relesed their defence fleet! 30 dragonflies suddenly emurged from the planets surfase! Five of them were destoyed right away so was an Interseptor! The other dragonflies barely ecaped. All the fighters gave chase to the DFs! As the DFs came for a pass 8 of them were destroyed. After passing the fighters the DFs ran into the cruisers which finaly crushed the Dragonflies with a wall of seekerdrones and needle beams! Three cruisers were destroyed and five lightly damaged! RC now in rage ordered a full scale bombardment of the planet!

Gymkata is under Alien controll<<<<<<<

1 Interseptor

(rebel councils fleet is in the Gymkata system waiting for orders)

Long live the Alien empire!

(This message has been edited by rebel council (edited 08-09-2001).)


Originally posted by Sattomax:
**Good night, everybody!

It's only 10:23 πŸ™‚

Long live the Alien empire!

rebel council! Stop! using so many! exlamation points! It makes it hard! to read!

(url="http://"")Shinigami's Demon: A Gundam Wing Fanfic Archive(/url)
(url="http://"")EVN: The Beginning(/url)
Cougar gunships+Starscreamers+X-Rapiers=Dead HC fleets

UE Crusader's fleet hypers to Barnard via this route:

Alycon>Pollux>Tau Ceti>Sol>Barnard

Hail to Captain Skyblade

I have now made it up north with you and the others; what are my orders?


This is not going to look good, but I need to inject some sanity into RC here. He's so badly underestimating Alien technology that I just have to step in, whether it looks like I'm playing for my own team or not (I'd do this for humans or pirates too). RC, a fleet like you describe there would be able to kill, at best, 1 Intereceptor. Please edit your post to reflect less losses, like 1 Interceptor, as I mentioned. And while you're at it, change the exclamation marks to periods. Constant exclamation amrks don't add to the drama, they just make it hard to read. Can you imagine what my post would be like if I did it all with exclamation marks! It would be horrible to read!

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

Fleet Stats:
1 Carrier
2 Battlecruisers
20 Cruisers
4 Destroyers
29 Fighters
16 Interceptors

By the time the new Carrier and Destroyers reached Shade's fleet in the Vulcan system,the damaged vessels had been repaired,and the erring Captains executed.
(See last post by me).
With the reinforcements came new orders from the Emperor:

Second Star Fleet Commander Rebel Council's fleet has been ordered to take Gymkata(SP?).
You are ordered to ignore this system and proceed to NGC-6849,where there is apparently a small Human station constructed for the refuelling of scout craft.
Take this system in the name of the Alien Empire.

Another puny outpost system,Shade thought.
Ah,well,this weak path leads to the true battlefields

=Interlude(Because I'm getting bored of wiping out Scumbeing outposts,the attack and subsequent destruction of Fueling Post Omega,in the NGC-6849 system,will be from a Scumbeing perspective)

The alarm klaxons woke Commander Alec Parr from a sound sleep.
As his wife,Tanya,groaned tiredly,he pulled on a crumpled uniform and hit the door release.
Running up the emergency stairs,he wondered what the emergency would be this time.
Probably drunken scout captains again,he mused.
But it's always better to take no chances,with the Aliens so close
The pressure doors to the station's command post were opened,and his 2iC,Matthew Harrison,pulled him through the hatch.
"It's the Aliens."Harrison said,pale of face.
The viewscreens showed an Alien fleet-
One huge,watermelon-shaped ship he'd never heard of before,two huge Battlecruisers,twenty ordainary Cruisers,four Destroyers,twenty-nine Heavy Fighters and sixteen Interceptors.
Oh,for a fleet of Missile Frigates right now,Alec thought.
He ordered the station's ten Dragonflies and twenty Star Cobras to launch.
The Aliens launched their fighters in response,and the two swarms of fighters sped towards each other.
The speedier HC vessels easily outmanevered their Alien counterparts,speeding on towards the Alien warshps.
The space beyond was suddenly filled with Seeker Modules,and the fighters tried desperately to evade them,only to come face-to-face with the Alien fighters turning round from being evaded.
All the HC fighters were destroyed.
The Alien fighters were taken back into the bellies of the Cruisers,Battlecruisers and Carriers.
And still the Alien fleet advanced,approaching Seeker Module range.
Belatedly,Alec ordered an evacuation of the station,and down on the docking ring the station's eighty-five civilians and ten nonessential crewmembers scrambled aboard the scoutships.
The Alien fleet was now within Seeker Module range,but wasn't firing.
Playing with us,Alec thought.
Well,two can play at that game
The fleet was due to come within beam weapon range in five minutes.
Ordering the scoutships to depart,he ordered all the crew left into escape pods and launched them.
Interceptors launched from the Carrier and destroyed the pods easily with Needle Beam fire.
Grimly,Alec keyed in the self-destruct code,and hit the Engage button.
The fleet would now arrive in four minutes,but the self-destruct was due to detonate in five.
Alec switched the self-destruct to manual override,and the large red button on the command boards lit up.
He waited for the fleet to come into range.
Three minutes two minutes one minute
The fighters relaunched from the warships,moving towards the station.
"Die,Alien bitches!"
Grinning,Alec pushed the Self-destruct button.
Electricity raced along unused wires to the ship's antimatter core,releasing the containment fields.

=Interlude Ends=

On Shade's viewing lenses,the Fueling Post suddenly blossomed into a fireball,the explosion ripping outwards.
While most of the fightrs managed to escape the blast wave,two Interceptors were not fast enough,or too close to the station,and were engulfed in the explosion.
The remaining fighters moved back into their carrier vessels,and the fleet prepared to leave the system once again.

NGC-6849 is now territory of the Alien Empire.

Fleet Stats:
1 Carrier
2 Battlecruisers
20 Cruisers
29 Fighters
14 Interceptors

Long live the Alien Emperor,may he rule for a million years! -Third Star Fleet Commander Shade,following the Battle of NGC-0538

Clueless fleet, hidden in the depths of the Vulcan asteroid field had watched Shade's ships jump in and out. Orders were to stand by, and orders were to be followed. But now orders had arrived that the most modern fleet of the Empire in this galaxy was to get to action. "Finally," thought Clueless, and it surely was what every single being on this fleet's ships thought when he gave out the news over intercom. With short bursts of fusion beam fire, three heavy fighters cleared up the path from asteroids, then the fleet jumped, the Carrier first.
Hyperspace bent back into normal space at the distant edge of the system when the massive fleet entered. On Skyblade's new warship there was a tumult amongst the bridge crew: hastingly repair crews were advised, formation orders were shouted into microphones. "SIR!" a jung lieutenant shouted, "Sir, another alien fleet is entering at the farside of the system!"Skyblade was baffled. "A Carrier? Intel told us that there were sightings of this ship, but this soon? When do they come in range?" The lieutenant read something on his screen."capital ships in eight minutes, interceptors and heavy fighters within two minutes." Skyblade knew he and his damaged fleet couldn't win this one. The viewscreen showed a zoomed view of the carrier and the battlecruiser, which were spitting out fighter after fighter, interceptor after interceptor. Should he die or should he run?

Well, Skyblade?

Fleet: Clueless
1 Carrier
1 Battlecruiser
25 Cruisers
75 Destroyers
32 Interceptors, currently launching
15 Heavy Fighters, currently launching

(This message has been edited by Clueless (edited 08-09-2001).)

Rak's fleet travels to Rigel and lands on the newly constructed obital defense station.
--- --- ---
21st Human Confederation Warfleet
Location- Rigel Wardock, Rigel
Commander- Four Star Admiral Alan Rak
Vice-Commander- Two Star Admiral Tycho Maudd
Fleet Advisor- Three Star Admiral Boris Tasha
1 Supercruiser- HCS Optician (Flagship)
2 Battlecruisers
8 Destroyer M6s
3 Destroyer M5s
8 Missile Frigates
16 Dragonflies
300 Manta fighters

Formation- Supercruiser in center. Destroyer M5s and Battlecruisers forming a triangle around it. Packs of 2 M6s, and 30 mantas patrolling a loose distance of 2 KM from the supercruiser. Remaining ships (8 missile frigates, 16 dragon flies, 60 mantas) holding strategic positions (you'll find out what that means ;)).

Prepare to succumb to
superior intelligence

(quote)Originally posted by ErsadtSF:
**Ugh.. unfortunately, I must return to the house of pain (aka school) on the 13th, so I will be unable to participate in this webstory any longer.:)

Prepare to succumb to
superior intelligence

(to all who it may concern)

Sorry for using all those explamaition marks , it's a habbit I'm starting to notice just now. I'll cut down on them, we'll see next post!

(to all who it may concern)

RC's fleet is still waiting for orders in the Gymkata when a shuttle jumped into the system. It sent out a massage. ( Enemy alien ship , I begg you not to open fire! )

RC "Destroy it ."

Whith that sayed, a fighter shot out a single seekerdrone! The drone narrowed the gap between the shuttle and it self. The drone smashed in to the front of the shuttle destroying it with a large explotion!

RC "He must of been carrimg munitions."
helmsman "Must of, sir."

Long live the Alien empire!

OK, I'm just going to assume that Skyblade's extra purchases don't affect his fleet, and continue with the extra ships on my side which he forgot to give me.

Macavenger watched as Clueless's fleet approached. "A little earlier than I'd intended," he mused to himself. "But it may work out rather well."

Macavenger had fought enough battles with the HC at this point to realize what their most dangerous ships were, and at the top of that list was the damaged Carrier. Three Cruisers attacked it, firing Seeker Modules. One was destroyed by Torpedo fire, but the Carrier was beginning to run a bit low on Torpedoes. The two remaining cruisers slashed across the back end of the Carrier, firing Fusion Particle Beams into it's engines. From that angle, the Carrier could not bring as many of its weapons to bear, so both Cruisers survived the pass, and the Carrier was nearly disabled. Meanwhile, it had destroyed 2 other Cruisers with torpedo fire. A Battlecruiser that was in range fired off a few Seeker volleys, then a fighter squadron took a strafing pass. Two of them were too close to survive the explosion.

The Heavy Cruiser, with its Flak Turrets and high shielding, was also a priority target, and it was engaged by three Cruisers. Seeker Fire savaged its shields, then the Cruisers raced in. Heavy Rockets ripped one apart, while Concentrated Turbolaser and Flak Fire nearly crippled another. But the Alien's Fusion Particle Beams and Seeker modules proved just as devastating.

Destroyer M6s were also known to carry Flak Turrets, and took a lot of the fleets remaining seeker fire. All were destroyed.

By this time, HC fighters were swarming around the Cruisers, and using longer range weaponry and much better manuverability, they had destroyed 3 Cruisers. A couple of fighter squadrons had come back to dogfight them, and had picked many off, but lost two of their number. Macavenger decided he'd seen enough, it was time The HC had a surprise.

"Send up the Destroyers," he called.

From the back of the fleet, a group of 4 of the newest, deadliest ships of the Alien Empire screamed forward at a group of 25 Star Cobras which was attacking a Cruiser, and had nearly destroyed it. The Destroyers cut in and fired Detonator Canisters. Launched in bursts of 12 from each ship, the Star Cobras suddenly found themselves with a serious obstacle course, but most didn't even realize it as there before being killed by it. Eighteen Star Cobras were destroyed in less than 3 seconds. The Destroyers then lashed out with long range needle turret fire, killing 5 more before the other 2 could escape. The Cruiser was saved, but unfortunately was badly damaged and destroyed shortly thereafter by torpedo fire. A large group of Mantas winging into the same area were blown away before they quite realized that Alien Destroyers existed.

With all Flak wielding ships now gone, the Alien Fighters really began to swarm in at the HC ships. Three of them lanced in at 2 of the fleets smaller ships, of a new type the Aliens hadn't seen before. They swooped in, firing - and were promptly blown to dust by Heavy Flak fire. The new Missile Gunboats were apparently dangerous.

But not to Destroyers.

The 4 came on, and fired needle beams as soon as they got in range. The Missile Gunboats desperately returned fire with Flak Cannons, but they did almost nothing against the high powered shields on the Alien Destroyer. Both were quickly gone. The Destroyers then fanned out, each pursuing one of the Missile Frigates remaining, firing Needle Beams at anything that came within range,

The Human fleet was now reeling, Macavenger's Cruisers were pressing in, and Clueless's fighters were setting up for a clean swoop through the Human formation, with his 75 Destroyers following right behind. They'd be in range in about 30 seconds.

Fleet numbers:
3 Battlecruisers
15 Cruisers
47 Heavy Fighters
4 Destroyers
1 Imperial Watermelon
1 Battlecruiser
25 Cruisers
75 Destroyers
32 Interceptors
16 Heavy fighters
Captain Skyblade:
4 Supercruisers
10 Cruisers
14 Ospreys
4 Missile Frigates
21 Destroyer M5s
74 Star Cobras
23 Dragon flies
178 Mantas

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")