Battle for Sol: Episode II - The Unfinished War -

Fleet Admiral UE Crusader's current forces:

2 Carriers
7 SuperCruisers
7 BattleCruisers
1 Heavy Cruiser
14 Cruisers
10 Ospreys
20 Destroyer M5's
4 Destroyer M6's
8 Frigates
6 Missile Frigates
10 Destroyers
145 Mantas (aboard Carrier)
55 Star Cobras (aboard Carrier)

Current system position: From Barnard to......



The Human fleet was now reeling, Macavenger's Cruisers were pressing in, and Clueless's fighters were setting up for a clean swoop through the Human formation, with his 75 Destroyers following right behind. They'd be in range in about 30 seconds.

But suddenly, multipe jump points started opening.

What's this? "Wait! Hold position!" Clueless shouted, being a smart, prudent commander. Macavenger's forces stopped soon afterward; he already knew what it was. Blast those human scum....

Skyblade was thinking the exact opposite when he saw who it was that had come.

"This is Fleet Commander UE Crusader. Listen well you alien scum; if you want to take down Skyblade you'll have to go through my forces as well to do it."

Indeed, now his whole fleet had hypered in, and they were now inter-mingled with Skyblade's forces.

The Aliens did not make a move. Were they debating what to do, or simply preparing to attack again? Either way, Crusader knew there was no time to lose.

UEC turned to the communication bridge. "If even one of the alien ships advances any closer, bring em' down with everything we've got!"

"Yes sir!"

UEC then quickly hailed Captain Skyblade. "Sir, I await your orders. Do we stand and fight together, or retreat?"

I will hold here for right now.....if you guys want my opinion, lets wait for Skyblade to make the next move before any of us does anything.



(This message has been edited by UE Crusader (edited 08-09-2001).)

(RC's fleet Gymkata system.)
2 Battlecruisers
44 Cruisers
64 Fighters
23 Interceptors

After capturing controll in Gymkata rebel council recived a message for Emperor Macavenger to monitor the Levo system with greate detail.RC ordered his fleet to the Vulkan<sp?> system. There the fleet will hyide in the depths of the asteroid flield.

Long live the Alien empire!

Levo was turning into a spacestation of ship wreckage. Mantas were exploding everywhere, and crippled alien warships were exploding.

"We can't afford these losses for much longer," Skyblade told the captain of the Veretan. "You know what to do."

"Aye sir," the captain responded as the Veretan took a hit from fusion beams. Seconds later he was on comm channel three.

"UE Crusader, your immediate assistance is requested. Losses are heavy, and the alien fleet seemed more prepared than expected. Head for the alien right flank, and get rid of of as many of those warships as possible!"

Skyblade took the Veretan, only slightly damaged into a turn against one of the battlecruisers teasing a HC cruiser with its immense firepower.

"Skyblade to fleet," the Admiral spoke across the fleet comm channel. "All warships, focus all firepower on battlecruiser three and the carrier. Fighters, continue runs against the fighters."

The Veretan released an entire salvo of torpedoes, ten of which scored direct hits on the bridge of the battlecruiser. The vessel was drifting, but still spilling particle fire all over HC vessels.

The Veretan was now directly next to the battlecruiser, and three cruisers and a supercruiser accompanied. the battlecruiser was now confused upon which ships to fire upon, since torpedoes and turbolasers were coming from all directions. Just as the battlecruiser destroyed another Human Confederation cruiser, the hull collapsed and the warsahip exploded.

"Check warship number three," Skyblade announced across the comm. "Now get that carrier!"

By now, UE Crusader's fleet was in the thick of the battle. The two carriers that Crusader's fleet boasted were firing off torpedoes at incredible rates, mostly against the alien battlecruisers. Since only two alien battlecruisers remained, each carrier focused its secondaries on eaither one. The two vessels were heavilly damaged, and their shields couldn't hold up much longer against such immense firepower.

Seven of Crusader's Supercruisers slashed at the second alien battlecruiser, crippling the vessel. However, just before exploding, the battlecruiser disabled the supercruiser "H.C.S. Hellen," which smashed into the alien warship. Both exploded with such force that fighters of both sides flew off in all directions, exploding as they went.

Just as things seemed to be improving from the Human Confederation's side, the dreaded alien destroyer team routed and destroyed two of Skyblade's destroyers, and one of Crusader's obsolete battlecruisers. These destroyers, as small as they may be, were far more powerful then the Confederation Cruisers of the old days.

While the alien destroyers smashed three of Crusader's Mantas and one of Crusader's destroyers, a squad of the new missile frigates teamed up behind them. Before the enemy destroyers new what was happening, flak was shreding the shields and puncturing the armor of their alien craft. One destroyer exploded while another drifted off, heavilly damaged and beyond recognition.

Victory seemed certain, but the Human Confederation had obviously underestimated the numbers of the aliens. The enemy was fully mobilized, continung to make runs of HC warships.

Just as a team of missile frigates from Crusader's 23rd frigate wing annihilated a duo of the sluggish alien heavy fighters, five of the emeror's cruisers headed straight for one of Crusader's carriers.

"Admiral Skyblade to Crusader. Watch it, the aliens are launching a full counterattack against your second carrier."

The carrier was responding to the counterattack with waves of torpedoes and thousands of turbolasers, but the aliens were hammering the carrier with secondaries and beams of various types. Before Crusader could alert the carrier, the vessel's status had gone from fair to critical.

Your turn, Mac...Be careful, as this battle looks grim for the aliens.

Alien losses in this post in Mac's fleet:
2 battlecruisers
1 Destroyer, another heavilly damaged.
6 cruisers
19 heavy fighters
Skyblade's losses in this post:
2 cruisers
4 ospreys
12 destroyer M5s
23 star cobras
11 dragonflies
31 mantas
UE Crusader's losses in this post:
1 SuperCruiser
3 BattleCruisers
2 Cruisers
3 Ospreys
7 Destroyer M5's
2 Frigates
9 Destroyers
23 Mantas (aboard Carrier)
12 Star Cobras (aboard Carrier)

Current fleet numbers:
2 Battlecruisers
11 Cruisers
36 Heavy Fighters
3 Destroyers
Captain Skyblade:
4 Supercruisers
8 Cruisers
10 Ospreys
4 Missile Frigates
15 Destroyer M5s
51 Star Cobras
12 Dragon flies
137 Mantas
UE Crusader:
2 Carriers (one badly damaged)
6 SuperCruisers
4 BattleCruisers
1 Heavy Cruiser
12 Cruisers
7 Ospreys
13 Destroyer M5's
4 Destroyer M6's
6 Frigates
6 Missile Frigates
1 Destroyer (old and obsolete, thus the reason you've lost so many)
122 Mantas
43 Star Cobras

-Cap'n Skyblade
(b)-Battle for Sol - Episode II: The Unfinished War-**
(url="http://"")Map(/url) | (url="http://"")Human Confederation Weapons(/url) | (url="http://"")Pirate Weapons(/url) | (url="http://"")Alien Weapons(/url)
(url="http://"")Human Confederacy Shipyard(/url) | (url="http://"")Pirate Shipyard(/url) | (url="http://"")Alien Empire Shipyard(/url)

(This message has been edited by Captain Skyblade (edited 08-09-2001).)

Skyblade, problems -

UE Crusader already brought his fleet in, without orders.
Clueless's Carrier and other capital ships (except Destroyers) are still coming in towards the battle and are out of range. Please edit, you've gone against the entire grain of the battle here. You're also underestimating Alien ships and tactics, judging by the losses you give.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")


Originally posted by Macavenger:
**Skyblade, problems -

UE Crusader already brought his fleet in, without orders.
Clueless's Carrier and other capital ships (except Destroyers) are still coming in towards the battle and are out of range. Please edit, you've gone against the entire grain of the battle here. You're also underestimating Alien ships and tactics, judging by the losses you give.


Heh. These battles are getting so rediculous, I'm beginning to wander if we should just close the topic. I've yet to see a good battle without someone bringing up a problem.

But anyhow, I was totally unaware that Clueless was out of range. But since UE Crusader is already with me, you'll suffer far more casulaties than anticipated once I edit the post...

Sorry for adding an extra problem.

-Cap'n Skyblade
-Battle for Sol - Episode II: The Unfinished War-
(url="http://"")Map(/url) | (url="http://"")Human Confederation Weapons(/url) | (url="http://"")Pirate Weapons(/url) | (url="http://"")Alien Weapons(/url)
(url="http://"")Human Confederacy Shipyard(/url) | (url="http://"")Pirate Shipyard(/url) | (url="http://"")Alien Empire Shipyard(/url)

Deep in the asteroid field of Levo, the 589th Pirate Assault Fleet emerged from hyperspace. Watching the battle with interest, they positioned their forces well outside of of the range of either the aliens or the damn HC. Admiral spl_cadet stared at the battle, watching the glittering lights that signified the destruction of a ship or fighter.
"General message to fleet. They are to immediatly use the following tactics in case of enemy attack. Siege Carriers, Kestrels, X-Rapiers, and Starscreamers concentrate fire on enemy warships. Destroyers launch HNR's at largest enemy warships, move into support position when out. The tri-photon turret will massacre both Human and Alien fighters. Lightnings and Hawks take out the fighters." Admiral spl_cadet remarked to himself that it would be unlikely these procedures would be neccesary. Whoever turned to attack him would get nailed from behind.
589th Pirate Assault Fleet Stats
1 Siege Carrier
3 Destroyers
5 Kestrels
40 X-Rapiers
2 StarScreamers
24 Lightnings
38 Hawks

(url="http://"")Shinigami's Demon: A Gundam Wing Fanfic Archive(/url)
(url="http://"")EVN: The Beginning(/url)
Cougar gunships+Starscreamers+X-Rapiers=Dead HC fleets

cadet, whatever you do, do not join the battle at Levo. It is already terribly conplicated with four persons of two governments, and adding another fleet and government into the battle will be going over the deep end. For the sake of the webstory, just don't get involved in this one.

-Cap'n Skyblade
-Battle for Sol - Episode II: The Unfinished War-
(url="http://"")Map(/url) | (url="http://"")Human Confederation Weapons(/url) | (url="http://"")Pirate Weapons(/url) | (url="http://"")Alien Weapons(/url)
(url="http://"")Human Confederacy Shipyard(/url) | (url="http://"")Pirate Shipyard(/url) | (url="http://"")Alien Empire Shipyard(/url)

(RC fleet in the Vulcan system)
2 Battlecruisers
44 Cruisers
64 Fighters
23 Interceptors

As RC was monitoring activity in the Levo system he noticed the presence of Pirate fleet. He felt there was gonna be hell!

RC"Alright aliens there is a large grouping of pirates in the Levo system they may try to attack the winning fleet, wich is deffinetly ours!"
"What do you propose sir."
"I want to jump in to the Levo system and jump out right over the pirate fleet. All interseptors and fighters will drop on the enemy attacking the x-rapiers, all cariers will go after the krestels and superkrestels and the Battlecruisers shall attack the Seige carrier."
"Quite a plan their Sir."
"Thank you!"
"Initiating jump"

The Alien fleet jumped right on the pirate fleet. Seeker drones droped like a rock on all the pirate ships! Many were heavily damaged!

Long live the Alien empire!

(This message has been edited by rebel council (edited 08-09-2001).)

Skyblade, I wasn't going to enter the battle. I was merely waiting to annihilate whichever fleet won. But RC took it into his mind to attack me. Sucks for him.

The 589th Pirate Assault Fleet dived out of the way when they saw the alien jump points form and avoided most of the seeker drones. Stunning the Aliens with their savagery, the Pirates counter-attacked immediatly destroying 2 cruisers. 2 Destroyers teamed up on the lead battlecruiser, destroying it. The new HNR worked quite well. The Siege Carrier and remaning Destroyer teamed up with the Kestrels, destroying another battlecruiser. They continued, destroying an alien cruiser as well. A fourth Alien Cruiser erupted into flames after being ambushed by X-Rapiers and Starscreamers. The fleet headed towards the planet Levo at full speed; destroyers and fighters forming the rear guard, which claimed many a alien fighter.
589th Pirate Assault Fleet Stats
1 Siege Carrier
3 Destroyers
4 Kestrels
36 X-Rapiers
2 StarScreamers
18 Lightnings
24 Hawks
Alien Fleet
40 Cruisers
43 Fighters
12 Interceptors

Rebel Council, this is the part where you either run away, form up with Macavenger or chase after me and get your ass kicked. You choose.

(url="http://"")Shinigami's Demon: A Gundam Wing Fanfic Archive(/url)
(url="http://"")EVN: The Beginning(/url)
Cougar gunships+Starscreamers+X-Rapiers=Dead HC fleets

WHAT WAS THAT!!!!!! (pardon the use of so many !!!!)

I amushed your fleet and you killed (almost) my'ne. I request a review of that post by the mods!
:rolleyes: And you better do a lot of editing! :rolleyes:

Long live the Alien empire!

(This message has been edited by rebel council (edited 08-09-2001).)


Originally posted by rebel council:
**WHAT WAS THAT!!!!!! (pardon the use of so many !!!!)

I amushed your fleet and you killed (almost) my'ne. I request a review of that post by the mods!
:rolleyes: And you better do a lot of editing! :rolleyes:

Considering that I was prepared for an attack against me I find it hard to believe that you could ambush me. And I didn't nearly kill you. I just used my most powerful weapons against your biggest ships and used my famous "****load of mines and rockets" manuever against a couple cruisers. The fighter figurers you have to belive. I can run rings around them with my ships and the tri-photon turret can shred them quite well. Lets see what other advatages I used. My maneuverability and speed. Can't kill what you can't catch. The fact that my ships fought like a cornered bobcat. And you were kind of stunned by the sheer ferocity of the attack. I kind of mentioned that somewhere.

(url="http://"")Shinigami's Demon: A Gundam Wing Fanfic Archive(/url)
(url="http://"")EVN: The Beginning(/url)
Cougar gunships+Starscreamers+X-Rapiers=Dead HC fleets

I ambushed you! I couldn't be surpised! You might of been ready for an attack from the already fighting fleets, not me! Even If you did (I'm not saying you did) destroy a hunk of my fleet your fleet would be very little by now! I know for shure your x-rapiers would of all been destroyed! I also looked over all the stats (of the ships in "your" battle)and your ships are out numberd , out guned and out shielded, all they have is a small speed advantage ! Plus I had the element of surprise! I would of destroyed your fleet fiar in square!

Long live the Alien empire!

spl_cadet, ready for an attack or not, you are out of control here. Alien Technology is far more advanced than you apparently realize. You aren't going to be able to get out of the way quick enough, and to think you can blow away 2 Alien Battlecruisers plus a bunch of other stuff with almost no losses

spl_cadet, Rebel Council is right, landing right on top you with fusion beams and seeker drones blazing, you must have sustained heavy losses.

Mod edited stats-

589th Pirate Assault Fleet Stats
1 Siege Carrier (Heavily Damaged)
2 Kestrels
20 X-Rapiers
10 Lightnings
16 Hawks
Alien Fleet
2 Battlecruisers
36 Cruisers
55 Fighters
18 Interceptors

Here is a compromise, Macavenger.

Prepare to succumb to
superior intelligence

(This message has been edited by General Rak (edited 08-09-2001).)

(This message has been edited by General Rak (edited 08-09-2001).)

Oh well, I'll take those losses. You still have to get me and I'm heading towards Levo at breakship speed.

(url="http://"")Shinigami's Demon: A Gundam Wing Fanfic Archive(/url)
(url="http://"")EVN: The Beginning(/url)
Cougar gunships+Starscreamers+X-Rapiers=Dead HC fleets

Note: Even thought my fleet is lying in the Mentos system, I still control my ship, the Sabre.


The Sabre comes streaking into the Levo system, to watch the fun. Of course, it stays well back from the range of the flying ordinance.

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept


RC"Interseptors GO, GO!"

The 17 interseptors were gaining on the X-rapiers fast! With alien presition the interseptors fired their needle beams! Heavily damaging many and destroying 6!

Long live the Alien empire!

Continuing the onslaught of the attack the Interseptors destroyed another 4 x-rs!

It's your move make it quick!

Long live the Alien empire!

Admiral spl_cadet noted the large alien fleet behind him and the interceptors already in his midst. Looking at the planet Levo he realized that now was the time to spring the trap. Suddenly turning around, the Pirates began firing, destroying every interceptor in the fleet. The two fleets crashed into each other, literally. It was another example of the Kamikaze Manuever. From his heavily modified escape pod, Admiral spl_cadet watched the remnants of the Alien fleet not realize the most important aspect of his trap, the planet Levo. Heading towards the planet Levo at full speed very few ships noticed in time. The rest slammed into the planet, obliterating several major cities.
589th Pirate Assault Fleet Stats
1 Escape Pod
Alien fleet
6 Cruisers
4 Fighters

(url="http://"")Shinigami's Demon: A Gundam Wing Fanfic Archive(/url)
(url="http://"")EVN: The Beginning(/url)
Cougar gunships+Starscreamers+X-Rapiers=Dead HC fleets

If you think you destroyed my hole fleet you are mistaken, you destroyed only the 18 Interseptors! Would you like to edit the ending of that post or should I conitue, saying that the rest of my fleet enjoyed destroying your escape pod!

Long live the Alien empire!