Newbie Mistakes we've made in EV - LOL!

Nobody can top this one:

When I first played, I didn't know you could hyperspace. I took a cargo mission to Earth, and flew southwest, looking for it. Eventually I hit the edge, so I figured I must've missed it. I never did find it that way, of course, and it was about an hour before I read the readme and discovered that I had to jump.

:+) <-- About-To-Be-Fragged

Here's another one.-

I did this a few times. I would get a mission (Defend this colony, etc.) in which you must face a large fleet of hostile ships. I would destroy some of them but use up my fuel because of my afterburner. I would land to fuel and thus autosave with an incomplete mission. I would have to do the whole mission over.

10-4 πŸ™‚

All your base are belong to us.

I know I've posted one already, but this mistake happened only a few days ago....
Never let a novice have a go on your pilot... which is on strict play.
He looks over my shoulder, "hey, that looks alright, mind if I have a go?"
"Yes I do mind, go away"
<fifteen minutes later>
"Come on, give me a go"
"hmmm... what's space do... ooh, it fires a weapon. I remember that sort of thing from elite. what can I shoot <spots rebel destroyer.... I'm in a clipper after about 2 hours play> I'll destroy that." <fires the proton bolt cannons> haha!
I look over his shoulder "What the hell are you doing!' <I wrestle my iBook from his grasp and make a fruitless attempt to escape, but I'm down to my armour, and the missiles are catching. No no no no smack, boom, cue claxxon alarm. There goes 2 hours, ahem, work. I'm gonna kill that guy...

Anyway, asteroids that can't be destroyed, but they can. Years ago (about 96/97) I downloaded a plug that made the particle beam available everywhere, and which boosted it's damage rating to, well, the max. So all you did was nudge anyone with it (cruiser, destroyer, frigate, whatever) and they'd die. Even my custom ship, with shields of 32500 and armor of the same, took about 1.27seconds before being destroyed, obliterated. Anyway, if you just spun round in an asteroid field, then all of the small asteroids would vaporise like that he clicks his fingers. So you can destroy them. But the large ones... well, the stubborn goyts wouldn't go away.


...used to write down all the systems and what they sold in a pad - before I realised they the were the SAME in EVERY game...

...trying to to do the rush missions in a light freighter (it was interesting to read about someone who actually stuck with one and upgraded it - even if only due to ignorance)...

...that flying to the edge of the system goof, didn't writing come up telling you not to?

Cognitive Development?


Originally posted by Giule:
**Nobody can top this one:

When I first played, I didn't know you could hyperspace. I took a cargo mission to Earth, and flew southwest, looking for it. Eventually I hit the edge, so I figured I must've missed it. I never did find it that way, of course, and it was about an hour before I read the readme and discovered that I had to jump.


ROFL! Wow, I thought I was stupid...(j/k. πŸ™‚ ) That's hillarious!

~Captain Skyblade

Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"")


Originally posted by cable_guy:
Anyway, asteroids that can't be destroyed, but they can. Years ago (about 96/97) I downloaded a plug that made the particle beam available everywhere, and which boosted it's damage rating to, well, the max. So all you did was nudge anyone with it (cruiser, destroyer, frigate, whatever) and they'd die. Even my custom ship, with shields of 32500 and armor of the same, took about 1.27seconds before being destroyed, obliterated. Anyway, if you just spun round in an asteroid field, then all of the small asteroids would vaporise like that he clicks his fingers. So you can destroy them. But the large ones... well, the stubborn goyts wouldn't go away.


Yeah, I remember that, or something similar.

FLOBBLEDEEFEE, that's what we said when we were mad or frustrated, we said it because we were idiots. A bunch of inbred, illiterate, cro-magnons, blowin' our noses on crusty handkerchiefs, waiting in line for our heads to burst into flames. That's the way it was, and we liked it!
-Signed, A Grumpy Old Man

There's a readme????????



Originally posted by Rawzer:
There's a readme????????

Yes. See your "Documentation" folder for EV. (I did not check for it either, as Newbie.)
You will find it helpful....

Let's see what this button does....

here is one for you. Trading in a shuttle craft, with upgrades to the teeth, for a scout ship and thinking I'd keep the upgrades. So I jumped into a planetless system and realised I had no fuel left (this is before I discovered hailing). So I figured I'd drift until I could ramscoop enough fuel to jump again. Unfortunatly my scoop was on the shuttle I'd sold. So I got tired of waiting and went to do other things and let the ship drift. I came back to find no new fuel I quit and threw away a piolet with plenty of money and a good ship. Zip and gone. I had to start from scratch then found out the situation wasn't hopless. I mean even the most incompetant could have just waited for a ship, shot it and waited to be destroyed so you could restart at the last planet and get gas. :rolleyes:

...your amazing.
"No, I am better than that."

This is crazy. I did this just today. (KK, a pilot with hundreds -- maybe even thousands -- of hours on EV....)

There I was in my Scoutship, with two Javelin Pods and lots of javelins. (I am out prove the Alien mission can be done in a 'Vette....)

Anyway, I accepted the Starbound Uridium mission and I was being hounded by four Mercs. (Usually three Rapiers and a Lighting; sometimes two of each "VBS" (varies by system).)

I can usually take out the Lighting with ease. Then I will test myself -- and my ship -- against the remaining Rapiers.

I jumped into the Arrakis system and "Zap!" there they were; three Rapiers this time. I veered off to one side and the Mercs gave chase. I decided to Monty Python the Lightning this time....

My first problem was overdoing the chase-speed. I so far outpaced the Mercs, they did not even show on my targeting screen. If it had not been for the fact that the Lighting WAS SHOWN as my "closest target" I'd have thought they left.

I neglected to pay attention to how much of the Dune "space" I was wasting ... but more on that later. I flipped around backwards and tapped the throttle to slow my ship.

There's the Bogie! The Lighting approached.... I led him some more. (Wait... Wait.... He's almost in range.... Now!!!)

I spun on him, engaged autopilot and let him have it with ... about four Decoy Flares(!!???). Yikes!

Not only had I selected the wrong weapon ... (Bump!) ... I abruptly stopped and the Lightning descended on me with javelins and heavies. In no time I was down to about half my armor.

Finally realizing what stopped me was Dune's space barrier (Duh!) I hit the throttle and shot out of range in the nick of time. The three Rapiers had just joined in the fight and my armor was down to only a sliver.

Man! That was close ... and stupid ... and funny.

(But here is what's worse: I did the same thing when I jumped into Levo's system. GEEZ!!! In case anybody has not learned this yet, the Decoy Flare does not seem to do any damage to the bogies. I recommend the javelins.)

Wow! I'm really good at this game....

- KK

Β“You will find that our crew will be either the most valuable, loyal, and trustworthy of allies, or ... if you insist on trying to swallow us up -- the worst of enemies. The choice is yours. And should you choose to fight us ... donΒ’t bring a knife to a gunfight!Β”

hey i just found out about the readme a few days ago! ok my newbie mistake: i did not know how to land for the first week i had the game! when i finally found out how i accepted missions because the name of the planet was the coolest to select. i thought you had to fly to the systems. when i found out about hyper jump i thought you could go anywhere in one jump (like starwars). my first encounter with a pirate was in levo (my third day of play) i didn't know the shuttlecraft wasn't equipped with weapons, so i attacked the pirate (a corvette) and i thought it would be easy to destroy it...i was wrong. i thought 10k credits was a lot of money. i thought that the scoutship was one of the best ships. i thought that the defender was the best fighting ship. i am now gonna shutup before i totally embarrass myself :redface:


Once being a cowardly pilot, (now a fearsome warrier) I hardly ever shot at anything. By the time I had a corvette, my rating was only mostly harmless. At some planets I was a "good egg" and at some I was a "decent indevidual." But I was a GOOD indevidual, not DECENT. That angared me, so I sold everything in my corvette and bought an escape pod, and let my ship turn into space dust. It was awhile before I realized that they didn't hate me...

"Whoopie! Man, that may have been a small one for Neil, but it's a long one for me."
-Pete Conrad third man on the moon

well..I never took one look at the documentation. So it took me about 20min to land on a planet. Cause I did not know how to drive the thing at all...Then once I got the hang of it.. I didn't make any other real dumb mistakes


I didn't know that there was an option to select a jump route in the map window, so every time I jumped into a system I hit 'M', selected the next system and hit 'J' before I was out of hyperspace range. Then, after a few months I fully read the documentation, andthere it was: Use the 'shift' key to select a long jump route.

feels stupid

I used to do that too. I even had a name for it: map-jump travelling. "Oh, that system is way on the other side of the galaxy. I'll map-jump there." I feel like an idiot. :redface: πŸ™‚

"I love the moderators!"
πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„

In the first five minutes after I learned that you could land at those big round things, I tought that bulk frieghters were "landing pads" and that you had to pass slowly over them to land. I thought this because on the first time a patrol ship did just that. By the time I was slow enought to land, the frieghter was nowhere to be seen. A while later I found the land key...

Note: I still haven't read the documentation.

"Whoopie! Man, that may have been a small one for Neil, but it's a long one for me."
-Pete Conrad third man on the moon


Originally posted by NNNormal:
Note: I still haven't read the documentation.


Documentation? πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ I first looked at this game, and quit it, because it looked so complicated. I then looked in at it in more detail, and showed myself what's what.



What the people say is law. There is no honor in the Lands of Mizra.

I was in my first couple of days in EV happyly flying a Clipper. I never knew about tribute. When I accedentalt pressed "L" than "Y" this window poped up. Bribe , tribute and end comm. Well I under stood bribe and end comm, but what was tribute I presed the button and came out of the screen. All of a suden 5 Rapiers flwe out of the planet and attacked me .I was confused scared and incinerated!

if it dosent doesn't
squiel its not worth

Luckily, my first tribute was at an 'independent' hat had measly defenders. I had a kestrel by then. HAHAHAHA!!!



What the people say is law. There is no honor in the Lands of Mizra.

does anybody wanna hear my other mistakes? ok i never got above harmless until i had a corvette that took a while considering i bought a ship whenever i had enough credits for it. and never got any bar missions either.
