Which is better, Confeds or Rebels?

When anyone replies to this, he would b wise to justify his choice.Ex: "Confeds are the best, they have more powerful ships, more advanced planets, more ships, etc."


I prefer the rebels, if I work for the 'feds, I have this sudden urge to vaporize their ships

Andrew Meilstrup / JAE / Coruscant Software, unInc.

(url="http://"http://www.blackrockmac.com/ajm/")My website(/url), (url="http://"http://www.blackrockmac.com/ajm/corusoft/")the Coruscant Software website(/url)


Rebels all the way. Not only are they the underdog, and fighting for a worthy cause, but their ships are, for the most part, more powerful (I'll take a Destroyer over a Frigate any day). Also, when working for them, you get more extras; the cloaking device and the Tractor Beam. The Particle Beam is pretty worthless.


The Confeds have more advanced plantets, safer space, and their ships are usually armed better. Rebellion space is less safe, and the Manta can't really do anything other then get killed. But the rebellion is fighting for a good cause, they reward players better, and rebel ships can actually turn without wasting money and space for RCS upgrades. Go with the rebels.

The Rebels!
Their ships are just better, faster, cooler, more manuverable, and they are Red.They are also fighting to be able to decide their own future, not to support some bureaucrats.


I guess I'm the odd one out here but I prefer the Confeds. Their ships are blue, their space is more secure, they have the Cruiser and they are extremely power hungry.

Near impossible to fly.
Near impossible to kill.

RedHawk wrote:
and they are Red.

WTF does it matter that they're red?!

Andrew Meilstrup / JAE / Coruscant Software, unInc.

(url="http://"http://www.blackrockmac.com/ajm/")My website(/url), (url="http://"http://www.blackrockmac.com/ajm/corusoft/")the Coruscant Software website(/url)


Laguna wrote:
Their ships are blue

WTF does it matter that they're blue?!

Andrew Meilstrup / JAE / Coruscant Software, unInc.

(url="http://"http://www.blackrockmac.com/ajm/")My website(/url), (url="http://"http://www.blackrockmac.com/ajm/corusoft/")the Coruscant Software website(/url)


EVula wrote:
The Particle Beam is pretty worthless.

That's why you can't buy it. 😄

Andrew Meilstrup / JAE / Coruscant Software, unInc.

(url="http://"http://www.blackrockmac.com/ajm/")My website(/url), (url="http://"http://www.blackrockmac.com/ajm/corusoft/")the Coruscant Software website(/url)


OK. You guys want the REAL answer? Well, here's exactly why the Rebels are better.

People always say the Manta is a pathetic piece of junk, but what would these critics say if they knew that the Fed patrol ship has a mere 2 missiles similar to the Manta, and that the 2 have basically the same shielding? Oh yes, the Manta is also like a fourth cheaper than the patrol ship. You wanna tell me 2 mantas can't take a patrol ship? Didn't think so.

Now, lets compare the Rebel Destroyer and Confed Frigate. The Frigate has more shields, but that's all that's going for it. When you actually look at the stats, the Destroyer has MORE in the way of missiles, torpedoes, and rockets than the Frigate. On top of that, it is quite superior when it comes to speed. The Destroyer wins here hands down.

Now, the Rebel Cruiser and Confed Cruiser. The competition is a bit more stiff here, but again, take a hard look at the stats and compare them. The Rebel Cruiser is loaded with missiles, and is armed with heavy rockets. By contrast, the Fed Cruiser's got missiles and torpedoes, no heavy rockets to be seen. Now lets face it, the highest yield weapon next to the space bomb is the heavy rocket, and the Fed Cruiser doesn't have it. Oh sure, it has those neato neuron blasters though. You know, the one that shoots about 6 inches in front of your face. Good luck hitting a ship with that toy. Now you may be saying "But Crusader, Torpedoes do way more damage than missiles, so it evens out." No it doesn't. I'm sorry people, but Torpedoes are slower than mud, and they are so easy for me to dodge it isn't funny. Even in a "slow" Rebel Cruiser can doge em with no problems, I know because I've done it. Torpedoes may cause nice damage, but they are slow and any smart pilot in a Rebel Cruiser can dodge a flurry of torpedoes. Can that be said of the slow Fed Cruiser? The one thing the Fed Cruiser does have going for it is its shields, but the Rebel Cruiser's superior speed takes away from that a bit.

Now, I bet some are now saying "Ah-HA Crusader, you are forgetting about the particle beam and Neutron Blaster! They do nice damage, and only the Feds got em!" That may be true, but the Neutron Blaster's range isn't worth a flyiing fig newton, while the Rebel Mass Driver has a greater range. As for the particle beam, it drains fuel too fast to be a practical weapon in my opinion.

The Rebels, by contrast, have the tractor beam and cloaking device, that's 2 cool gadgets you get by working for the Rebellion while you get 1 cool gadget with the Confederation.

Final Verdict: The Rebels Rock!

OK, I admit I'm biased, what do you expect from the uEV-RPG's Rebel GM? However, most of my comparisons have been based soley on fact, if you don't believe me open up EV-edit and look for yourself. I think you'll be surprised.

UE Crusader


Whwn I posted this topic, I hoped it would create at least some controversy. But the Rebels have a massive advantage. Only two support the confeds, this Laguna and myself. Note that AI controlled Rebel ships do not use any kind of torpedoes, and those powerful heavy rockets can be avoided very easily, while the smart cruiser pilot slams the rebel ships from a distance with torpedoes. There is also a quite usful device called Flare Launcher and its Decoy Flares, that are small, red, and deviate or destroy incoming missiles. There also is the somewhat less effective Missile Jammer. There are only two thing that interfere with torpedoes: Asteroids an Nebulae. Asteroids can also deviate missiles.

Bravo, UEC! It couldn't have been said better. 🙂

Andrew Meilstrup / JAE / Coruscant Software, unInc.

(url="http://"http://www.blackrockmac.com/ajm/")My website(/url), (url="http://"http://www.blackrockmac.com/ajm/corusoft/")the Coruscant Software website(/url)


I wonder how many people who have seen Star Wars fly as the Rebels.
WTF does it matter if they're blue you ask. Well it doesn't, just trying to find some points in favour of the Confeds.

Near impossible to fly.
Near impossible to kill.

You have got wrong the whole idea. Just think about this, where would you rather live:

a)A nice, beautiful island world, such as New Britain, under the protection of the powerful Confed Space Navy, with you own Cruiser.

b)An industrial cloudy, toxic, noisy, frequently-attacked, etc. disgusting planet called Spica.

It is obvious that the rebels have very few decent planets, Adhara, Palshife, and Emerald. On the other hand, the Confederation has planets such as Northstar, New Britain, Plateau, Capella, New Providence, and New Columbia.

And if you wanted to travel from the rebel capital(Palshife)to their main staging station(Sentinel Station) you wold have to cross almost the entire galaxy. However, you can easily cross Confed territory on a ship with large fuel tanks, and you would not have to cross enemy territory.


Rebels by Far (maybe 5 light-years) 😉 I'm playing New Horizons and even though the Confeds TOTALLY destroy Palshifte's life, the Confeds are destroyed! The CDCW replaces them. I have a upgraded Rebel Destroyer, and it can destroy a Doomsday (the most powerful pirate ship) probably without geeting it's sheilds down! Come on, the LOI (Leuge of Independece) has a LOI Crusier, which is a upgraded Rebel crusier!! And the Patrol Ship's caption reads somting like, The Patrol Ship is better than nothing, just barely.

Rebels rule!!!
Confeds (and the Empire) die!!

🙂 Max B-H

Bozorg wrote:
**When anyone replies to this, he would b wise to justify his choice.Ex: "Confeds are the best, they have more powerful ships, more advanced planets, more ships, etc."


Confed Advantages:
More Powerful ships
More Concentrated Space
Safer Space
More Secure Home system

Rebel Advantages
Faster Ships
More planets

Each side has their own advantages over the other... Overall, I think the Confeds are better, but if you end up being a double player (Both Govs) the only decision you have to make is which cruiser to buy. = )


Jericon, really now. More powerful warships for the feds?

The Manta and Patrol ship are basically equal, and the Destroyer is the undisputed superior over the Confed Frigate.

Sure, you can make a case for the Fed Cruiser, but even if you are right on that, what's that old saying about how 2 out of 3 ain't bad?



If you put a Confed Frigate and a Rebel Destroyer in a fight against each other, the frigate would win. The Destroyer is nothing but a modified Argosy. As for you said 2 out of 3, um... let's see.

Light Fighter
Patrol Ship

Patrol Ship has more weapons... and the manta does go faster so a tie.


Heavy Fighter

Immediately won by confeds there

2-1 Confed

Rebel Destroyer
Confed Frigate

Well, the Destroyer is nothing but a modified Argosy, like I said, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on this one.


Rebel Cruiser
Confed Cruiser

The Confed Cruiser is more powerful and better armed. The Rebel cruiser is only faster.

3-2 Confed

That would be 3 out of 4 for Confeds... Not 2 out of 3 for Rebels.


Jericon wrote:
**If you put a Confed Frigate and a Rebel Destroyer in a fight against each other, the frigate would win. The Destroyer is nothing but a modified Argosy. As for you said 2 out of 3, um... let's see.

Light Fighter
Patrol Ship

Patrol Ship has more weapons... and the manta does go faster so a tie.


Heavy Fighter

Immediately won by confeds there

2-1 Confed

Rebel Destroyer
Confed Frigate

Well, the Destroyer is nothing but a modified Argosy, like I said, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on this one.


Rebel Cruiser
Confed Cruiser

The Confed Cruiser is more powerful and better armed. The Rebel cruiser is only faster.

3-2 Confed

That would be 3 out of 4 for Confeds... Not 2 out of 3 for Rebels.


So? That doesn't apply to people who have an urge to vaporize 'feds.

Andrew Meilstrup / JAE / Coruscant Software, unInc.

(url="http://"http://www.blackrockmac.com/ajm/")My website(/url), (url="http://"http://www.blackrockmac.com/ajm/corusoft/")the Coruscant Software website(/url)


Note that AI controlled Rebel ships do not use any kind of torpedoes,

Oh really? So what are those yellow blobs that come out of every destroyer to spot a 'Fed? Eh? EH? Sorry 'bout that, but the Rebels DO use torps. Observe a little here

and those powerful heavy rockets can be avoided very easily, while the smart cruiser pilot slams the rebel ships from a distance with torpedoes.

So, you're judging AI vs. human? Try using Rebel ships against the 'Fed AI. Who wins then?

There is also a quite usful device called Flare Launcher and its Decoy Flares, that are small, red, and deviate or destroy incoming missiles.

So? Rebels can use that too, you know. And it's too cumbersome anyway. Who can be bothered changing secondary weapons every time a missile comes along?

There also is the somewhat less effective Missile Jammer.

Again: So? Rebels can use that too, you know.

There are only two thing that interfere with torpedoes: Asteroids an Nebulae. Asteroids can also deviate missiles.

Torps are so easy to dodge. Really. And once again: So? Rebels can use that too, you know.

And asteroids! The only times I've ever seen the 'Feds winning in a system with asteroids is when they massively outnumber the Rebels!


"Dang! Get my shotgun, Mama! The aliens are after the chickens again."

AIM: EVBasilisk