Earth Quest

Ok, everything except for the plug is good. 😄 (j/k)

Graphics are cool, although you need an extra graphic for the minigun turrets barrel flashes. Explosions rock! I hacked around a bit, it looks great. Hurry up and get it done, I cant wait to play it... 🙂

--Talon_Karrde, MoD, 61:4--
Visit (url="http://"") and sign up for some real gaming experience!

I would have provided an extra graphic, but since the gun is turreted you can't realistically use anything except a circular thing. I appreciate the unsychronisation from different angles, but since my ship is orthographic-ly modelled, it is the only way.

By the way, I go on Gameranger after 8:30 Australian time roughly every night, so if you want to play Earth Quest on multi then get on now! (If you beat me I'll give you a free beta of my updated Quest plugin).

I do not say that cannot come,
I say they cannot come by space.

- Admiral DuPont (reference; Encyclopaedia of Earth-Sol).

Sorry, GR will have to wait, I'm in school. Anyway, I live in CET time, so right now, it's 1pm I'd only ever meet you on weekends. :frown:

Anyway, could you mail contact stuff (ICQ, email, etc.) to

I actually already have all the sprite sets I need, all I need is for someone to convert them for me... The sprites are quasi-3D, which means that without help, I can't fit them on the grid... :frown: Another problem is that the file size is over 1 meg, so I dont know how to get them to you...advice, anyone?

--Talon_Karrde, MoD, 61:4--
Visit (url="http://"") and sign up for some real gaming experience!

(This message has been edited by Talon Karrde (edited 03-01-2001).)

Stardate, 9:14 PM Australian time, friday night.

- 1.0.6. Finished modelling ESF transport.

- 1.0.7. Work slows to crawl as storyline is given huge boost.

- 1.0.8. Started work on the incredible preview update that involves not less than 3 normal levels and 2 net.


I'm surprised how reviews of Earth Quest have ended on this topic. Please post.


My email is, so any information that you do not wish to post on this topic you may send directly to me, where it will catch my attention in a couple of days. If you want to implement the actual movies into Hera, then that won't be possible for me to help you. I use Adobe Photoshop 600x600 and then individually paste everything into it! So making 1 ship takes half an hour besides modelling.


Thankyou to everyone who voted '5' on Earth Quest. Besides myself.

I do not say they cannot come;
I say they cannot come by space.

-Admiral DuPont, navy press conference.

Do you have ICQ? Or will I have to put those sprites up on the addons page? (The sprites are pretty damn cool)

--Talon_Karrde, MoD, 61:4--
Visit (url="http://"") and sign up for some real gaming experience!

I don't have ICQ, so I suggest you post the sprites on Add-ons. How are they cool?


Would someone please explain how I may put images in apost?


I do not say they cannot come;
I say they cannot come by space.

My topic is losing popularity as it slips further down the board. I must keep it alive!

- 2.0.0 Earth Quest, the whole thing stuffs up. Wearing off my anger by posting tnhis.

- 2.0.1 Backups serve me well.

- 2.0.2 Given myself an Assault Cruiser to play with. It launches 50 teams and has the weapons of a frigate +warp.

- 2.0.3 Transport implemented.

- 2.0.4 Made me a Jaddriack ship. They have the most lovely energy weapons...

By the way, I've decided not to upgrade Earth Quest. Because of some individuals it has been rated 60 and fallen off the highest rated thing. If you don't rate it high enough to go there, then you don't deserve a better preview!

"War? I'd better go and get the washing in!"


Originally posted by Count Altair El Alemein:
Would someone please explain how I may put images in apost?


To add a graphic within your message, just encase the URL of the graphic image as shown in the following example (UBB Code is in red).

(IMG) a / here)IMG)
In the example above, the UBB Code automatically makes the graphic visible in your message. Note: the "http://" part of the URL is REQUIRED for the (img) code. Also note: some UBB forums may disable the (img) tag support to prevent objectionable images from being viewed.

Could you also explain how you made the explosions? I'd like to have some new ones for my plug, but the only tutorial I could find needed the Model Master plugin for Strata 3d.

GR Name: Patrick
To get Ares 1.2.0b6(for plugins) go to: (url="http://"")http://www.AmbrosiaS...TML/000131.html(/url)

(This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 03-04-2001).)

(This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 03-04-2001).)


Originally posted by Count Altair El Alemein:
**By the way, I've decided not to upgrade Earth Quest. Because of some individuals it has been rated 60 and fallen off the highest rated thing. If you don't rate it high enough to go there, then you don't deserve a better preview!

Well, it's hard for previews to get rated as high as a full-blown plug. They're only a preview. It'd just be weird if the highest ranked scenario was a preview. Anyway, I'm sure the final version will get a much higher rating than the preview, and I know that, if you keep it as good as the preview is, I'd probably give it an 80. 😉

"I am the supreme dictator of the universe, it's just that nobody knows about it yet."
"Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow."

For a short time (about 5 days) it was the highest rated thing on the entire board, succeeded only by Space Marines, Net. But there is something else. The Ares community is basically irresponsible when it comes to voting. I mean, Iron Fist is arguably the best plug out at the moment, and what is it rated? 60-ish. Just look at it, it's disgraceful. I imagine there are a bunch of jerks that go around the net, and when they see something rated 100 they think 'ah, I don't think it deserves that' for no reason and give it a 1. I should know because I did that to all the other plugins so Earth Quest could get up top.

There is also a more psychological reason. In EV you can go there and see, i.e. Frozen Heart, which deserves to be at the top or whatever and is there. This is because, in EV it is much harder to make plugins, and so people don't feel any need to reduce the competition a bit. On the other hand, in Ares, bascially everyone has atleast tried Hera, and so therefore that gives them a subconscious reason to envy other people's plugs and give them low scores just for the 'ell of it.

If there is anyone there with the power to change the add-ons section, this is what I recommend. When you click 'rate it' you must first submit your reasons and then moderators evaluate it.

(This message has been edited by Count Altair El Alemein (edited 03-06-2001).)

For a short time (about 5 days) it was the highest rated thing on the entire board, succeeded only by Space Marines, Net. But there is something else. The Ares community is basically irresponsible when it comes to voting. I mean, Iron Fist is arguably the best plug out at the moment, and what is it rated? 60-ish. Just look at it, it's disgraceful. I imagine there are a bunch of jerks that go around the net, and when they see something rated 100 they think 'ah, I don't think it deserves that' for no reason and give it a 1. I should know because I did that to all the other plugins so Earth Quest could get up top.

There is also a more psychological reason. In EV you can go there and see, i.e. Frozen Heart, which deserves to be at the top or whatever and is there. This is because, in EV it is much harder to make plugins, and so people don't feel any need to reduce the competition a bit. On the other hand, in Ares, bascially everyone has atleast tried Hera, and so therefore that gives them a subconscious reason to envy other people's plugs and give them low scores just for 'ell of it.


Originally posted by Count Altair El Alemein:
For a short time (about 5 days) it was the highest rated thing on the entire board, succeeded only by Space Marines, Net. But there is something else. The Ares community is basically irresponsible when it comes to voting. I mean, Iron Fist is arguably the best plug out at the moment, and what is it rated? 60-ish. Just look at it, it's disgraceful. I imagine there are a bunch of jerks that go around the net, and when they see something rated 100 they think 'ah, I don't think it deserves that' for no reason and give it a 1. I should know because I did that to all the other plugins so Earth Quest could get up top.

This happens to nearly all plugs. When all three of the plugs I've submitted, Aaaagh!, The Rogue, and Vengeance, were released, their first ratings were all 100, and now only Vengeance has a decent rating. Pretty much all plugs seem to go through this process. Also, most good plugs seem to be rated 60ish in the Ares addons, because of my next point.


Originally posted by Count Altair El Alemein:
There is also a more psychological reason. In EV you can go there and see, i.e. Frozen Heart, which deserves to be at the top or whatever and is there. This is because, in EV it is much harder to make plugins, and so people don't feel any need to reduce the competition a bit. On the other hand, in Ares, bascially everyone has atleast tried Hera, and so therefore that gives them a subconscious reason to envy other people's plugs and give them low scores just for the 'ell of it.

Actually, most people with the ability to use plugs (1.2.0b6) seem to get scared of Hera the first time they try it, or they just want the beta for the plugs. I do agree that there are plenty of jerks out there that will try to rate plugs low. For this reason, you should be sure to check the plug's description and number of downloads before you decide whether or not you want to play it.


Originally posted by Count Altair El Alemein:
If there is anyone there with the power to change the add-ons section, this is what I recommend. When you click 'rate it' you must first submit your reasons and then moderators evaluate it.

The only place where there's something like this is Patrick's review site, where you send him an email containing your review and he puts it up. However, he doesn't have many plugs in it, and not many people know about his site. I think that a link posted at the top of the addons to his reviews site would be a very good idea. We'll have to see what the mods think.

"I am the supreme dictator of the universe, it's just that nobody knows about it yet."
"Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow."

Hmm... this topic is getting rather full, so refer everything to a topic I'm about to post.