Updating Coldstone

Wonderful! This post has taken an excruciatingly long time to get here. Thank you very very much.

Bugs I've found:
The quicktime for any games for PC is flawed, and gives you address errors causing the application to shut down whenever teleports on the edge of the map occour, and at random points when walking. Maps won't construct previews in OS 10.x, and other than in OS 9, saving during your game will not work period. This is just a drop in the bucket, but I can't think of anything else currently. I'm interested in being on the Beta List as well.

Whose cruel idea was it to put an 'S' in lisp?
(url="http://"http://genesisp.netfirms.com")Genesis Productions(/url)

Zeldamaster, my understanding of Beta Testing is this:

Beta testing is when you test a product after all the major coding has been completed and a company wants remarks on it, bug hunting, and a consumers look at the product (wheter you'd want to buy it, how effective it would be, etc.). In this case, testers would be looking for bugs in the product because of how it has already been tested for remarks and a consumers look at it.

Out of curiosity, what would this version of coldstone be named? Coldstone 2.0, 1.2, or as Debra suggested at one point, HotRock?

EDIT: Minor typo
Whose cruel idea was it to put an 'S' in lisp?
(url="http://"http://genesisp.netfirms.com")Genesis Productions(/url)

(This message has been edited by BlackLite (edited 12-27-2003).)


Originally posted by BlackLite:
**The quicktime for any games for PC is flawed, and gives you address errors causing the application to shut down whenever teleports on the edge of the map occour, and at random points when walking.

That's not a bug - it's windows 😛

Good to know an update is on it's way... I'm about to cry... :')

Life is a joke - death is testing your humour...

Okay, then enroll me on the Beta Testing list too. I can't wait till it's finished so I can start working on my game.



Originally posted by ZeldaMaster:
**Okay, then enroll me on the Beta Testing list too. I can't wait till it's finished so I can start working on my game.


Which email address would you like to be put on the list?

Carmelissa Valera/Intern/Ambrosia Software, Inc.


Originally posted by ZeldaMaster:
**Okay, then enroll me on the Beta Testing list too. I can't wait till it's finished so I can start working on my game.


Start working on the game now, that's the testing part. 🙂

Just pimpin' my (url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/dampeoples/iblog/index.html")scandalous stories(/url), (url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/dampeoples/Sterling/index.html")stuff(/url), and (url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/dampeoples/artlinks/stuff.html")art tutorial links(/url)

Bug! I actually ran across this one while working on my showcase game. This only occurs in OS X, but it's annoying all the same. The first time you press a key for a keydown event (in this case a local one, not sure about global) it doesn't register it and you have to press it again.

(url="http://"http://www.world-of-cha0s.hostrocket.com")The Homepage of Cha0s(/url)

I've got an idea for my game, just no artwork for it. Might as well try to start it.

This is the e-mail address that I want to use.



Carm, Thank you very much for the most execellant Christmas gift any of us could have ever wanted.
This is very exciting. I'm sure that Beenox and Ambrosia have given you the guidelines for your work so I would say stick to them for now. As time moves on and other abilities/capabilities could be added, I'm sure all of us has a list of ideas we would each like added.
Again, thank you. And welcome to our boards (and yours too!). We would enjoy any news about the updating and upgrading you are permitted to share.
(does a happy dance around his computer - wife says "Act your age!") 😉

- - - - - - - - - -
Just trying...

I would love to be on the beta list if possible.

And another random thing: CHEESE 1.0!!!!!

||| link

"There are no turtles anywhere" Ponder Stibbons
(url="http://"http://www.krytencrc.cjb.net")Kryten's Headquarters(/url)
(url="http://"http://www.silvernetwork.net/kryten/mcheese.htmll")All your Cheese are belong to us(/url)

(This message has been edited by Kryten (edited 12-31-2003).)

Cheese 1.0???
Is this the Final version? This is big news.

(url="http://"http://www.mcubedsw.com")M cubed homepage(/url)
(url="http://"http://www.coldstonerc.cjb.net")Coldstone Resource Centre(/url)
Cheesiest film line of all time "Flash I love you but we only have 14 hours to save the earth" from Flash Gorden


Originally posted by Carm:
**Hi everyone,

My name is Carm, I'm a 4th year Computer Science major at RIT. I'm an intern for Ambrosia until the summer. My big job is going to be updating Coldstone (and in turn, PoG), so I'm gonna need bug reports so that I have some specific things to work on. In the meantime I'll be surfing the webboards, beta list archives, and checking out the source code so I can catch up.

by the way, if anyone here as RealBasic experience or is interested in being in the beta list for Coldstone or PoG to help me out, let me know and I'll add you.**

Thank you for the news. Here's a little bit of advice: Keep everybody updated on your progress as often as possible. Even if you don't actually make any progress, let us know what you are working on, and how much time you are working on it.

I was anticipating Neverwinter Nights for about 4 years, with a great desire to make my own modules. Bioware & MacSoft were very tight-lipped - sometimes bordering on deceptive - about the development of the port & toolset. Because of this, many members of the NWN Boards felt alienated, and many of us never bought the game. If Coldstone doesn't get at least a few of the critical bugs fixed (Saved games under 10.2, 10.3 compatibility), it would be very difficult for me to ever purchase another game published under the Ambrosia banner.

I'm a registered Coldstone user, and I would like to be on the beta list. I will e-mail you. Believe it or not, one of my New Year's resolutions was to make a Coldstone game. That's why I logged on today! In any case, best wishes to you on this endevor, I'm sure you will find most of us to be very supportive.

Click HERE to see if you are a winner!


Originally posted by XxtraLarGe:
Thank you for the news. Here's a little bit of advice: Keep everybody updated on your progress as often as possible. Even if you don't actually make any progress, let us know what you are working on, and how much time you are working on it.

Ok, here's an update:
As of now I have been taking these hundreds of source files and attempting to make sense of it all...as in figuring out what everything's supposed to do. I've also been trying to sort out which files I'll need (and which are just extraneous) to build a working executable when I actually start fixing and testing.

Carmelissa Valera/Intern/Ambrosia Software, Inc.

Can i be added to the beta list? My email's smodis@hotmail.com


Visit my site: (url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/smodis13/Faceless.html")http://www.geocities...3/Faceless.html(/url)

As a REALbasic user, it sounds to me like ColdStone was compiled using version 4.5 or lower. Any version of RB below 5.2.x has problems with Panther. REAL Software will not be fixing issues with version below 5. There is another issue. REAL Software rewrote much of RB with version 5. The old compiler was done away with and a new compiler was created. This caused many apps (including some I had written) to break. It is not always as easy as recompiling with the latest version. There was also language changes. There are still some people that I have talked to that are unable to get their apps to run and compile under 5.x This seems like it could be the problem with ColdStone. It can be done though, and I think that Ambrosia will be able to do it. Just my thoughts on the matter. This has definitely tarnished the RB name a bit, but that is changing and it was necessary to redesign RB to take advantage of OSX and to make RB apps faster and more stable. The downside is what you have with ColdStone and other apps written on older versions of RB...

As far as I know the last version of RB that CS was compiled in was 3.5 and there were problems trying to re-compile in a new version. I think the problem is with the game engine and not with the editor. It is the final game that does not work.

(url="http://"http://www.mcubedsw.com")M cubed homepage(/url)
(url="http://"http://www.coldstonerc.cjb.net")Coldstone Resource Centre(/url)
Cheesiest film line of all time "Flash I love you but we only have 14 hours to save the earth" from Flash Gorden

Welcome to the boards, NeoX!

You hit upon my greatest concern. I'm in process of making a large game from scratch. Will the update take my maps, events, pictures, etc.? Or will I have to rebuild? I suspect it's too early to tell at this stage of the game. (bad pun)

-- Debra
Danillitphil Productions

I am very happy that Coldstone is finally being updated, along with many others. I hope that this will turn out well and not be too hard of a project for only one person with limited time.

There is only one thing that I would like to have with this new version that does not work in os x that no one has mentioned yet, which is the little grey dot thingys around where the stamps will appear in the map editor

also I am interested in being involved(sp?) in the Coldstone2.0 beta 🙂 email: youngamaker@rushmore.com


(This message has been edited by Yoggy (edited 01-04-2004).)


Originally posted by Debra:
**Welcome to the boards, NeoX!

You hit upon my greatest concern. I'm in process of making a large game from scratch. Will the update take my maps, events, pictures, etc.? Or will I have to rebuild? I suspect it's too early to tell at this stage of the game. (bad pun)


If Carm doesn't radically change anything then all our files should work just fine. As far as I know all we are doing when we draw a map i assign links to the picture files (hence the small map file sizes). The same goes with event, we are telling the engine to add a preset piece of code but with a few modifications that we choose. I am guessing that if Carm changes something it will be the code that is 'under the hood' so to speak and so the effects wont be too visible. I'm pretty confident that old files will work

(url="http://"http://www.mcubedsw.com")M cubed homepage(/url)
(url="http://"http://www.coldstonerc.cjb.net")Coldstone Resource Centre(/url)
Cheesiest film line of all time "Flash I love you but we only have 14 hours to save the earth" from Flash Gorden

I am ready and willing to be a beta tester.
