QT problem on one pc

When testing a small map on several PC's I ran into one PC that simply skipped the QT movies. The good news is that it did not crash, it simply loaded my QT window, but did not display it. Instead it went on loading the next map.

The PC had QT version 6 on WinME or Win98 (forgot to check, but I know it was one of those 2). QT worked fine. On other PC's the QT movies are displayed without any problems.

Anyone knows what could be wrong?

(I know, I should be asking support at ambrosiasw.com ...)


no, this is the place to ask really. if we bugged ambrosia about every reason our game wouldnt test right they kick us in the kidneys.

id see if it was just a larf with that one pc. take a copy to many and any peoples you know with a pc. if its still that one, then thats just a @^&*)^! peecee. another thing you might try is uninstalling and redownloading quicktime again. beyond that i dont know what it could be. pending the format of the movie and the compression i know some peecee cards may react differently to movies via thier built in software drivers especially for movie acceleration.

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