Remember Item forgets


Originally posted by Codewizard:
I watched black & white television sets, too. I was born in the 1960's, 31 days into the 1960's.

Just for the record, my sons were born in the sixtys (1960, 1962, 1964) and I was born in the mid 1930s. I was talking 12 inch round B&W; TV which Dad got when I was in high school - I think it had three channels.

Stark has already acknowledged the gender mix-up and don't take it personaly because he does the same for everyone until one of us or the poster herself makes a point of it.

And in conclusion, I offer a group apology for highjacking your thread. ๐Ÿ™‚ ~RD

My Doctor said I was having too much wine, women, and song - so I gave up singing because 2 out of 3 is not so bad.
The (url="http://"")Kingdom of Garendall(/url) sectional map is easily printed from gif format pages.
Find those areas you missed the first time around. You'll want to explore those hidden areas now made accessible with Spells Expander.


Originally posted by Rubber Ducky:
**Just for the record, my sons were born in the sixtys (1960, 1962, 1964) and I was born in the mid 1930s. I was talking 12 inch round B &W; TV which Dad got when I was in high school - I think it had three channels.

Stark has already acknowledged the gender mix-up and don't take it personaly because he does the same for everyone until one of us or the poster herself makes a point of it.


I grew with thre channels on our TV 8,13, and off but that might have to do with location we also were on a party line. We were two long rings.

Strak always does that but pity me in a recent thread eLL' confused me for Stark. yeeeeech


Coldstone_Dev Resource: (url="http://"")Coldstone_Dev Resource(/url)

See Coldstone_Tips at: (url="http://"")CGE_Tips(/url)

No worries, Mr. Bledfast. I like your polite formal style. It makes reading a breeze compared to some posts by what I assume are kids that think misspelling and bad writing is somehow cool. I did not mean to pick on your town, either. If I put the name of where I live it would be meaningless, because the place is just a shopping mall suburb. I don't like to claim nearby Allentown, though. Ever since that Billy Joel song 20 years ago, everyone thinks it is a rotting husk wasteland. Spammers can't tell if I am male or female, too, judging by all the mail I get for Viagra and ways to enlarge a certain part of anatomy. The other day one even had before and after photos! :eek:

The first TV cable company anywhere is in this area. They started in 1948 with 3 channels and are still in business with over 100 regular plus however many extra cost ones.

The stamp placement information was useful.

Insert profound thought
or clever witticism here


Originally posted by Codewizard:
I did not mean to pick on your town, either. If I put the name of where I live it would be meaningless, because the place is just a shopping mall suburb.

Heh. I didn't take it as picking on, and even if I had it wouldn't bother me much. It's a town, and it's Iowa. No big deal; certainly nothing to lose any sleep over. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Although, I am rather close to the Amanas; 'bout 10 minutes. You want to talk about some good, old fashioned German cooking with hospitality... Well, look no further. (just, keep the sauerkraut away from me, heh).


judging by all the mail I get for Viagra and ways to enlarge a certain part of anatomy. The other day one even had before and after photos!

Hah! Gotta love spam mail...

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The 'Boards longest running social thread, a true spectacel

gather around inhabitants, marvel at its extraordinary exchanges.

gawk at its ambivalence, its mastery self-preservation, propagation and progeny.

"Its like chlorine proof bacteria! " Better, m'boy...its simply incredible.
you know who u are:



... I'm like Imhotep but don't flaunt it.

Ah, the good ol' days! I remember sitting on the floor and watching Howdy Doody. Those were the days, eh? People could spell then, and write well enough to actually communicate ideas to one another. We didn't have computers. We rarely wrote with a typewriter!

Sometimes we even talked!!!!

Back to my game. Still working on making maps.

-- Debra
Danillitphil Productions

(This message has been edited by Debra (edited 05-01-2003).)


Originally posted by ellrx:
**The 'Boards longest running social thread, a true spectacel

gather around inhabitants, marvel at its extraordinary exchanges.

gawk at its ambivalence, its mastery self-preservation, propagation and progeny.

"Its like chlorine proof bacteria! " Better, m'boy...its simply incredible.

Actually, the longest running social thread here was probably the 'Coldstone Construct' thread done before and just after the release of Coldstone. Ahh... the fun. And of course, the 'favourite RPG' thread was kinda similar. ๐Ÿ™‚

And lastly, hello Codewizard. Welcome to the playground of ol' Starkie an' me. Always nice to see a new face making a game/plugin. And from the sound of it, definitely someone who knows what she's doing. ๐Ÿ™‚


"Any good that I may do here, let me do now, for I may not pass this way again"


Originally posted by ellrx:
**you know who u are:



u know i know that

Coldstone_Dev Resource: (url="http://"")Coldstone_Dev Resource(/url)

See Coldstone_Tips at: (url="http://"")CGE_Tips(/url)


Originally posted by straytoaster:
u know i know that

But do you know that he knows that you know that he knows that you know that he should know that you know? That's the real question here.

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Quiz du jour:

Who wrote "Know thyself"?

-- Debra
Danillitphil Productions


Originally posted by Debra:
**Quiz du jour:

Who wrote "Know thyself"?


millions of people, none of whom deserve to be credited for it.


... I'm like Imhotep but don't flaunt it.

The quiz du jour was just a little witty takeoff on what Stark said above me. I'm sorry if it was taken as an extremist comment. It's just that I find education and knowledge to be highly fulfilling and adventurous. Not to mention the wealth of ideas education, especially in the areas of history, literature, and science, generates in order to create a game. I find researching for my game just downright fun. So, I apologize.

-- Debra
Danillitphil Productions


Originally posted by Debra:
**The quiz du jour was just a little witty takeoff on what Stark said above me. I'm sorry if it was taken as an extremist comment. It's just that I find education and knowledge to be highly fulfilling and adventurous. Not to mention the wealth of ideas education, especially in the areas of history, literature, and science, generates in order to create a game. I find researching for my game just downright fun. So, I apologize.

No need to apologize. ellrx was out of line. He's already expressed his anoyance at the social nature of this thread above and was letting his sarcastic side ooze to the fore. If our moderators can have some fun with this, then there's no reason you shouldn't also. It strikes me as interesting that some members like to have fun in their own threads, but choose not to see it elsewhere.

Is there a legitimate answer to your quiz? It sounds Biblical. ~RD

My Doctor said I was having too much wine, women, and song - so I gave up singing because 2 out of 3 is not so bad.
The (url="http://"")Kingdom of Garendall(/url) sectional map is easily printed from gif format pages.
Find those areas you missed the first time around. You'll want to explore those hidden areas now made accessible with Spells Expander.


Originally posted by Debra:
**...... I find researching for my game just downright fun. So, I apologize.



I think you have proven that you are even handed (and headed) enough NOT to be taken for a "Hostile". he he
I enjoy the posts that have humor and info in them. And I enjoy the comments and rebutals also. I take none of this as a personal slam, I hope no one else does. I call it constructive joking. It is fun to be here.

** Side question - How does one change the signature in "Show Signature" (the check box that appears in the "Options" area ) of the "reply to" page? **

Top of the page, below the "Post Reply" button (Or "New Topic" button in the main screen) is a "profile" link. You can change all kinds of stuff in there, including your signature ๐Ÿ˜‰

(url="http://"")The Homepage of Cha0s(/url)


Originally posted by CI-Ia0s:
**Top of the page, below the "Post Reply" button (Or "New Topic" button in the main screen) is a "profile" link. You can change all kinds of stuff in there, including your signature;)


I went there before but didn't want to change anything, ( I thought it would, heh), so I didn't enter my name and password. I did this time and "ZOUNDZ" i found a group of stuff! Thanks Cl-la0s.

Just trying...

"Know Thyself" was (it might still be there) the inscription over the opening of the Oracle of Delphi in Greece, in the 6th century B.C. People (like kings) would go to Delphi to have the priest-women prophesy by going into a trance. BUT, the king would have to interpret the prophesy correctly, you see. Otherwise, he tended to get himself killed because he interpreted it wrong. The key to correct interpretation was to know thyself. How's THAT for an idea in a game? I find it meaningful, profound, and downright cool.

Thanks, guys.

-- Debra
Danillitphil Productions


Originally posted by Rubber Ducky:
**No need to apologize. ellrx was out of line. He's already expressed his anoyance at the social nature of this thread above and was letting his sarcastic side ooze to the fore. If our moderators can have some fun with this, then there's no reason you shouldn't also. It strikes me as interesting that some members like to have fun in their own threads, but choose not to see it elsewhere.

Is there a legitimate answer to your quiz? It sounds Biblical. ~RD


Heh. I rather like social threads. Sure, this board is a place to get together and talk to each other and help each other with problems relating to Coldstone, and theorise about it, and speculate, and so on and so forth. However, I have no problem with everyone being kinda friendly when they do it. Heck, I'd even let a completely social thread or two slide as long as they stay within the board guidelines. As long as you guys don't clutter up the board with random nonsense, more or less stay on topic where it's required, and don't break the rules, well, go for the socialising.

OK with you Starkie? ๐Ÿ™‚


"Any good that I may do here, let me do now, for I may not pass this way again"


Originally posted by Tarnฤ‡lion Andiyarus:
OK with you Starkie?

Social threads like this one? Fine with me. Limited to 1 or 2 active at a time is fine.

Web bars? Ugh, I hate those and refuse to open them(unless something within requires moderation, and this will only make me cranky). But I don't see any reason that my dislike must constitute a ban. I'd want to see a web bar restricted to 1 open bar on a board at a time though(to keep the clutter down). When it is ready to spawn into a new one, a mod(you or I) can close the existing bar and a new one can be opened.

Web stories? I wouldn't care about threads like this either(ie, someone posts the beginning of a story, and then others continue it. Basically a collaborative work). I am uninterested in participating, or even reading through them on any regular basis, but I don't see the problem with allowing them. 2 active web stories I believe would be plenty though. Might be nice for chron writers seeking inspiration.

How about that? heh.

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(This message has been edited by Stark Bledfast (edited 05-05-2003).)