change fonts and colors

Fonts and colors used in dialog boxes, loading screen etc. I believe they can not be changed.


You are correct.

-- Debra
Danillitphil Productions

hmm, too bad...

And the messages displayed while loading can also not be altered, probably?



Originally posted by jeroen goulooze:
hmm, too bad...

The only alternative is to make your own dialog boxes in a paint program, save it as a picture, and load those in your dialog boxes. You can have any font you wish then, but it's a pain in the butt.


And the messages displayed while loading can also not be altered, probably?

Which messages are those?

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messages like: loading game data, loading stamps, loading items etc

These messages and the progress bar are always displayed. The color of the progress bar and the fonts used for the messages can not be altered as stated above.

But they can be removed by dragging them outside the picture.


You can make your own progress bar. Replace the graphic in Game Interface, and then go to options to select your progress bar and define the loading area.

-- Debra
Danillitphil Productions

the point is that you can not change the color of the bar, nor the fonts, nor the color of the fonts, nor can you change the messages being displayed (to something funny like: 'dinner is being prepared', or 'aliens are landing' instead of loading characters, loading stamps).

You CAN change the background image, and you CAN get rid of both the messages and the bar itself, but that's all.
