Global Thermonuclear War, Game 22

...Sorry, just need to have something clarified.

With those sentences that are more then the life of the person, do they like, leave the body there until the sentence is finished?

I am unaware of what they do; however, I suspect they put the body in the ground and let it serve out the remainder of its sentence there.

So when do we find out what the last request was?

Hmmmmm this bottom of the lake is rather roomy I just wish my overcoat could move a little more. I was hoping to set up a badmitton tourney down here.
Well I'm dead unfortuanatly I was innocent and I really hope I picked right on my last request, you will soon find out.

Hey, any chance someone can send me a lawyer?

Apparently we are out, otherwise I wouldn't be LOCKED UP IN HERE FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE!

Jailbreak anyone?

I'd be voting for 1Evee1 next with all his abstentions. (I can still telephone my friends from jail)

I want to become a zombie!!! If that don't happen then yall are totally gonna be haunted by my familiar (its a panther, try not to be eaten)
It will send you cryptic messages from me! Goodbye my Gutless friend may you join me soon!

This post has been edited by EKHawkman : 27 April 2008 - 10:39 AM

You're dead. Be silent.

I'm not sure yet who I'll investigate this round, but it'll probably be a lurker or somebody with votes against them last round.

And, could we get a list of people left in the game?

According to my tally, the remaining players are:


I have starred the people I think are most probably human. Of the remainder, I don't really know who is human or not. 1Eevee1 and egroeg have abstained or not voted in at least two rounds, which makes it hard to read whether they are human or not. As such, if they don't start actually playing the game, I am going to want to put them up on the chopping block. However, as I have no information on them, I am willing to give them one more round before I start going after them. Lt._Anonymous is still on my radar from the first round of bandwagoning, and because he has been relatively quiet since then. I think he may have popped his head up, gotten caught, and is now trying to lay low. Hypochondriac is another that I don't have a very good feel for, one way or the other, but at least he has been participating.

However, I am going to vote lemonyscapegoat. He bandwagoned JacaByte on the first day (and was, incidentally, the vote that sent JacaByte over the top), and failed to make an appearance on the second day. I give him credit for not voting EKHawkman yesterday (and even changing his vote away from EKHawkman), but when it turns out the EKHawkman was innocent, that move may appear to be an attempt to get a bandwagon rolling, then appear to not be a part of it. Thus, without further evidence implicating anyone else, I am going to have to condemn his actions more loudly than anyone else's.


I'm going with hypochondriac (retracted) this round.

This post has been edited by egroeg : 29 April 2008 - 10:13 AM

SoItBegins entered the room again. In a very bad mood.

"Yes, EKHawkman was innocent."

Groans from the table. SoItBegins, however, wasn't finished.

"I read his last request. It both implicates and requests the death of one of you."

SoItBegins pointed at GutlessWonder.

"May God have mercy on your soul."

Then, without any warning, SoItBegins pulled a gun and shot GutlessWonder. Three times. In the head.

"Take him out of here," he said, then swept out of the room, leaving the circle members shocked, uneasy, and still having to decide.

1Eevee1 for abstaining so much. Looks suspicious this far into the game

@egroeg, on Apr 27 2008, 06:53 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear War, Game 22:

I'm going with hypochondriac this round.

Care to provide a reason?


@darwinian, on Apr 27 2008, 02:00 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear War, Game 22:

However, I am going to vote lemonyscapegoat. He bandwagoned JacaByte on the first day (and was, incidentally, the vote that sent JacaByte over the top), and failed to make an appearance on the second day. I give him credit for not voting EKHawkman yesterday (and even changing his vote away from EKHawkman), but when it turns out the EKHawkman was innocent, that move may appear to be an attempt to get a bandwagon rolling, then appear to not be a part of it. Thus, without further evidence implicating anyone else, I am going to have to condemn his actions more loudly than anyone else's.


wait wait wait. You're voting against me for bandwagoning? What the hell? I started the vote against Jaca, granted I was the last one to bold my vote, but that was because I had forgotten to in the first place. So then on the second day I don't vote because I've got no ideas as to who to vote for, this must make me a cop! Seems like I'm kinda damned if I do and damned if I don't. Even if I vote for somebody who feels a little off to me and then decide against it because I changed my mind about him, it must be because I'm just that goddamned devious. Just what would you have me do Xander?

Oh wait, I'm in jail <_<

Known living innocents, in green. People I suspect to be innocent, in blue. underlined number after the name is the current number of kill votes.

@soitbegins, on Apr 18 2008, 05:29 AM, said in Global Thermonuclear War, Game 22:

1Eevee1 - 1
Hypochondriac - 1
jrsh92 - ARRESTED
kickme - Arrested once (Got off) - Ability: Knows a Good Lawyer
lemonyscapegoat - 1

I would vote for egroeg right now if I were still in to create a four-way tie. Besides, those abstentions are irritating.

This post has been edited by LNSU : 28 April 2008 - 12:06 PM

I'm in a 3 way tie 😞 Round does in 39 hours right? Wonder how the rest of you will vote.

End the round now SIB and send me a few more souls. Told ya guys 😉 anyways Thanks for making my revenge so beautiful!

In case your wondering about my abstaining, my wireless was being flakey.

Flakey as in "Making death threats to the guy who made Airport chips in Mac Minis."

BUt it's been solved, for now.

I vote for... lemonyscapegoat.

This post has been edited by 1Eevee1 : 27 April 2008 - 10:07 PM