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GTW Game 18
@kickme, on Feb 16 2008, 03:56 PM, said in GTW Game 18:
Last round, both people that died, didn't vote for me.
Oh, so you're right. I was looking at the wrong post by mrxak and didn't realize he changed his vote.
I'll drink to that! hick Thanks for the booze, 1Eevee1!
We'll scare away all the terrorists! Drunken ambassador ghosts! Yo! hick
This post has been edited by Shlimazel : 16 February 2008 - 05:07 PM
So the round is supposed to end in 5 hours. It may be a little later than that in actuality, but the round is ending tonight.
_The Big Board reads:
GutlessWonder - kickme
Hypochondriac - kickme
kickme - SoItBegins
rebelswin_85 -
Rickton - SoItBegins
RJC Ultra - kickme
SoItBegins - kickme_
_"Well, it seems we've come do a decision," mrxak says tallying the votes. "Any last minute changes? None? Okay."
The Big Board reads:
GutlessWonder - kickme
Hypochondriac - kickme
kickme - SoItBegins
rebelswin_85 -
Rickton - SoItBegins
RJC Ultra - kickme
SoItBegins - kickme
"kickme will be executed immediately."
Buffalo the Kid comes in and takes kickme away.
"Now that we've gotten that settled, I hope you all enjoy your End of the Round Soup, I hear it's the best ever," mrxak continues. Suddenly a man dressed in all black appears from the darkness behind SoItBegins with a small dagger. But RJC Ultra jumps out his his chair and tackles the would-be assassin and with the help of security, the man is stopped.
"Good work, RJC Ultra. It would seem that the man we've captured was working for the rogue members. kickme also confessed his involvement before his execution, and it seems that the nukes on their way to SoItBegins' nation were also intercepted by a previously-unknown Strategic Defense Initiative satellites. We have determined that kickme was the third and final rogue member of the council. We do not know who the other assassin was, or who caused the death of 1Eevee1, only that they were unrelated to the rogue member's plans," mrxak shrugged. "I guess we'll have to wait a bit to see if everything is safe, but for the time being it would seem that we have defeated this threat."
Many days pass, and nobody else dies. A week later the base being used to store the stolen nuclear weapons is found and all unexploded nukes are accounted for. While much of the world is covered in fallout, the NAC clean up crews work to recover as much land as possible. In short, the world is saved._
That's it folks, innocents have won. I'll be revealing everybody's roles and private actions fairly soon. In the meantime, congratulations, and go sign up for the next game.
darth_vader -ms
1Eevee1 -md
Eugene Chin
GutlessWonder -bm
Hypochondriac -tp
JacaByte -ia
kickme -ed
Mackilroy -ed
nfreader -ed
rebelswin_85 -fl
Rickton -ia
RJC Ultra -sdi
SoItBegins -ia
You are an innocent member of the council
You are an innocent member of the council, and your goal is to find out who is stealing nuclear arms and eliminate them.
You are a mad scientist
You are a mad scientist, and able to resurrect the recently dead. You have the equipment and know-how to take a body from the morgue and bring it back to life, but you must conduct your obscene defiance of the natural order within 24 hours of the body going cold, or it is too far gone. Your ultimate goal is to find out who is stealing nuclear arms and eliminate them, and you may use your science to advance that goal. At any time, you can PM me to say that you want to bring somebody back to life. Tell me who, and if it's within 24 hours, I will bring them back. They will not remember anything about your procedure, nor will the Council know how they are able to walk among them again. Because you must make a resurrection within 24 hours, you will not have the benefit of knowing the person's role before you act. You are only allowed one resurrection per two rounds.
You are a master debater
You are a master debater, unable to vote yourself, but able to change the votes of one member of the council once per turn. Before the end of the round, you can PM me with a name of your target and how you wish them to vote. You cannot reveal that you are unable to vote, but you are able to affect the outcome of each round's vote with your superior debating skills. They will make a last-minute change in their vote, and your involvement will be hidden. You are encouraged to post often, and declare your stance, but at no point are you allowed to actually vote.
Eugene Chin:
You are an innocent member of the council
You are an innocent member of the council, and your goal is to find out who is stealing nuclear arms and eliminate them.
You are a blackmailer
You are a blackmailer, able to affect, 50% of the time, somebody's vote in council. PM me before the round ends with a name, the intended vote, and either heads or tails. I will then flip a coin. If the coin comes up as you called it, their vote will be changed last-minute accordingly. In subsequent rounds, you may alter that individual's vote 2/3 of the time if you choose (determined by dice roll). The other 1/3 of the time, the individual will be notified of your attempt, and be immune from any further attempts at blackmail. You may extort multiple people each round, but only one new person may be added to your list, and each attempt after the first carries a 1/3 risk of failure and exposure. The first blackmail attempt at 50% represents your ability to dig up enough dirt on somebody, and any useful material is effective 100%. After the first successful blackmail, you have a 100% chance of possessing such blackmail material, but is only ~67% effective. Your ultimate goal is to eliminate the rogue members of the council, and you may use your hold over people to advance that goal.
You are totally paranoid
You are totally paranoid, which allows you to eliminate one person 24 hours after you have died. You may PM me at any time before your death to select your target, and they will live only one day longer than you do. Of course you may change your target at any time before your death as well. Your ultimate goal is to eliminate the rogue members of the council, and you may passively use your ability to advance that goal.
You are an intelligence agent
You are an intelligence agent, able to investigate independently any member of your choosing once per round. Your ultimate goal is to eliminate the rogue members of the council, and may use your ability at investigation to advance that goal.
You are a rogue member of the council
You are a rogue member of the council, along with Mackilroy and nfreader. Your ultimate goal is to eliminate all others in the game, and each round you can discuss with your fellow rogue members and decide on one player to eliminate at the conclusion of the round.
You are a rogue member of the council
You are a rogue member of the council, along with kickme and nfreader. Your ultimate goal is to eliminate all others in the game, and each round you can discuss with your fellow rogue members and decide on one player to eliminate at the conclusion of the round.
You are an innocent member of the council
You are an innocent member of the council, and your goal is to find out who is stealing nuclear arms and eliminate them.
You are a rogue member of the council
You are a rogue member of the council, along with kickme and Mackilroy. Your ultimate goal is to eliminate all others in the game, and each round you can discuss with your fellow rogue members and decide on one player to eliminate at the conclusion of the round.
You are an innocent member of the council
You are an innocent member of the council, and your goal is to find out who is stealing nuclear arms and eliminate them.
You are a freelancer
You are a freelancer, able to eliminate any member of the council at any time, once per two rounds. You may eliminate somebody in the middle of the voting phase, during the night phase, whenever you wish. Simply send me a PM, and I'll have them killed immediately. Your ultimate goal is to eliminate the rogue members of the council, but should you end up at the end of the game with only rogue members still in the game with you, you will also win.
You are an intelligence agent
You are an intelligence agent, able to investigate independently any member of your choosing once per round. Your ultimate goal is to eliminate the rogue members of the council, and may use your ability at investigation to advance that goal.
RJC Ultra:
You are in control of the strategic defense initiative
You are in control of the strategic defense initiative, allowing you to protect one person from a rogue member strike every round. Your ability only protects against rogue member strikes, and never the same target two rounds in a row once it has been triggered. You may protect yourself, and protect any player multiple rounds in a row, but as soon as you have protected somebody from a single strike, you must choose a new target to protect. Please PM me before the end of each round if you wish to target or retarget a player for protection. If you do not PM me in that time, I will use your previous target by default. Your ultimate goal is to eliminate the rogue members of the council, and you may use your ability to advance that goal.
You are an innocent member of the council
You are an innocent member of the council, and your goal is to find out who is stealing nuclear arms and eliminate them.
You are an intelligence agent
You are an intelligence agent, able to investigate independently any member of your choosing once per round. Your ultimate goal is to eliminate the rogue members of the council, and may use your ability at investigation to advance that goal.
I later changed 1Eevee1's role to a blackmailer. Additionally, because I thought it should be harder to convince or blackmail somebody to vote for themselves, I increased the difficulty. For a master debater, they'd only be successful 50% of the time, determined by coin flip. For a blackmailer, two coin flips would be required to make an initial blackmail attempt, and the odds of succeeding at blackmailing somebody after the first time to vote for themselves would be only 1/3 chance.
Round One Actions and Results:
darth_vader - ms - ( darth_vader )
1Eevee1 - md - (GutlessWonder->SoItBegins)
GutlessWonder - bm - (darth_vader->Eugene Chin)
Hypochondriac - tp - (darth_vader)
JacaByte - ia - (darth_vader)
kickme - ed - prophile
Mackilroy - ed - prophile
nfreader - ed - prophile
rebelswin_85 - fl - ( darth_vader )
Rickton - ia - (JacaByte)
RJC Ultra - sdi - ()
SoItBegins - ia - (nfreader)
Anon - SoItBegins
darth_vader - SoItBegins -> Eugene Chin
1Eevee1 -
Eugene Chin - Eugene Chin
GutlessWonder - Eugene Chin -> SoItBegins
Hypochondriac - SoItBegins
JacaByte - Eugene Chin
kickme - Mackilroy
Mackilroy - Eugene Chin
Manta - SoItBegins
nfreader - Eugene Chin
prophile - SoItBegins
rebelswin_85 - Eugene Chin
Rickton - SoItBegins
RJC Ultra - Shlimazel
Shlimazel - Eugene Chin
SoItBegins - Eugene Chin
Round Two Actions and Results:
darth_vader - ms - (can't yet)
1Eevee1 - md - (GutlessWonder->abstain)
GutlessWonder - bm - (darth_vader->Shlimazel)(SoItBegins->Shlimazel)
Hypochondriac - tp - (1Eevee1)
JacaByte - ia - (Mackilroy)
kickme - ed - Manta
Mackilroy - ed - Manta
nfreader - ed - Manta
rebelswin_85 - fl - (can't yet)
Rickton - ia - (RJC Ultra)
RJC Ultra - sdi - (RJC Ultra)
SoItBegins - ia - (JacaByte)
Anon -
darth_vader - -> Shlimazel
1Eevee1 -
GutlessWonder - Shlimazel -> abstain
Hypochondriac - SoItBegins
JacaByte - GutlessWonder
kickme -
Mackilroy - SoItBegins
Manta - SoItBegins
nfreader - Anon
rebelswin_85 -
Rickton - nfreader
RJC Ultra - GutlessWonder
Shlimazel - GutlessWonder
SoItBegins - GutlessWonder -> Shlimazel
Round Three Actions and Results:
darth_vader - ms -
1Eevee1 - md -
GutlessWonder - bm - (darth_vader->FAILED)(SoItBegins->1Eevee1)(Rickton->1Eevee1)
Hypochondriac - tp - (Mackilroy)
JacaByte - ia - (Rickton)
kickme - ed - JacaByte
Mackilroy - ed - JacaByte
nfreader - ed - JacaByte
rebelswin_85 - fl -
Rickton - ia - (GutlessWonder)
RJC Ultra - sdi - (RJC Ultra)
SoItBegins - ia - (GutlessWonder)
Anon - Anon
darth_vader -
1Eevee1 -
GutlessWonder - 1Eevee1
Hypochondriac - Anon
JacaByte - Anon
kickme -
Mackilroy - Anon
nfreader - Anon
rebelswin_85 - Anon
Rickton - -> 1Eevee1
RJC Ultra - Anon
Shlimazel - Anon
SoItBegins - Anon -> 1Eevee1
Round Four Actions and Results:
darth_vader - ms - ( JacaByte )
1Eevee1 - md - (nfreader->1Eevee1)
GutlessWonder - bm - (SoItBegins->SoItBegins)(Rickton->FAILED)(nfreader->FAILED)
Hypochondriac - tp - (Mackilroy)
kickme - ed - JacaByte
JacaByte - ia - (1Eevee1)
Mackilroy - ed - JacaByte
nfreader - ed - JacaByte
rebelswin_85 - fl -
Rickton - ia - (1Eevee1)
RJC Ultra - sdi - (RJC Ultra)
SoItBegins - ia - (Mackilroy)
darth_vader -
1Eevee1 -
GutlessWonder - nfreader
Hypochondriac - nfreader
JacaByte - GutlessWonder
kickme - GutlessWonder
Mackilroy - GutlessWonder
nfreader - GutlessWonder -> 1Eevee1
rebelswin_85 - nfreader
Rickton - nfreader
RJC Ultra - GutlessWonder
Shlimazel - nfreader
SoItBegins - nfreader -> SoItBegins
Round Five Actions and Results:
darth_vader - ms - (can't yet)
1Eevee1 - bm - (Hypochondriac->FAILED)
GutlessWonder - bm - (SoItBegins->kickme)(kickme->FAILED)
Hypochondriac - tp - (1Eevee1)
kickme - ed - Hypochondriac
Mackilroy - ed - Hypochondriac
rebelswin_85 - fl -
Rickton - ia - (1Eevee1)
RJC Ultra - sdi - (RJC Ultra)
SoItBegins - ia - (RJC Ultra)
darth_vader - Mackilroy
1Eevee1 - Hypochondriac
GutlessWonder - Mackilroy
Hypochondriac - 1Eevee1
kickme - 1Eevee1
Mackilroy - 1Eevee1
rebelswin_85 -
Rickton - Hypochondriac
RJC Ultra - Mackilroy
Shlimazel - Mackilroy
SoItBegins - Mackilroy -> kickme
Round Six Actions and Results:
darth_vader - ms - (Hypochondriac)
GutlessWonder - bm - (SoItBegins->FAILED)(RJC Ultra->kickme)
Hypochondriac - tp - (Rickton)
kickme - ed - darth_vader , Shlimazel
rebelswin_85 - fl -
Rickton - ia - (rebelswin_85)
RJC Ultra - sdi - (RJC Ultra)
SoItBegins - ia - (kidnap Hypochondriac)
darth_vader - RJC Ultra
GutlessWonder - kickme
Hypochondriac - (kickme)
kickme - SoItBegins
rebelswin_85 -
Rickton -
RJC Ultra - kickme -> kickme
Shlimazel - SoItBegins
SoItBegins - (kickme)
Round Seven Actions and Results:
GutlessWonder - bm - (RJC Ultra->NO CHANGE)(rebelswin_85->FAILED)
Hypochondriac - tp - (Rickton)
kickme - ed - SoItBegins
rebelswin_85 - fl -
Rickton - ia - (SoItBegins)
RJC Ultra - sdi - ( SoItBegins )
SoItBegins - ia - (Rickton)
GutlessWonder - kickme
Hypochondriac - kickme
kickme - SoItBegins
rebelswin_85 -
Rickton - SoItBegins
RJC Ultra - kickme
SoItBegins - kickme
Things I would do differently:
- No master debater role. It was underpowered and not very fun.
- Less than three intelligence agents. I feel it contributed to an imbalance, aided by the fact that some of the intelligence agents were apparently talking to other players in private.
- No strategic defense initiative. It's a role that's never really been all that good in the game, and I think the mad scientist, a sort of after-the-fact SDI, works better.
- Stick to a better schedule. I wanted to give lots of time for each round as there were lots and lots of players (at least to start), but I think everyone would have been served better by keeping it more consistent.
@mrxak, on Feb 16 2008, 11:37 PM, said in GTW Game 18:
Round One Actions and Results:
darth_vader - ms - ( darth_vader )
1Eevee1 - md - (GutlessWonder->SoItBegins)
GutlessWonder - bm - (darth_vader->Eugene Chin)
Hypochondriac - tp - (darth_vader)
JacaByte - ia - (darth_vader)
kickme - ed - prophile
Mackilroy - ed - prophile
nfreader - ed - prophile
rebelswin_85 - fl - ( darth_vader )
Rickton - ia - (JacaByte)
RJC Ultra - sdi - ()
SoItBegins - ia - (nfreader)
Wow, I was a pretty suspected person the first round.
As for player to player PM-ing, I know that mrxak discouraged it, but I don't really know why. He only said that it was dangerous, which is a rather weak excuse. Enlighten us, mrxak? Anyway, Jacabyte got in contact with me after he investigated me and found me innocent. Since he was an IA, he gathered information while I used my special power to keep him alive. Later, Hypochondriac joined our circle, and I also saved him. We formulated a plan involving his takedown ability, but were never able to put it completely into action. I personally think that some behind-the-scenes intriguing livens up the game. It certainly made my special power a lot more useful, perhaps even to the point of overpowered. One does take a risk, but it adds a whole new dimension to be able to talk privately, and it also allows the dictators a chance to sneakily take in an innocent.
I certainly enjoyed my role, and I thought it worked out really well. You should keep it. I'm a bit uncomfortable about the blackmail role. It was limited, but players should be able to make their own votes. Putting several votes in the hands of one person, even at a reduced probability, is not a good idea. With this many players, less intel agents probably would have swung it back against the innocents at least as much as having three swung it in our favor, so if you do choose to get rid of them, add some other fairly powerful role to keep it balanced. Another option is simply to put a moratorium on all GTW-related PMs during the game. I'm sure everyone would honor it, just as we honor the no screenshots of inboxes rule.
That PMs are very dangerous is my reason why people should not want to do it. The larger reason is that roles are meant to be secret, and presumably the host doesn't want players to have information they're not supposed to have. When you start conspiring behind the scenes, it throws off the game balance in unintended ways. If an intelligence agent knows somebody's role, they can reveal it to everybody or nobody. Picking and choosing who they tell what is not in the spirit of the game, and should probably be illegal. For any games that I host in the future, it will be. If I want you people talking to each other, I'll explicitly tell you you're on a team at the start of the game. Remember, when you play mafia in real life, you don't get to walk on and whisper to each other between each vote.
@mrxak, on Feb 16 2008, 10:59 PM, said in GTW Game 18:
Remember, when you play mafia in real life, you don't get to walk on and whisper to each other between each vote.
No, nowadays we just text each other secret messages.
Ain't technology wonderful?
Actually, in my opinion, the PMing aspect improves the game for the better, makes it more unpredictable. All that the host has to do is rebalance things to compensate. For instance: the IA role, in combination with PMing, is incredibly powerful, so you simply have to lower the number of IAs to compensate. An IA will act a lot more cautiously if he knows he's the only one in the game.
There are other solutions to the IA question as well, but I'll let you find them for yourself.
This post has been edited by SoItBegins : 17 February 2008 - 02:23 AM
PMs make the game more interesting. The terrorists work together, the IA should be able to send messages as well. 3 IA were a bit much. I figured they would be 2 at most. since in all the other games there was 1 IA per 2 rogue members.
Interesting game. 3 IA was a bit much 2 would have been better. I like the ability to PM makes the game interesting. the IA should be able to contact at least one other member.
kickme: My first vote for you was nothing more than an educated guess. Of all of the actions you had been taking, compared to everyone else, you seemed to be the most suspicious. I had no real proof, of course.
@hypochondriac, on Feb 17 2008, 07:07 AM, said in GTW Game 18:
Interesting game. 3 IA was a bit much 2 would have been better.
Well frankly, I was expecting SoItBegins to die instantly, otherwise I would have only had two. But while nearly everybody talked about killing SoItBegins, nobody ever really committed to it.