Moonage Daydream

Lamkin's new new new new...Sorry, that's getting a bit old.

"I'm an alligator." This level is a tribute to David Bowie (and Bret and Jemaine with Flight of the Conchords , of course). You'll have to watch out for the spiders from Mars! The level has a save station in the main room, so it's not too tou...oops. πŸ˜‰


Attached File(s)

Completed on second try. πŸ™‚

Awesome level, i like the overall theme of the level, first try, seven minutes
you have some really cool ideas!
PS. thanks for the PM!


Well, it's good to know I didn't make it too difficult, even with no extra health in the level. (I had tried to put some in there, but they kept falling to Earth every time the level would start.)


I'm going (back) to college for graphic design, so the levels should keep getting better, I hope. (I already have a B.A. in psychology, which is kind of useless.) I feel like I've discovered SketchFighter about a year too late, but it's still one of my favorite games. As you can probably tell, I'm kind of fixated by switches.


Nice level, and at least in my opinion, you didn't manage to summon the curse of "it's not too tough". πŸ˜›

Lamkin said:

I feel like I've discovered SketchFighter about a year too late...

Oh no, you aren't too late (except possibly for multiplayer...). Your endless fount of new levels seems to be inspiring people to get back to work on their own projects- I know I've re-started work on The Temple of DΓΌm, and may actually finish it sometime (I think I've finally worked out solutions to the bugs that had me trapped on all of its branches).


Awesome level. Your designs are a pleasant break from the immensely overdone (mostly by myself admittedly πŸ˜› ) generic style. I didn't notice until halfway through the level that the walls were scripted. A nice effect indeed!

Just so you know, Lamkin, you don't need to .sitx.hqx SketchMaps. I can't get them to open myself, and I'm reluctant to jump through the required hoops to download Stuffit. If you could use a straight .zip, that would be much better, for me at least.

@pisketch, on Jun 16 2008, 06:30 PM, said in Moonage Daydream:

Just so you know, Lamkin, you don't need to .sitx.hqx SketchMaps. I can't get them to open myself, and I'm reluctant to jump through the required hoops to download Stuffit. If you could use a straight .zip, that would be much better, for me at least.

No problem...(In the next couple of days) I'll put them all in that format and upload the levels in their respective forum headings.


Zip file of Moonage Daydream. I hope this works...

Attached File(s)