Project Multi Sketch

20 hours from now, the participant list will close, and no more participants shall be accepted. Anyone who wishes to add their name to the list, please do so before that time.

The participant list is now closed, no more designers can participate in the project.

Woops, double post...

This post has been edited by Silverwind : 28 February 2007 - 10:02 AM

The participant list is now closed, no more designers can participate in the project.

I'm starting area 2 tonight. What's the distribution for colors?

Edit: and missiles!

This post has been edited by cheleball : 03 March 2007 - 01:15 AM

Table of contents now holds all the answers for distributing pickups/upgrades. (oops, except for Missiles... uh... ok I'll fix that in a sec.) Happy to hear you've taken on the level Cheleball, can't wait to see how it turns out. With the Missile thing, I need help and opinions from participants, how much should we have in the way of Missiles? I usually tend to leave em out of my levels altogether or give five at leave it at that, because I think they're a little bit too powerful. But what does everyone else think? For the moment I'll put one pack of them in Area five, but that's just until more suggestions come along.

I'll have the updated Area 1 with the Star in it posted up in a few minutes.

It's up. Happy editing! 🙂

Meh. My zone gets no Bosses, Mini Boss, or Stars. Meh.

Sorry about that, I'll see what I can do. By the way, it might not be your area when the time comes, because remember that whoever's willing to take on the job when the current designer is finished is the one who gets it. But if two or three people are willing to take it, whoever's higher on the list gets it before the others.


Also, something Cheleball mentioned earlier is that there could be a Star in every Area, since they don't alter the level in any way. So if a few people agree I suppose we could place a Star at the end of each Area.

This post has been edited by Silverwind : 03 March 2007 - 06:46 PM

We wouldn't have to set one in every area, just the people who like to do so could do it. The last person who gets the map could go back and link the stars to his/her doors or whatever is turned off in the final area.

Yes, that's absolutely true. Although it might be slightly better if we had a round number of Stars in total, for instance 5 rather then 6, but it really all depends on what the designers feel like.

Dang, I can't do anything with lava particles. At least I can put in a "mini"-boss. Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!

What's this about Lava Particles? :huh: (oh yeah, I can't wait to see what your Mini Boss turns out like... hehe...)

@silverwind, on Mar 4 2007, 09:44 AM, said in Project Multi Sketch:

What's this about Lava Particles? :huh:

The second-stage ship, which is immune to lava particles, is given in Area 3. I personally would have no objection to swapping the ship upgrade with the Homing gun, if GSN has something good he'd like to do with lava particles.


I wouldn't mind either way, that kind of thing is entirely up to you guys.

By the way, although most people will want an upgrade in their area to fill it up, don't feel that you have to have one. Also, if someone's designing an area and doesn't like the upgrade assigned to them, they're free to use any of the upgrades that have been left out by an earlier designer.

By the way again, all of the tables for the distribution of upgrades and Mini Bosses and such can be changed if anyone has alternative ideas and suggestions. If anyone isn't happy with anything on the tables, please say so, because this is a project run by all of it's participants. 🙂

I have something that I used in the Temple of the Pen. It's called "hot" enemies. Basically, turrets that have invisible hot particles, so if you get too close you get burnt. I used it for several turrets, spinning drones, and one mini-boss. Seeing as it is okay with Edwards, we'll swap Ship II and the Homing Gun.

Consider it done.

This post has been edited by Silverwind : 04 March 2007 - 06:30 PM

Well, I'm about 40% done with my section. The map is up to 464k...Although I don't think it'll be any more than around 550k when I'm done with it--I did some, ahem, sprite-heavy things in the first areas.

Probably won't make much more progress until next weekend. So, uh, Silverwind...don't update the first section again, or things could get messy. 🙂

No worries about that, and well done. 464? By jov! TCOC is only 646 or something.

I just spotted a mistake I made in area 1, I forgot to make the Metal Plates next to the Save Zone Ring solid. Do you think you could fix this when you get the chance Cheleball? It'd be most appreciated.