AE - Ship related

Sure, I'll keep the seat warm while you're away, Joveia. I'll need all your files.

Time is the best teacher, yet it kills all of it's students.

All the ones related to AE, that is 😉

I assume, now, that the races proposed by myself were accepted? There has been nothing to the contrary. I still maintain that my ship classes are better; this is not a TC (Although elements of it may seem that way) so we should stick to Ares on the class #s. However, I'll put in some revisions:
10. EVAT
50. Fighter
100. Bomber
150. Schooner
200. Cruiser
250. HVCruiser
300. Gunship
350. Frigate
450. HVD
500. Carrier
550. Battleship
800. Transport
750. Cargo Ship
850. Engineer Pod
900. Assault Transport
1000. Station

I'll manage the Cargo Ship; I have my own ideas about it. As for the others, I think we should have some diverse Stations for use, and all of the other ships listed are either
A) On your list
🆒 Left out on your list when they should be there (EPod, Station) or
C) Worth adding (Frigate, Cargo Ship)

Concept notes on the Frigate:
At present, the only Capship Classes (Rock, Paper, Scissors) are the Carrier and the Battleship, both of which are large and expensive. I propose that the Frigate be a smaller Capship, based on a moderated turret weapon (Say, a RPKB turret for Ishima) with smaller forward-facing weapons (An F-Pulse and 20 CMissiles).

"Once, just once, I'd like to be able to land somewhere and say, 'Behold, I am the Archangel Gabriel.'"
"I fail to see the humor in that situation, Doctor."
"Naturally. You could hardly claim to be an angel with those pointed ears, Mister Spock. But say you landed someplace with a pitchfork "

Sorry, I was unaware you were on the project, Pallas.

Time is the best teacher, yet it kills all of it's students.

Looks good to me Pallas. What do you envision the 550 to be? What about Gateships? Were the Gaitori advanced enough to have one? A great way to being down a Galactic empire would be to lure its Gateship to destruction...

On the weapons front I don't think the Gaitori should have the Atomic Pulse in their set of weapons. My reasoning is that it is stated that the AP guns were converted from mining equipment. The Gaitori would have more powerful weapons than converted mining equipment I would think.

Ares Extended: EV:NOVA started out as a plugin too...
(url="http://";=Earths Journey.sit.hqx")Earth's Journey Back To The Stars(/url)
(url="http://"")Earth's Journey v2.0 screen shots(/url)

(This message has been edited by brookeview (edited 09-04-2001).)

Leave my ship classes alone Pallas.

There are only 3 kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can't.

Well, I'm not actually on the project with you guys, but I think you might want to consider adding a standard destroyer ship class, because only having heavy destroyers has always seemed odd to me. However, you are completely free to ignore my suggestion.

"You never know where your most useful help will come from."


Originally posted by Slug:
**Sorry, I was unaware you were on the project, Pallas.


I'm not one of the more active members, but I was the one that proposed it 😉

Joveia: Why should I leave them alone? You leave out ship classes and change the numbering system to one that's unfamiliar. Seems impractical.

Mag: Yes, I suppose it is. My explanation of it is that Light Destroyers are used for Civilian ships, but then that's only conjecture and not a certainty.

"Once, just once, I'd like to be able to land somewhere and say, 'Behold, I am the Archangel Gabriel.'"
"I fail to see the humor in that situation, Doctor."
"Naturally. You could hardly claim to be an angel with those pointed ears, Mister Spock. But say you landed someplace with a pitchfork "

Please, Pallas, we don't bug you in your M:Inv topics...

Time is the best teacher, yet it kills all of it's students.

Impractical? I'll show you impractical!

*You left out the bomber in your ship class. Like it or not, the bomber is going to be in Ae.
*In my version, all the ships have standard spaces between them of exactly 50 points, starting from 50. Yours are all over the place.
*I did not leave out the extra special ship classes such as the cargo ship, but that is because I tried to outline the direct combat warships of AE. If you want to introduce a special ship, you do it by putting the idea on the table first.

There are only 3 kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can't.


Originally posted by Slug:
**Please, Pallas, we don't bug you in your M:Inv topics...


Well then, you aren't on the M:Inv team. I proposed AE, I volunteered, so I'm entitled to a little input, aren't I?


Originally posted by Joveia:
**Impractical? I'll show you impractical!

*You left out the bomber in your ship class. Like it or not, the bomber is going to be in Ae.
*In my version, all the ships have standard spaces between them of exactly 50 points, starting from 50. Yours are all over the place.


Joveia: Did you read my revised version? The bomber is ID 100, and they're all spaced out by 50...
()EVAT is 10
)Combat Ship Classes range from 50 to 550, at intervals of 50 (Discounting Escort's 400)
()Non-combat Range from 750 to 900 at intervals of 50
)Station is 1000
Read it, you'll see.


Originally posted by Joveia:
***I did not leave out the extra special ship classes such as the cargo ship, but that is because I tried to outline the direct combat warships of AE. If you want to introduce a special ship, you do it by putting the idea on the table first.


The Cargo Ship, the Engineer Pod, and the Station were all present in the original. If you feel it's necessary to propose them, I suppose that's your opinion, but I see no reason to.

"Once, just once, I'd like to be able to land somewhere and say, 'Behold, I am the Archangel Gabriel.'"
"I fail to see the humor in that situation, Doctor."
"Naturally. You could hardly claim to be an angel with those pointed ears, Mister Spock. But say you landed someplace with a pitchfork "


Originally posted by Pallas Athene:
**Well then, you aren't on the M:Inv team. I proposed AE, I volunteered, so I'm entitled to a little input, aren't I?

Many people proposed AE. You could say I was the one who origionally invented it because of Before They Sailed, which was cancelled.

Joveia doesn't want his ship classees messed around with, and I don't need any help from you. If we need a second Hera master to work on the project, we will let you know.

Untill then,

Time is the best teacher, yet it kills all of it's students.

In this current incarnation, I proposed it, and in its original incarnation, I would give credit to Vegeta.

I assume then that you're using executive power to kick me off the team? You are, you know. Don't try and say anything about how you were on the AE team first. While you may have been the first to declare your dedication:
I don't think that anyone would say you were the first to dedicate yourself to the AE project:

As for the ship classes, what's wrong with using mine as opposed to his? It has about 4 more ship classes, and then that's the extent of the changes. See the bottom of the post for the lists of ship classes and the differences. Italicized items differ only in the numbers, and the bold items are ship classes which are absent in the other list.

I'll finish this off with a challenge to you: Give me one justifiable reason why I shouldn't help on AE.
I haven't seen one so far.


700=assault transport

10. EVAT
50. Fighter
100. Bomber
150. Schooner
200. Cruiser
250. HVCruiser
300. Gunship
350. Frigate
450. HVD
500. Carrier
550. Battleship

750. Cargo Ship
800. Transport
850. Engineer Pod
900. Assault Transport
1000. Station

His uses the Escort, and Mine uses an HVC and leaves the Escort's 400 blank.
Mine add a Frigate, an Engineering Pod, a Cargo Ship, and a Station.
Joveia's Combat ships range up to 450 whereas mine go up to 550

"Once, just once, I'd like to be able to land somewhere and say, 'Behold, I am the Archangel Gabriel.'"
"I fail to see the humor in that situation, Doctor."
"Naturally. You could hardly claim to be an angel with those pointed ears, Mister Spock. But say you landed someplace with a pitchfork "

(This message has been edited by Pallas Athene (edited 09-24-2001).)

Sorry if I offend anybody by this post, but that's just tough. I'm an American citizen and I am operating under the protection of the First Amendment of the Consitution of the United States. So there. That said:

The little teaser plugs that Count Altair has released look interesting. Ship designs are pretty cool. Haven't played them yet, but I'm going to in a while.

Y'all don't need a storywriter/weapons designer, do you? Just wanted to make sure, since I'm very, very good at writing, and I like making things that go boom in games (and I'm pretty good at it, too). Don't know everything about Ares, but I sure learn fast. And I'm just the creative sort of person :).

And Slug's graphics look great. If you wouldn't mind taking my two credits of advice, you should release a full teaser plug: something like Space Race: The Musical, but with the newest Ishiman and Gaitori sprites and ships used. Post it on the Add-On Files page, get some hype built up, and maybe a few more people involved. No offense, Slug, Count Altair, or anybody else working on this, but: the more people, the better. Get some good communication going between about a full dozen people, and this plug'll be done in no time. And it'll be an exceptionally good plug.

"Only In America/Where We Dream In Red White & Blue/Only In America/Where We Dream As Big As We Want To/Only In America/"
-- Brooks & Dunn, "Only In America"


Originally posted by spacecowboy:
**No offense, Slug, Count Altair, or anybody else working on this, but: the more people, the better. Get some good communication going between about a full dozen people, and this plug'll be done in no time. And it'll be an exceptionally good plug.


Good, I didn't have to say this myself.

Like it or not, people are going to leave the team at some point, for any of a million reasons. If you try and keep the plug to an exclusive group (say, Slug and Joveia alone) then the probabilities of a plug of AE's magnitude getting finished are pretty small, given that it's generally a side project. And if you deny input (from me for example, or spacecowboy) then the probabilities of it being a good plug are just as small.

I wouldn't say that a dozen people would be a good idea; it might be a bit too hard to coordinate efforts. But somewhere between 4 and 6 would work pretty well.

"Once, just once, I'd like to be able to land somewhere and say, 'Behold, I am the Archangel Gabriel.'"
"I fail to see the humor in that situation, Doctor."
"Naturally. You could hardly claim to be an angel with those pointed ears, Mister Spock. But say you landed someplace with a pitchfork "

Way to say it spacecowboy. If I were a mod your karma would be going up right now...

Now come on people lets talk about things like a team instead of just giving these one to three word answers. If you don't agree with someone take the time to tell them why.

Ares Extended: EV:NOVA started out as a plugin too...
(url="http://";=Earths Journey.sit.hqx")Earth's Journey Back To The Stars(/url)

(url="http://"")Earth's Journey v2.0 screen shots(/url)

(This message has been edited by brookeview (edited 09-09-2001).)

Pallas, at the moment, the only person thinking of kicking you off the project is you.

We're using my ship classes, other than that, feel free to help. Oh yes, and we'll brook no more hostile behaviour.

There are only 3 kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can't.


Originally posted by Joveia:
**Pallas, at the moment, the only person thinking of kicking you off the project is you.


I interpreted Slug's posts quite to the contrary - to me, most of what he's said amounts to me being unwelcome to post in here. Can't we can agree that any member is entitled to a little input? Law of Contrapositive:
If I am a member, then I am Welcome.
If I am not Welcome, then I am not a member.
He's also stated specifically that he doesn't want any help from me. If he didn't mean to kick me off the project, then I'll apologize, but to me the evidence seems to mount in the other direction.

I have to ask you why you're so dead set on your own ship classes, however. If you would, at least add the Engineering Pod on to your list; I love those things and they already are standardized for half of the races.

"Once, just once, I'd like to be able to land somewhere and say, 'Behold, I am the Archangel Gabriel.'"
"I fail to see the humor in that situation, Doctor."
"Naturally. You could hardly claim to be an angel with those pointed ears, Mister Spock. But say you landed someplace with a pitchfork "

(This message has been edited by Pallas Athene (edited 09-10-2001).)

Gentlemen, PLEASE! Can't we be a bit more civil about this entire affair?
Also, I need to make a change to what I said in my previous post:
When I said storywriter, I meant mission editor. I can do anything and everything - and very well - but graphics, because I don't have a 3D graphics program, and can't find a good one that's cheap (i.e. $20). And yes, I'm still asking if I can be in on this thing, out of sheer curiosity and because I think I can help.

"Only In America/Where We Dream In Red White & Blue/Only In America/Where We Dream As Big As We Want To/Only In America/"
-- Brooks & Dunn, "Only In America"

For those of you who have not been watching the news, the Pentagon has a 150-foot-wide hole in the South side, and the World Trade Center is no more.
Both are due to terrorist attacks. We are currently unsure to whom this is due.
The WTC was operating at capacity, meaning there were approximately 60,000 souls in the buildings at the time of the attack.
There is an unconfirmed count of 34 dead due to the Pentagon attack.
Although I am usually not a very religious fellow, I feel I must refer you to the 23rd Psalm:
"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His Name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I will fear no Evil: for Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
Surely goodnes and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever."
God Bless Us All, and God Bless America.

"Only In America/Where We Dream In Red White & Blue/Only In America/Where We Dream As Big As We Want To/Only In America/"
-- Brooks & Dunn, "Only In America"

I apologize for the triple-post, but I feel I need to say something to both Joveia and Pallas Athene:
You two are acting like two-year-olds! How much do the ship class NUMBERS actually MATTER??? NOTHING!!! It takes quite a lot for me to laugh at anybody for something I've never done, but I'm rolling on the floor at you guys! The class numbers only matter for 800 and 850, the Standard Transport and the Engineering Pod, respectively! You could make something class number 800 and call it a Heavy Destroyer, and it would still act just like a Standard Transport! The only thing that matters to anybody but the editors/writers of the plug are the ship NAMES, not their NUMBERS! Even if you have 5 people working on the plug, and you ONLY have 500 people download it (waaaaaay lower than what I figure the actual figure'll be), you still have a player/writer ratio of one hundred to one! What really matters are the ship NAMES!
(edit) I wish to apologize for the rather flame-ish and insulting nature of this post, but it's the truth. I realize I wasn't in my normal diplomatic mood at the time I wrote it, and I also realize I should've put it off until I was. (edit)
"Only In America/Where We Dream In Red White & Blue/Only In America/Where We Dream As Big As We Want To/Only In America/"
-- Brooks & Dunn, "Only In America"

(This message has been edited by spacecowboy (edited 09-14-2001).)