While I'm on the subject... #2

Trooper recharging:
250 ticks is too long, in my opinion. (12.5 seconds)
Considering that Asltcarrs have 50, it would take 2512.5 = 312.5 seconds = >6 minutes to recharge the half. I would say that about 4 minutes would be right (=240 seconds = ~2510; 200 ticks).

"Once, just once, I'd like to be able to land somewhere and say, 'Behold, I am the Archangel Gabriel.'"
"I fail to see the humor in that situation, Doctor."
"Naturally. You could hardly claim to be an angel with those pointed ears, Mister Spock. But say you landed someplace with a pitchfork "

You should post a 'brief introduction to the marathon' post to attract more people to your website/advertise your plugin.

Well, although some people may not be familiar with the Nar/Nebulons/Vylae, I'm pretty sure that most mac gamers have heard of the Pfhor/S'pht/Jjaro and will at least know the Marathon symbol (UESG Emblem)

"Once, just once, I'd like to be able to land somewhere and say, 'Behold, I am the Archangel Gabriel.'"
"I fail to see the humor in that situation, Doctor."
"Naturally. You could hardly claim to be an angel with those pointed ears, Mister Spock. But say you landed someplace with a pitchfork "

According to Darkk, more than 90% of the story is made up by you. I for one would like to hear some of the Ares-ised things you've done.

And if the problem is you not knowing the levels because Sargatanus hasn't told you any of it, then I suggest sending him a strongly written email. How long has the Marathon project been going on after all?

You should also post some more of your pictures in the EV gallery, like I'm currently doing. Advertising an Ares plugin where previously non-ares players go all the time, might also advertise Ares.

Aresized things? The Story is made up, but for each of the races we've tried to be as true as possible to the original.

There are better ways to advertise Ares in my opinion. I'll see if I can get one of them running... in a couple weeks time

"Once, just once, I'd like to be able to land somewhere and say, 'Behold, I am the Archangel Gabriel.'"
"I fail to see the humor in that situation, Doctor."
"Naturally. You could hardly claim to be an angel with those pointed ears, Mister Spock. But say you landed someplace with a pitchfork "

Current status of M:Inv: D'oh!

I'm in double period calc h___. (Translation - 2 years worth of calc homework)
That's in addition to English, Spanish, and all my other electives (no social studies or science needed senior year is a wonderful thing, no?).

I haven't been able to work on much of anything, and I haven't heard from Sarg or Pallas either.

I forgot to say I plan to rectify this situation as soon as I can, and put in some work on fixing the Jjaro.

Formerly-Rampant Human-Coded AI

(This message has been edited by Fleet Admiral Darkk (edited 08-30-2001).)

Spanish eh? That's a nice language, or so I hear. I must admit, I can think of more useful ones...

There are only 3 kinds of people, those who can count, and those who can't.

At present I'm reworking the UESG Cruiser; I think it's near done and will post a pic of it before I finalize it and release to the Graphics Contest.

"Once, just once, I'd like to be able to land somewhere and say, 'Behold, I am the Archangel Gabriel.'"
"I fail to see the humor in that situation, Doctor."
"Naturally. You could hardly claim to be an angel with those pointed ears, Mister Spock. But say you landed someplace with a pitchfork "

Current status: Temporarily F---ed.

I'm not going to get much if any M:Inv work done until I finish the college admissions essays. That should be by December. Ah well, maybe Sarg will finish the plot by then, and I won't be working on this in college (/sarcasm, I hope)

Formerly-Rampant Human-Coded AI

Note that you never started the Sarcasm tag, only ended it. Uh-oh...

It's almost done, but I've been doing absolutely nothing the whole summer in terms of non-enjoyable work, and now I have the most advanced academics available... I'm less screwed, but not too far behind.

"Once, just once, I'd like to be able to land somewhere and say, 'Behold, I am the Archangel Gabriel.'"
"I fail to see the humor in that situation, Doctor."
"Naturally. You could hardly claim to be an angel with those pointed ears, Mister Spock. But say you landed someplace with a pitchfork "

Notes: The UESG henceforth will be referred to as the "Unified Earth Space Guard." I've decided that it's the most accurate name for the military after reading on the Marathon's Story Page.

"Once, just once, I'd like to be able to land somewhere and say, 'Behold, I am the Archangel Gabriel.'"
"I fail to see the humor in that situation, Doctor."
"Naturally. You could hardly claim to be an angel with those pointed ears, Mister Spock. But say you landed someplace with a pitchfork "

I looked into the Bar section of the restaurant I went to today - and here's what I saw:


That's just too similar to be a coincidence.

"Once, just once, I'd like to be able to land somewhere and say, 'Behold, I am the Archangel Gabriel.'"
"I fail to see the humor in that situation, Doctor."
"Naturally. You could hardly claim to be an angel with those pointed ears, Mister Spock. But say you landed someplace with a pitchfork "

Would someone mind explaining to me what exactly M:Inv is? I'd really like to know, out of sheer curiosity.

"Only In America/Where We Dream In Red White & Blue/Only In America/Where We Dream As Big As We Want To/Only In America/"
-- Brooks & Dunn, "Only In America"

Have you player the Marathon Series (any)?

If not, it might not even be worth explaining.

"Once, just once, I'd like to be able to land somewhere and say, 'Behold, I am the Archangel Gabriel.'"
"I fail to see the humor in that situation, Doctor."
"Naturally. You could hardly claim to be an angel with those pointed ears, Mister Spock. But say you landed someplace with a pitchfork "

Sorry, Pallas. I'm sure I'm out of the loop here, but no, I've never played the Marathon series. I believe you're talking about the really famous net game that's out there, but that didn't exactly look like a space adventure game - looked like a RPG shoot-em-up. So I'm not too sure I even know what you're talking about. :frown:

"Only In America/Where We Dream In Red White & Blue/Only In America/Where We Dream As Big As We Want To/Only In America/"
-- Brooks & Dunn, "Only In America"

Go to the Marathon story page. Even if you haven't played Marathon, it's a fantastic insight into a universe quite unique.

There are only 3 kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can't.