Profile Dossiers

Hey guys. I'm new to the boards, and I just wanted to see everyone's dossier. I'll start. 🙂

Name: Athena
Race: Human
Age: 25
Height: 5'7
Weight: 120 Pounds

Athena stands as a young female with short scruffy blonde hair, deep green eyes, and devilish looks. Although she appears innocent, she's always had that fetching twinkle in her eye that spoke mysteries about her mind. Her lively and cheerful smile has always been a good ally to balance her serious, witty, and often cunning character.
Athena was raised by her father, an ex-marine, who taught her all that he could including hand-to-hand combat, gun fighting, and the martial arts. Over the years, she became a very well known pilot, often flying dangerous missions.
By the time she was 17, she had joined the Marines as a noteworthy figure. Ocular implants allowing her to scan and zoom into items were one of the few devices the Core gave her as an Elite Marine. These things, along with her natural instincts of danger, have made her very hard to surprise. Although she could easily use her athletically muscular body as a lethal weapon, she still looks timid and cautious, often fooling her enemies of her real power.

No one gets what they wish for,
They get what they work for.

Name: Fariz eck Vaenar Maletena-Wizr
Race: Fariz
Age: 1627 Earth Years
Height: 5' 11'
Weight: 140 lbs

The Trey'sh of the reestablishment commitee has been working for the Ishiman Government ever since his planet was found to be in the middle of the territory they were expanding into. It turned out that it didn't matter, the Fariz had discovered interstellar travel ages ago, but were not interested. A very introverted race as a whole, they enjoyed sitting around talking and expanding their depth of knowledge of themselves both through self exploration and psychology. Living on a lush, tropical planet of plenty, and having a tremendously long lifetime removed any sense of urgence or hurry from their lives. They sit around drinking a mildly hallucinogenic tea, and ponder their existance.

They didn't care either way when the Ishimans landed and asked if they would mind becomeing a part of the Protectorate. However, they were asked to send a representative, and they thought they were playing a nice practical joke by sending them the young troublemaker, Maletena-Wizr.

Quite insane by their standards, Wizr wants success at all costs. He has no qualms about lying, tricking and stealing to get his way. The fact that he has been prominent in the government for 700 years raises him above question in the eyes of the other members of the Legislature. He has worked his way up to the position as the Trey'sh of the Reestablishment committee. He chose this committee specifically for its tremendous budget and access to the latest and greatest technology, but he doesn't let his job description stop him from involving himself in the greater affairs of the Protectorate.

He feels that the protectorate is too weak-willed to ever truly succeed. He humors the Ishimans in the legislature, manipulating events through a mix of persuasion, covert insurgence, clandestine operations, and mafia bully tactics. The Ishiman are too naive to believe he does any of it, and he covers his tracks meticulously.

He always acts with the good of the Ishimans involved. He KNOWS what is best for the protectorate, and will do all that it takes to achieve it.

Well, Athena, since it seems you've established some sort of connection between our characters, I'll post info on mine.

Name: Taeskor(title) Traek Cicion
Race: Phylydion
Age: 28
Ht: 6'
Wt: 130 lbs.

Traek Cicion is a Phylydion- a near-Human species with three entirely blue eyes and two sensing tendrils kept in invisible pouches in the cheeks. He is a loyal soldier of the mighty Phylydion Imperium but is a rogue at heart. Formerly commanding a fleet, he went through rigorous training and became a Taeskor- the Imperium's elite corps.

He advanced to the level of Pure Taeskor, a group of Taeskors who dress in grey suits and short blue cloaks and wield only a blade for their weapon. This blade is called a Keutae("Honor blade") and is the most finely forged weapon in the galaxy. As a Pure Taeskor, he goes on missions of infiltration, assassination, and other covert operations. With agility greater than the top Human gymnasts, the ability to move silently at great speeds, and extreme prowess with the Keutae, the Pure Taeskors are sent to infiltrate areas of major conflict and danger to neutralize opposition to the Imperium's rule.

Traek Cicion owns a small ship, the Crimson Tear, which he uses on his missions and when he's on leave. His nature keeps him away from Phylydion beurocrats and near areas he's been assigned to infiltrate-or the occasional off-course tavern or spaceport bar, if he wants a little free time. He is a man not to be crossed, but he makes friends quickly and is considered to be quite charming for a Phylydion, who are usually to-the-point, as their society is designed.

-Traek Cicion of the Taeskor
"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo
"Then we'll do it real quiet-like."

Name: MS98435 (Nickname Mag)
Race: N/A (Mag Steelglass Droid Industries Repair Droid)
Age: 31
Height: 4'
Weight: 300 lbs

MS98435 is an old, bulky repair droid, who is starting to get rusty, and has a fine layer of dust and dirt, making him a dull metallic color, instead of being a polished chrome, as he was when he was first built. He owns his own toolkit, and enjoys repairing ships, although he complains about them being broken whenever he does. He also enjoys flying.

Mag started out as a repair droid for the Ishiman Stellar Protectorate's Irto Squadron, a squadron of fighters that has a fairly epic history, and has completed 98% of its missions successfully. However, he was on an Ishiman transport that became captured by the Sals, and was taken into a simlab for reasons unknown. A traitorous UNS Captain had his heavy destroyer, the UNS Flamewave, docked with the simlab when the Salrillians backstabbed him, and Mag managed to get control of the destroyer and escape. He found that the ship was wanted in UNS and Ishiman space the hard way, and barely managed to escape to the Free Trade Zone, where he hired a crew and tried to make a living as a trader.

However, at the Battle of Sol, where the starlance-class dreadnaught Vengeance was defeated, the Flamewave was destroyed in a kamikaze attack on the Vengeance, and Mag and his crew was picked up by an Ishiman transport. Mag and his crew ended up commandeering the transport as the Ishiman crew proved to be incompetent at flying in battles, and the transport became theirs when the Ishiman crew met with an unfortunate accident while in the mess hall and were all killed. The transport was disabled in the process.

The transport drifted through the battle, being ignored, when it drifted through a jumpgate into the Free Trade Zone, where Mag and his crew had the transport heavily modified for combat, and rechristened it Integrity. It now is a sleek black vessel, as Salrillian armoring was added, and has many hidden weapons and gadgets that cause it to be a superior fighting vessel, while appearing to be a nearly harmless transport. Mag is again trying to make a living as a simple trader, but circumstance does not seem to wish him that destiny.

"Why do we have to mow our lawns? What's wrong with the 'natural' look?!?"
Visit my site, if you're interested:
Email me at with a review and a rating (out of 100) for an Ares plug, and I'll put it on the reviews section.

William Darkk
Race: Human
Age: 34 by his count, 174 by Earth's (dang relativity messing everything up)
Height: 2m exactly
Weight: 60kg exactly

Darkk is a rather unsettling man, with cold blue-grey eyes that seem to be looking right into you. He is rather lean and mean in appearence, but his personality seems warm and affiable - unless you watch him fight, or ask about his past deeds, at which point he seems oddly cold and unfeeling. He is a master pilot, and a nearly unmatched hacker and programmer. He was even able to restore function to a damaged alien AI at one point.

He was origionally the chief of computer operations for the Ares, and 3rd in command (computers were really important on that ship ;)). After the contact with the Ishimans and the beginning of the fighting, Darkk worked hard to make an AI system to fly the Ishiman vessles, allowing the humans to build more warships than they could crew. He also served as intelligence officer and chief liason aboard the Ishiman Gateship, and occasionally did other odd jobs on the way home.

Between the Battle of Beta Pictoris and the Battle of Sol, Darkk had a major falling out with the UNS/Ares high command - so major he went rouge and became a pirate, taking quite a few comrades (and some nice hardware) with him.

During the Audemedon invasion of Earth, Darkk threw his lot in with the UNS again, and managed to pursuade Audemed to leave Earth alone. Unfortunatly, Slug and the UEC captured it from him. At the Third Battle of Sol, Darkk held off delivering a nearly certainly fatal blow to the enemy flagship in order to let the unknown Phylydion force take the brunt of the attacks. After that, Earth, despite Darkk and Spamo's efforts, was in the hands of the Salrilians.

Formerly-Rampant Human-Coded AI

(This message has been edited by Fleet Admiral Darkk (edited 04-07-2001).)

Name: He never tells anyone his real name anymore, but is nicknamed Fire Eater (more on that later)
Race: Human
Age: 27
Height: 5'8
Weight: 177 Pounds

Fire Eater was the Captain of an Earth Gunship during the Cantharian war. On one occasion his Gunship was forced to land on an uninhabited planet. When his scouting party was investigating a small pond of red goo an alien creature attacked him from behind and he fell in the goo. Surprised by the attack he accidentally swallowed some of the goo. Shortly after the incident his eyes started turning orange and his vision increased greatly. The whole thing earned him the nickname Fire Eater. Though most people call him just Fire.

After the war he left the UNS. He now owns two ships, the first is a one man fighter. Part Human tech and part Salrilian it has a full cloaking device that makes it invisible to all known scanners. The other is a Human Gunship that he purchased through a friend still in the military. Heavily modified it once took out four Audemedon Carriers and it's escorts in one battle.

"That didn't sound so stupid before I said it" -Me
GR SN: Fire Eater
AIM SN: Fire Eater 27
Visit my plugs web page: (url="http://"")

Oops, forgot to say that my gunship is called the Starfire.

"That didn't sound so stupid before I said it" -Me
GR SN: Fire Eater
AIM SN: Fire Eater 27
Visit my plugs web page: (url="http://"")

(This message has been edited by Fire Eater (edited 04-02-2001).)

I have 3 characters (AWB, RPG, Unreleased / Pallas, Ntek, Eriza)
Interesting similariy of names, neh?

Ntek Ktana (Family Name First)
Race: Obish (As are all my characters)
Age: 27 (Life Expectancy of 60)
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 122 lbs

Ntek's home planet is Arqum (arr-KYOOM), halfway between Oben* and Sol and an exclave of Ln'tkra**. Early in the Ored'ka*-getori War, he was conscripted, but not as a minion of war. He was placed as a crewmember of the OMV Deliverance. This vessel met with Sal'ri'lye'n* operatives working to give Oben their coveted cloaking technology. After three such meetings with the Desal'ri'lye'n, all the technology they had willing to give had been procured, and Ntek was scheduled to be transferred to the position of Subcommander on a Gunship. However, before the transition took effect, the war ended, and Ntek was returned home.

Soon, known for his presence on the Deliverance, Arqum elected him as a representative to the Ored'ka Consensus. He served as a distinguished member for several years, and stepped down shortly after the rescue of Ambassador Thrntz. Ntek served as an unofficial liason to the UNS resistance for a the Duration of the Ares War, after which he was recognized and secured an official position as Ambassador to Sol. Upon hearing information of a planned Sal'ri'lyen invasion of the Sol system, Ntek brought in his personal battleship, which, while somewhat of a derelict, was expected to help significantly in the defense of Earth. However, the Desal'ri'lyen arrived in such force that all of the forces in the area were overwhelmed (or escaped), save 2 Escorts, one of which managed to escape through a jumpgate and one of which Ntek transferred to.

Immediately the escort attempted to flee, but the only available path was to the Anglagard system, further towards Ak'si's and the Deode'me'don.* With the assistance of an arriving Ored'ka task force, they managed to take New Wales and New Scotland, leaving with reinforced numbers before the Deode'me'don could arrive in force. The lone crusaders gradually fought and escaped through a number of systems, until the Deode'me'don could conceal their approach. In the Kvesar system, while the Ored'ka force was in the midst of leaving, the Audemedons appeared. They crippled half of the Ored'ka ships there, and one battleship, the OMV Th'riha'n, was split in two and drifted through the jumpgate.

In the days that followed, Ntek brooded over the losses he had suffered in aid of the Deyume'n',* and selected the only path he saw as a possible action: he forsook Ln'tkra in favor of Sh'yara and pledged to aid the Desal'ri'lyen above any others. The formation of the Woven gave him cause to appear to aid them. In the following Third Battle of Sol, the UEC armada was eliminated. With the common enemy of the Woven gone, there was nothing left to unite them save previous alliances. However, with the lines drawn between Dei'shiman'/Debe'zi'daniz and Desal'ri'lyen/Deka'n'thare'n, over nine tenths of the Obish chose to defect under the leadership of Ntek and reform themselves with the factions to the Stellar North.

(I dropped out of the RPG at that point, and don't even know what's happening nowadays. If it's turned to my interest, maybe someone from the RPG could mail me a summary so I can decide?)

*Whenever I say "Oben," I'm simply using the Obish spelling for "Obain." Ored'ka (oh-RAY-de-kah) means "Obish." "Sal'ri'lye'n" is "Salrillian." "Ode'me'don" is "Audemedon." "Yume'n' " is "Human."
**LINT-keh-rah. Obish goddess of Ships and Stars. SYA-rah. Obish goddess of Fire and Fury.

What others can travel so far into so many universes yet remain so deeply rooted in their own?
(url="http://"")M:Inv(/url) and the (url="http://"")M:Inv Webboards(/url)

Name: Mike Lloyd
Race: (not quite sure)
Age: older than you (in Mars years)
Height: 5 feet 8 inches
Weight: on Mars I'm 5165216548 quadrazaphs

I am from Mars. When Ares left for there famous journey I borded the ship and asumed the personality of the pilot. When I ----- (file fractured-information lost)

Do I talk to much?
Do I ask too many questions?
I wonder...

Alias: Count Altair El Alemein
Name: Sander
Race: Meson
Age: 3.3249 human years
Height: 1.8 metres
Weight: 50 kilograms

Levkindle was constructed on the Meson capital world of Kitehain. He served the Individuals as best he could, yet managed to de-construct an entire airway. Marked for execution an erase as an imperfect, he evaded his captors for 7 weeks. Chased across almost the entire continent, his hunters soon realised they were dealing with Self Willed.

Levkindle was brought in the next day and his personality copied down onto computers. 2 years later he died, but as an Individual.

Sander is one of the copies of Levkindle. Driven by a deep urge to discover everything about the universe, he tries to look for that spark which made him/Levkindle exceed himself. He is slightly humanoid, but completely bald. The folds of his skin are kind of grey, and he has a penchant for flying military vessels.

(data recovered)
saw the Ishmans on the view screen I almost new they were hosile. I armed the Plasmo blasters and took aim. The commander saw what I was doing and he thew me out an air lock. Being that I am from Mars I was used to no air and I drifted around untill I saw a large black vessel. The air lock opened and some one took me in. I found they were the Salrilians and I took command of the vessel and searched for a planet. I discovered a planet know as earth. I landed my heavy destroyer on one of the continents and formed an uprising with the inhabitants against the Cantharans and we formed the UNS Resistance.

Do I talk too much?
Do I ask too many questions?
I wonder...