The Officer's Club Bar

Sundered Angel smiles, and moves over for Cicion. Looking at the bill the customer beside him has raced up, he wonders if it wasn't such a good idea to keep giving him those bowls of pretzels...

Looks down. That'll be, let's see... 55 scintak for the drinks, and 20 for the pretzels. Looks around. Don't everybody congratulate me at once...

-Traek Cicion of the Taeskor

"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo

Jane’s eyes begin oggle at Sundered Angel. She begins to stutter “co-cou... could you please wait here?” Giving a small, quick smile at Angel, Jane darted for the flight hangar. A half hour later, Jane returns with a bit of lubricating powder on her flight suit. She wipes several black marks off her hands and elbows with a kerchif. Jane was obviously holding back her astonishment. She sat back down at her seat, beside Angel. Leaning to his side, she remarked “Thank you.”

No Guts, No Glory.

Nudges Sundered Angel with his elbow and grins at him
You go girl... 😄

I do not suffer from insanity
I enjoy every minute of it

-Cantharan Admiral za'Grom
After the capture of Earth

Sundered Angel smiles, and winks at Jane.

My pleasure, ma'am.

He looks at Cicion.

So, how did it go? You managed to install an AI failsafe, or whatever it was, I see. What happens next? Oh, I wouldn't mind another Devil's Breath, by the way.

Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only

I have a new sig. See?

Sir! Our shields are dropping!
Commander Therg whirls around to look at the lieutenant
They're firing! _ says the lieutenant. A torpedo appears on the view screen.
A little present from me, to you Says Captain Fullers voice over the speakers.
The torpedo strikes the ship removing it from the sky in a violent explosion. The brige section of the battlecruiser flies though space smashing into a large dark ship that appears seemingly out of nowhere.

Angel: Could you rephrase that? I didn't follow what you meant.

Bob: That happens to be the scene (or at least the quote) from Galaxy Quest (at the moment they first meat Saris). How about trying a shorter sig?

No Guts, No Glory.

Yes, I updated our restraint control and increased our presence in their beurocracy(or the Aud equivalent). Once an Aud security team caught me. I killed them and managed to slip into the shadows before the reinforcements came. Because of my success and combat experience I got in the mission, the High Octicon granted me Pure Taeskorship. That, the Taeskorship, was what I remarked upon noone congratulating me for. I like it. In the presence of other Phylydion I am revered and feared. I am unbeatable in one-on-one combat against all but the most highly skilled and experienced foes. I kind of miss the great power of having the Primary Armada under my absolute control, but it's worth it.

-Traek Cicion of the Taeskor

"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo

Jane casually chuckled "Basking in pride?"

No Guts, No Glory.

Puts on a Han Solo Roguish Lopsided Grin. You could say that.

-Traek Cicion of the Taeskor

"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo

Well I'll admit it was a litle long, but only one line was a quote from Galaxy Quest, and I've removed it. I also made it a litle shorter. Happy?

Sir! Our shields are dropping!
They're firing! _ says the lieutenant as a torpedo appears on the view screen.
Well, it seams you won't have the last laugh today Therg. Says Captain Fullers voice over the speakers.
The torpedo strikes the ship removing it from the sky in a violent explosion.

(This message has been edited by Bob (edited 05-11-2000).)

Jane>> It was no trouble, Jane. I only hope it was fit remuneration for the trauma you suffered at my expense.

He notes her soiled garments.

Obviously you have already conducted a thorough examination, no?


Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only

The Great Commander 8 Lightnings goes insane from too many posts in one topic, but recovers, having lost his memory of where he is. He walks out, bumping into the wall as he does so. His subordinate pilots assist him in getting into the waiting space taxi, which flies his to 8LightningForce base on this planet. He plugs into a computer terminal with his cybernetic implants and expects to take two days or more to recover. One of his crewmen returns to pay his tab.


*** Lightning never strikes the same place twice. But on occasions...eight times... ***

Slug's bar tab looks like one of those RadioShack serial numbers that are hard to copy down
Slug's personal Audemedon beams into the bar to help calctulate the long number and shorts out, steam billowing out of it's sensory slot

Slaps a quarter on the table and hurridly runs out Keep the change...

I do not suffer from insanity
I enjoy every minute of it

-Cantharan Admiral za'Grom
After the capture of Earth

Slaps a control panel and the door slides shut. Slug, hurrying along, runs straight into it and falls down unconcious. Your tab, Slug, was 5,405,222,137 scintak. Takes the amount in Salrilian money and takes it to his money changer to get it in scintak. Finds that Slug doesn't have enough to pay his full tab, and notes the personal Audemedon, still smoking. Hmm. This little baby could be worth a fortune to the someone. Takes the Aud into the back. And now to make like it never happened. Puts slug in the exact position he was in before Cicion closed the door, opens the door, and jolts Slug awake from his bar control panel. Slug continues to run, saying "I got away! I got away with not paying my tab!" Sheesh. What are we going to with him, Angel?

-Traek Cicion of the Taeskor

"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo

Salrilians don't run, They SLITHER , BOUNCE , and FLOP

Smiles, and swiftly downs his drink before it melts its container.

I don't know, Cicion- Film him and sell him as a holovid comedy?

Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only

Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy

Slug presses a button with his beak and the insides of the Audemedon melt
The two SP Carriers warp out of the system, only to be brought back with a tiny tractor tug yanking them along
Cicion says: ok, that just doubled your bar tab

I do not suffer from insanity
I enjoy every minute of it

-Cantharan Admiral za'Grom
After the capture of Earth


I'm going to be...