The Officer's Club Bar

makes DeathVal's effort pointless as he positions his ship inbetween Talon Karrde and the other guy (who are really the same person if you look at IP#s).


makes DeathVal's effort pointless as he positions his ship inbetween Talon Karrde and the other guy (who are really the same person if you look at IP#s).


sees that avatar is trying to steal his job he gets his SS men and drags P guy away to a bottomless pit and drops him
then gets his SS men to push avas ship over
then gets paid by Tallon for a job well done

I'm the scourge of the
New Republic, care to
join me?

sees that avatar is trying to steal his job he gets his SS men and drags P guy away to a bottomless pit and drops him
then gets his SS men to push avas ship over
then gets paid by Tallon for a job well done

I'm the scourge of the
New Republic, care to
join me?

EMINEM wishs he could join but must Stop his temptations.
Mean while he has a craving for Fomualan Ail.

Mag Steelglass i like him ok slug?

wakes up and consults his wristwatch video-recorder device...not realising hes dropping down a bottomless pit
sees the turned over ship and all this general fighting
"(wondering aloud) what are you all doing?"
calls for a beer, thinking he is still in the bar...

(just a side note...I am not the same guy, we are really friends, and we both post at school ;))

Damnit! I wiped out ANOTHER race! Oh, well, nobody cared about THEM anyway...stupid tribbles...

(This message has been edited by Piemur1 (edited 10-11-2000).)

realises he is dropping down a bottomlesspit, activates his jetpack and tried to get back to the top...which he realises that it is also a topless pit...deathval dropped him off on the side...
"now wheres the roadmap for these places?"
jetpack runs out of fuel...

Damnit! I wiped out ANOTHER race! Oh, well, nobody cared about THEM anyway...stupid tribbles...

sees that the P guy is gone
congratulates DeathVal on a job well done
orders a Devil's Breath for a change
Downs it and passes out again

'Light a man a fire and he'll be warm for one night. Set him on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.' Terry Pratchett

clicks his heels three times and says "theres no place like Commander Cicion's bar, theres no place like Commander Cicion's bar, theres no place like Commander Cicion's bar" and is transported back to the bar by a strange force called magic which doesnt exist (it was actually his second-in-command who used the transporter beam to take him back to the bar...he just thought it was magic)
"ok, now i will stay away from talon from now on...just dont do those things to me...i wont bother his promise...dont...nooooo......"

Damnit! I wiped out ANOTHER race! Oh, well, nobody cared about THEM anyway...stupid tribbles...

Talon Karrde wipes the grin off Piemur1's face by force-feeding him the rest of his Devils Breath
Piemur, who has never drunk anything stronger than beer, spontanously (or however you spell it) combusts
"sorry about the mess, barkeep"
tosses Cicion 10 scintak
Orders some Orakh (the most volatile alcoholic drink, made with scorpion venoms) drinks it and passes out again

'Light a man a fire and he'll be warm for one night. Set him on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.' Terry Pratchett

correction...Piemur, who has never drunk anything stronger than WATER (he just gargles with beer (good for sore throats)), spontanously combusts
his ghostly figure floats down and tells the barkeeper "you should toss him out, hes not paying enough for that drink! in ALL the other systems, it is 100 scintak more! and nobody light a match with Orakh in the vicinity..hey! cant anyone hear my ghostly voice? noooo......."

Damnit! I wiped out ANOTHER race! Oh, well, nobody cared about THEM anyway...stupid tribbles...

(This message has been edited by Piemur1 (edited 10-11-2000).)

goes to the storeroom and gets some Klatchian coffe...his ghostly form implodes
Piemur1 appears in the flesh in the storeroom
Cicion: "HEY! what are you doing here?"
Cicion: "Oh no!"
Some Random Guy: lights a match
Piemur1: "We're doomed..."

Damnit! I wiped out ANOTHER race! Oh, well, nobody cared about THEM anyway...stupid tribbles...

(This message has been edited by Piemur1 (edited 10-11-2000).)

Okay, let's put a little order back into the bar. Cleans up, closes and locks storeroom, and sets glasses on the bar. Anyone for a drink?

-Traek Cicion of the Taeskor

"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo

"Then we'll do it real quiet-like."
-Han Solo

Riven returns to the bar, this time, a bit depressed. He sits at the bar in front of cicion.

"...and so even though I try, I can't seem to help around here."
Cicion nods "Your little escapade didn't seem to draw any new adventurers out. It kind of sank through."
Riven shrugs. "Heh. What can a policeman like me do. Another Avery Port, please."
Cicion uncorks the fine red wine and pours it into a small, half filled, glass..
"So, unstead of elevating status, it seems to have blown in my face. Now I'm the annoyance."

"Why don't you just go with the flow?" Cicion suggests.
"And tlak lke Daarth Valll? He kan't even speill rite!"
"No, not like that." Cicion rolls his eyes "Just don't get bothered by it all. If they blow up my station, don't worry. There's bound to be a time warp, or a loophole, or a catastrophic event that brings it back." And with that, he went back to washing his glasses "spitlilly clean".


Riven returns to the bar, this time, a bit depressed. He sits at the bar in front of cicion.

"...and so even though I try, I can't seem to help around here."
Cicion nods "Your little escapade didn't seem to draw any new adventurers out. It kind of sank through."
Riven shrugs. "Heh. What can a policeman like me do. Another Avery Port, please."
Cicion uncorks the fine red wine and pours it into a small, half filled, glass..
"So, unstead of elevating status, it seems to have blown in my face. Now I'm the annoyance."

"Why don't you just go with the flow?" Cicion suggests.
"And tlak lke Daarth Valll? He kan't even speill rite!"
"No, not like that." Cicion rolls his eyes "Just don't get bothered by it all. If they blow up my station, don't worry. There's bound to be a time warp, or a loophole, or a catastrophic event that brings it back." And with that, he went back to washing his glasses "spitlilly clean".


gets up
"ok, most of you poeple dont know this but us Auds have enhanced hearing, so iem sick and tired of all you poeple out there calling me or tlaking about me with my wrong name!!! my full real name is DEATHVAL, not darth val, not death vader, BUT DEATHVAL!!!!! GET IT RIGHT.!!!"
sits down

I'm the scourge of the
New Republic, care to
join me?

gets up
"ok, most of you poeple dont know this but us Auds have enhanced hearing, so iem sick and tired of all you poeple out there calling me or tlaking about me with my wrong name!!! my full real name is DEATHVAL, not darth val, not death vader, BUT DEATHVAL!!!!! GET IT RIGHT.!!!"
sits down

I'm the scourge of the
New Republic, care to
join me?

"Amazing, you actually stuck with the mission. I congradulate you DarthVal."



"Amazing, you actually stuck with the mission. I congradulate you DarthVal."



enraged for two reasons, one hes confuesd, waht missoin , two ITS DEATHVAL
gets up
takes out a blaster
sits down

I'm the scourge of the
New Republic, care to
join me?