EVN - Delphi

Mmmmmmmmmm more delphi goodness flowing into my soul! I love both of them especially the first one. It reminds me of the P-48Lightning. Its a naval bomber IIRC and its one of my favorite planes. I cant wait to see these get further developed.

You have pro? Wow, I just have the free thing. Pro 5 was $30, right? Pro 6 is $495. Crazy. Anyway, what I do for that sort of situation of the lines making it so you can't see anything is turn off the lines, or at least the profiles. And I might be able to do some basic rendering, because I managed to figure out a way that sometimes lets me transfer my files to Wings3D, and render from there, although without textures. And my forum name is a very heavily encrypted (as in the military doesn't generally use encryption of this level) version of my actual name. I've stopped using the code, though, as I've realized it's impossible to decode due to some problems regarding the placements of several characters.

@0101181920, on Jun 5 2008, 03:44 PM, said in EVN - Delphi:

You have pro? Wow, I just have the free thing. Pro 5 was $30, right? Pro 6 is $495. Crazy. Anyway, what I do for that sort of situation of the lines making it so you can't see anything is turn off the lines, or at least the profiles. And I might be able to do some basic rendering, because I managed to figure out a way that sometimes lets me transfer my files to Wings3D, and render from there, although without textures. And my forum name is a very heavily encrypted (as in the military doesn't generally use encryption of this level) version of my actual name. I've stopped using the code, though, as I've realized it's impossible to decode due to some problems regarding the placements of several characters.

When it was new, version 5.0 was about $120, I think. I'm probably dreadfully wrong, but I remember it wasn't as cheap as $30. Either way, solid piece of software, before Google nabbed it.

Weird, I have definite memories of it being $30. Oh, whatever, unlikely I'd get a copy of it anyway. Anyway, I'd like to thank you for the help you've given me on my modeling, even just by inspiration. I currently have two models that don't look like crap, which is a big plus. Yeah.

@0101181920, on Jun 6 2008, 12:55 PM, said in EVN - Delphi:

Weird, I have definite memories of it being $30. Oh, whatever, unlikely I'd get a copy of it anyway. Anyway, I'd like to thank you for the help you've given me on my modeling, even just by inspiration. I currently have two models that don't look like crap, which is a big plus. Yeah.

Well, care to share them with us while I putter around behind the scenes? This thread doesn't just have to be a progress log - it's a perfect place for people to share ideas, especially if they've been influenced by my work on the TC.

Of course, if you wish to keep your works private, that's completely your prerogative. I know how I feel about a lot of my own pretty models. 🙂

HIDDEN MODELS!!!!!! 😄 😄 Oh I can only imagine the amazingness. Sol are you still looking for ideas for weapons ideas and stuff like that? Cause I got an idea for the uh not enclave but the people with the ships that are like spikes! I cant recall the name right now.

Hmm, should I... Sure, why not? I don't have time right now (leaving in about ten minutes), but I can tomorrow afternoon.

@ekhawkman, on Jun 5 2008, 03:49 PM, said in EVN - Delphi:

Mmmmmmmmmm more delphi goodness flowing into my soul!

:huh: Rephrase, plz. kthxbai

More relevant to this topic, though, is that those ships look awesome! Are you going to have a few that look kinda sporty (like the Starbridge), or are you going for a more industrial, borderline dystopia feel?

BORDERLINE dystopia? Hell, the universe of the NDC is about as dystopian as they come.

- Most outer planets suffer from severe food shortages, resulting in minimal population density around all but the primary core worlds.
- Having just completed a multi-decade war that annihilated over half of the human population in the galaxy, humanity has decided once again to take up arms against itself, this time over the aforementioned food shortages.
- Facing the threat of war and dissention, the right-wing corporate military government calling itself the Nova Defense Coalition has suspended nearly any and all rights of travel, freedom of association, and the right to question the government.

The sheer irony of this whole scenario is that to the untrained eye and mind, citizens living among NDC worlds seem to enjoy the highest material quality of life imaginable, with almost all of their needs cared for by the government, including housing, education, and transportation. Should it be discovered that you actively spoke out against a delegate of the council, though, and you'll suddenly and strangely either have some sort of fatal accident, or disappear entirely under mysterious pretenses.

Where's "V" when you need him? 😛

All in all though, the NDC could best be compared to a rainy day, in almost every aesthetic aspect of the visual. Grey/cobalt buildings with minimal variation in general design or decoration, cities built upon cities built upon cities, the result of massive urban re-planning campaigns in which the "old" is literally covered up by simply building taller skyscrapers for the people to live in. It should be noted that there is a planet under NDC control, the surface of which no longer sees sunlight; such heavy industrialization and over-development has completely buried the planet's mountains, rivers, and forests under humanity's great towers of steel, carbon, and cold unfeeling floodlights.

This depressing people's starships match their design aesthetic and their sterile, dark society quite nicely, if you ask me.

And here all of you thought I chose such a drab color table just because I was unimaginative, didn't you?

Well I was here from the start and I remember why you said that. I remember that long backstory that I just HAD to read. But it was soooo good.

Okay, so I have some good news and some bad news.

Good news is that although recently my laptop's power supply began to falter, and the battery no longer charges of its own volition, it was recently discovered that lo and behold, it was purchased on VISA, meaning I get an extra year of warranty. The laptop is going in on monday to be repaired. The consequential bad news, of course, is that I will be unable to work on Delphi for at least a week or two while it's being fixed.

In other words, don't fear; the project is NOT dead, it's just dormant for a little while as things get unbroken.

Hope to see you all again soon!

Ooooh Delphi! You could use this time to work out storylines more and other writing stuff. Also I do hope you computer gets fixed soon as I will be most sad without these beautiful designs. I will have to stare at Red Alert 3 twice as much.

Delphi I had an amazing idea that I just spilled onto the Dev Corner and wanted to bring to your attention cause I think it would be awesome if you could use it in some way. The main jist of it is that one of the sides builds a cannon that can fire into other Stellars and destroy planets and ships in system.
Err Hawkmans crazy idea

@ekhawkman, on Jun 18 2008, 11:01 PM, said in EVN - Delphi:

Delphi I had an amazing idea that I just spilled onto the Dev Corner and wanted to bring to your attention cause I think it would be awesome if you could use it in some way. The main jist of it is that one of the sides builds a cannon that can fire into other Stellars and destroy planets and ships in system.
Err Hawkmans crazy idea

Interstellar weaponry was outlawed by international treaty at the conclusion of the Orion War, as it was this technology that lead to the war in the first place, and its tragic outcome (over 6 trillion casualties).

In other news, the laptop is out of the shop. Time for work, again. 🙂

Ok and that means more updates!!! YAYYYYYYYYYY

Alright, it's been a while since I updated, so here goes. I put a lot of pen to paper during the downtime while my laptop was away, so as of late I've been trying to pen a few mission briefings for the storyline, but I haven't had much luck yet. Sure, some of the content is good, but there are just a few parts that seem too weak for me to include, so they'll require a bit of a rewrite, possibly a full one. In other news, I've decided to grace your eyes with a quick peek into my personal sketchbook, and a view of the face of Delphi's creator, as ugly and disfigured as I may be. 😛

Note: all the photos are reversed, because Photo Booth takes them in reverse and I'm honestly so lazy right now I can't be bothered to flip them.

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Hello, it's me. I think this is actually the first photo a lot of you will have ever seen of my person, so I hope you're not disappointed. Just thought I'd introduce myself to those who don't yet know me. My name is David, I'm 20 years old, and I'm training to be a professional opera singer. In my spare time I draw and write, and work somewhat begrudgingly on my one-man TC project, which is probably taking entire years off my lifespan.

Now, for a look into the book, and a little bit from the NDC archives. In this case, we're going to touch on armor.

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This first sketch, which I titled "Blastback", was originally supposed to be finished, colored, and composited into a larger scene depicting a grand battle between human forces. In the case of this particular individual, I intended to add a helmet near to her head suspended in mid-air as its removed entirely by the force of a concussive blast immediately in front of her. The important part about this one is the armor, a derivative of the standard "Archon" assault armor worn by NDC troops, and although you won't get to really see it in action during the game, it's still an iconic part of the NDC themselves, and thus I feel it's relevant to the TC at least in spirit.

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This one is a bit of a partial shot, as I haven't yet drawn in the armor on the legs. This image gives you a better idea of the upper torso's armor structure, as well as the imposing Archon helmet. The sword was added non-canon, the result of a suggestion from a friend, who simply said, "he'd be a lot cooler with a sword". The NDC does not use swords. The whole sci-fi/medieval fantasy thing is SO overdone, and I refuse to let the Delphi universe turn into another "Dungeons and Dragons" in space.

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I just hammered this sheet out today, actually, and though it's only a series of thumbnail sketches, I'm quite happy with them. Pictured on the top portion of the page is the conceptual federal crest of the Enclave Colonies (remember the image is flipped), formed from a silver circular plate with an etched emerald-tinted wrap around the back of it, forming a rudimentary "C" (shaped by the laurels) inside of an "E".

The ship in the bottom there is the EC vacuum ship I was talking about before, previs'd on paper before I try to make a model. Although this doesn't exactly scream "hoover", cover the rear end of the ship and you'll see part of the original upright vacuum cleaner design. I can't wait to model and fly this baby. Should be interesting, to say the least.

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Last on the agenda is a heavier EC cruiser, taking several design elements from the hoover ship. The smaller portion beneath the craft is not separate from the ship; it is a cutaway engine mount, one of two that attach to either side of the ship. I removed the components so that the primary hull of the ship could be better seen.

Important to remember is that these are all just concept work; expect changes at any time.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed that little stint into my book, and I hope it gives you a little bit of insight into my world.

This post has been edited by Delphi : 07 July 2008 - 02:37 AM

PS - I "freehand" all of my drawings. Rulers and measurements are for wusses. 😛


@delphi, on Jul 7 2008, 12:41 AM, said in EVN - Delphi:

PS - I "freehand" all of my drawings. Rulers and measurements are for wusses. 😛

That seems hard to believe, considering your drawings seem to have straight lines. Nice work. 😉

I freehand as well. You just need a steady hand, and the willpower to do a lot of erasing.

I like the armor, a lot. You've got a real talent there. Good detail work is hard to do.

This post has been edited by Shlimazel : 07 July 2008 - 11:18 AM

You are a really good artist! Congratulations!