The Blue Mushroom Pub

Gandalph isn't a cheap imitation! He's more expensive, older, smarter, and so much cooler than that Gondalf fellow.

Gandalph proceeds to beat Gondalf to prove his superority. Then Gandalf walks in.

"What the..."

Edit: Wow, "Gandalf" is just one of those words that if you repeat it, it begins to sound like the stupidest word ever. Gandalf, Gandalf, Gandalf. See?

Social correctness has traditionally had nothing whatever to do with reason, logic, or physics.
-Douglas Adams, Salmon of Doubt
Visit the (url="http://";=20&SUBMIT;=Go")EV/O/N Chronicles(/url)!

(This message has been edited by Rawzer (edited 04-19-2003).)

SlaVitiCkus begins to count how many Gandalfs Rawzer has introduced...As soon as he reaches 10, he runs out of fingers to count on, and gives up.

Eh, who cares...

Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordian.

Gandalf orders a drink, and starts sipping thoughtfully.
Gondalf takes his wand and zaps Gandalph.
Gandalph gets burned but shoves Gondalf into another world.

Gondalf, now flying an Argosy, and being shot at by Defenders, is forced to say, "What the..."

I had a dream that I had about a dozen links here. Mostly to other places on this site. Weird.

SlaVitiCkus becomes very confused 😕 😕, and SlaVitiCkus tries to explain it to him. SlaVitiCkus sees that SlaVitiCkus is still confused with SlaVitiCkus's explaination, and gets SlaVitiCkus to go explain it to SlaVitiCkus. :eek: :eek:

Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordian.

LabRat decides to bribe Rawzer with an Earth Elemental which he can command in return for using spells in the bar and messing around in the kitchens.
He sees pp dazedly staggering around the bar, due to the blow given by SlaVitiCkus.
He hits him with a rootbeer bottle, sending glass shards into pp's head and rootbeer into his clothing. Overjoyed, the patrons of the bar give LabRat a huge discount on all food under the price of 0.001 gp.

Health is merely the slowest rate a which one can die- Garrison Keilor


Rawzer uses the Earth Elemental to help keep LabRat from using spells or entering the kitchen. pp recoversquickly from the blows to the head, and Rawzer decides to raises prices for LabRat, as oppposed to lowering them. Mwa ha ha.

I had a dream that I had about a dozen links here. Mostly to other places on this site. Weird.

Little did Rawzer know that Earth Elementals are weak against floods.
LabRat conjures up one and sends it towards the earth elemental.
The Earth Elemental is vaporized but the damage is so huge, that LabRat cannot get gold from "gold " plugin fast enough. He becomes a lowly servant to pp.
Unfortunately, LabRat remembers his spells................... 😄 😄 😄 😄 😄

P.S. I wanted to be a lowly servant for once
Health is merely the slowest rate a which one can die- Garrison Keilor


SlaVitiCkus gives pp 5 gold pieces to pp to sell him LabRat as a slave.

Go out hunting, and bring me back 6 gold coins! (Or more. More would be good)

Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordian.

Rawzer puts an ultimate spell on the bar that forbids using plug-ins of any kind. Sorry legit users, but the usage of spells is bugging me. 😉

I had a dream that I had about a dozen links here. Mostly to other places on this site. Weird.

Al right Rawzer, about time!

SlaVitiCkus goes for a high-five, but Rawzer just stares. SlaVitiCkus slowly puts his hand down. Rawzer!

Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordian.


Originally posted by Rawzer:
**Rawzer puts an ultimate spell on the bar that forbids using plug-ins of any kind.


SuperNova uses his glowing potato <disables any blocking spell, immune to those kinds of spells> to allow plug-ins.

Yet another meaningless post
(url="http://"")<EVula link>(/url)

(This message has been edited by SuperNova (edited 04-21-2003).)

KDC looks at her watch finding that a year has gone by since she has said anything — or moved for that matter. (Damned narcolepsy!) After several seconds of pondering the previous conclusion, she takes off her watch (which she bought from Gondalf... showing how really BAD a cheap immitation he is) and stomps it into tiny pieces, one of which hits LabRat in the head.

Smiling sweetly, and hoping LabRat didn't notice... KDC mutters "whoops" under her breath and entreats everyone to a complimentary brownie.

Things can be accomplished with two dozen freezer-burned waffles, a half roll of duct tape, and 8,000 neon shoelaces. I just know it. . .

(This message has been edited by kraftdinnerclone (edited 04-21-2003).)

(This message has been edited by kraftdinnerclone (edited 04-21-2003).)


SlaVitiCkus takes out his staff and starts beating the other patrons in line.


Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordian.


Originally posted by SuperNova:
**SuperNova uses his glowing potato <disables any blocking spell, immune to those kinds of spells> to allow plug-ins...


...But only for the user of the potato. Hey! The potato isn't in the stock game! Quit it!

Edit: Oh hey, brownies. Rawzer takes a large rock (or a bunch of tiny, white-ish rocks) and knocks SlaVitiCkus senseless. Then Rawzer takes a brownie and gives KDC a hug.

I had a dream that I had about a dozen links here. Mostly to other places on this site. Weird.

(This message has been edited by Rawzer (edited 04-21-2003).)

SlaVitiCkus slowly gets up, rubbing his head. He drinks a healing potion, and feels much better. Luckily, there is a brownie left. He quickly snatches it and shoves it in his mouth.


Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordian.

KDC grins... glad that everyone enjoys her confections, and says so. After a moment's thoughtful pause, she declares herself "Resident Entrepeneur," and offers Rawzer his very own plate of brownies in appreciation of the hug. 🙂

Things can be accomplished with two dozen freezer-burned waffles, a half roll of duct tape, and 8,000 neon shoelaces. I just know it. . .

(This message has been edited by kraftdinnerclone (edited 04-23-2003).)

pp eats Rawzer's brownies and SuperNova's potatoe. Consuming the potatoe causes him to swell up like a balloon, turn a blueish color, and rise into the air. Suddenly, half a dozen Oompa-Loopas walk into the room! They sing a little song of nonsense, do a little jig, and start to leave when...

"I love deadlines, I love the 'whooshing' sound they make as they go by." - Douglas Adams.
(url="http://"")the asylum {Under Construction}(/url)
(url="http://"").com(/url) | (url="http://"").net(/url) | (url="http://"").org(/url)

...SlaVitiCkus mistakes them for walking brownies (he isnt exactly coherent), and starts biting off their limbs

mmm....gooey (kinda makes you think: A-SlaVitiCkus is crazy and creepy-B-Gooey?)

EDIT--Toned down just a wee bit
Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordian.

(This message has been edited by SlaVitiCkus (edited 04-24-2003).)

LabRat sees goodies, oh boy! Unfortunatly for certain brownie makers, LabRat hates brownies. Remembering the no spells rule, he just grabs a bottle of rootbeer to smash over the brownie maker's head, and quickly knocks out all the remaining (and few) brain cells left in KraftDinnerClone's head. The he uses a healing spell to dig the watch fragments out of his head. With the brownie maker stunned, and LabRat healed, LabRat goes to take a well earned nap until.................

Health is merely the slowest rate a which one can die- Garrison Keilor


...SlaVitiCkus lunges at LabRat for taking out the brownie maker. LabRat attempts to cast a spell, but is forgibben by the rule. LabRat takes out his rootbeer, but voila SlaVitiCkus whips out his "Spoon of Pain", and knocks the rootbeer right out of his hands. SlaVitiCkus promptly forces LabRat to make him a batch of brownies.

Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordian.