Problem with mission availability

Yo there, EVDC. I'm having some odd trouble with missions and was hoping for some assistance.

Basically, I have a mission which is available 100% of the time, requires you to be in a freighter, does not require mission bits to appear, and is set to not appear at any pirate spobs. The mission is set to auto abort, and doesn't show up under the I display. I have tried setting the mission to appear anywhere and turning off auto abort, but no joy.

The purpose of the mission is to take away some of the player's money when accepted and then give them a license of sorts.

Any ideas?


Some other problems I'm having that I forgot to post:

The "Disable special ship" and "Board special ship" ship objectives in a mission aren't working. Disabling the mission ship does not display the associated "ShipCompletion" message, and attempting to board a mission ship yields the response "You cannot board this ship." Erm... what gives?

Another mission is also failing to ever appear; this one is a delivery mission which requires a special bit to be set. A similar mission to kill some pirates which requires that bit is appearing but this mission never shows up.... I can't seem to figure it out.


Ok, I found something interesting. I made a new mission, and it appeared as it was suppose to. So, I started adding stuff to it to make it into the first mission I posted about, and as soon as I added the Take Away Player Credits part to the mission it stopped appearing in the mission BBS. To double check that that was responsible, after I added that part to the mission I removed it again, and sure enough it started appearing again. Mystifying.

This post has been edited by Shlimazel : 14 February 2010 - 12:16 PM

If the mission takes away more credits than the player currently owns, it will not appear.

<tea sip>

That actually solves another problem I was worried about, namely the one of the player being able to take the mission when they didn't have enough money to pay and just losing all the money they currently have. Thanks.


I could use some help with this problem also come to think of it


The "Disable special ship" and "Board special ship" ship objectives in a mission aren't working. Disabling the mission ship does not display the associated "ShipCompletion" message, and attempting to board a mission ship yields the response "You cannot board this ship." Erm... what gives?

This isn't the first time I've run into this problem either, but I'm sure it worked in stock nova. I'll poke around in stock nova and see what I can find.

This post has been edited by Shlimazel : 14 February 2010 - 12:29 PM

Could you post a small plug-in with just the problem mission? If it uses non-stock shïps or anything, just change it to a stock düde and so forth to keep the file-size low enough to attach here.

Edit: if switching it to stock ships fixes the problem, then check your custom ships. If they have 0 crew that could do it.

This post has been edited by Qaanol : 14 February 2010 - 01:03 PM

I think this file should work with stock nova, but I haven't tried it. The mission itself is fully intact from how I had it set up before (the only changes that I made are that you travel to a system adjacent to the start system, since the destination system was one from the TC and wouldn't correspond, and I of course changed the dude to one from stock nova).

If you want the mission to appear in game you'll have to reset its combat rating and availability bit requirements.

(removed to maximize future surprise)

Yeah, I did think of the 0 crew things, no such easy fix unfortunately. All the ships involved had at least a crew of 1, which I think should be sufficient?

This post has been edited by Shlimazel : 14 February 2010 - 03:04 PM

Set it to have "Pick up cargo: When boarding special ship". You don't need to give any cargo to the mission, that flag just allows the player to board the ship.

A million thanks, Qaanol, that just made one of the neatest parts of the plug functional. It was difficult to test because mercenaries kept killing the pirate ship, but it does work properly now. Much obliged!

Well, now that the problem is solved, I can't wait to see it, Shlimazel!