Nova music [old topic]

How do I change It?

What I want to know is how to change the title music for nova, I've tried replacing nova music with a quick time mp3 file called Nova music but I don't get any music at all. So what am I doing wrong?

This post has been edited by egroeg5 : 27 August 2007 - 10:02 AM

If it's named identically to the original, then it should be working. That's "Nova Music.mp3" on Windows, or just "Nova Music" on Mac. Oh, and on Mac it wouldn't hurt to make sure you've got the same type/creator codes as the original also.

How do you change the type/creator codes?

ResEdit, or one of the OSX copycats if you're on Intel. Probably under something like Get File Info.

This post has been edited by Lindley : 27 August 2007 - 12:20 PM

Could someone post a link to resedit or an alternative as I don't know where to find them.

The most important thing is the name is correct, which on a Macintosh means ‘Nova Music’. If you’ve just backspaced over the ‘.mp3’ in the Finder, it has probably just hidden the extension, not actually deleted it; the way to do this is to select the file, choose Get Info, expand the ‘Name and Extension’ panel, and edit the name there.

Thanks it worked I'd left the .mp3.

@egroeg, on Aug 27 2007, 01:42 PM, said in Nova music [old topic]:

Could someone post a link to resedit or an alternative as I don't know where to find them.

Try searching for "type creator" on Versiontracker.

If your new music is accompanying a plug that you want both Mac and PC-using players to be able to use, I think this will do it:

  • Name your music file "Nova Music.mp3".
  • Use your plug editor to open the EV Nova application itself (yep, the app, not one of the Nova Files)
  • Copy STR# resource 130 ("Default Filenames") to your plug.
  • In the copy of STR# 130 in your plug, change the second entry from "Nova Music" to "Nova Music.mp3".

@dr--trowel, on Aug 27 2007, 04:05 PM, said in Nova music [old topic]:

(You're on a Mac, I think. If you were using EVNEW and WinNova to make your plug, I think you'd have to find STR #130 in some other file, rather than in the .exe. I don't remember the name, though.)

If the resource is present (i.e. the value is not hardcoded), it would be in Nova.rez.

EDIT: Wait. August 07? This was on the first page, I thought. Unless it was linked...if so, whoops.

EDIT2: Ah, Dr. Trowel linked to it. Momentary lapse. Ah well.

This post has been edited by orcaloverbri9 : 22 June 2008 - 11:20 AM

I just checked and Str# 130 is in Nova.rez. Interestingly, it only says "Nova Music" (with no extension)

Presumably because extensions are required on Windows, unlike on a Mac. THat is interesting though; it means that modifying the resource and distributing it to both platforms most likely will not work (it would be looking for Nova Music.mp3.mp3).

No, it's fine because win Nova doesn't actually use that string. Trust me, it works in the EV/O ports 😉

@guy, on Jun 22 2008, 03:33 PM, said in Nova music [old topic]:

No, it's fine because win Nova doesn't actually use that string. Trust me, it works in the EV/O ports 😉

Heh, that figures.

it's weird...

When I put my Nova Music.mp3 in the Nova files and changed #130 to read the file it worked but when I leave the Nova application at its normal (reading Nova Music / not .mp3) It wouldn't work (When it didn't say .mp3).

In short No music would work for me unless I changed resource STR# 130 to Nova Music.mp3 and named the music that.

Thanks for reviving this topic! It was exactly what I needed at this moment. 🙂

If you want it to work without changing the string you need to set the file's type code correctly. This is fine if you'll be keeping it to yourself but otherwise change the string 🙂

This post has been edited by Guy : 23 June 2008 - 02:43 PM