hiring for my expansion

I need a renderer and a writer and a spellchecker

I need someone to render my graphics and possibly contibute their own.
I need someone to write some minor storylines maybe the length of the wild geese story I just need the story. I can do the mission bits and so on.
and I need someone to spell/grammer check.

This post has been edited by of doom : 13 April 2008 - 10:03 AM

Perhaps you would get more enthusiasm if you gave up some info about the project you want help with? Just a suggestion.

Though English isn't my first language, I will be willing to help as a spelling/grammar checker. I am not as good on the storyline part, as most of my English writing isn't very EV-ish.

ok so the very beginning.
you wake up in a white room you don't remember anything. a man in a blue uniform comes up to you and asks if you remeber anything. you reply that you don't. he says that you are the presedent of the federation (whatever that is) and that you wanted to have your memories removed and stored for some odd reason and somthing happened and they accidentally destroyed your memories.

so in the plug you get to play as the presedent of the federation who is quite eccentric and now has no memories

This post has been edited by of doom : 13 April 2008 - 10:52 AM

Can you maybe send the dëscs to me, or something like that? That would be easier to do than to send lots of messages back and forth. And for the beginning (spelling, punctuation and made somewhat less redundant:

You wake up in a white room. A man in a blue uniform comes up to you and ask you if you remember anything. You don't. He informs you that you're the president of the Federation (whatever that is), and that you wanted to have your memories removed and stored for some odd reason, but something happened and the memories were destroyed.

wow i like the modified version your hired

here is the pesident's flag(cargo)ship

Attached File(s)

This post has been edited by of doom : 13 April 2008 - 11:08 AM

OK, I've improved your ideas a bit. If everything would be full black it would be very hard to see, so it is now a lighter shade. And the ship looks really odd if it's not (almost) symmetrical, so I've took the liberty to edit your design a little. Included are a PNG of the basic render and a .skp file.

Attached File(s)

Does the use of the word "hiring" mean we get paid? 😄

Did you mean "recruiting"?

I can do spelling and grammar checking.

Edit: And on that note:

@of-doom, on Apr 14 2008, 03:05 AM, said in hiring for my expansion:

Wow, I like the modified version. You're hired.

Fixed. 😛

This post has been edited by Belthazar : 13 April 2008 - 06:13 PM

hey thets why i need grammar/ spellcheck and i do mean recruting

and i can use everyone i can get

This post has been edited by of doom : 13 April 2008 - 07:14 PM

1 Twist i am willing to reveal is one word. The



and the no memories pres of the fed.
What do you think?

this is a picture of the fed battleship

i have not colored the battleship yet

Attached File(s)

This post has been edited by of doom : 13 April 2008 - 07:37 PM

It looks like a Star Destroyer that's had three giant cannons added to it. So large, that, in fact, the ship can't even move, as all energy goes to powering the weapons systems. No shields, no engines, no life support, nada. Just three huge guns.

@mackilroy, on Apr 14 2008, 01:45 AM, said in hiring for my expansion:

No shields, no engines, no life support, nada. Just three huge guns.

What's wrong with that?

I'm personally a big fan of life support. Makes it easier to breathe. 🙂

what 3D program do you use?

i use sketchup and i am not done the ship yet

the ship has no crew it is robotic controlled

This post has been edited by of doom : 14 April 2008 - 09:09 AM

Does the use of the word "hiring" mean we get paid? yes i can pay 1 zymbabwae dollar which = less than 100th of a cent US :laugh:

this is a new civvy ship not completely done yet

Attached File(s)

This post has been edited by of doom : 14 April 2008 - 12:11 PM

are there any legal restrictions oon the EV/EVO stuff? like say I wanted to use the voinonian cruiser could I use it without permission for this plug?

and here is a not yet done new shuttle.

Attached File(s)

@of-doom, on Apr 14 2008, 11:42 PM, said in hiring for my expansion:

are there any legal restrictions oon the EV/EVO stuff? like say I wanted to use the voinonian cruiser could I use it without permission for this plug?

Don't take my word on this, but I think if you create a ship that looks like a ship from another EV, that's all dandy. However, you'd have to get permission from whoever holds the license to whichever EV in order to get access to the actual sprite or 3d files. That's pretty much a long shot, although ATMOS employees have been known to lend a hand to other developers in the graphics department in the past.

Actually, the 3D files for EV Override have been in the add-ons directory for some years now, although they're in Infini-D format, which isn't all that easy to get at any more. (The sprites from the other two games have not been, and are not likely to be, released.)

As for using graphics from one game in another, Ambrosia tend to allow such things (after all, they've made the first two games available as plug-ins for EV Nova ), but unless your plug-in is about a connexion to the previous game, I have a hard time seeing how they would fit in.