Limit multiple weapon fire rate.

Not sure if this has any practical use.

Give a weapon ammo, then set burst count to 30,000, flag use ammo at end of burst. Not sure if flag is necessary.

The weapon fires normally with one. Gaining the second overflows the burst count field, and the weapon fires at the same rate as one.
You can set the value to be lower so as to cause a greater number of weapons before triggering overflow.

At 10,000 the weapons increase fire rate normally until the forth is added where it drops back to single weapon rate.

Again, I'm not sure that there's any practical use for this.

Still, it's definitely interesting.

Do they start to fire simultaneously? Or is it the same as having a single weapon?

@joshtigerheart, on Mar 5 2008, 05:06 AM, said in Limit multiple weapon fire rate.:

Do they start to fire simultaneously? Or is it the same as having a single weapon?

Pretty sure they act as a single weap. Simultaneous weaps will not always have shots overlapping if there is inaccuracy, right?

Maybe if you put an inaccuracy of 46 and a blind spot to the front...

@joshtigerheart, on Mar 5 2008, 10:15 PM, said in Limit multiple weapon fire rate.:

Maybe if you put an inaccuracy of 46 and a blind spot to the front...

I mean the weap I discovered it on already fired in a 10ş cone. With 4 weaps firing at once I'm bound to see several shot sprites, unless they all get the same angle for some reason. But that would be strange.

Ok, I just confirmed by damage that it fires as one weap

Hmmm, maybe it's time to think up of some impractical uses for it. Where's Dr. Trowel and Qaanol?

@joshtigerheart, on Mar 6 2008, 03:08 AM, said in Limit multiple weapon fire rate.:

Hmmm, maybe it's time to think up of some impractical uses for it. Where's Dr. Trowel and Qaanol?

I giggled.

Don't want to sound like a wet blanket, but why not simply just make the allowable maximum one weapon? 😛

@belthazar, on Mar 6 2008, 12:26 PM, said in Limit multiple weapon fire rate.:

Don't want to sound like a wet blanket, but why not simply just make the allowable maximum one weapon? 😛

Quiet you!

Well... Let's take a look at a weapon out of the stock EVN scenario: the medium blaster. What is the maximum number of those you can have on one ship? If you said six, (or four, or whatever the normal limit is - I forget), you are wrong. Because you can then load up on illegal medium blasters. This method could let you put a hard limit on number of a particular weapon, regardless of how many different kinds of outfits grant it.

The question remains, of course, why you'd want ten medium blasters... Of course, if you've got the room, you can pull the same trick with medium blaster turrets, and that's actually worth something.

Ok, here is something additional.
If you loop the value back around into the positive again, you get the correct fire rate again.
So at a value of 32,000 you get:
1 weap fires as 1
2 weaps fiires as 1
3 weaps fires as 3
4 weaps fires as 1
5 weaps fires as 5

I also checked to see if decreasing count could change fire rate in-flight, and it didn't seem to.
I tried a count of 8,195 and got 4 weaps to total 32,780. In 14 shots I'd be back down to 32,767. But, alas nothing happened.
BUT, this gave me a hunch on what's really going on.

What's happening is that a negative value simply causes a burst reload after every shot. It just so happened that the burst reload was the same as the reload.
You can actually use this to make a weapon fire faster than it should.
Say your normal reload is 60, with 2 in burst reload and 15,000 in burst count.
1 weap fires every 60 ticks
2 weaps fires every 30 ticks
3 weaps fires every 2 ticks
It's like an additional bonus for having multiple weapons.

If you wanted to use it as a hard limit, You could also make the burst reload insanely high and it will basically cease to fire with too many weapons.

Ok! You have more too work with now! Discuss!

Now that is useful.

Back in the Presanity Era, Temerarious Technologies Incorporated undertook a massive automation initiative. Word went out throughout their vast empire of commerce that all employees below the level of Executive Director were to be replaced by machines and/or artificial intelligences by the end of the year. Unfortunately for TTI, things did not go as planned. While some layoffs did occur, at year's end the central leadership took an internal census and discovered that the number of Executive Directors in their employ had ballooned twenty-fold. As was fully documented at the corporate bankruptcy and liquidation hearings five years later, the fatal mistake had been putting implementation of the automation plan in the hands of TTI's Regional Governance Councils, which had the power to promote member employees as they saw fit.

In business schools, TTI's final half-decade of existence is remembered simply as the Stupid Years, when incompetent Executive Directors, massive armies of worker droids, and poorly programmed AIs combined to launch some of the most ill-conceived business ventures ever seen.

At least one such venture is still in operation. In the void that lies beyond the Lesser Nitrous Cloud, an unmanned, AI-controlled service and repair station still continues the "Dayze of Blayze!" promotional event designed by the long-dead E.D. who ordered the station built. Immediately upon landing, any ship that arrives at the station is set upon by a squadron of SolderSoldier Customization Bots, who will install one (1) Kinetoblayzer. The Kinetoblayzer is a singularly bulky and underpowered weapon that utilizes a fire control system that virally invades and modifies ship maneuver subsystems, making removal of the weapon essentially impossible. Worse than this, however, is the buggy software of the SolderSoldiers, which is entirely predictable in miswiring gun arrays of certain sizes.

This situation has become quite maddening for the Free Traders of Cisvoid and Transvoid, for whom repeat visits are the norm because the only profitable route between their systems requires refueling at the TTI station. Quite understandably, the station now bears numerous scars from futile Kinetoblayzer attacks.

This is interesting (related to the issue of overloading reload, more commonly known as "the beam bug") but seems silly to impose a hard limit while still allowing the player to purchase weapons beyond that limit. Most players wouldn't realise and would assume that all their weapons are firing as expected.

@guy, on Mar 6 2008, 11:27 PM, said in Limit multiple weapon fire rate.:

This is interesting (related to the issue of overloading reload, more commonly known as "the beam bug") but seems silly to impose a hard limit while still allowing the player to purchase weapons beyond that limit. Most players wouldn't realise and would assume that all their weapons are firing as expected.

Wait... What if that's what you want then to think?

Hm... I don't have time to test this myself, right now, but what if we put a negative number in for burst count to start with? Would it use the burst reload value until you got enough to loop that around to positive?

@wyvern, on Mar 7 2008, 03:51 PM, said in Limit multiple weapon fire rate.:

Hm... I don't have time to test this myself, right now, but what if we put a negative number in for burst count to start with? Would it use the burst reload value until you got enough to loop that around to positive?

I guess it depends on if it is additive or multiplicative.

Well, like Wyvern said, if you have multiple outfits granting the same weapon, this could effectively limit them when limiting the max for a specific outfit doesn't work.
So far, I think the bonus ROF for having a certain number has the most probable use. Something like this would otherwise be somewhat resource hungry.

@wyvern, on Mar 6 2008, 12:17 PM, said in Limit multiple weapon fire rate.:

Well... Let's take a look at a weapon out of the stock EVN scenario: the medium blaster. What is the maximum number of those you can have on one ship? If you said six, (or four, or whatever the normal limit is - I forget), you are wrong. Because you can then load up on illegal medium blasters. This method could let you put a hard limit on number of a particular weapon, regardless of how many different kinds of outfits grant it.

...or you could use token outfits.