EV Tribute Style Poll

A Poll on how the tribute movie should be rendered.

Poll: EV Tribute Poll (14 member(s) have cast votes)
Which version/style do you think is best?
Four colour fill, no outline
(10 votes [71.43%])
Percentage of vote: 71.43%
Two colour fill, outlined
(4 votes [28.57%])
Percentage of vote: 28.57%
One colour fill, outlined
(0 votes [0.00%])
Percentage of vote: 0.00%

Okay, I've uploaded three different styles, with two pictures of each, that I think are the top runners for what style I will use to render the tribute movie in. Keep in mind that I do have full control over the colour of the ships, so don't judge based on it being washed out or anything like that, try to keep it to what is most eye pleasing. Also, that glitchiness of the yellow projections on the outlined versions won't go away and they can become very pervasive in other ships, especially the Confed Cruiser, and I can't figure out a way to get rid of them.

The final product will be 24 frames per second. This means it will be a HUGE file when it's completed. I'm estimating 40MB at least now... I think I need to compress the final movie somehow... maybe make it a .mov rather than a .swf (even though .swf files are supposed to be much smaller 😞 ).

Edit: this link should take you to the album. http://www.ambrosiasw.com/forums/index.php...si&img=1177

This post has been edited by Astronomerob : 04 October 2007 - 11:54 PM

I tend to prefer the 4 colors without the outline, but they all have style. 🙂 Except that thing you mentionned with the yellow projection going messed...

I voted for two colors. If you can't solve the yellow projection glitch in that render, though, I'd say go with any render style that doesn't have that problem. That seems to mean 4 colors.

Two or four colors outlined.

I really like the outlines for some reason.

Good luck with the yellow bug.

Don't be reluctant to contact the company about it if it persists is my advice.


(edit) If four color fill with the outline were an option, I would've picked that. But you probably knew that already. 🙂 (/edit)

This post has been edited by BluePlanet : 05 October 2007 - 08:23 AM

I would suggest making a big .mov file and bittorrenting it to spread it faster. I'll help with the seeding if you do.

The less colours there are, the more cartoonish it seems. The outline adds to this effect.

This post has been edited by LNSU : 05 October 2007 - 08:36 AM

Looks like it's pretty overwhelmingly in favour of the four colour fill and that is currently what I will set up to render the movie as. If I somehow am able to resolve the phantom line issue (that's what I'm calling it) then I'll probably end up using the two colour fill with an outline.

Wait wait, before you get huffy I do have a reason for this. I published a simple short animation about 3.5 seconds long using each of these styles and the and it was 240KB for the two colour outlined and 320KB for the four colour no outline. This won't be an issue if I ultimately make it a .mov or the like, though... groan Tooooooo many options and possibilities. It's not just file size being a possible issue, it's processing power in peoples' computers. If a persons computer cannot keep up with the frame rate and amount of information then it will glitch and lag... People hate that...

There is good news, though. The upgraded program I'm getting allows me to render each object in its own respect. This means that for objects that are far away, and hence small, I can render them in a low quality form while still keeping objects in the foreground high quality thus alleviating some size and processing problems.

Thank you to those who have taken the time to vote!