how do you make a planet explode?

How do you make a planet explode? as in a seriously awesome sort of explosion you might see in all sorts of sci-fi movies, with shock waves and big bits and things?

in fact, how do you make explosions, period? (Blender...?)

Magic. I don't know.

I think most explosions are made in 2-d effects programs. Past that, I can't help you at all. I've often wondered about that myself actually.

Ask Pace. He made Hogun explode.... with a movie, I think...

I make explosions with ms paint.



Ok, on a more technical note, you have a field, explosion type, for spobs. Then it's the same as making explosions for weapons. You need an animation ( RLE... pict works? maybe. ), a sound ( if you want ) and a boom to tie the two together.

As for a movie for killing the Hogun. I wouldn't know. I actually stopped playing arpia just before that, I think. At any rate, I think all it would take is to make a mission desc when the Hogun is killed and make the desc display a movie. Nothing magic there.

Hope it helps...

This post has been edited by Mumbling Psycho : 23 September 2007 - 08:20 PM

No really. The planet explodes in the game. You can watch it break apart, then blow up in flames, then disintegrate.

EDIT: That is, provided you have enough armor. The planet's explosion disabled my entire fleet of Pirate Carriers I used to defeat the hoguns.

This post has been edited by Geek : 23 September 2007 - 08:23 PM

@zapp, on Sep 23 2007, 07:09 PM, said in how do you make a planet explode?:


Win. 😄

@geek, on Sep 23 2007, 09:21 PM, said in how do you make a planet explode?:

No really. The planet explodes in the game. You can watch it break apart, then blow up in flames, then disintegrate.

EDIT: That is, provided you have enough armor. The planet's explosion disabled my entire fleet of Pirate Carriers I used to defeat the hoguns.

What you mean "no really". I just explained. That means he made an RLE animation of the ship going up in flames and breaking apart. No magic there. You have the same explosion type field for ships, weapons and planets, too, you know.

This post has been edited by Mumbling Psycho : 23 September 2007 - 08:41 PM

Consult the medichlorians... they'll know what to do.

I'm not sure who you'd get it into your plug-in (if that's what your trying to do). MS Paint would seriously work if you were crazy :blink: enough to put in the time.

If you're able to use animated gifs in your plug-in or movie or whatever what I'd reccomend is making a very large image of your planet and surrounding stars and then use a program like Macromedia Fireworks or Photoshop and draw it out using the various tools the programs have frame by frame and publish it as a much smaller animated gif file. You could also use a few short-cuts sech as turning the planet white with a glow around it as it explodes. This will cut down greatly on the time required to draw it out. Another thing to do would be to cut your planet into separate fragments (as many as you're willing to go down to) and when the planet explodes you move those individual fragments outwards.

Hope this helps and that I'm not totally off-base with what you're asking for.

Feel free to ask me for more tips if you think they might help.

@astronomerob, on Sep 23 2007, 10:07 PM, said in how do you make a planet explode?:

I'm not sure who you'd get it into your plug-in (if that's what your trying to do). MS Paint would seriously work if you were crazy :blink: enough to put in the time.

The word Psycho in my name ain't just for show you know 😛 I have actually made some fair explosions ( by my standards, considering ms paint ) with that awesome end-all program that is ms paint. Ok, sure they're like 18 frames explosions, but still. They look good. Retro, but good. But I guess to get to the "Hogun breaking apart" with ms paint, you wouldn't have to be crazy. You'd have to be either pure awesome and win, or really really stupid.

Anyways, now you know the basics. Make an RLE of the animation ( which is basically a frame by frame "grid", same with most graphics in nova anyways ), a sound file and a boom. Put the boom's ID in the explosion type field. And boom! You have a unique explosion for your whatever can explode resource!

I still say it's magic 😉

Alyn saves the day again. (No I don't know him, but his tutorials are very good.)



Cutting the planet up into fragments! What'd I tell ya? Alyn looks like he's pretty good at that.

The above tutorial is not going to give you an animated exploding planet.

I did the one for Arpia 2 in 3D in C4D, Using a volumetric light, and lots of visible lights. Some planet fragments, and an explosion deformer.
Which I then animated.

You can probably make a simpler explosion using a single light, and some planet fragments.

3D is probably the simplest, but 2D is possible. You would have to be masterful at planning and 2D animating to pull if of well though.

This post has been edited by Modesty Blaise : 25 September 2007 - 03:58 AM

And by the way, it wasn't half as easy to set up in-game as you people seem to think 😛
There's ship explosion, planet explosion, and sound for both to combine. (plus coming up with the concept 😉 )

As well as a really big RLE.

@modesty-blaise, on Sep 24 2007, 06:25 AM, said in how do you make a planet explode?:

The above tutorial is not going to give you an animated exploding planet.

I did the one for Arpia 2 in 3D in C4D, Using a volumetric light, and lots of visible lights. Some planet fragments, and an explosion deformer.
Which I then animated.

You can probably make a simpler explosion using a single light, and some planet fragments.

3D is probably the simplest, but 2D is possible. You would have to be masterful at planning and 2D animating to pull if of well.

Sure the 2D tut isn't animated, but the cutting-up-the-planet works in 3D as well.
Cut the polygons to create continents in the geometry, then using C4D and the better of the two explosion deformers (the version 8+ one,) tweak the cluster controls until you get nice chunks of continents.
Volumetric lights as above for flash-bang. Some particle emitters for extra debris.

Bonus, with the deformer I suggested, you can off center it, so you can make it look like the planet is caught in a hypernova.

That's a great explosion tutorial. I made this in about ten minutes not counting texture creation which you unfortunately can't really see.

Attached File ExplodingPlanet.jpg (91.66K)
Number of downloads: 54

@cosmic_nusiance, on Sep 25 2007, 06:16 PM, said in how do you make a planet explode?:

That's a great explosion tutorial. I made this in about ten minutes not counting texture creation which you unfortunately can't really see.

Attachment ExplodingPlanet.jpg

Wow. That looks like one mother of a kaboom. That'd be perfect for Kaoz's Antimatter Missile Explosion.

Dude. Seriously, like, carnage. I need to check that tut out.....