A Firefly TC

It was a ######ing amazing TV show, arguably one of the best science fiction television concepts ever made, Serenity, its companion film has been hailed as the best Sci Fi movie since Star Wars.... with the EV Nova Engine, the most amazing Firefly TC could be made... i was wonder if anyone would be interested in working on such a project. I would help with the written part, getting/writing missions together and what not, but since i dont know about developing and coding and such i cant help with such things.

im dead serious about my committment, this wouldnt be some idle "oh im making a tc" never to be heard from again, im new to the forums, but i know of some of the prominent TC makers, and i would devote an unhealthy amount of time to help craft the story, missions, descriptions of planets, etc. THIS COULDBE AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know that a forum member named Lindley is working on a Firefly plug. You might talk to him.

Part 1 is nearly done (nearly meaning it's still being worked on, and depending on people's spare time will be done sometime sort of soon-ish before the end of the decade).

great thanks for the heads up, ill contact him/her/them

I know how you feel man, Firefly is awesome, though by what I heard the TC is gonna be primarily story, though I'll still play it.

Kinda hard to have the player play as Mal and still get into a lot of space fights.

So yeah, a lot of story.

Wow. Neat. I really hope this TC gets seen to completion.

Hasn't this been in development for a while? Just wondering.

Yeah, a few years. I'm going to guess three, but don't quote me on that.

About four years, actually.


Yeah, a few years. I'm going to guess three, but don't quote me on that.

I quoted you 😉

In terms of actual time spent developing, no more than maybe 18 months.

It's all the stretches in between development surges that fill in the rest of that time.....

It would go faster if we had more people committed to the writing. The optimum number of writers wouldn't be too high---then you'd run into consistency issues---but more than the current "two plus the occasional bit by others" would be good.

@lindley, on Sep 18 2007, 07:48 AM, said in A Firefly TC:

In terms of actual time spent developing, no more than maybe 18 months.

It's all the stretches in between development surges that fill in the rest of that time.....

It would go faster if we had more people committed to the writing. The optimum number of writers wouldn't be too high---then you'd run into consistency issues---but more than the current "two plus the occasional bit by others" would be good.

Need a writer? I might be available. Depends on assignments. I am in a dry spell, so I could freelance for a little while...

I'm planning to put together some kind of basic Writer's Bible in the near future. Stop by the site and contribute what you can.

Unfortunately due to the large number of people who show up promising to help, then disappear, I can't just give complete access to what's been done so far. However, the more you contribute, the more you'll be allowed to see. So maybe start with some basic concepts? There's a fair bit of first-draft writing publicly available, but most of it has been polished since being posted.

I was gonna help back in the day, but there didn't really seem a point I could just jump into. One of my obsessive things is that I have to see things through from the beginning.

^Yeah, that's a concern, all right.

Part 2 and Part 3 are concept-only at the moment, perhaps you could assist with them when the time comes.

Or you could just write a side story or two. We happen to be in need of a good one which picks up right at the start of the game, to keep the player interested until the main plot picks up speed.....

Terraforming, perhaps? See, the problem is I don't know if you have that already. Maybe colonizing one of those planets around the 'verse. I dunno.

Ooh, I like doing side storylines...

@zapp, on Sep 18 2007, 01:33 AM, said in A Firefly TC:

Terraforming, perhaps? See, the problem is I don't know if you have that already. Maybe colonizing one of those planets around the 'verse. I dunno.

That's a possibility later on. The player starts out in a decently-ranged, but rather small cargo shuttle, working for a shipping company. So massive undertakings such as colonization and terraforming probably aren't quite the thing at the start.