New Stories

I want to put this out there to the experienced plugin and TC developers.

Make more storyline based hell with lots of new graphics and
techs(although these would be welcome). I will help if I can 🙂

I want more story. I honestly felt like the main plotlines in EVN were just
too short. I also would like plotlines where you made serious differences
in the universe. Example: a warlike scenario and have planets change
ownership and boarders change as the war evolves. Well I have not
actually played any of the TCs available right now, so maybe they are

That said, I hope to start working on some plugins and such once I can
run evn again(right now won't load on my PC and mac is shipping

I hope this comes off as a reasonable request and not a noob arse
speaking giberish

Play ARPIA2 then.

I intend to have a larger amount of story in the TC I'm developing. With a variety of factions (merchants, mercenaries, bounty hunters, merchant marines-merchant guards, like-, independant space captains, and more) there'll be plenty of story. If you are interested you can read about my TC here.

Of course, you could also play ARPIA2 😉

This post has been edited by Shlimazel : 25 August 2007 - 12:00 PM

While I respect your opinion, and even in fact agree with it, I'm assuming you're not a serious developer. You don't seem to appreciate the time and effort that goes into just making a single mission. I spend about ten minutes on a mission, not counting writing. Then you have to string them together so that disjointed missions become a single string. It takes even more time if you're referencing files that aren't in your plugin.
That said, I agree with your opinion 100%. There do need to be more good stories. I'm working on a replacement to the Fed storyline right now. You can check it out here. <--- Link
There's a reason badly-written stories aren't popping up all over the place. The only people who actually make it through to the end are the ones who know what they're doing and know what they're up against. Those people know how much work it is, so a storyline plug is usually a developer's crowning achievement. I don't think it's fair to just say "We need more. I'm getting bored." When we start cranking out plugs to satisfy users by popular demand, the art of it all is lost. It's no longer a story that the developer wants to tell, it's one someone wants to listen to. You can't tell a story unless you want to tell it. Otherwise, it's not entertaining.

nusiance gets down off his soap box

Colosseum won't have a huge, in-depth story, but it'll have a story nonetheless. I also have a gallery of short stories, though less than half of them are of quality I'd accept from myself these days.

I am planning on writing Apophis like a novel. A mystery novel actually. I would tell you the story, but then I''d have to kill you 😛

Also, I'm going to make random events affect the story. If you go on a mission to destroy a ship, if you are destroyed, and end up on an allied planet, you simply try again, but if your destroyed and land on an enemy planet, and get captured, thats launches a completely different story. now, as cosmic nuisance said, this takes time, so it will be awhile before I can even release a teaser. 😞

Oh well.

You can't just come to the EVDC and say "we need more story" 😛 Before you ask others, why don't you try to make your own.

Oh, and welcome to the boards.

EVN Firefly is more story than just about anything else. There's some flying around, but very little combat so far, since weapons are restricted by the Alliance government.

Speaking of which, the central story of Part 1 now has the end in sight. Once that's completed and edited a fair bit, we'll still have a few smaller side-stories to add (got some already, but we clearly need more), then some combat balancing (more for non-player battles to look good than anything else), then possibly a bit of galactic reorganization based on feedback I've gotten so far....

And then there will be something available. Hopefully by the end of the year; maybe sooner. Part 1 only, of course, of three planned.

@newsun, on Aug 25 2007, 03:53 AM, said in New Stories:

I want to put this out there to the experienced plugin and TC developers.

Make more storyline based hell with lots of new graphics and
techs(although these would be welcome). I will help if I can 🙂

I want more story. I honestly felt like the main plotlines in EVN were just
too short. I also would like plotlines where you made serious differences
in the universe. Example: a warlike scenario and have planets change
ownership and boarders change as the war evolves. Well I have not
actually played any of the TCs available right now, so maybe they are

That said, I hope to start working on some plugins and such once I can
run evn again(right now won't load on my PC and mac is shipping

I hope this comes off as a reasonable request and not a noob arse
speaking giberish

**I agree, but it is more complicated than just dreaming up the ideas, it's a matter of planning and programming them as well. Still, it can be done, as others have proven.

Good luck with your project.



@archon, on Aug 28 2007, 09:37 PM, said in New Stories:


Or else you'll be missing out on the best plugin in a while.

You want a story? No problem -- just check out (post="")Escape Velocity: Collision(/post).
EVC will have just about the most mind-blowing plot you've ever seen in an EV game, plug-in or otherwise. Of course, it won't be out for several years. Sorry.

Oh, and I hope you don't mind massive all-out battle sequences, planets being destroyed, fleets engaged in war, infiltration missions, and plot twists. 'Cuz all those things will be in it, too, and I wouldn't want them to detract from your gaming experience. 😄

@pace, on Aug 25 2007, 07:55 AM, said in New Stories:

Play ARPIA2 then.

I did end up getting SVO up again on my laptop and played most of Apria2(Well Done), only I ran into a looping glitch with a later part


Where I am to disable and pick up the traitors, then I head back to Culturia and am to meet in the bar in one hour, never gets triggered and the mission comes up again. I did get all four ships and picked up the traitors.

That's because there are 7 ships in total 😉
3 in one system, 4 in another. If you miss one, you'll have to start over again.