Yes, I'm alone on this. I work by "sprints & breaks" way. About 10 consecutive days a month, I give about the whole of my free time to making the plug. Yes, so far it's been pretty fast and it's probably still going to be fast compared to other projects, as working alone does have advantages, since you don't rely on anyone else. However, do remember that compared to other TCs, this one quite far away from them in size. With roughly 110 missions planned, a similar number of systems and ships, it's not the most ambitious project.
I guess it can be compared to polycon, but it will feel more complete, with a bunch of mission strings. But depending on if I get new graphics or not, it might feel less like a TC.
However, if I do get graphics, it might make the whole thing MUCH longer. Since I'll most certainly need to rely on someone to do them and doing so will require to move a ton of files around.That and syncing my time with the one/ones helping me. And I'm probably not going to do them myself as my skills modelling, texturing or even drawing on a computer are just a bit higher than a total newbie. Learning how to use such programs, while fun and not tedious at all, would take probably.. hum.. a long time. And even then, no work would be done on graphics after that. I'd just be ready to do it.
I've already been told I'm working fast. I would have completed it by now though if I had the kind of time I used to. I actually do have a life outside nova. And it's growing larger, too. I have a full time job. Recently bought roller blades which I'm enjoying greatly and I'm planning to actually do stuff this summer. Stuff outside. I've been saving money, too. But I chose against investing any more into computers. I still like computers and use them a lot. But it's not like before. I have a grudge against them for making me a retard for years. So while I'm not quiting them, I ain't spending as much time on them as I used to.
Anyways, enough of the chit chat. You wanted a progress log? Well I haven't done much since the last update. I'm on the "break" period of my work currently as I said in the beggining. But here's the most precise things I can say. I'm nearly done with outfits and their descs. Very very few left to do.. like less than ten. I've started ships descs, though I will have a lot of them to do, considering the hiring descs. As for mission, I've started both the federation and the astral corp's string. currently 3 missions are complete. By complete I do mean I don't have to touch them ever again. Everything from mission bits to descs for every possibilities and whatever ships dudes/flets and whatnot has been created already. That leaves roughly more than hundred missions and a bunch of ships. Since descs are the longest thing about this because of the long texts involved, let's make a progress log like this. Roughly four hundred descs related to missions added with roughly 200 for ships. Then add up about 70 landing descs and a similar amount of bar descs. That's what's left. Then I can release the alpha version.
Then if I can I'll do the testing along with whoever is interested. Squash as many bugs as I can while my friend "may" be taking care of the graphics. When all that is done, then there there is going to be a 1.0 release 
So start counting descs down to the alpha release. 750 descs to go.